“David Cunliffe says his Queenstown ski holiday has left him “recharged” and ready to take the battle to Prime Minister John Key in the two-month countdown to election day.”
But the Labour leader threatens to be distracted by internal ill-discipline and criticisms over his judgment, including the holiday itself and a meeting last week with a prominent New Zealander given name suppression on charges of performing an indecent act.”
“Leaving the country in the hands of deputy Bill English, Prime Minister John Key took a holiday “selfie”, posted on Instagram yesterday by son Max.
The photo was titled “pre-golf game”.
Mr Key has taken 10 days out from his pre-election schedule for an overseas holiday. It is believed he is staying at his holiday home on the Hawaiian island of Maui.”
A bit of context is missing from your analysis. Labour is not getting any traction in the polls and Cunliffe has not got as high a profile as Key. Labour may well have benefited from Cunliffe not going on holiday and working on the campaign. National has the flexibility not to have Key doing the same. Certainly there is disquiet amongst Labour MP’s and not amongst National. That is a story in itself.
Interestingly – informal polls in both Herald and Dom Post show majority of people thinking it okay for Cunliffe to take his holiday break. I think the media might have boobed on this issue – most people will think it sensible of him, and give him some sympathy/empathy on it.
there is disquiet amongst Labour MP’s and not amongst National. That is a story in itself.
Yeah. The persistent allegation of National paying their unwanted MPs off for $300k definitely needs looking at. It explains why so many of them have left so happily. But since it has been done as a backroom deal without the voters being involved, it does leave some questions about the role of the National party somewhat cloudy…
There is also the question about where National is finding the money for this and their other extravagances over the last decade. They seem to have far more money floating around than their sources of published sources of income suggest that they should have.
You seem to be assuming that they have paid off the retiring MP’s. I thought $300 k was quite excessive especially considering Kim Dotcom’s donation to IMP of around 4 million was meant to have made them the highest funded party in NZ. Of course by all means look in to these allegations but it would be churlish to complain the media aren’t doing so if the left is also not doing so.
Weird Gossman. What do you propose we do? Ring up National HQ and ask them “is there any truth to the rumour that retiring Nat MPs are being paid $300k to go?”
Oh please just take Keys word as gospel. Nothing he says needs any investigation, he’s the purist of the pure and when he says a senior Labour MP is upset with Cunliffe taking three days to recharge just believe him will you…
Ummmm… I believe I stated that this should be investigated and highlighted one way this could be done. Why doesn’t an Opposition MP ask a question about it?
Are questions that are purely to do with the internal organisation and running of a political party allowed in Question Time? I thought Question Time was about parliamentary business.
(NB: Brendan Horan alleged misuse of parliamentary resources by NZFirst)
How is National Party giving $300k donations to its own MPs anything to do with “funding of political parties”?
Sure, where did they get so much money to splash around like that, but the actual fact (or belief) that they are spending it in that manner, is a matter for the party, not the public (as much as I would like that to become public…).
persistent allegation? its only come up on left wing blog sites, from commentators dubious at best. i would be very surprised if this was going on and media commentators didn’t know about it.
I would be very surprised if this was going on and media commentators didn’t know about it, and were prepared to risk their future career by upsetting dear leader.
Err, no you didn’t. fixing would be taking someone with journalistic credibility and showing me where they “didn’t investigate because john key told them not too”
If this was actually true, like seriously and actually more than just bullshit presented by left wing bloggers, then at least Bomber, maybe gordon campbell, more likely nicky f$%#ing hagar would be all over it.
I take it you missed the subtitle which implies that “David Cunliffe spent his vacation meeting a sex offender”, despite the fact that only a few people in the press are aware of this person’s crimes due to name suppression.
There’s also the headline “Cunliffe upset” to make him look as if he was having a little cry about it. Why not the more accurate “Cunliffe angry” or “Cunliffe rebuts”.
They aren’t even trying to hide it now, and they will keep going until someone gives them a reason to stop.
This is really obscene. She is running a Cameron Slater smear line. Slater is spinning it for all he can. Cunliffe is of course not able to respond and the Herald itself is getting close to breaching the suppression order.
Quite obscene really. Yet another example of right wing black ops.
There is a website which has the information and it is available to view in NZ right now, what are the legal restrictions of linking to it? or referring to it by name?
We can’t speculate on the identity although Google normally provides an answer very quickly. What is appalling is the smear that is going on Cunliffe. Slater started it and the Herald have picked up on it. Absolutely obscene. Are we going to have to spend all campaign time on rebutting smears?
Not sure why you are surprised by who it is. If there is one sport in which there is a persistent ‘rape culture’ amongst a proportion of it’s players and supporters I’d have thought rugby would be it.
The ability of foreign websites to effectively publish into NZ raises all kinds of curly questions about what is publishing and where that takes place, but effectively they are outside thee reach of NZ law. But everyone in the southern lakes area knows exactly who this is, and you’ll certainly never see him on TV again. You wonder why fight suppression so hard when all it does is have the effect of having everyone focus on finding out who he is. 30 seconds on google is all that is needed.
Re the Cunliffe meeting – it is a beat up as you would expect in a political campaign. The real question is the judgement and political nous of Cunliffe and his advisors. For them not to know of this guys background is remarkable. This is like the photo of Brash walking the plank – not a big deal in itself but just unnecessary and adds to the distractions.
Audrey Young has written an irresponsible and unethical article today and she should be ASHAMED. She knows very well that this kind of display in this sensitive pre-election period is potentially very damaging.
A journalist of Audrey’s mature years should be one of the media playing a critical and positive role in a well-functioning democracy.
Instead she references an offender with ongoing name suppression. Cunliffe had no idea of this person’s history and nor should he. He did check with astute local politicians in Queenstown – but they also had no idea of this person’s history – that’s the effect name suppression has.
But what Audrey has failed to disclose is the strong links the offender has had to the National Party. As the daughter of a National Cabinet Minister she’d be better just to frankly disclose her conflict of interest than to pretend she is a professional journalist capable of writing in an unbiased way.
Today I cancelled my Herald and Sunday Star Times subscriptions. The Guardian Weekly will be it for me from here on as I’ve tired of the NZ trash.
Agreed. Meeting with this person is in no way indicative of support. It is the image and perception which is the problem especially given Cunliffe’s comments about sexual offending to Woman’s refuge.
For feck’s sake Gosman. Cunliffe said he was not aware. He is good but he is not omnipotent. It is a shame you do not apply the same expectations to Key. If you did you would be voting Labour without hesitation.
And Slater is the last one who should be writing about this stuff.
Ms @ Its got Crosby Textor written all over it. And by the way for the comment below about Audrey’s father, her brother is the current National MP for New Plymouth.
What I would like to know is “Audrey, your point in bringing this up is????? How is this relevant to what Labour will do for NZders? There is a name suppression order against this. Is Cunliffe suppose to be a mind reader”.
Tom, It would be interesting to know the results of a poll among MPs on who knew this sexual predator’s name. I would be 99.9%. How do you know what the media knows or does not know? I and many others found out by various means including search engines and overseas websites. If Cunliffe did not know which is possible as he was sick and on holiday he was set up.
Gosman, the TV3 poll was not too bad all things considered. (Ignore Gower’s ravings).
Nats 49.4
Lab/Gr/IMP/NZF 45.7
Given that the Cons vote, 2.7%, is now likely to be wasted a 3% shift to the Left/NZF from the Nats would be enough to give that grouping power.
A 7% shift to Lab/Gr/IMP would give the Left power. I know this sounds a lot but these polls were taken during the ridiculous MSM’s attack on Cunliffe’s brave “man” speech and even Gower is starting to say that IMP is going “up and up” and they have only just started.
This election will go to the wire. I liked Cunliffe’s positive “we will come out fighting” on TV3 News tonight.
Gos, as I told you the other day Labours vote does not really matter. This is MMP, its the total vote of the Left or Right that matters. And you fekkers are in deep proverbial.
That is only partially and technically correct. The coalition needs to be led by a well supported party. Labour’s vote should go to at least about 33%. My party vote will definitely be for Labour.
Labour is a party with vast experience/history that works for a very BROAD section of the population, has well thought out costed and responsible and environmental workable non extreme policies rather than narrow (though may be important) agendas. I think it will be a mistake in the long term for all the progressives parties if Labour is weak and the minor parties, the Greens and the Internet-Mana are equal or more prominent in the coalition. In my opinion, it is imperative that Labour must have the most votes of about at least 33% in the coalition of the partnership parties.
While I agree that having a broad left party is important (and for the sake of conversation grant the assumption that Labour currently fits that bill – cue a self-loathing labourite to enter the thread 🙂 ), that doesn’t mean that broad left policies wouldn’t be followed by a coalition with a less-dominant labour party.
Broad policies are the common ground of the left, so even if Labour didn’t exist mana and the greens, for example, would have common policy areas around minimum wage and so on. Having a broad left party ensures that this common ground is remembered and helps prevent things like cabotage falling through the policy-development cracks.
Clemgeopin, consider Lab5, the winter of discontent scare campaign, and the subsequent timidity of Labour. A left Government comprising a Green Party in the 20%+ territory, Mana on 10%+ etc will be much less likely to buckle when faced with such tactics.
It’s not so much a lack of policy agenda on the left; the ability to withstand the juggernaut from the right after the election counts as well.
If you think that was a positive poll for Labour compared to others good luck to you
The latest 3 News Reid Research Poll was good for Labour in the context of the last 4 polls (ie those of July), and a fairly average poll for Labour in the context of the last 6 weeks.
More importantly, it was above average for both the Left Bloc and the broader Opposition Bloc (Left + NZ First) in the context of both the July Polls and the Polls of the last 6 weeks.
” Certainly there is disquiet amongst Labour MP’s and not amongst National. That is a story in itself.”
yeah – thats nonsense –
there is zero evidence that this is coming from a labour MP as opposed to slater, and i do hope your going to try and claim there arent factions in national
Your comment needs some adding to it, anger can be power, there is no point banging on endlessly about the ugly media’s attacks on Labour,
Anger can be power, use the anger at the media as fuel to campaign harder, when the enemy, in this case most of the high profile media ‘personalities’ in the country see that their attacks hurt they will naturally keep on doing just that,
Three days in Queenstown brings on this anti-Cunliffe fury ? For fuck sake ! While that poncey piece of shit for a man TheGodKey minces round Hawaii for ten days auditioning for the fucking E! Channel.
On top of the ‘seminal’ matter of an eleven year old standard form letter – not different in essence from probably 10,000 letters since written by MPs duty-bound to write them – what the fuck is this nation coming to ?
I’m stopping for petrol at 6.20 this morning – some RNZ wet behind the ears puppy journalist, for all money reading from a script like she didn’t even understand what she was reading – “Mr Cunliffe, do you really want to be prime minister ?” For fuck sake ! A weekend and a day ???
I nearly cleaned up the local Caltex I’ll tell you. On account of a sudden visitation by a staccato “WinstonMediaSlap” –
Three possibilities – (1) the faceless very powerful see Cunliffe PM as REALLY threatening, (2) TheGodKey’s power-celebrity lust is REALLY pathological, (3) we as a nation REALLY are but E! Channel.
If it’s (1) the question is “What rorts are they hiding ?”, if it’s (2) the faceless in (1) own the bitch, and if it’s (3) read ‘psycho-pathological’ in (2). And agree that we’re fucked I guess !
Bugger ! I was raised to believe we had a good country……
I saw susan wood last night getting herself in a snit over some un named MP who supposedly rang her up and told her that they were angry because DC was having a break.
It all comes back to her.
why didnt she check up with someone else.
name the person wooods!
Is she a reporter or just a tattler for the tories.
This style of conducting poltiics is getting creepier and creepier.
persons like woods seem to be in control of the discourse but not of it.
But could you identify a phone call from Key when he’s got his hanky over the receiver… would be just as hard as identifying Shane Jones calling you with his mouth full of caviar..
And i notice that IMP and NZF both had their meetings this weekend and NO negative press so it’s just a targeted and concerted attack on Labour and even more importantly Cunliffe him self so who’s scared of who??
I woke up this morning at 3am with a start. I had had vivid dream that Laila Harre had just been made Prime Minister.
In my Dream Laila Harre passed through Papakura in a train. Hundreds of people were gathered on the platform to greet Prime Minister Harre. As the train slowly pulled out of the station people ran beside the moving train. I was one of them. I ran beside the train window where Laila Harre was standing. I caught her eye, there were tears in her eyes. But steel in her heart.
Laila Harre is the future that New Zealand never had.
Yesterday while Lynn Prentice was attending the New Zealand First conference I attended the Mana Road show at the Kelston community hall.
If you get a chance, attend the Mana Roadshow when it comes to your town. If it was anything like what I saw, believe me it is something you don’t want to miss and will remember forever.
It was the old style barnstorming of the 1930s reborn, the hall was packed there was standing room only. The speeches were unmassaged, unvarnished, raw. None of the speakers had had a makeover Dotcom was still as large as ever, in tracksuit and trainers, speaking a thick German accent. Harawira was still the unrepentant Maori Nationalist.
But somehow the mix had become distilled into something greater than its parts.
Dotcom spoke of how as a teenager he had hacked NASA to find out if there really were aliens. And had hacked the bundesbank to five the German Prime Minister of the time, who he didn’t like, a zero credit rating. For these crimes he was convicted. It is these convictions that the government here is holding against him. But in Germany at his sentencing the judge said you have a gift, you should make something of this gift, perhaps you could tell these companies you hacked how to protect themselves. After the court case he wrote up a business plan and presented it to the authorities, imagine his surprise when the German government despite his convictions gave him a $million dollar zero interest loan for twenty years. This government loan was the basis of his current success. This $million dollars allowed him to hire staff and start his business and within two years even though he didn’t have to, he paid the loan back. Dotcom said, this is what we should be doing in New Zealand. We should be encouraging start ups, and innovators and this is what internet Mana proposes. A large part of the meeting was about the new smart and sustainable technology. Dotcom spoke of the Internet Mana committment to full free education. What is the point he said of lumbering our best and brightest with massive debts which they have to go overseas to pay off, where they start companies and make friends and contacts and maybe meet the love of their life and never return to help make this country grow into what it could be. Laila Harre’s speech was also devoted to education and the sustainable smart technology and the need to get away from fossil fuel use. She spoke of climate change three times. Unlike David Cunliffe the leader of the Labour Party who never mentioned it once in his inaugural election speech.
But the thing was, Laila Harre wasn’t the best speaker, nor was it Kim Dotcom, nor was it Hone Harawira or Annette Sykes. Not that their speeches were bad, they were great. But the best speech of the night was from John Minto. Talk about speaking truth to power, this man has been doing it all his life. When you hear John Minto speak you know everything he says has been researched, is accurate, is thoughtful and considered and because of that compelling. If you have never heard John Minto speak, be prepared to be inspired. Be prepared to be moved, be prepared to be shaken.
Be prepared to vote.
Both Minto and Harre need to be in parliament.
If you consider yourself Left and you don’t vote Internet Mana on the list then you will miss the chance to see Annette Sykes, John Minto and Laila Harre in Parliament and the future of this country will be very dark indeed.
Well written Jenny,(except for the swipes in your usual directions), did you get to hear of future dates for the InternetMana roadshow when it gets to travel the rest of the motu,
DotCom need not waste his data searching for evidence of aliens these days, apparently said aliens were gathered in an unnamed hotel this weekend for a discussion on world domination…
There is a short break for the Internet Party’s national music tour – the Party Party from July 23-26 . Internet MANA then hits the road again in the Waikato, Taranaki, Manawatu-Whanganui and Wellington.
THE PARTY PARTY! [NORTH ISLAND] Wednesday, July 23 The Studio, Auckland + James Cabaret, Wellington 19:30
THE PARTY PARTY! [SOUTH ISLAND] Thursday, July 24 The Foundary, Christchurch – 10 Bar, Dunedin 19:00
ROAD TRIP RESUMES Tuesday, July 29 Rotorua Distinction Hotel, 390 Fenton Street 6pm
Wednesday, July 30 Hamilton Waikato University, PriceWaterhouseCoopers Lecture Theatre 6pm
Thursday, July 31 New Plymouth New Plymouth Boys’ High School 6pm
Saturday, August 2 Whanganui War Memorial Conference Centre 2pm
Sunday, August 3 Ratana Church Service, Waipounamu St 11am
Palmerston North Convention Centre 2pm
Monday August 4 Wellington Mac’s Function Centre 6pm
I found some links to where people can buy tickets online.
Disclaimer: I do not get any commission nor am I a member of IMP! But I will be at their event this week.
Btw, if someone connected with the IMP organisers is reading this, can that Facebook link for the South Island be fixed up?
It looks like the Christchurch event has been conflated with the Dunedin event (re: “Thursday, July 24 The Foundary, Christchurch – 10 Bar, Dunedin 19:00”)
And the online links for purchasing tickets, as I have noted, should be given wider publicity to attract greater numbers.
I have no connection to IMP, other than being on a mailing list as I am with many things, but know there has been contact made about the front page dates being clarified.
Over the weekend, the Dunedin venue was changed; from Sammy’s in the rundown warehouse part of town, to 10 Bar in the Octagon. Mainly to focus more on the student audience. This means that all the publicity (posters etc) has to be updated this week – the date is still the 26th, hopefully the Facebook page will be fixed soon.
The old tickets are still valid even if they do say Sammy’s. But it does mean that some poor volunteer will have to miss the gig and stand outside Sammy’s redirecting those who haven’t got the update – hope it’s not snowing for them!
Thank you Phillip. There is a lot more I could have said. Like for instance, Te Hamua Nikora the Mana Party candidate for Ikaroa Rawhiti who acted as MC.
Te Hamua described the Mana Party as a rugby team that ran onto the field to face the All Blacks and standing in bare feet. Te Hamua introduced Kim Dotcom as the man who supplied us with boots.
Kim Dotcom’s first comments were thanking New Zealanders for coming to his aid in his time of need. He mentioned the many thousands messages of support, he mentioned the person who lent him a car when he needed one, (his whole collection had been confiscated), he mentioned the people who gave him money and bought food to his house when he didn’t have a cent to buy groceries because all his funds had been completely frozen. He said that if it hadn’t been for this outflowing of support when he most needed it he would have given up.
Dotcom said that the founding of the Internet Party had nothing to do with his extradition. He said he founded the Internet Party in gratitude as his gift to New Zealand.
“Dotcom said that the founding of the Internet Party had nothing to do with his extradition. He said he founded the Internet Party in gratitude as his gift to New Zealand.”
That’s the biggest lol of this 1% lonies taking over the asylum day on the standard.
Thanks for that.
What Mathew Hooton neglects to mention in his rants against foreigners, is that New Zealand is not a state of US, but a sovereign country. One thing you will never from Mathew Hooton is a rant against those New Zealanders who willingly and illegally intercepted our communications and passed them on to this ‘foreign power’. Or complain about our Prime Minister who all but resides in a US controlled territory, who changed the law to make this illegal mass spying on us and the handing of our megadata over to the US legal.
This review sounds very similar to a review I read recently about someone who went to listen to Hitler in 1936.
I have no doubt that Internet/Mana is something new and will turn out to be bigger than many think – but when people like Jenny carry on like a many fell for Hitler I start to worry.
Decide for me Barry, i just cant quite place your comment in an appropriate category, (a) being a bit of a Godwin there do you not think, and (b), just a piece of abject stupidity considering that no-one will be voting for DotCom,
Hint: its the policies and the front runners on the InternetMana Party List that we will be voting for…
Goodness gracious me! Even John Armstrong sounds excited! If any spies from the Labour, Green or Maori parties infiltrated yesterday’s Internet Mana rally in West Auckland, they would have come away with very worried looks on their faces.
The Maori Party, in particular, should be afraid, very afraid. The main hall of the Kelston Community Centre was packed to the gunnels. There was not so much a buzz of excitement as a raging ferment of noise as the audience waited patiently for proceedings to begin.
Say what you like about Kim Dotcom. Say what you like about Laila Harre’s initially hard-to-understand decision to team up with the internet tycoon – all that paled into utter insignificance yesterday. There was instead a hint of history being made. The chance to fund and build a new movement of the left is not an opportunity to be squandered. The likes of Kim Dotcom do not come along very often. Neither is such a collective of credible activists always on hand to run such an outfit as is the case with Internet Mana.
John Armstrong will be on gardening leave if he keeps that up. It was definitely that kind of atmosphere, not something dreamed up by the usual suspects including me, here.
As the Roadshow heads South it leaves Hone country so it will be interesting to see if the full halls so far continue, I suspect the Rotorua event will be a good one too.
—Tuesday, July 29, Rotorua, Distinction Hotel, 390 Fenton Street, 6pm—
Isn’t that a strange piece of actual journalism from that old so and so Armstrong, not so much a factual portrayal of what the main players at the event had to say but a well thought through opinion piece on the mood of those who turned up in Auckland,
(i wish such journalists would deign to do some of the real work that should be their bread and butter, like querying attendees as to IF they voted in 2011 for instance so we can gauge where the obviously growing support is likely to be coming from),
ianmac’s comment above pretty much encapsulates the whole of Armstrong’s Herald piece on the InternetMana Parties Auckland leg of the roadshow, but, who would have thunk it, you wont find the article on the main page of the Herald’s online version,
You have to ‘click on’ Opinion at the top of the page where presumably the poor panicked a/hole that edits that particular piece of trash decided to bury it…
There must be two people with the name John Minto involved in New Zealand politics.
You describe one with the words
“everything he says has been researched, is accurate, is thoughtful and considered”
Perhaps you could tell me who the other one is the produced this totally laughable contribution for The Daily Blog? This was prepared by someone who claims to be the finance spokesman for his party.
Hint. If you think it has any relationship to being “accurate, thoughtful and considered” start by looking at the difference between average and marginal rates of tax. You can continue by trying to find anything at all that is sensible about the piece.
Alwyn, the fact that the ‘wing-nuts’ disagree with John Minto simply has me doubly sure that my vote cast for InternetMana will have all the better impact,
The stuff of your nightmares right, if John Armstrong is putting out the big hint of a 5% InternetMana vote at election 2014 just how big will it get…
Did you read the article I linked to?
If so do you really think it is valid to calculate the “total tax paid” in the way he does?
Do you really not see anything wrong with it, and would you try and justify his calculations?
If so I fear there is very little hope for you.
You can vote for him if you want to. However to say that everything he says has “been researched, is accurate” etc is a joke.
You really don’t get it do you? Minto puts in a column that is the MARGINAL rate of tax, adds an estimate of GST to it and then claims that that would be the AVERAGE rate of tax.
The average income is about $52,000/year. According to Minto you would pay income tax of about $16,500 from that (31.7%)
If you look at the tax calculation in the IR3 booklet you don’t pay that at all. What you do pay on $52,000 taxable income is $8,620. That is only about half the amount.
The silly fellow is quoting marginal rates and then treating them as average rates.
I suppose the true believers, such as yourself accept, his numbers so why shouldn’t he just continue to spout his fantasies.
This is fairly typical of his methods of course. You will note that in his article he makes no attempt to justify his claim that the very rich pay negligible tax. Why bother. His fans happily accept anything he says.
Alwyn, i will say this slooo–ooowly for you as you seem to be a little slow today, you know when on the ‘course’ you hear the yelled ‘four’, you are supposed to take cover, being struck repeatedly by objects moving at speed will leave you brain damaged,
The argument you put up comes down to this, you do not agree with John Minto, therefor my counter argument is i do agree with John Minto, you propose nothing else than this,
Bill Rosenberg the CTU economist did the actual research which pointed out the unfairness of the tax system, the circular argument has been going round and round ever since,
While i understand what both Minto and Rosenberg are on about such arguments can never become a ‘settled truth’ as both left and right continue to talk past each other using differing data to base their conclusions upon,
On a more visceral level i fully understand how the tax burden impacts on me to a far greater extent than those swinging from the income tree at a higher level than myself,
Directly addressing income inequality starting at the level of the beneficiary will of course resolve the issues John Minto and Bill Rosenberg canvas,
The imposition of the living wage for every adult currently not in receipt of such monies weekly, including beneficiaries, would be the ‘fix’ that i tend to see as the ideal…
Annette’s sharp ae, Marama Davidson of the Green Party also has such a sharp mind, i will suggest that when ‘the roadshow’ hits Rotorua that will be the start of the waiata starting the tangi for the Maori Party,
Polling 2.5% on my TV last night and from a Reid Research Poll at that, i am starting to sniff 5% for InternetMana and if i allow myself an ‘in my wildest dreams moment’ this could get Big…
3% to 4% on the day which counts would be a magnificent achievement. 4-5 MPs. Anything beyond that is really a dream, but they also have a tonne of challenges to get through first, esp Sept 15.
The zombie ‘living dead’ author of that opinion piece is trying to make the best out of a worrying situation for National.
He focuses exclusively about the Left in the piece but does not say that Nats are very concerned about the groundswell of support for IMP.
IMP is now the party that is cool and the Prime Puppet of the Nat Party is no longer cool. He has long given up his show of ‘smile and wave’ that is now replaced by the routine of lie and feck off to Hawaii.
At my workplace, the Nat parents are saying their kids who will be voting are supporting IMP. Good on them. Let’s wish them a good time at IMP’s “Party Party – The Global Movement”:
If the party party engages more young people politically, and gets them voting, then that’s a very good thing.
Armstrong opens his article by focusing on putting an IMP wedge into the left. You are right, Kiwiri, that JA is transferring his fears of IMP taking the momentum from right wing parties. Must be giving him a few sleepless hours.
You do know that the list and electorate votes never match up. And that Maori seats have a lot less voters and so exaggerate the effect. Basically Harra gets in if the Mana gets One MP and a large Mana list vote, but if Mana takes all the Maori seats the Harra needs a much greater list vote than she would have needed if those were the same number of general seats. i.e. the harder she worked, the more traction she gets is hurt by the more Moari electorate seats Mana wins!!!
Yet its worse!
KimDotCom is a rich white european, working general seater voters are not his natural supporters especially since he gave Banks donations!!! Banks being an ACT party leader!
Now your Maori voter has no such fear since the more Mana seats in the Maori electorate the more likely even Harra wont get into parliament, and so no Dotcom.
Party Vote Green, Vote Mana in the Maori seats, Labour in the general seats. And Key LOSES.
Notice that Key referred to a “Senior Labour MP.” Wonder where he got that from?
In any case it seems so unlikely that an MP would cut his own lifeline in a confidential chat to a journalist. I still think the source was someone like Cameron Slater.
In a different world Internet Mana would be duking it out with the Greens as the lead opposition party in this election because it is unequivocally left and embracing the new. Hard lefties have sniffed at the “libertarian” edge to the Internet Party but the mostly working class Westie audience had loud applause for free tertiary and universal internet access policies and online policy creation by members. Plus No to TPPA, Royal Commission on all the spooks, independent foreign policy, moratorium on extractive activities, tax free first $27,000 and so on.
The IMP Roadshow Kelston edition was exceptional for a political meeting from the set up with King Kapisi. Professionally staged but a live feel. The leaders and lead candidates complemented each other well, the body language said these people like each other and are having fun, sounds unbelievable doesn’t it in these sometimes turgid columns.
Te Hamua Nikora MC’ed in a stand up style aimed at including everyone while managing not to be condescending. As Laila reminded, the hall had seen the launch and conclusion of many successful political campaigns before during Alliance days including bringing a full hospital to Waitakere and fighting the sale of Ports of Auckland.
Best speaker for me was Annette Sykes, punchy style with a lawyers grasp of detail. Minto is widely liked too by the very people Key and torys spit on. IMP is a small player but will likely deservedly help decide the election result. Get to a Roadshow event if you can.
free tertiary and universal internet access policies and online policy creation by members. Plus No to TPPA, Royal Commission on all the spooks, independent foreign policy, moratorium on extractive activities, tax free first $27,000 and so on.
Pretty much all Green Party policies – may be slight differences in the finer details, but the GP have worked long on making the policies workable.
“]1] free tertiary and universal internet access policies and online policy creation by members. [2] Plus No to TPPA, [3] Royal Commission on all the spooks, [4] Independent foreign policy, [5] moratorium on extractive activities, [6] tax free first $27,000 and so on.”
[1] Great policy. If financially doable is an important question.
[2] That is jumping the gun blindly before we even know the details.
[3] Agree.
[4] With fair, just and friendly non aligned relations with all nations, guided by the UN principles.
[5] Dumb policy.
[6] (a) Reduces government income drastically affecting services (b) If not targeted to the
poor and low income families, will be a gift to everyone, including the wealthy.
[2] The TPPA has been irredeemably hi-jacked by US corporate imperialism. There needs to be another way that maintains NZ’s independence.
[5] It’s not dumb at all. It will put a break on overseas companies that the Nats have been empower into extracting NZ resources. It will create time for a clear and in depth look at the way forward.
[6] Both the Greens and Mana have other policies to offset the lost tax revenue. eg Greens favour Capital Gains and Tobin taxes, plus , for other reasons, and ecological tax. A tax free threshold is a smart and simple policy. Aussie has a tax free threshold and it works for them (albeit for a lower amount).
2). I’d say that having the government signing it without any input from the people of NZ is jumping the gun. In fact, it’s totally undemocractic.
4.) Agreed. Total neutrality is NZ’s best option
5.) Disagree. We need to keep that wealth for the following generations.
6.) (a) Only if it’s not offset by other taxes. (b) They’ve specifically said that they will be taxing the rich more and introducing a financial transaction tax.
Also as above Tiger, well written, same question, any intimation of future dates when the roadshow, after the announced break, continues down the motu…
Internet Mana Roadshow dates and venues are on this page bad and others;
Will check some of the vids available from Kelston and post links later if suitable.
Cheers Tiger, befor i click on the link, every other time i have tried to get to the Internet Party website my computer hits a blank wall,(if you have the time publishing the dates would be a big help),
Just heard, again on my wireless, a fair and balanced report, sorry forgot the name of the reporter from the weekends event,
The audience was described as diverse, a plus in my eyes showing a wide cross section of support,(would have been nice if the reporter had of identified if those spoken to were ‘fence sitters’ in 2011),
They played audio of part of DotCom’s speech, hopefully He is included in the rest of the roadshow as He brings the human face to His supposed crimes which has the audience obviously warming to Him,
InternetMana putting a definite buzz into election 2014, they have my Party Vote…
Edit: yeah Tiger it is like i said above, i just get a blank white page with four purple squares…
That second line they put out on Facebook is a bit garbled.
The reference has conflated the Christchurch and Dunedin events.
The Christchurch event is at the Foundry (Bar), not Foundary, which I take it to be at 90 Ilam Road, that is a student bar on the Univ of Canterbury campus.
The Dunedin event will be taking place a couple of days later at the 10Bar (not Sammy’s as reported at some stage?).
The Christchurch event goes from 7pm-1am; the Dunedin one goes from 8:30pm-3am.
I found some info for buying tickets online and posted them at
Their organiser should take another look at and double check the various info put out through their press releases, eg, their Facebook page and elsewhere online.
They moved the Dunedin venue to something nicer and more appropriate (thanks for the heads up, Pasupial). That is clever and a good call.
Yes, the weather might not be very nice and so perhaps they should have a shuttle outside the old venue to ferry people in case some turn up there. That would build up even more political capital and goodwill.
The Foundry in Ilam or the Foundry in Woolston? One is in the middle of Brownlees urban middle blue sinkhole, the other in the middle of touch-and-go Port Hills working class earthquake-forgotten hard arses (though the local Foundry occupied by Ilam types).
Lolz, and i thought i had Wellington sussed, Mac’s function centre, never heard of it, will Google it up later and post some reminders here in ‘Open Mike’ in the days leading up to the Wellington event…
Lower Taranaki St, Cable St intersection on the waterfront near Te Papa.
Big red brick building. Entry to function centre on Taranaki St side opposite Circa Theatre
Jenny, phil and others. Great to hear about the Internet Mana roadshow first hand. (Good to know I’m not the only who has political dreams) What a breath of fresh air they are!
May they sweep through our islands collecting the hearts and minds of the disenchanted, the young, the hopeful, and the forgotten.
May the fantastic line up of the party party shake the foundations of their venues with their sound. Wake the town and tell the people!
May Laila return to parliament, in power, with Annette and Hone at her side. ( I have a soft spot for Laila, she is a former employer. She is a determined, a quick and strategic thinker and has bucket loads of energy, I could never fathom where she got it all from. I’m guessing she’s in her element right now)
I like hearing about all the positive campaigning events happening around the country. Keep it up comrades.
Good to read the comments of the Internet Party’s second-ranked candidate, Chris Yong:
“In recent years, I’ve become quite disillusioned with our government. I feel they just don’t have the interests of New Zealanders at heart. Despite public concerns they pushed through state asset sales, are happy to risk our natural environment with deep sea oil drilling, and breached our right to privacy under the Bill of Rights with mass surveillance.
“Further to that, the cost of living especially in Auckland is crippling. An average income earner cannot afford an average priced home, financial stress is a huge problem affecting many people.”
Slippery the Prime Minister via my wireless this morning intimating that He will be announcing a decision on what National intend to do about the East Coast Bays seat next week,
Winston Peters, also via my wireless, strangely not being so certain today of contesting the above mentioned seat,
Colon the ‘honestly why don’t you believe me, we are not loonies, Conservative, also via you know what announcing not only that the Conservatives are fully transparent,(like P 🙄 G everyone sees right through them), but, the bottom line isn’t really a bottom line,(and apparently there’s lots of people out there that do not believe that the Conservatives are loonies, so there)…
And Slippery was nicely nailed by Espiner this AM on whether he knew about Dotcom earlier. Espiner said Coleman knew about Dotcom 2 years before Key and asked Key if Coleman had told him about Dotcom. Key came back saying that this was not true to which Espiner said it was true. Cue lots of panic blather from Key at that point, including Key saying he would refuse to resign even if he had lied about this.
Bearded Git, thanks for filling in the gaps, i caught the bit where Slippery the Prime Minister said He wouldn’t resign even if DotCom produces the smoking gun,
Between the pair of them, Slippery and Espinner, my ears had tuned out the salient points your comment addresses,
That FF-ing Espinner sounds more and more like a Manic that the shrinks have on the wrong brand of anti-depressants, His delivery is far more suited to the fare-welling of cadavers from a funeral home than addressing the nation via National Radio,
my poor old much verbally abused wireless is now in danger of suffering the further indignity of actual physical harm from having that Dee-rrrr droning at me for the mornings news hour…
To be fair he stated that they have investigated the matter and could find no evidence of any connection before when he stated he heard of him. He then said there might be something out there he was unaware of at this stage and if this came to light he wasn’t going to resign over it.
Hollow words from a Prime Minister who has stated repeatedly he cannot remember his view on the Springbok Tour, or when exactly he made trades for Andrew Krieger or that he promised not to raise G.S.T or that he will stand by the Pike River families or that no-one in Christchurch will face the struggle alone.
Why do you still stand behind the bunting, excitedly waving your little blue and yellow flags?
If in a couple of weeks the PM announces that they had to refuse entry to Greenwald for whatever reason, will you also refute he said the following about whether Greenwald would be allowed into the country?
“I don’t know actually, it’s a legitimate question but there’s nothing we’d be concerned with there,” Key said on Breakfast.
Wondered what Key’s line would be when he is finally snookered on Dotcom issues.
He could probably squiggle out if it was only about timeline “I had to choose Hobbits over nasty union members, I did it for you, so not lying, national interest ”. Sadistic torys would vote for him anyway with pleasure.
BUT, unfortunately for ShonKey this involves NSA, FBI, Five Eyes, US Corporates, MPAA, NZ security agencies and him as minister and Prime Minister. Mr Dotcom seeming to further delve into the Snowden haul may turn up something in that direction showing incontrovertibly that the NZ state security forces and government were used to directly intervene on behalf of offshore corporates.
If the Prime Minister of New Zealand undermining the countrys sovereignty, parliament, surveillance and labour laws on behalf of a foreign power is not of major concern to citizens then I don’t know what would be.
I believe that even if Dotcom has evidence of everything Tiger Mountain says it will not affect National’s vote. It might affect IMP’s turnout though.
The way to win this election is to put in the hard yards, not rely on magic bullets. Put it this way: Martyn Bradbury has predicted it will be a game changer.
I am sure if Mr Dotcom’s revelations involve external and internal spying agencies and a provable linkage to Key then he will have the PM well and truly screwed. However I doubt he has that level of detail.
When the following story broke the exclusion of any references to NZ agencies was commented on in social networks, with Greenwald’s network alluding there was ‘more to come at a later date’. September 15 qualifies as a later date. Who knows, maybe it’s all a big Dotcom conspiracy and the US and the UK and Canada never did any of what the extensive collections of released documents detail.
For those who want a bit more insight as to what makes Glenn Greenwald tick,
here is a blog which has an extensive archive
Hilarious. Key and his office are laying the groundwork for being proved wrong on this. It will end up all being a paperwork mistake and the fault of some middle tier public service official.
This is exactly why Internet Mana have chosen a date close to the election, so that it resonates loudly when a lot of undecided will be listening most carefully. Key and his loyal media servants are all trying to force the information out earlier so they have more time to manage the fallout.
There must be some desperate calls from the ninth floor to Crosby Textor. Key is in danger of misreading the undecided vote on this issue. Trustworthiness is important to fair-minded New Zealanders (but not so much to existing right wing voters).
The biggest disadvantage now for Key is Dotcom’s alliance and access to Snowden and Greenwald who actually know much more about everything than Key or Crosby Textor ! This is a game-changer .. can’t wait for justice to breathe free once again in our little precious islands. Kia Kia, Kim !
lol Fender ! There would always be the option of Skyping him in, or similar. Oh, how small and tiny, plus internationally notorious the Shonkey govt will appear if they try to block a respected British journalist from entry !
Totally agree, this is collective punishment by the dirty filthy Israeli army. Surely the most blatant genocide style attack since the Tamil massacre in Sri Lanka.
Resistance and non compliance with the Zionist illegal occupation is defence.
I despair for the Palestinians and Arabs under Jewish occupation. To the state of Israel to perpetrate crimes against humanity in this manner is to ape and condone what was done to their forbears in Europe by another evil regime. They will of course deny it, label Arabs terrorists. If you want terror try being a child playing soccer on a beach being blown to shreds by a terrorist state.
The only way to stop this is for the Jewish adherents of the state of Israel to face truth with honour and say enough is enough to their people. It is to late for the dead: it is never too late for the living.
Because it’s effectively a treasonous organisation. It promotes the interests of a foreign state above the interests of the United States.
I would have thought that doctrinaire conservatives would oppose the existence of an organisation which is designed to get the US to funnel taxpayers’ money to a foreign state which then acts in ways which frustrate US interests in the region.
Hell, that same country was allowed to attack an American naval vessel and kill many of its crew with complete impunity. It spies on the United States and we have good reason to believe it has stolen nuclear materials from US labs.
And all of this just to indulge the far right racialist fantasies of a minority of American Jews. A fantasy that sees a third of the current ruling coalition of Israel comprised of openly racist parties (as opposed to the Likud, which is racist, but not openly).
“Even John Kerry has had enough (see his recent off mic outburst}”
Not yet quite enough though to challenge the status quo or his comfort zone. Airforce 2 is not exactly uncomfortable
Maybe a few more Net yer Nah Who? (I dunno – it’s all somebody else’s fault – WE’RE the victims here – besides I’m reading from a CroZTextor script) bloodied 4 year olds with the back of their heads blown off deserve it cos they’re the sons or daughters of tearists.
Even then though ? Not if there’s a plausible excuse and explanation that – either it didn’t happen; OR it was a proportional response.
Gawd that red blood is luvly ain’t it – we should ALL roll in it [Ooooo yea – it’s really really turning me on! gimme more MORE].
Obamarama roll and tumble (with Tacho Bell, KFC, a bit of Mick Chicken and some Black Water salad dressing on the side).
Oh … btw Ya ALL – we’re the good guys: we’re centrist – NOT fascist RW those “far left cunts” opposed to that MSM you muddle class subscribe to. If you’re not convinced – just consider how wonderful our weekly efforts are on Q+A, and the Nation, and Rinny Ryan’s fair and balanced Mondays.
We’re the fair and balanced, the average NewZulluner, the voice of the people, the in-touch, the 4h Estate even – AND we’re fukkin gorgeous with it. Why even our stance on that silly bitch Tania Billingsly says it all – we’re y’avrijde bloke.
Like I’ve said elsewhere – the tipping point is nigh – probably closer to 2017 though – and there’ll be a shitload of squeeling pigs and “wasn’t me’s” when it comes around.
Sadly – I probably won’t be around to witness it
You will find that every Labour party activist was putting up billboards on Saturday. Mana had the privilege of paying someone to put theirs up. Honest the Dotcom money is a boon for them but it is also a threat to them.
Not in Owairaka Auckland they didn’t Micky, Internet Mana candidate Joe Carolan had a crew of around a dozen out at a frozen 2am putting their signs up. Kelston Internet Mana Roadshow ads were put up by volunteers too. Can’t comment on other Mana branches yet.
People are stretched but a couple of people and a banner or sign should be able to be spared by all left parties for important events such as Gaza solidarity.
Hi TM. I and most members are fully opposed to Israel’s attacks on Palestine. You just have to see my own posts on the subject to see this. I am normally the first at a protest but Saturday was a busy day.
Apologies to Comrade Joe. I had thought that the speed that their signs had appeared meant that they had used paid help. I was still in bed at 2 am!
You will have to give up sleeping for the duration of the campaign. If it is good enough for the party leader to work 18 hours every day it is good enough for you to follow his example.
Unless David Cunliffe has a different definition of “working” to most people he clearly won’t be sleeping at all.
Tiger Mountain, I have a lot of respect for Internet Mana (as per enthusiastic post above) but I would question the wisdom of going about the neighbourhood at 2am banging away at a hoarding with a hammer.
A chronic insomniac like me finally gets off to sleep at 1 – 2am and who wakes at the slightest sound would be not well pleased to hear a hammer banging away outside. Nor would it please the sleep deprived mother who is catching a bit of sleep between feeds for her young baby, nor the shift worker who has to get up at 3.30am to get to work.
LOL very satirical and ironical. They welcome bright people with alternative approaches at IMP – why not roll up to the Party that’s on its way up in the elevator.
National wouldn’t let you ride in its elevator, the Greens wouldn’t use it to encourage personal effort and save energy, Labour had an elevator but they lost it somewhere, and are waiting for it to come back dragging it’s tail behind it.. IMP could be the coalition for you.
Mickysavage – what evidence do you have that Mana paid people to put up their billboards? I’ve seen quite a few photos of ordinary Mana members making them, and erecting them.
Not a good look, micky. We really need a bit more cooperation against Key.
Internet Mana are rising. The Greens will be solid. Labour will go over 30% plus extra seats in Chch and elsewhere. NZ First will go over 5% easy. MP bye bye.
National will flounder in the mid-high 40%s. Act and Dunne are down the dunny.
The left bloc will have the numbers by at least two imo.
But this still wont be easy. The rest of NZ will scream from the top of their lungs about the mismatch of putting together so many small parties. The cries and wailing will be alarming. The left bloc will immediately be put on the defensive.
The left bloc must have a plan to combat this immediately on the night of the election – and come out fighting hard and strong for the people. No apology, no hand-wringing, no mutters of ‘it wont be that bad’, no backing down.
Agreed vto. IMHO no-mates apart from loonies National will poll 43/44%. That is good, but not good enough to stop Cunliffe from being PM. It’s called MMP.
For whatever it’s worth, iPredict has National on 43%, Labour on 32%, Greens on 11%. Minor parties combined come to 14%, with NZFirst on 5.3%. Weirdly iPredict is still largely in favour of a National win, despite the percentages above strongly favouring the left.
Personally I feel that if a govt can be formed from the four parties of the left it needs to have a greater majority than one or two seats. My fear been that if all four parties are needed things could become fractious and dysfunctional quickly. If NZs first experience with a full on coalition govt is a poor one long term damage could ensue. It is vital I would have thought that Labour poll at least 35% then forming a coalition with all left parties instead of leaving one or two out in the cold. Hopefully then there will be a big enough majority to allow the smaller parties to disagree with one another on occasion without causing major disruption.
Not nearly as fractious and dysfunctional as National trying to cobble something together, with, say NZ First – now that would be a circus!
But I agree – all the left parties need to be in there together – none of this cherry-picking I keep hearing
If NZs first experience with a full on coalition govt is a poor one long term damage could ensue.
It’s not. NZFirst’s one, and only, coalition collapse was with National in 1996 to 1998. Considering NZFirst’s policies they can’t go with National this time at all. They basically have two options: Sitting on the cross benches and voting issue by issue or going into coalition with Labour.
I like your 2 cents vto. I also agree their will resistance from the media and some sectors of society at a Left bloc win. They know such a win means no more same old same old instead something bold, something bold!
In such a case we have to collectively stand and be proud of the change we bring. No apologies.
Who knows! Just imagine that the National voters begin to realise that National will not be able to form a government and therefore decide to switch their votes to Labour for stability and collapse the National party vote to 30% minus and Labour vote to 52% plus! oops, just musing!
My dream has the Labour right defecting after the election to form a new group who will look at taxation policy and reduce income tax, increase GST and introduce a financial transactions tax that should have been done when GST was introduced in the first place. A UBI would be okay by me too.
I guess neither of us are going to wake up happy on 21 September 2014.
Wrote to Steve Kilgallon yesterday asking about the inaccuracies in his article, why it needed to be edited by another reporter, and what he was trying to achieve. This is his response.
(Weepus beard)
You’re confusing me with someone with an agenda. I have none. I just report interesting stories. The story is genuine and the source is real. Whether you like what they say or not is up to you. As regards my career and job prospects, you’re best directing such enquiries to my editor
All the best
It’s convenient for some journalists to hide behind claims of impartiality whenever they get a bit of flack for sloppy work. Does beg the question: if Steve is not someone with an agenda, is he not going to vote in September?
Interesting comment from Brent Edwards: Seems the consensus of opinion among his Caucus sources is that it was not one of the MPs who talked to the SST.
yep Anne, and I liked the text to Morning Report that said that nobody kicked up a fuss when Key went on holiday to Hawaii for 10 days, but when Cunliffe has 3 days off (among New Zealanders) with his young family suddenly this is an issue.
Maybe for the next 9 weeks we should bombard Morning Report with texts particularly where they are showing bias? It all helps.
On what basis would Radio NZ National be biased against Labour? The organisation is supposedly an independent State entity that doesn’t need funding from the ‘evil’ private sector.
Yeah supporting National Key doesn’t mean you are anti-Labour does it, but it sure helps avoid a throat-slitting gesture come your way and will ensure you get more work than Bradley Ambrose….
I think he was referring to the nasty/disgusting/uncouth/undignified throat cutting gesture that Key once made in parliament against a Labour leader.
Remember that?
The MSM did not even crtisise the dear leader then.
Just imagine if Mr Cunliffe had made that gesture to Key!
It was reported. Key was even asked what he was meaning by the gesture and he gave a response. You might not agree with his response but what do you want the media to do? Should they basically editorialise that it was a terrible thing despite his denial?
“You might not agree with his response but what do you want the media to do? Should they basically editorialise that it was a terrible thing despite his denial?”
If that’s the way they usually treat everything the Leader of the Opposition does, which it is, then yes.
let’s see – one incident involved our prime minister’s expression of concern for a chap who tried to leap from the parliamentary gallery, the other involved police raiding press offices just days before the election in order to shield government ministers from disgrace.
I can see how an ethically-challenged sociopath might not recall those events (let alone outraged), but what’s your excuse you tory shill – oh, fair enough then, no further excuse needed.
Why would what goes on air be biased against Labour though? Even if National has somehow infiltrated the organisation via political appointees at the senior level (something I have seen NO opposition politician complaining about it has to be pointed out) how they can influence the editorial decision of the news team is unclear. Does this mean the majority of the journalists working at Radio NZ National are suspect then? How will this be rectified unless you implement a politically inspired cleanse this time from the left?
I noted that The Fan Club made a brief comment yesterday after a lengthy absence. I seem to remember he/she may have been banned for bad behaviour, but still it’s interesting he/she should reappear on the post “Collective Renewal”. As a self-described “Labour insider” and Cunliffe hater, one has to wonder what he/she might know about the source of the SST story.
of course it wasn’t.
it was all fabricated by that creepy little hooton looking so smug as it went down on Q&A Sunday morning and susan woods is complicit.
WB @9.2.1 I also emailed Steve and said I didn’t believe the story and I thought he had made it up. He denied this and refused to name his source, so I asked him if had check out the story with the MP whom the senior advisor quoted.
@Weepus beard
Feed the Steve guy some interesting stories. He is obviously an open mouth at a fairground just waiting for a well-placed ball, or perhaps a trained seal waiting for a fish, and doesn’t care whether it’s smelly or not.
I see discussion in the Work Life Balance thread yesterday about denigrating comment from some within Labour against David Cunliffe being printed in The Hairy or somewhere like. Shocking – I hope that there is a Cluedo search with appropriate punishment meted, when it is seen where this arose.
And I noticed Guy Le Spinner this morning saying something about Labour MPs having a ‘crisis’ meeting and then there was a reasoned explanation given, that it was a replacement for the usual meeting which would have been time limited by other commitments.
this is all crap.
I suspect it is all concerted by boaghootoncrosbytext.
as somebody said earlier here it is time to start flooding switchboards with complaints.
if supposed reputable organisations start playing the partisan card then they must be held responsible for their actions.
grey-Kathryn Ryan repeated the “crisis” tab in the politics discussion on Nine to Noon, where as you say this description had already been shown to be rubbish on Morning Report.
Either Ryan is badly briefed or she is simply being her Tory self and getting it wrong on purpose.
I see the news is reporting that DC had lunch with the name suppressed sex offender. Whilst I have been heavily critical of him previously, I have a lot of sympathy for him on this one.
I have met this bloke once (I won’t say any thing that could identify him) when my ex wife and another couple were on holiday. He was totally sex obsessed, and insisted on showing us a sick video clip of a dominatrix kicking some restrained guy in the goolies. But he was also a high energy and engaging bloke. He would have no problem greasing his way into any setting, especially men of middle age or above.
This is one of the problems of the ridiculous name suppression laws, especially as in this case the victim wanted his name published.
Why didn’t his staff do the leg work to identify whether the person was dodgy or not? It should be easy enough to do and would have been the sensible course of action especially if you have lunch with them.
Agreed as fun as it is kicking Cunliffe when hes down and keeping the foot on his throat this is something that he has no control over rather its the dumb ass suppression laws we have in this country
I would think Audrey Young could be called to account for the fact that her story about the sex offender was hidden behind another innocent headline, I nearly didn’t click through, then wished I hadn’t because I spent some time in confusion trying to place the relevance of the second headline – had we gone back in a time warp of some sort ? Wish I knew how to access that protected person’s name – I am so burned up with curiosity now !
I know that Cunliffe wants all the votes he can get in his New Lynn electorate. But it sure is strange that he has his hoardings up in Phil Goff’s Roskill electric proclaiming “Vote Cunliffe for New Lynn” Look out Phil, the carpet bagger is about. An Labour thinks it could run the country?
[You are an idiot. Both electorates are contiguous. And the main roads have people travelling through Mount Roskill into New Lynn – MS]
It’s not on a main road. It’s on a through road in the centre of the Roskill electorate. I know I may be an idiot but I am also a swinging voter but not such an idiot that I do not know where the electorate boundaries are. 🙂
‘taint politics i know, but, i gotta give a big ups to Lydia Ko for Her latest winning round of golf,
i couldn’t play the game to save myself, what i try to hit hard as far as golf balls go pretty much turns out to be limp but i can drive a putt miles past its intended destination,
No such problems for that young lady and i had the pleasure of watching the free to air sports channel on my TeeVee one night which featured a whole tournament on the Asian circuit which Ko won just befor turning pro,
Relentless is the best description of the way She run down the front runner of that tournament who at the point where the final round started was 9 shots in front of Her…
At last! I had to read right through this series of posts to come to one that addresses the important things in life.
Everyone else is obsessed with the trivia of politics. You and I appear to be the only ones who appreciate the magnificent display by Lydia. She makes it look so easy doesn’t she?
Indeed, watching her play there’s nothing overly flash about how she goes about the game its just the consistency with which she puts herself in a position of maybe birdying the hole and Her ability when she is on Her game to do just that,
The tournament in Asia which i comment on above had me watching with fascination as all round Her there were some amazing golf shots by the other competitors but none of them could deliver a continual flurry of such golfing shots,
I was wrong!!! The Standard did post my comment. I enjoy putting a burr under the saddle on tunnel vision Labour people. I do the same for National on their site. Great fun. Have a good one MS.
Didn’t realise this was a Labour site. When did that change happen and can somebody let all the greens, IMPers and unaligned others who post the majority of comments here know?
I used today’s Open Mike to draw attention to what I regard as an excellent essay on the mess globalised capitalism has gotten itself into, including growing inequality. The ‘problem’ of democracy is addressed therein, vis:
” Only in the Cold War world did capitalism and democracy seem to become aligned with one another, as economic progress made it possible for working-class majorities to accept a free-market, private-property regime, in turn making it appear that democratic freedom was inseparable from, and indeed depended on, the freedom of markets and profit-making. Today, however, doubts about the compatibility of a capitalist economy with a democratic polity have powerfully returned. Among ordinary people, there is now a pervasive sense that politics can no longer make a difference in their lives, as reflected in common perceptions of deadlock, incompetence and corruption among what seems an increasingly self-contained and self-serving political class, united in their claim that ‘there is no alternative’ to them and their policies. One result is declining electoral turnout combined with high voter volatility, producing ever greater electoral fragmentation, due to the rise of ‘populist’ protest parties, and pervasive government instability.”
It’s a long essay but well worth the time if you have it:
[lprent: And it is completely off-topic for this post. So moved back to back to OpenMike. Don’t do a diversion comment again or I will ban you. At present the ban time is getting longer the closer we get to the election. ]
Thanks for that link. Politics is divorced from most people’s lives, which trundle on whichever party is at the helm. There is growing instability and eccentricity at the fringes, but with no big-ticket issue like asset sales, I would be surprised if 2014 doesn’t garner a lower turn out than 2011.
Caught up with an old friend recently, a teacher, who has never evinced much interest in politics. This election she will vote National, despite criticising the party for wrecking the public education system. Seems counter-intuitive in the extreme. National’s wrecking of education affects her career, and her family (she has children), while surely education is critical to the ‘standard of living’ she credits National with upholding. She will vote National to ensure continuation of the status quo; it was like there was no alternative. It’s disturbing, people seem inured to the damage being wrought in their own lives from National’s policies, let alone being able to grasp the big picture.
Not related but Cuncliffe is gonna be having a live chat on stuff in a couple of hours –
He might need a little help fending of the assholes who are bound to show up and hassle him about the infamous ‘holidays’ and other bullshit news from the MSM.
[lprent: Off-topic. Moved to OpenMike. Banned for 3 weeks. ]
Really??? Are you stating half the workforce of a significant sector of the economy that was State owned has been forced to relocate offshore by a direct government decision? Which sector is that then?
Hillside is hardly a significant sector of the economy. It certainly was providing any major export income for the nation unlike the oil sector in Venezuela.
So it wasn’t affecting our exports then? Your argument could equally be used to support industries that we used to have here like television and car assembly. Do you think we should have continued to support those?
You must have been asleep, Gosman, over the last few years in New Zealand, as all our skilled young people left for Australia, our graduate students left to pursue study offshore as their funding was cut, and most of our best researchers, engineers and scientists, left for places where they are appreciated.
We have lots of “managers” accountants and lawyers, though……..
If you read the article you will find out it was the loss of those managers you seem to deride that have caused the problem of the stagnating oil industry in Venezuela.
the problem with Venezuela is that it is a criminal state.
New Zealand is heading down that path now under a national government.
New Zealand is also always under threat from conspiracy jobs, and other nutjobs who are against everything and ready and willing to resort to violence when they dont get their own way.
The country needs a proper makeover and its time for decent people to get back in charge.
“A public school turf war has broken out in the quiet Auckland suburbs of Greenlane and Remuera.
“Parents from two elite Auckland public schools are up in arms after learning of a proposal to put them in an overlapping zone with two lower decile schools.”
“Parent Matthew Hooton owns a house in the proposed overlap and says the consultation has been “wholly unsatisfactory”.”
“You live in this area because you pay $100,000 more for your house so you can access Epsom Girls Grammar and Auckland Grammar School,” he said.”
“Any perceived threat to these zones will be met with fierce resistance.”
What ? You mean the sons and daughters of the scum Matty ?
To the ramparts ye broken, abused, ill-treated Entitled. And no smirking. They won’t take us seriously !
Could be worse Matty – you might’ve just had your bennie slashed in half – no lunch for the kids let alone a school befitting your ‘station’.
Alwyn and bad12, yeah good on Lydia but golf is only a pastime, now try leading the whole Tour de France field for 20 metres short of 220kms. Thats hard work and heartbreaking. Good on you Jack Bauer, your day will come.
I’ve lost it with GT cycling – I’m fed up with watching riders cruise all day in the peloton or get towed along by teammates, and then put in a bit of an effort in the last 10 or 20k to pull off stage wins they really haven’t worked for.
And while Nabali is a good rider – all his possible contenders are out of the race. All he has to do is not fall asleep from boredom and fall off his bike.
Barry at 2.1,.4 (since a reply button is not forthcoming)
Can you tell me where and when that ‘something you heard’ was?
Please – can we engage with the fukwit Barry a bit more? As in get him to actually put his money where his mouth is? I’m intrigued.
i think the media are not conscious of their bias. they have a huuuuuuugggggeeeee. disconnect with the majority of nz. they are biased before the get go. they wont be kind to the left until the left becomes the right. to them socialism is debunked and the neo-lib way is the only way. and they assume this is the view of the whole country. its an issue of culture and sub-concious.
case in point was the commenter here “liam hehir”, who carries the same name as a columnist in a regional rag. The columnist said they didn’t write about labour’s positivies because it was a true reflection of Labour’s lack of positives, not because the columnist was biased.
Read the list of conditions published in the name of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and judge honestly whether there is one unjust demand among them.
Rafah Crossing
Palestinians from Gaza at the Egyptian-controlled Rafah border crossing last week. One of Hamas’ demands is to have internationa… / Photo by Reuters
By Gideon Levy
Published 13:23 20.07.14
After we’ve said everything there is to say about Hamas: that it’s fundamentalist; that it’s undemocratic; that it’s cruel; that it does not recognize Israel; that it fires on civilians; that it’s hiding ammunition in schools and hospitals; that it did not act to protect the population of Gaza – after all that has been said, and rightly so, we should stop for a moment and listen to Hamas; we may even be permitted to put ourselves in its shoes, perhaps even to appreciate the daring and resilience of this, our bitter enemy, under harsh conditions.
But Israel prefers to shut its ears to the demands of the other side, even when those demands are right and conform to Israel’s own interests in the long run. Israel prefers to strike Hamas without mercy and with no purpose other than revenge. This time it is particularly clear: Israel says it does not want to topple Hamas – even Israel understands that instead it will have Somalia at its gates – but it is also unwilling to listen to Hamas’ demands. Are they all “animals”?
Let’s say that’s true. But they are there to stay, even Israel believes that’s the case, so why not listen?
Last week 10 conditions were published in the name of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, for a 10-year cease-fire. We may doubt whether these were in fact the demands of those organizations, but they can serve as a fair basis for an agreement.
There is not one unfounded condition among them.
Hamas and Islamic Jihad demand freedom for Gaza. Is there a more understandable and just demand?
There is no way to end the current cycle of killing, and not have another round in a few months, without accepting this.
No military operation, by air, ground or sea, will bring a solution; only a basic change of attitude toward Gaza can ensure what everyone wants: quiet.
Read the list of demands and judge honestly whether there is one unjust demand among them
withdrawal of Israel Defense Forces troops and allowing farmers to work their land up to the fence;
release of all prisoners from the Gilad Shalit swap who have been rearrested;
an end to the siege and opening of the crossings
opening of a port and airport under UN management
expansion of the fishing zone
international supervision of the Rafah crossing;
an Israeli pledge to a 10-year cease-fire and closure of Gaza’s air space to Israeli aircraft;
permits to Gaza residents to visit Jerusalem and pray at the Al-Aqsa mosque
and an Israeli pledge not to interfere in internal Palestinian politics such as the unity government
opening Gaza’s industrial zone.
These conditions are civilian; the means of achieving them are military, violent and criminal. But the (bitter) truth is that when Gaza is not firing rockets at Israel, nobody cares about it. Look at the fate of the Palestinian leader who had had enough of violence. Israel did everything it could to destroy Mahmoud Abbas. The depressing conclusion? Only force works.
The current war is a war of choice, a choice that we had. True, after Hamas started firing rockets, Israel had to respond.
But as opposed to what Israeli propaganda tries to sell, the rockets didn’t fall out of the sky from nowhere.
Go back a few months: the breakdown of negotiations by Israel; the war on Hamas in the West Bank following the murder of the three yeshiva students, which it is doubtful Hamas planned, including the false arrest of 500 of its activists; stopping payment of salaries to Hamas workers in Gaza and Israeli opposition to the unity government, which might have brought the organization into the political sphere. Anyone who thinks all this would simply be taken in stride must be suffering from arrogance, complacence and blindness.
Terrifying amounts of blood are being spilled in Gaza – and in Israel to a lesser extent. It is being spilled in vain.
Hamas is beaten down by Israel and humiliated by Egypt.
The only chance for a real solution is exactly the opposite of the way Israel is going. A port in Gaza to export its excellent strawberries? To Israelis this sounds like heresy.
Here once again, the preference is for (Palestinian) blood over (Palestinian) strawberries.
This post by Nicolas Reid was originally published on Linked in. It is republished here with permission.In this article I look into data on how well the rail network serve New Zealanders, and how many people might be able to travel by train… if we ran more than a ...
Hi,Before we get into Hayden Donnell’s new column about how yes, Donald Trump is definitely the Antichrist, I wanted to touch on something feral that happened in New Zealand last week.Members of Destiny Church pushed and punched their way into an Auckland library, apparently angry it was part of Pride ...
Despite delays, logjams and overcrowding in our emergency departments, funding constraints are limiting the numbers of nurses and doctors being trained. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Tuesday, February 18 are:A NZ Herald investigation ...
Olivia and Noah and Hana are going to the library!It is fun to go to the library. It has books and songs and mat time and people who smile at you and say, Hello Olivia, what have you been doing this morning?The library is more fun than the mall. At ...
New World Orders: The challenge facing Christopher Luxon and Chris Hipkins is how to keep their small and vulnerable nation safe and stable in a world whose economic and political climate the forty-seventh American president is changing so profoundly.IT IS, SURELY, the ultimate Millennial revenge fantasy. Calling senior Baby-Boomer and Gen-X ...
“This might surprise you, Laurie, but I reckon Trump’s putting on a bloody impressive performance.”“GOODNESS ME, HANNAH, just look at all those Valentine’s Day cards!”“Occupational hazard, Laurie, the more beer I serve, the more my customers declare their undying love!”“Crikey! I had no idea business was so good.” Laurie squinted ...
In 2005, Labour repealed the long-standing principle of birthright citizenship in Aotearoa. Why? As with everything else Labour does, it all came down to austerity: "foreign mothers" were supposedly "coming to this country to give birth", and this was "put[ting] pressure on hospitals". Then-Immigration Minister George Hawkins explicitly gave this ...
And I just hope that you can forgive usBut everything must goAnd if you need an explanation, nationThen everything must goSongwriters: James Dean Bradfield / Sean Anthony Moore / Nicholas Allen Jones.Today, I’d like to talk about a couple of things that happened over the weekend:Brian Tamaki’s Library Invasion and ...
New reporting highlights how Brooke van Velden refuses to meet with the CTU but is happy to meet with fringe Australian-based unions. Van Velden is pursuing reckless changes to undermine the personal grievance system against the advice of her own officials. Engineering New Zealand are saying that hundreds of engineers ...
The NZCTU strongly supports the Employment Relations (Employee Remuneration Disclosure) Amendment Bill. This Bill represents a positive step towards addressing serious issues around unlawful disparities in pay by protecting workers’ rights to discuss their pay and conditions. This Bill also provides welcome support for helping tackle the prevalent gender and ...
Years of hard work finally paid off last week as the country’s biggest and most important transport project, the City Rail Link reached a major milestone with the first test train making its way slowly though the tunnels for the first time. This is a fantastic achievement and it is ...
Engineers are pleading for the Government to free up funds to restart stalled projects. File Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Monday, February 17 are:Engineering New Zealand CEO Richard Templer said yesterday hundreds of ...
It’s one of New Zealand’s great sustaining myths: the spirit of ANZAC, our mates across the ditch, the spirit of Earl’s Court, Antipodeans united against the world. It is also a myth; it is not reality. That much was clear from a series of speakers, including a former Australian Prime ...
Many people have been unsatisfied for years that things have not improved for them, some as individuals, many more however because their families are clearly putting in more work, for less money – and certainly far less purchase on society. This general discontent has grown exponentially since the GFC. ...
A listing of 34 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, February 9, 2025 thru Sat, February 15, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
The Salvation Army’s State of the Nation report shows worsening food poverty and housing shortages mean more than 400,000 people now need welfare support, the highest level since the 1990s. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in our political economy around housing, climate and ...
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Please note: I’ve delayed my “What can we do?” article for this video.The video above shows Destiny Church members assaulting staff and librarians as they pushed through to a room of terrified parents and young children.It was posted to social media last night.But if you read Sinead Boucher’s Stuff, you ...
Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Is sea level rise exaggerated? Sea levels are rising at an accelerating rate, not stagnating or decreasing. Warming global temperatures cause land ice ...
Here is a scenario, but first a historical parallel. Hitler and the Nazis could well have accomplished everything that they wanted to do within German borders, including exterminating Jews, so long as they confined their ambitious to Germany itself. After all, the world pretty much sat and watched as the ...
I’ve spent the last couple of days in Hamilton covering Waikato University’s annual NZ Economics Forum, where (arguably) three of the most influential people in our political economy right now laid out their thinking in major speeches about the size and role of Government, their views on for spending, tax ...
Simeon Brown’s Ideology BentSimeon Brown once told Kiwis he tries to represent his deep sense of faith by interacting “with integrity”.“It’s important that there’s Christians in Parliament…and from my perspective, it’s great to be a Christian in Parliament and to bring that perspective to [laws, conversations and policies].”And with ...
Severe geological and financial earthquakes are inevitable. We just don’t know how soon and how they will play out. Are we putting the right effort into preparing for them?Every decade or so the international economy has a major financial crisis. We cannot predict exactly when or exactly how it will ...
Questions1. How did Old Mate Grabaseat describe his soon-to-be-Deputy-PM’s letter to police advocating for Philip Polkinghorne?a.Ill-advisedb.A perfect letterc.A letter that will live in infamyd.He had me at hello2. What did Seymour say in response?a.What’s ill-advised is commenting when you don’t know all the facts and ...
NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi President Richard Wagstaff has called on OJI Fibre Solutions to work with the government, unions, and the community before closing the Kinleith Paper Mill. “OJI has today announced 230 job losses in what will be a devastating blow for the community. OJI needs to work with ...
NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi President Richard Wagstaff is sounding the alarm about the latest attack on workers from Minister of Workplace Relations and Safety Brooke van Velden, who is ignoring her own officials to pursue reckless changes that would completely undermine the personal grievance system. “Brooke van Velden’s changes will ...
Hi,When I started writing Webworm in 2020, I wrote a lot about the conspiracy theories that were suddenly invading our Twitter timelines and Facebook feeds. Four years ago a reader, John, left this feedback under one of my essays:It’s a never ending labyrinth of lunacy which, as you have pointed ...
And if you said this life ain't good enoughI would give my world to lift you upI could change my life to better suit your moodBecause you're so smoothAnd it's just like the ocean under the moonOh, it's the same as the emotion that I get from youYou got the ...
Aotearoa remains the minority’s birthright, New Zealand the majority’s possession. WAITANGI DAY commentary see-saws manically between the warmly positive and the coldly negative. Many New Zealanders consider this a good thing. They point to the unexamined patriotism of July Fourth and Bastille Day celebrations, and applaud the fact that the ...
The podcast above of the weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar for paying subscribers on Thursday night features co-hosts & talking about the week’s news with regular and special guests, including: and on the week in geopolitics, including the latest from Donald Trump’s administration over Gaza and Ukraine; on the ...
Up until now, the prevailing coalition view of public servants was that there were simply too many of them. But yesterday the new Public Service Commissioner, handpicked by the Luxon Government, said it was not so much numbers but what they did and the value they produced that mattered. Sir ...
In a moment we explore the question: What is Andrew Bayly wanting to tell ACC, and will it involve enjoying a small wine tasting and then telling someone to fuck off? But first, for context, a broader one: What do we look for in a government?Imagine for a moment, you ...
As expected, Donald Trump just threw Ukraine under the bus, demanding that it accept Russia's illegal theft of land, while ruling out any future membership of NATO. Its a colossal betrayal, which effectively legitimises Russia's invasion, while laying the groundwork for the next one. But Trump is apparently fine with ...
A ballot for a single member's bill was held today, and the following bill was drawn: Employment Relations (Collective Agreements in Triangular Relationships) Amendment Bill (Adrian Rurawhe) The bill would extend union rights to employees in triangular relationships, where they are (nominally) employed by one party, but ...
This is a guest post by George Weeks, reviewing a book called ‘How to Fly a Horse’ by Kevin AshtonBook review: ‘How to Fly a Horse’ by Kevin Ashton (2015) – and what it means for Auckland. The title of this article might unnerve any Greater Auckland ...
This story was originally published by Capital & Main and is part of Covering Climate Now, a global journalism collaboration strengthening coverage of the climate story. Within just a week, the sheer devastation of the Los Angeles wildfires has pushed to the fore fundamental questions about the impact of the climate crisis that have been ...
In this world, it's just usYou know it's not the same as it wasSongwriters: Harry Edward Styles / Thomas Edward Percy Hull / Tyler Sam JohnsonYesterday, I received a lovely message from Caty, a reader of Nick’s Kōrero, that got me thinking. So I thought I’d share it with you, ...
In past times a person was considered “unserious” or “not a serious” person if they failed to grasp, behave and speak according to the solemnity of the context in which they were located. For example a serious person does not audibly pass gas at Church, or yell “gun” at a ...
Long stories short, the top six things in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Thursday, February 13 are:The coalition Government’s early 2024 ‘fiscal emergency’ freeze on funding, planning and building houses, schools, local roads and hospitals helped extend and deepen the economic and jobs recession through calendar ...
For obvious reasons, people feel uneasy when the right to be a citizen is sold off to wealthy foreigners. Even selling the right to residency seems a bit dubious, when so many migrants who are not millionaires get turned away or are made to jump through innumerable hoops – simply ...
A new season of White Lotus is nearly upon us: more murder mystery, more sumptuous surroundings, more rich people behaving badly.Once more we get to identify with the experience of the pampered tourist or perhaps the poorly paid help; there's something in White Lotus for all New Zealanders.And unlike the ...
In 2016, Aotearoa shockingly plunged to fourth place in the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index. Nine years later, and we're back there again: New Zealand has seen a further slip in its global ranking in the latest Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). [...] In the latest CPI New Zealand's score ...
1. You’ve started ranking your politicians on how much they respect the rule of law2. You’ve stopped paying attention to those news publications3. You’ve developed a sudden interest in a particular period of history4. More and more people are sounding like your racist, conspiracist uncle.5. Someone just pulled a Nazi ...
Transforming New Zealand: Brian EastonBrian Easton will discuss the above topic at 2/57 Willis Street, Wellington at 5:30pm on Tuesday 26 February at 2/57 Willis Street, WellingtonThe sub-title to the above is "Why is the Left failing?" Brian Easton's analysis is based on his view that while the ...
Salvation Army’s State of the Nation 2025 report highlights falling living standards, the highest unemployment rates since the 1990s and half of all Pacific children going without food. There are reports of hundreds if not thousands of people are applying for the same jobs in the wake of last year’s ...
Mountain Tui is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.Correction: On the article The Condundrum of David Seymour, Luke Malpass conducted joint reviews with Bryce Wilkinson, the architect of the Regulatory Standards Bill - not Bryce Edwards. The article ...
Tomorrow the council’s Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee meet and agenda has a few interesting papers. Council’s Letter of Expectation to Auckland Transport Every year the council provide a Letter of Expectation to Auckland Transport which is part of the process for informing AT of the council’s priorities and ...
All around in my home townThey're trying to track me down, yeahThey say they want to bring me in guiltyFor the killing of a deputyFor the life of a deputySongwriter: Robert Nesta Marley.Support Nick’s Kōrero today with a 20% discount on a paid subscription to receive all my newsletters directly ...
Hi,I think all of us have probably experienced the power of music — that strange, transformative thing that gets under our skin and helps us experience this whole life thing with some kind of sanity.Listening and experiencing music has always been such a huge part of my life, and has ...
Business frustration over the stalled economy is growing, and only 34% of voters are confidentNicola Willis can deliver. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Wednesday, February 12 are:Business frustration is growing about a ...
I have now lived long enough to see a cabinet minister go both barrels on their Prime Minister and not get sacked.It used to be that the PM would have a drawer full of resignations signed by ministers on the day of their appointment, ready for such an occasion. But ...
This session will feature Simon McCallum, Senior Lecturer in Engineering and Computer Science (VUW) and recent Labour Party candidate in the Southland Electorate talking about some of the issues around AI and how this should inform Labour Party policy. Simon is an excellent speaker with a comprehensive command of AI ...
The proposed Waimate garbage incinerator is dead: The company behind a highly-controversial proposal to build a waste-to-energy plant in the Waimate District no longer has the land. [...] However, SIRRL director Paul Taylor said the sales and purchase agreement to purchase land from Murphy Farms, near Glenavy, lapsed at ...
The US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act has been a vital tool in combatting international corruption. It forbids US companies and citizens from bribing foreign public officials anywhere in the world. And its actually enforced: some of the world's biggest companies - Siemens, Hewlett Packard, and Bristol Myers Squibb - have ...
December 2024 photo - with UK Tory Boris Johnson (Source: Facebook)Those PollsFor hours, political poll results have resounded across political hallways and commentary.According to the 1News Verizon poll, 50% of the country believe we are heading in the “wrong direction”, while 39% believe we are “on the right track”.The left ...
A Tai Rāwhiti mill that ran for 30 years before it was shut down in late 2023 is set to re-open in the coming months, which will eventually see nearly 300 new jobs in the region. A new report from Massey University shows that pensioners are struggling with rising costs. ...
As support continues to fall, Luxon also now faces his biggest internal ructions within the coalition since the election, with David Seymour reacting badly to being criticised by the PM. File photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate ...
Not since 1988 when Richard Prebble openly criticised David Lange have we seen such a challenge to a Prime Minister as that of David Seymour to Christopher Luxon last night. Prebble suggested Lange had mental health issues during a TV interview and was almost immediately fired. Seymour hasn’t gone quite ...
Three weeks in, and the 24/7 news cycle is not helping anyone feel calm and informed about the second Trump presidency. One day, the US is threatening 25% trade tariffs on its friends and neighbours. The reasons offered by the White House are absurd, such as stopping fentanyl coming in ...
This video includes personal musings and conclusions of the creator climate scientist Dr. Adam Levy. It is presented to our readers as an informed perspective. Please see video description for references (if any). Wherever you look, you'll hear headlines claiming we've passed 1.5 degrees of global warming. And while 2024 saw ...
Photo by Heather M. Edwards on UnsplashHere’s the key news, commentary, reports and debate around Aotearoa’s politics and economy in the week to Feb 10 below. That’s ahead of live chats on the Substack App and The Kākā’s front page on Substack at 5pm with: on his column in The ...
Is there anyone in the world the National Party loves more than a campaign donor? Why yes, there is! They will always have the warmest hello and would you like to slip into something more comfortable for that great god of our age, the High Net Worth Individual.The words the ...
Waste and fraud certainly exist in foreign aid programs, but rightwing celebration of USAID’s dismantling shows profound ignorance of the value of soft power (as opposed to hard power) in projecting US influence and interests abroad by non-military/coercive means (think of “hearts and minds,” “hugs, not bullets,” “honey versus vinegar,” ...
Health New Zealand is proposing to cut almost half of its data and digital positions – more than 1000 of them. The PSA has called on the Privacy Commissioner to urgently investigate the cuts due to the potential for serious consequences for patients. NZNO is calling for an urgent increase ...
We may see a few more luxury cars on Queen Street, but a loosening of rules to entice rich foreigners to invest more here is unlikely to “turbocharge our economic growth”. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate ...
Let us not dance daintily around the elephant in the room. Our politicians who serve us in the present are not honest, certainly not as honest as they should be, and while the right are taking out most of the trophies for warping narratives and literally redefining “facts”, the kiwi ...
A few weeks ago I took a look at public transport ridership in 2024. In today’s post I’m going to be looking a bit deeper at bus ridership. Buses make up the vast majority of ridership in Auckland with 70 million boardings last year out of a total of 89.4 ...
Oh, you know I did itIt's over and I feel fineNothing you could say is gonna change my mindWaited and I waited the longest nightNothing like the taste of sweet declineSongwriters: Chris Shiflett / David Eric Grohl / Nate Mendel / Taylor Hawkins.Hindsight is good, eh?The clarity when the pieces ...
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on UnsplashHere’s what we’re watching in the week to February 16 and beyond in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty:Monday, February 10The Kākā’s weekly wrap-up of news about politics and the economy is due at midday, followed by webinar for paying subscribers in Substack’s ...
The Government’s newly announced funding for biodiversity and tourism of $30-million over three years is a small fraction of what is required for conservation in this country. ...
The Government's sudden cancellation of the tertiary education funding increase is a reckless move that risks widespread job losses and service reductions across New Zealand's universities. ...
National’s cuts to disability support funding and freezing of new residential placements has resulted in significant mental health decline for intellectually disabled people. ...
The hundreds of jobs lost needlessly as a result of the Kinleith Mill paper production closure will have a devastating impact on the Tokoroa community - something that could have easily been avoided. ...
Today Te Pāti Māori MP for Te Tai Tokerau, Mariameno Kapa-Kingi, released her members bill that will see the return of tamariki and mokopuna Māori from state care back to te iwi Māori. This bill will establish an independent authority that asserts and protects the rights promised in He Whakaputanga ...
The Whangarei District Council being forced to fluoridate their local water supply is facing a despotic Soviet-era disgrace. This is not a matter of being pro-fluoride or anti-fluoride. It is a matter of what New Zealanders see and value as democracy in our country. Individual democratically elected Councillors are not ...
Nicola Willis’ latest supermarket announcement is painfully weak with no new ideas, no real plan, and no relief for Kiwis struggling with rising grocery costs. ...
Half of Pacific children sometimes going without food is just one of many heartbreaking lowlights in the Salvation Army’s annual State of the Nation report. ...
The Salvation Army’s State of the Nation report is a bleak indictment on the failure of Government to take steps to end poverty, with those on benefits, including their children, hit hardest. ...
New Zealand First has today introduced a Member’s Bill which would restore decision-making power to local communities regarding the fluoridation of drinking water. The ‘Fluoridation (Referendum) Legislation Bill’ seeks to repeal the Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Act 2021 that granted centralised authority to the Direct General of Health ...
New Zealand First has introduced a Member’s Bill aimed at preventing banks from refusing their services to businesses because of the current “Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Framework”. “This Bill ensures fairness and prevents ESG standards from perpetuating woke ideology in the banking sector being driven by unelected, globalist, climate ...
Erica Stanford has reached peak shortsightedness if today’s announcement is anything to go by, picking apart immigration settings piece by piece to the detriment of the New Zealand economy. ...
Our originating document, theTreaty of Waitangi, was signed on February 6, 1840. An agreement between Māori and the British Crown. Initially inked by Ngā Puhi in Waitangi, further signatures were added as it travelled south. The intention was to establish a colony with the cession of sovereignty to the Crown, ...
Te Whatu Ora Chief Executive Margie Apa leaving her job four months early is another symptom of this government’s failure to deliver healthcare for New Zealanders. ...
The Green Party is calling for the Prime Minister to show leadership and be unequivocal about Aotearoa New Zealand’s opposition to a proposal by the US President to remove Palestinians from Gaza. ...
The latest unemployment figures reveal that job losses are hitting Māori and Pacific people especially hard, with Māori unemployment reaching a staggering 9.7% for the December 2024 quarter and Pasifika unemployment reaching 10.5%. ...
Waitangi 2025: Waitangi Day must be community and not politically driven - Shane Jones Our originating document, theTreaty of Waitangi, was signed on February 6, 1840. An agreement between Māori and the British Crown. Initially inked by Ngā Puhi in Waitangi, further signatures were added as it travelled south. ...
Despite being confronted every day with people in genuine need being stopped from accessing emergency housing – National still won’t commit to building more public houses. ...
The Green Party says the Government is giving up on growing the country’s public housing stock, despite overwhelming evidence that we need more affordable houses to solve the housing crisis. ...
Before any thoughts of the New Year and what lies ahead could even be contemplated, New Zealand reeled with the tragedy of Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming losing her life. For over 38 years she had faithfully served as a front-line Police officer. Working alongside her was Senior Sergeant Adam Ramsay ...
Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson will return to politics at Waitangi on Monday the 3rd of February where she will hold a stand up with fellow co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick. ...
Te Pāti Māori is appalled by the government's blatant mishandling of the school lunch programme. David Seymour’s ‘cost-saving’ measures have left tamariki across Aotearoa with unidentifiable meals, causing distress and outrage among parents and communities alike. “What’s the difference between providing inedible food, and providing no food at all?” Said ...
The Government is doubling down on outdated and volatile fossil fuels, showing how shortsighted and destructive their policies are for working New Zealanders. ...
Green Party MP Steve Abel this morning joined Coromandel locals in Waihi to condemn new mining plans announced by Shane Jones in the pit of the town’s Australian-owned Gold mine. ...
The Green Party is calling on the Government to strengthen its just-announced 2030-2035 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement and address its woeful lack of commitment to climate security. ...
Today marks a historic moment for Taranaki iwi with the passing of the Te Pire Whakatupua mō Te Kāhui Tupua/Taranaki Maunga Collective Redress Bill in Parliament. "Today, we stand together as descendants of Taranaki, and our tūpuna, Taranaki Maunga, is now formally acknowledged by the law as a living tūpuna. ...
The Government’s commitment to get New Zealand’s roads back on track is delivering strong results, with around 98 per cent of potholes on state highways repaired within 24 hours of identification every month since targets were introduced, Transport Minister Chris Bishop says. “Increasing productivity to help rebuild our economy is ...
The former Cadbury factory will be the site of the Inpatient Building for the new Dunedin Hospital and Health Minister Simeon Brown says actions have been taken to get the cost overruns under control. “Today I am giving the people of Dunedin certainty that we will build the new Dunedin ...
From today, Plunket in Whāngarei will be offering childhood immunisations – the first of up to 27 sites nationwide, Health Minister Simeon Brown says. The investment of $1 million into the pilot, announced in October 2024, was made possible due to the Government’s record $16.68 billion investment in health. It ...
New Zealand’s strong commitment to the rights of disabled people has continued with the response to an important United Nations report, Disability Issues Minister Louise Upston has announced. Of the 63 concluding observations of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), 47 will be progressed ...
Resources Minister Shane Jones has launched New Zealand’s national Minerals Strategy and Critical Minerals List, documents that lay a strategic and enduring path for the mineral sector, with the aim of doubling exports to $3 billion by 2035. Mr Jones released the documents, which present the Coalition Government’s transformative vision ...
Firstly I want to thank OceanaGold for hosting our event today. Your operation at Waihi is impressive. I want to acknowledge local MP Scott Simpson, local government dignitaries, community stakeholders and all of you who have gathered here today. It’s a privilege to welcome you to the launch of the ...
Racing Minister, Winston Peters has announced the Government is preparing public consultation on GST policy proposals which would make the New Zealand racing industry more competitive. “The racing industry makes an important economic contribution. New Zealand thoroughbreds are in demand overseas as racehorses and for breeding. The domestic thoroughbred industry ...
Business confidence remains very high and shows the economy is on track to improve, Economic Growth Minister Nicola Willis says. “The latest ANZ Business Outlook survey, released yesterday, shows business confidence and expected own activity are ‘still both very high’.” The survey reports business confidence fell eight points to +54 ...
Enabling works have begun this week on an expanded radiology unit at Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital which will double CT scanning capacity in Hawke’s Bay to ensure more locals can benefit from access to timely, quality healthcare, Health Minister Simeon Brown says. This investment of $29.3m in the ...
The Government has today announced New Zealand’s second international climate target under the Paris Agreement, Climate Change Minister Simon Watts says. New Zealand will reduce emissions by 51 to 55 per cent compared to 2005 levels, by 2035. “We have worked hard to set a target that is both ambitious ...
Nine years of negotiations between the Crown and iwi of Taranaki have concluded following Te Pire Whakatupua mō Te Kāhui Tupua/the Taranaki Maunga Collective Redress Bill passing its third reading in Parliament today, Treaty Negotiations Minister Paul Goldsmith says. “This Bill addresses the historical grievances endured by the eight iwi ...
As schools start back for 2025, there will be a relentless focus on teaching the basics brilliantly so all Kiwi kids grow up with the knowledge, skills and competencies needed to grow the New Zealand of the future, Education Minister Erica Stanford says. “A world-leading education system is a key ...
Housing Minister Chris Bishop and Associate Agriculture Minister Mark Patterson have welcomed Kāinga Ora’s decision to re-open its tender for carpets to allow wool carpet suppliers to bid. “In 2024 Kāinga Ora issued requests for tender (RFTs) seeking bids from suppliers to carpet their properties,” Mr Bishop says. “As part ...
Associate Education Minister David Seymour has today visited Otahuhu College where the new school lunch programme has served up healthy lunches to students in the first days of the school year. “As schools open in 2025, the programme will deliver nutritious meals to around 242,000 students, every school day. On ...
Minister for Children Karen Chhour has intervened in Oranga Tamariki’s review of social service provider contracts to ensure Barnardos can continue to deliver its 0800 What’s Up hotline. “When I found out about the potential impact to this service, I asked Oranga Tamariki for an explanation. Based on the information ...
A bill to make revenue collection on imported and exported goods fairer and more effective had its first reading in Parliament, Customs Minister Casey Costello said today. “The Customs (Levies and Other Matters) Amendment Bill modernises the way in which Customs can recover the costs of services that are needed ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden says the Department of Internal Affairs [the Department] has achieved significant progress in completing applications for New Zealand citizenship. “December 2024 saw the Department complete 5,661 citizenship applications, the most for any month in 2024. This is a 54 per cent increase compared ...
Reversals to Labour’s blanket speed limit reductions begin tonight and will be in place by 1 July, says Minister of Transport Chris Bishop. “The previous government was obsessed with slowing New Zealanders down by imposing illogical and untargeted speed limit reductions on state highways and local roads. “National campaigned on ...
The last good thing at the supermarket is gone. Mad Chapman mourns the Cadbury mini egg cartons. When life is overwhelming and it feels like every story around you is a bad news story, there are a few things that can be relied upon to instil a sense of calm, ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Stephen Parker, Honorary Professorial Fellow, Melbourne CSHE, The University of Melbourne Shutterstock Judges in Australian courtrooms have a lot of power. They can decide on someone’s guilt and the punishment for it, including lengthy prison time. But what if they get ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Louise Birrell, Researcher, Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use, University of Sydney Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock Australians are waiting an average of 12 years to seek treatment for mental health and substance use disorders, our new research shows. While ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Justine Bell-James, Professor, TC Beirne School of Law, The University of Queensland Almost 200 nations have signed an ambitious agreement to halt and reverse biodiversity loss but none is on track to meet the crucial goal, our new research reveals. The agreement, ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Philippa Collin, Professor, Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University Australian school students’ civics knowledge is the lowest it has been since testing began 20 years ago, according to new national data. Results have fallen since the last assessment in 2019 ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Sarah Buckley, Senior Research Fellow, Education Research, Policy and Development Division, Australian Council for Educational Research Michael Jung/ Shutterstock There is a persistent gender gap in Australian schools. Boys, on average, outperform girls in maths. We see this in national ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Felicity Deane, Professor, Queensland University of Technology Australian beef exports to the United States are GST-free and should not be subject to any retaliatory tariff. William Edge/Shutterstock The latest round of proposed tariffs from US President Donald Trump includes a response ...
As part of our series exploring how New Zealanders live and our relationship with money, a 36-year-old tertiary adviser and bartender shares her approach to spending and saving. Want to be part of The Cost of Being? Fill out the questionnaire here.Gender: Female. Age: 36. Ethnicity: Pākehā. Role: Tertiary adviser, ...
The change allows for devices that do screening, similar to at drink-drive checkpoints, rather than having to test oral fluid to an evidentiary standard. ...
Almost 40% of those departing NZ long-term are aged 18 to 30. What sort of country will they leave behind, asks Catherine McGregor in today’s extract from The Bulletin. To receive The Bulletin in full each weekday, sign up here. Young people leading the charge out the door Last year saw ...
New Health Minister Simeon Brown is presiding over a list of resignations from high-ranking health officials that some say is a "bloodbath". What's going on? ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Mark Rickerby, Lecturer, School of Product Design, University of Canterbury The Poly-1. MOTAT , CC BY-NC Some 45 years ago, a team of staff and students at Wellington Polytechnic designed and built a desktop computer with an operating system customised for ...
The Forum has raised concerns regarding the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill and the Regulatory Standards Bill, which, if enacted, will radically undermine existing human rights protections, Indigenous rights, and constitutional safeguards ...
The passage of time hasn’t been kind to Ngāi Tahu.When its High Court hearing over wai māori (freshwater) commenced last week, 52 months after the claim was filed, the tribe mourned the loss of two named first plaintiffs – Bishop Richard Wallace, of Makaawhio, and Theo Bunker, of Wairewa – ...
Margie Apa, Nicholas Jones, Diana Sarfati, the board of Health New Zealand … and will Lester Levy be next?The biggest names in our health service are tumbling like dominos.It’s been called a bloodbath and a crisis.What’s going on?Every day there’s a new story about shortages, patients having to wait for ...
Opinion: The coalition Government’s recent revisions to the business investor visa, officially the Active Investor Plus but commonly known as the ‘golden visa’, has put pay-for-residency back in the headlines. While many object to the commodification of citizenship implicit in this policy, questions should be asked about its potential as ...
One Christmas, to thank him for helping me hugely with my writing (on a mentor scheme), I sent Michael King a dark blue cashmere scarf. I chose it with the awful knowledge that he was battling cancer, and I somehow thought it might keep him warm and make him feel ...
Comment: Readers may recall the commentaries from academics that appeared on these pages as well as on many media outlets, alarmed and appalled by the disbanding of the Marsden panels for humanities and the social sciences.The Marsden Fund is a “blue skies” initiative established by Simon Upton in the 1990s. ...
Everything you missed from day five of the Treaty principles bill hearings, when the Justice Committee heard seven hours of submissions. Read our recaps of the previous hearings here.An “insult to every one of our tīpuna” was the first advice the Justice Committee heard on the Treaty principles bill ...
The same councillors who decry excessive spending on pet projects just voted to pump millions of dollars into a greenhouse for flowers. On Thursday last week, Wellington City Council voted to consult on repairing Begonia House, the greenhouse for exotic flowers in Wellington Botanic Garden. The options for repairs range ...
It’s important to respect people’s right to free speech and peaceful assembly, but how much political deference is due when it isn’t peaceful? Commenting on Destiny Church members storming a children’s event at the Te Atatū library and community centre on Saturday, prime minister Christopher Luxon said it’s important to ...
Comment: US is capitulating to Moscow’s demands before negotiations over Ukraine even begin The post The day the West died appeared first on Newsroom. ...
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Asia Pacific Report Two Palestinian resistance groups have condemned “the brutal assault” on prisoners at Ofer Prison, saying it was “barbaric criminal behaviour that reflects the fascist and terrorist nature of” Israel. In the joint statement, Hamas and Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ) called the attack a “miserable attempt” by Israel ...
By Caleb Fotheringham, RNZ Pacific journalist in Avarua, Rarotonga Cook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown hopes to have “an opportunity to talk” with the New Zealand government to “heal some of the rift”. Brown returned to Avarua on Sunday afternoon (Cook Islands Time) following his week-long state visit to China, ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Sonia R. Grover, Clinical Professor of Gynaecology, The University of Melbourne Polina Zimmerman/Pexels Menstruation, or a period, is the bleeding that occurs about monthly in healthy people born with a uterus, from puberty to menopause. This happens when the endometrium, the ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Ella Barclay, Senior Lecturer, School of Art and Design, Australian National University Despite the perceived outrage at Khaled Sabsabi’s depiction of Hassan Nasrallah in his 2007 work You, Australian art has long made subjects of outlaws and questionable figures. And it is ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Louise Pryke, Honorary Research Associate, Department of Classics and Ancient History, University of Sydney Lisa Tomasetti/Opera Australia “It’s an old song”, Hermes (Christine Anu) sings at the opening of Hadestown, but “we’re gonna sing it again and again”. Based on a ...
An additional $13 million will be invested in tourism infrastructure, including upgrading huts and resolving the backlog in Milford Sound concessions. ...
The reality is that we have no obligation to tolerate the intolerant. They are using violence to shut down and silence others. The result of tolerating intolerant views is the loss of everyone’s freedom of speech except for the one who most effectively ...
How biased is the New Zealand media?
“David Cunliffe says his Queenstown ski holiday has left him “recharged” and ready to take the battle to Prime Minister John Key in the two-month countdown to election day.”
But the Labour leader threatens to be distracted by internal ill-discipline and criticisms over his judgment, including the holiday itself and a meeting last week with a prominent New Zealander given name suppression on charges of performing an indecent act.”
“Leaving the country in the hands of deputy Bill English, Prime Minister John Key took a holiday “selfie”, posted on Instagram yesterday by son Max.
The photo was titled “pre-golf game”.
Mr Key has taken 10 days out from his pre-election schedule for an overseas holiday. It is believed he is staying at his holiday home on the Hawaiian island of Maui.”
A bit of context is missing from your analysis. Labour is not getting any traction in the polls and Cunliffe has not got as high a profile as Key. Labour may well have benefited from Cunliffe not going on holiday and working on the campaign. National has the flexibility not to have Key doing the same. Certainly there is disquiet amongst Labour MP’s and not amongst National. That is a story in itself.
No one working long hours can perform at their best – their capability declines and their productivity diminishes.
Interestingly – informal polls in both Herald and Dom Post show majority of people thinking it okay for Cunliffe to take his holiday break. I think the media might have boobed on this issue – most people will think it sensible of him, and give him some sympathy/empathy on it.
Quite possibly so. I think they will be less sympathetic to him meeting with a sex offender though.
The sex offender isn’t in the Labour Party though, is he? Far from it!
I thought he met with an ex-National MP, if he met with anyone. Who was the sex offender, Gooseman?
Did you not read the article in question?
Yeah. The persistent allegation of National paying their unwanted MPs off for $300k definitely needs looking at. It explains why so many of them have left so happily. But since it has been done as a backroom deal without the voters being involved, it does leave some questions about the role of the National party somewhat cloudy…
There is also the question about where National is finding the money for this and their other extravagances over the last decade. They seem to have far more money floating around than their sources of published sources of income suggest that they should have.
You seem to be assuming that they have paid off the retiring MP’s. I thought $300 k was quite excessive especially considering Kim Dotcom’s donation to IMP of around 4 million was meant to have made them the highest funded party in NZ. Of course by all means look in to these allegations but it would be churlish to complain the media aren’t doing so if the left is also not doing so.
Weird Gossman. What do you propose we do? Ring up National HQ and ask them “is there any truth to the rumour that retiring Nat MPs are being paid $300k to go?”
Why doesn’t an Opposition MP raise it at question time?
Oh please just take Keys word as gospel. Nothing he says needs any investigation, he’s the purist of the pure and when he says a senior Labour MP is upset with Cunliffe taking three days to recharge just believe him will you…
Ummmm… I believe I stated that this should be investigated and highlighted one way this could be done. Why doesn’t an Opposition MP ask a question about it?
Nah, Keys word is enough for me and the media, how dare you!!
By the way, your absence at the airport to welcome dear leader back was duly noted, best keep your head up your ass and hide for a while…
Are questions that are purely to do with the internal organisation and running of a political party allowed in Question Time? I thought Question Time was about parliamentary business.
(NB: Brendan Horan alleged misuse of parliamentary resources by NZFirst)
Funding of political parties are fair game i would have thought. Certainly Winston Peters found this out over the Owen Glenn situation back in 2008.
How is National Party giving $300k donations to its own MPs anything to do with “funding of political parties”?
Sure, where did they get so much money to splash around like that, but the actual fact (or belief) that they are spending it in that manner, is a matter for the party, not the public (as much as I would like that to become public…).
The Speaker will no doubt use ‘no ministerial responsibility’ to stop any questions
persistent allegation? its only come up on left wing blog sites, from commentators dubious at best. i would be very surprised if this was going on and media commentators didn’t know about it.
I would be very surprised if this was going on and media commentators didn’t know about it, and were prepared to risk their future career by upsetting dear leader.
Err, no you didn’t. fixing would be taking someone with journalistic credibility and showing me where they “didn’t investigate because john key told them not too”
If this was actually true, like seriously and actually more than just bullshit presented by left wing bloggers, then at least Bomber, maybe gordon campbell, more likely nicky f$%#ing hagar would be all over it.
Iprent,when donKey first become PM,it was reported that he donated his salary to charity.Is that still the case,an what charity.
Since then he has described the National Party as a charity, so I’ll let you come to your own conclusion over that one..
It was claimed he gave a “portion” of his salary to charity – well a portion could be .5 of a percent couldn’t it?
Yeah, then again it’s pretty hard to tell what he’s saying at the best of times, he may have meant it goes into the Porsche in’ golf cart kitty…
I take it you missed the subtitle which implies that “David Cunliffe spent his vacation meeting a sex offender”, despite the fact that only a few people in the press are aware of this person’s crimes due to name suppression.
There’s also the headline “Cunliffe upset” to make him look as if he was having a little cry about it. Why not the more accurate “Cunliffe angry” or “Cunliffe rebuts”.
They aren’t even trying to hide it now, and they will keep going until someone gives them a reason to stop.
This is really obscene. She is running a Cameron Slater smear line. Slater is spinning it for all he can. Cunliffe is of course not able to respond and the Herald itself is getting close to breaching the suppression order.
Quite obscene really. Yet another example of right wing black ops.
considering who has the name suppression,
you would think they would not be rolling the maul his way
Their tactic seems to be that if they smear the mud around then both sides get tarnished.
There is a website which has the information and it is available to view in NZ right now, what are the legal restrictions of linking to it? or referring to it by name?
We can’t speculate on the identity although Google normally provides an answer very quickly. What is appalling is the smear that is going on Cunliffe. Slater started it and the Herald have picked up on it. Absolutely obscene. Are we going to have to spend all campaign time on rebutting smears?
Apparently so.
Easy to find out who it was.
That’s an eye opener.
Not sure why you are surprised by who it is. If there is one sport in which there is a persistent ‘rape culture’ amongst a proportion of it’s players and supporters I’d have thought rugby would be it.
If asked to pick, I would have picked many before him.
The ability of foreign websites to effectively publish into NZ raises all kinds of curly questions about what is publishing and where that takes place, but effectively they are outside thee reach of NZ law. But everyone in the southern lakes area knows exactly who this is, and you’ll certainly never see him on TV again. You wonder why fight suppression so hard when all it does is have the effect of having everyone focus on finding out who he is. 30 seconds on google is all that is needed.
Re the Cunliffe meeting – it is a beat up as you would expect in a political campaign. The real question is the judgement and political nous of Cunliffe and his advisors. For them not to know of this guys background is remarkable. This is like the photo of Brash walking the plank – not a big deal in itself but just unnecessary and adds to the distractions.
Audrey Young has written an irresponsible and unethical article today and she should be ASHAMED. She knows very well that this kind of display in this sensitive pre-election period is potentially very damaging.
A journalist of Audrey’s mature years should be one of the media playing a critical and positive role in a well-functioning democracy.
Instead she references an offender with ongoing name suppression. Cunliffe had no idea of this person’s history and nor should he. He did check with astute local politicians in Queenstown – but they also had no idea of this person’s history – that’s the effect name suppression has.
But what Audrey has failed to disclose is the strong links the offender has had to the National Party. As the daughter of a National Cabinet Minister she’d be better just to frankly disclose her conflict of interest than to pretend she is a professional journalist capable of writing in an unbiased way.
Today I cancelled my Herald and Sunday Star Times subscriptions. The Guardian Weekly will be it for me from here on as I’ve tired of the NZ trash.
Try BBC’s “A History of the World in 100 Objects” podcasts.
Great for getting to sleep.
Otherwise I get up at 5am for 10k’s run just to deal with the stress of this election.
“Today I cancelled my Herald and Sunday Star Times subscriptions.”
Send an email to tell them what you think and also write to their ‘letters to the editor’ column also? Might as well leave with a loud bang.
Agreed. Meeting with this person is in no way indicative of support. It is the image and perception which is the problem especially given Cunliffe’s comments about sexual offending to Woman’s refuge.
For feck’s sake Gosman. Cunliffe said he was not aware. He is good but he is not omnipotent. It is a shame you do not apply the same expectations to Key. If you did you would be voting Labour without hesitation.
And Slater is the last one who should be writing about this stuff.
Has Slater got some sexual assault history in his backstory ?
Key meets with Economic Hitmen all the time, and the NZ Herald never pulls him up on it.
Exactly, it’s not the Labour Leader who should be embarrassed about that offender!
Ms @ Its got Crosby Textor written all over it. And by the way for the comment below about Audrey’s father, her brother is the current National MP for New Plymouth.
What I would like to know is “Audrey, your point in bringing this up is????? How is this relevant to what Labour will do for NZders? There is a name suppression order against this. Is Cunliffe suppose to be a mind reader”.
Her brother is the current National MP for New Plymouth
Don’t think so. He’s the son of former Taranaki National MP, Venn Young.
She’s the daughter of former Miramar National MP, Bill Young.
Tom, It would be interesting to know the results of a poll among MPs on who knew this sexual predator’s name. I would be 99.9%. How do you know what the media knows or does not know? I and many others found out by various means including search engines and overseas websites. If Cunliffe did not know which is possible as he was sick and on holiday he was set up.
Gosman, the TV3 poll was not too bad all things considered. (Ignore Gower’s ravings).
Nats 49.4
Lab/Gr/IMP/NZF 45.7
Given that the Cons vote, 2.7%, is now likely to be wasted a 3% shift to the Left/NZF from the Nats would be enough to give that grouping power.
A 7% shift to Lab/Gr/IMP would give the Left power. I know this sounds a lot but these polls were taken during the ridiculous MSM’s attack on Cunliffe’s brave “man” speech and even Gower is starting to say that IMP is going “up and up” and they have only just started.
This election will go to the wire. I liked Cunliffe’s positive “we will come out fighting” on TV3 News tonight.
If you think that was a positive poll for Labour compared to others good luck to you.
Gos, as I told you the other day Labours vote does not really matter. This is MMP, its the total vote of the Left or Right that matters. And you fekkers are in deep proverbial.
That is only partially and technically correct. The coalition needs to be led by a well supported party. Labour’s vote should go to at least about 33%. My party vote will definitely be for Labour.
I’m not really sure that there needs to be a “first among equals” sort of party in a coalition.
No reason for a 20:20:11 coalition to be any better than a 30:11:10 coalition, as far as I can see.
Labour is a party with vast experience/history that works for a very BROAD section of the population, has well thought out costed and responsible and environmental workable non extreme policies rather than narrow (though may be important) agendas. I think it will be a mistake in the long term for all the progressives parties if Labour is weak and the minor parties, the Greens and the Internet-Mana are equal or more prominent in the coalition. In my opinion, it is imperative that Labour must have the most votes of about at least 33% in the coalition of the partnership parties.
While I agree that having a broad left party is important (and for the sake of conversation grant the assumption that Labour currently fits that bill – cue a self-loathing labourite to enter the thread 🙂 ), that doesn’t mean that broad left policies wouldn’t be followed by a coalition with a less-dominant labour party.
Broad policies are the common ground of the left, so even if Labour didn’t exist mana and the greens, for example, would have common policy areas around minimum wage and so on. Having a broad left party ensures that this common ground is remembered and helps prevent things like cabotage falling through the policy-development cracks.
A significant majority of people don’t appear to see it that way. So who is deluded?
Clemgeopin, consider Lab5, the winter of discontent scare campaign, and the subsequent timidity of Labour. A left Government comprising a Green Party in the 20%+ territory, Mana on 10%+ etc will be much less likely to buckle when faced with such tactics.
It’s not so much a lack of policy agenda on the left; the ability to withstand the juggernaut from the right after the election counts as well.
National plunge from 53% to 49.4%!!!!
John Key should resign! He should resign do you hear!?
Do you hear that John Armstrong? Are you listening?
If you think that was a positive poll for Labour compared to others good luck to you
The latest 3 News Reid Research Poll was good for Labour in the context of the last 4 polls (ie those of July), and a fairly average poll for Labour in the context of the last 6 weeks.
More importantly, it was above average for both the Left Bloc and the broader Opposition Bloc (Left + NZ First) in the context of both the July Polls and the Polls of the last 6 weeks.
FYI, the last poll the Conservatives were on 1.2%
” Certainly there is disquiet amongst Labour MP’s and not amongst National. That is a story in itself.”
yeah – thats nonsense –
there is zero evidence that this is coming from a labour MP as opposed to slater, and i do hope your going to try and claim there arent factions in national
The Herald is owned by big business corporates who support the National Party, wtf do you expect?
Your comment needs some adding to it, anger can be power, there is no point banging on endlessly about the ugly media’s attacks on Labour,
Anger can be power, use the anger at the media as fuel to campaign harder, when the enemy, in this case most of the high profile media ‘personalities’ in the country see that their attacks hurt they will naturally keep on doing just that,
Laugh at them…
Three days in Queenstown brings on this anti-Cunliffe fury ? For fuck sake ! While that poncey piece of shit for a man TheGodKey minces round Hawaii for ten days auditioning for the fucking E! Channel.
On top of the ‘seminal’ matter of an eleven year old standard form letter – not different in essence from probably 10,000 letters since written by MPs duty-bound to write them – what the fuck is this nation coming to ?
I’m stopping for petrol at 6.20 this morning – some RNZ wet behind the ears puppy journalist, for all money reading from a script like she didn’t even understand what she was reading – “Mr Cunliffe, do you really want to be prime minister ?” For fuck sake ! A weekend and a day ???
I nearly cleaned up the local Caltex I’ll tell you. On account of a sudden visitation by a staccato “WinstonMediaSlap” –
Three possibilities – (1) the faceless very powerful see Cunliffe PM as REALLY threatening, (2) TheGodKey’s power-celebrity lust is REALLY pathological, (3) we as a nation REALLY are but E! Channel.
If it’s (1) the question is “What rorts are they hiding ?”, if it’s (2) the faceless in (1) own the bitch, and if it’s (3) read ‘psycho-pathological’ in (2). And agree that we’re fucked I guess !
Bugger ! I was raised to believe we had a good country……
I saw susan wood last night getting herself in a snit over some un named MP who supposedly rang her up and told her that they were angry because DC was having a break.
It all comes back to her.
why didnt she check up with someone else.
name the person wooods!
Is she a reporter or just a tattler for the tories.
This style of conducting poltiics is getting creepier and creepier.
persons like woods seem to be in control of the discourse but not of it.
But could you identify a phone call from Key when he’s got his hanky over the receiver… would be just as hard as identifying Shane Jones calling you with his mouth full of caviar..
His diplomatic title is “First Sealord”.
Well that’s an improvement on his previous lord semen title.
yee gawds man, a trigger warning would have been appropriate…
sorry mate 😈
First Sealord. Love it 🙂
Susan Wood
The epitome of everything that is wrong with NZ media.
And i notice that IMP and NZF both had their meetings this weekend and NO negative press so it’s just a targeted and concerted attack on Labour and even more importantly Cunliffe him self so who’s scared of who??
Check out the Dominions editorial this morning (aka blame Putin for everything)…with a balanced viewpoint
Now tell me if the MSM are worth listening to.
I had a dream
Not, “I have a dream” (not that I don’t)
But I had a dream.
I woke up this morning at 3am with a start. I had had vivid dream that Laila Harre had just been made Prime Minister.
In my Dream Laila Harre passed through Papakura in a train. Hundreds of people were gathered on the platform to greet Prime Minister Harre. As the train slowly pulled out of the station people ran beside the moving train. I was one of them. I ran beside the train window where Laila Harre was standing. I caught her eye, there were tears in her eyes. But steel in her heart.
Laila Harre is the future that New Zealand never had.
Vote Internet Mana.
So what sparked such a vivid dream.
Yesterday while Lynn Prentice was attending the New Zealand First conference I attended the Mana Road show at the Kelston community hall.
If you get a chance, attend the Mana Roadshow when it comes to your town. If it was anything like what I saw, believe me it is something you don’t want to miss and will remember forever.
It was the old style barnstorming of the 1930s reborn, the hall was packed there was standing room only. The speeches were unmassaged, unvarnished, raw. None of the speakers had had a makeover Dotcom was still as large as ever, in tracksuit and trainers, speaking a thick German accent. Harawira was still the unrepentant Maori Nationalist.
But somehow the mix had become distilled into something greater than its parts.
Dotcom spoke of how as a teenager he had hacked NASA to find out if there really were aliens. And had hacked the bundesbank to five the German Prime Minister of the time, who he didn’t like, a zero credit rating. For these crimes he was convicted. It is these convictions that the government here is holding against him. But in Germany at his sentencing the judge said you have a gift, you should make something of this gift, perhaps you could tell these companies you hacked how to protect themselves. After the court case he wrote up a business plan and presented it to the authorities, imagine his surprise when the German government despite his convictions gave him a $million dollar zero interest loan for twenty years. This government loan was the basis of his current success. This $million dollars allowed him to hire staff and start his business and within two years even though he didn’t have to, he paid the loan back. Dotcom said, this is what we should be doing in New Zealand. We should be encouraging start ups, and innovators and this is what internet Mana proposes. A large part of the meeting was about the new smart and sustainable technology. Dotcom spoke of the Internet Mana committment to full free education. What is the point he said of lumbering our best and brightest with massive debts which they have to go overseas to pay off, where they start companies and make friends and contacts and maybe meet the love of their life and never return to help make this country grow into what it could be. Laila Harre’s speech was also devoted to education and the sustainable smart technology and the need to get away from fossil fuel use. She spoke of climate change three times. Unlike David Cunliffe the leader of the Labour Party who never mentioned it once in his inaugural election speech.
But the thing was, Laila Harre wasn’t the best speaker, nor was it Kim Dotcom, nor was it Hone Harawira or Annette Sykes. Not that their speeches were bad, they were great. But the best speech of the night was from John Minto. Talk about speaking truth to power, this man has been doing it all his life. When you hear John Minto speak you know everything he says has been researched, is accurate, is thoughtful and considered and because of that compelling. If you have never heard John Minto speak, be prepared to be inspired. Be prepared to be moved, be prepared to be shaken.
Be prepared to vote.
Both Minto and Harre need to be in parliament.
If you consider yourself Left and you don’t vote Internet Mana on the list then you will miss the chance to see Annette Sykes, John Minto and Laila Harre in Parliament and the future of this country will be very dark indeed.
Well written Jenny,(except for the swipes in your usual directions), did you get to hear of future dates for the InternetMana roadshow when it gets to travel the rest of the motu,
DotCom need not waste his data searching for evidence of aliens these days, apparently said aliens were gathered in an unnamed hotel this weekend for a discussion on world domination…
Wish I’d been there! Is it available to view online?
Given the premise of the Internet Party they better have it up online!!!
Nope not on their Website or their You tube site either, most disappointing, if you can’t get to these events..
There is a short break for the Internet Party’s national music tour – the Party Party from July 23-26 . Internet MANA then hits the road again in the Waikato, Taranaki, Manawatu-Whanganui and Wellington.
Wednesday, July 23 The Studio, Auckland + James Cabaret, Wellington 19:30
Thursday, July 24 The Foundary, Christchurch – 10 Bar, Dunedin 19:00
Tuesday, July 29 Rotorua Distinction Hotel, 390 Fenton Street 6pm
Wednesday, July 30 Hamilton Waikato University, PriceWaterhouseCoopers Lecture Theatre 6pm
Thursday, July 31 New Plymouth New Plymouth Boys’ High School 6pm
Saturday, August 2 Whanganui War Memorial Conference Centre 2pm
Sunday, August 3 Ratana Church Service, Waipounamu St 11am
Palmerston North Convention Centre 2pm
Monday August 4 Wellington Mac’s Function Centre 6pm
I found some links to where people can buy tickets online.
Disclaimer: I do not get any commission nor am I a member of IMP! But I will be at their event this week.
Auckland – July 23, The Studio
Christchurch – July 24, The Foundry
Wellington – July 25, James Cabaret
Dunedin – July 26, Sammy’s
R18: $20+bf Students, $30+bf Public
(What is “bf”?)
Btw, if someone connected with the IMP organisers is reading this, can that Facebook link for the South Island be fixed up?
It looks like the Christchurch event has been conflated with the Dunedin event (re: “Thursday, July 24 The Foundary, Christchurch – 10 Bar, Dunedin 19:00”)
And the online links for purchasing tickets, as I have noted, should be given wider publicity to attract greater numbers.
I have no connection to IMP, other than being on a mailing list as I am with many things, but know there has been contact made about the front page dates being clarified.
All good, thanks, and may you live fully according to your chosen handle!
Looks like a ticket clipping $3 booking fee (“bf”)
Over the weekend, the Dunedin venue was changed; from Sammy’s in the rundown warehouse part of town, to 10 Bar in the Octagon. Mainly to focus more on the student audience. This means that all the publicity (posters etc) has to be updated this week – the date is still the 26th, hopefully the Facebook page will be fixed soon.
The old tickets are still valid even if they do say Sammy’s. But it does mean that some poor volunteer will have to miss the gig and stand outside Sammy’s redirecting those who haven’t got the update – hope it’s not snowing for them!
that is a good review jenny..
..i was there..and you have captured it well..
..the room was electric..
..internet/mana is like a just-woken tiger…
..getting ready to roar…
Thank you Phillip. There is a lot more I could have said. Like for instance, Te Hamua Nikora the Mana Party candidate for Ikaroa Rawhiti who acted as MC.
Te Hamua described the Mana Party as a rugby team that ran onto the field to face the All Blacks and standing in bare feet. Te Hamua introduced Kim Dotcom as the man who supplied us with boots.
Kim Dotcom’s first comments were thanking New Zealanders for coming to his aid in his time of need. He mentioned the many thousands messages of support, he mentioned the person who lent him a car when he needed one, (his whole collection had been confiscated), he mentioned the people who gave him money and bought food to his house when he didn’t have a cent to buy groceries because all his funds had been completely frozen. He said that if it hadn’t been for this outflowing of support when he most needed it he would have given up.
Dotcom said that the founding of the Internet Party had nothing to do with his extradition. He said he founded the Internet Party in gratitude as his gift to New Zealand.
“Dotcom said that the founding of the Internet Party had nothing to do with his extradition. He said he founded the Internet Party in gratitude as his gift to New Zealand.”
That’s the biggest lol of this 1% lonies taking over the asylum day on the standard.
Thanks for that.
hoots was sounding kinda desperate on rnz..
..first he was saying dotcom has got nothing..
..then he had an elongated whine about glenn greenwald coming to that town hall key-dump/roast…
..all about ‘foreign journalists’ coming here ‘to influence our election’..
..and hoots deserves a special award for the most use of the word ‘foreigner’ in a single sentence..
..(surpassing even peters at his most xenophobic/bellicose..)
..and i’m sure that in the studio..he was waving his arms around in an alarming manner..each time he said ‘foreigner’…
..his upper lip curled back up over his he does when he gets particularly fraught…
..and likely flecks of foam involved..
..somewhere in the process.. was all quite a hoot…
What Mathew Hooton neglects to mention in his rants against foreigners, is that New Zealand is not a state of US, but a sovereign country. One thing you will never from Mathew Hooton is a rant against those New Zealanders who willingly and illegally intercepted our communications and passed them on to this ‘foreign power’. Or complain about our Prime Minister who all but resides in a US controlled territory, who changed the law to make this illegal mass spying on us and the handing of our megadata over to the US legal.
This review sounds very similar to a review I read recently about someone who went to listen to Hitler in 1936.
I have no doubt that Internet/Mana is something new and will turn out to be bigger than many think – but when people like Jenny carry on like a many fell for Hitler I start to worry.
barry, take your sodding racism elsewhere then you won’t have to worry about it here.
Decide for me Barry, i just cant quite place your comment in an appropriate category, (a) being a bit of a Godwin there do you not think, and (b), just a piece of abject stupidity considering that no-one will be voting for DotCom,
Hint: its the policies and the front runners on the InternetMana Party List that we will be voting for…
You do realise that armed black shirts went knocking down the door to Dotcom’s home, not the other way around?
What’s with the Godwin shite there Barry? Or are you just one of these Glass half empty sort of people.
he seems more akin to ‘instructions on toothpick packs are too complex’ sort of people
Lolz freedom, that a good one…
@ Barry,
I think Key’s popularity is far more a parallel of the review that you read.
Jenny, that is an excellent and inspiring post!
Good on you.
Goodness gracious me! Even John Armstrong sounds excited!
If any spies from the Labour, Green or Maori parties infiltrated yesterday’s Internet Mana rally in West Auckland, they would have come away with very worried looks on their faces.
The Maori Party, in particular, should be afraid, very afraid. The main hall of the Kelston Community Centre was packed to the gunnels. There was not so much a buzz of excitement as a raging ferment of noise as the audience waited patiently for proceedings to begin.
Say what you like about Kim Dotcom. Say what you like about Laila Harre’s initially hard-to-understand decision to team up with the internet tycoon – all that paled into utter insignificance yesterday. There was instead a hint of history being made. The chance to fund and build a new movement of the left is not an opportunity to be squandered. The likes of Kim Dotcom do not come along very often. Neither is such a collective of credible activists always on hand to run such an outfit as is the case with Internet Mana.
John Armstrong will be on gardening leave if he keeps that up. It was definitely that kind of atmosphere, not something dreamed up by the usual suspects including me, here.
As the Roadshow heads South it leaves Hone country so it will be interesting to see if the full halls so far continue, I suspect the Rotorua event will be a good one too.
—Tuesday, July 29, Rotorua, Distinction Hotel, 390 Fenton Street, 6pm—
Spot on…Rotorua, Hamilton, New Plymouth…if he pulls big crowds IMP could be on to something on Sept 20.
Isn’t that a strange piece of actual journalism from that old so and so Armstrong, not so much a factual portrayal of what the main players at the event had to say but a well thought through opinion piece on the mood of those who turned up in Auckland,
(i wish such journalists would deign to do some of the real work that should be their bread and butter, like querying attendees as to IF they voted in 2011 for instance so we can gauge where the obviously growing support is likely to be coming from),
ianmac’s comment above pretty much encapsulates the whole of Armstrong’s Herald piece on the InternetMana Parties Auckland leg of the roadshow, but, who would have thunk it, you wont find the article on the main page of the Herald’s online version,
You have to ‘click on’ Opinion at the top of the page where presumably the poor panicked a/hole that edits that particular piece of trash decided to bury it…
lol, you have in your possession such a deft turn of phrase!
There must be two people with the name John Minto involved in New Zealand politics.
You describe one with the words
“everything he says has been researched, is accurate, is thoughtful and considered”
Perhaps you could tell me who the other one is the produced this totally laughable contribution for The Daily Blog? This was prepared by someone who claims to be the finance spokesman for his party.
Hint. If you think it has any relationship to being “accurate, thoughtful and considered” start by looking at the difference between average and marginal rates of tax. You can continue by trying to find anything at all that is sensible about the piece.
Alwyn, the fact that the ‘wing-nuts’ disagree with John Minto simply has me doubly sure that my vote cast for InternetMana will have all the better impact,
The stuff of your nightmares right, if John Armstrong is putting out the big hint of a 5% InternetMana vote at election 2014 just how big will it get…
Did you read the article I linked to?
If so do you really think it is valid to calculate the “total tax paid” in the way he does?
Do you really not see anything wrong with it, and would you try and justify his calculations?
If so I fear there is very little hope for you.
You can vote for him if you want to. However to say that everything he says has “been researched, is accurate” etc is a joke.
Nope, seems reasonable. It shows what percentage of income different groups of people are paying in tax.
You really don’t get it do you? Minto puts in a column that is the MARGINAL rate of tax, adds an estimate of GST to it and then claims that that would be the AVERAGE rate of tax.
The average income is about $52,000/year. According to Minto you would pay income tax of about $16,500 from that (31.7%)
If you look at the tax calculation in the IR3 booklet you don’t pay that at all. What you do pay on $52,000 taxable income is $8,620. That is only about half the amount.
The silly fellow is quoting marginal rates and then treating them as average rates.
I suppose the true believers, such as yourself accept, his numbers so why shouldn’t he just continue to spout his fantasies.
This is fairly typical of his methods of course. You will note that in his article he makes no attempt to justify his claim that the very rich pay negligible tax. Why bother. His fans happily accept anything he says.
Alwyn, i will say this slooo–ooowly for you as you seem to be a little slow today, you know when on the ‘course’ you hear the yelled ‘four’, you are supposed to take cover, being struck repeatedly by objects moving at speed will leave you brain damaged,
The argument you put up comes down to this, you do not agree with John Minto, therefor my counter argument is i do agree with John Minto, you propose nothing else than this,
Bill Rosenberg the CTU economist did the actual research which pointed out the unfairness of the tax system, the circular argument has been going round and round ever since,
While i understand what both Minto and Rosenberg are on about such arguments can never become a ‘settled truth’ as both left and right continue to talk past each other using differing data to base their conclusions upon,
On a more visceral level i fully understand how the tax burden impacts on me to a far greater extent than those swinging from the income tree at a higher level than myself,
Directly addressing income inequality starting at the level of the beneficiary will of course resolve the issues John Minto and Bill Rosenberg canvas,
The imposition of the living wage for every adult currently not in receipt of such monies weekly, including beneficiaries, would be the ‘fix’ that i tend to see as the ideal…
The two pics I took there:
First one: Taken just before it started. Still had many more people to come in.
Second one: Taken when Laila Harre was speaking.
Annette Sykes as PM would be something.
the speakers all a major way..
..but both sykes and harre lifted the roof off…
Annette’s sharp ae, Marama Davidson of the Green Party also has such a sharp mind, i will suggest that when ‘the roadshow’ hits Rotorua that will be the start of the waiata starting the tangi for the Maori Party,
Polling 2.5% on my TV last night and from a Reid Research Poll at that, i am starting to sniff 5% for InternetMana and if i allow myself an ‘in my wildest dreams moment’ this could get Big…
with you on that Bad .. at least 5%. here be dragons.
3% to 4% on the day which counts would be a magnificent achievement. 4-5 MPs. Anything beyond that is really a dream, but they also have a tonne of challenges to get through first, esp Sept 15.
They’re talking the language that Labour should be.
I am gobsmacked! Did John Armstrong REALLY write this about the Internet Mana Kelston meeting?
The zombie ‘living dead’ author of that opinion piece is trying to make the best out of a worrying situation for National.
He focuses exclusively about the Left in the piece but does not say that Nats are very concerned about the groundswell of support for IMP.
IMP is now the party that is cool and the Prime Puppet of the Nat Party is no longer cool. He has long given up his show of ‘smile and wave’ that is now replaced by the routine of lie and feck off to Hawaii.
At my workplace, the Nat parents are saying their kids who will be voting are supporting IMP. Good on them. Let’s wish them a good time at IMP’s “Party Party – The Global Movement”:
If the party party engages more young people politically, and gets them voting, then that’s a very good thing.
Armstrong opens his article by focusing on putting an IMP wedge into the left. You are right, Kiwiri, that JA is transferring his fears of IMP taking the momentum from right wing parties. Must be giving him a few sleepless hours.
And was there a hint or whiff of anti-Maori slant from the zombied writer? He is a disgrace.
You do know that the list and electorate votes never match up. And that Maori seats have a lot less voters and so exaggerate the effect. Basically Harra gets in if the Mana gets One MP and a large Mana list vote, but if Mana takes all the Maori seats the Harra needs a much greater list vote than she would have needed if those were the same number of general seats. i.e. the harder she worked, the more traction she gets is hurt by the more Moari electorate seats Mana wins!!!
Yet its worse!
KimDotCom is a rich white european, working general seater voters are not his natural supporters especially since he gave Banks donations!!! Banks being an ACT party leader!
Now your Maori voter has no such fear since the more Mana seats in the Maori electorate the more likely even Harra wont get into parliament, and so no Dotcom.
Party Vote Green, Vote Mana in the Maori seats, Labour in the general seats. And Key LOSES.
Cunliffe should ask his MP’s to sign a statement to the effect that they did not speak to the Dom Post journalist and then present it to the Dom Post.
And ask that the journalist confirm or deny to the editor and public that it was or was not an MP who spoke to them.
If all the MP’s sign and the Dom Post offer no response take them to the Press Council.
While published in the Sunday Star Times, it was also on the Stuff and Dom Post sites.
Notice that Key referred to a “Senior Labour MP.” Wonder where he got that from?
In any case it seems so unlikely that an MP would cut his own lifeline in a confidential chat to a journalist. I still think the source was someone like Cameron Slater.
he got it out of his arse, like his economic policies.
Could be Cameron Slater – Senior ‘Labour; Malignant Pathologist – as in specialising in spreading infectious rumours about Labour.
Good idea. You should email Mr Cunliffe and the Labour president your suggestion.
If they find the alleged MP, he/she should be sacked asap irrespective of the consequences..
In a different world Internet Mana would be duking it out with the Greens as the lead opposition party in this election because it is unequivocally left and embracing the new. Hard lefties have sniffed at the “libertarian” edge to the Internet Party but the mostly working class Westie audience had loud applause for free tertiary and universal internet access policies and online policy creation by members. Plus No to TPPA, Royal Commission on all the spooks, independent foreign policy, moratorium on extractive activities, tax free first $27,000 and so on.
The IMP Roadshow Kelston edition was exceptional for a political meeting from the set up with King Kapisi. Professionally staged but a live feel. The leaders and lead candidates complemented each other well, the body language said these people like each other and are having fun, sounds unbelievable doesn’t it in these sometimes turgid columns.
Te Hamua Nikora MC’ed in a stand up style aimed at including everyone while managing not to be condescending. As Laila reminded, the hall had seen the launch and conclusion of many successful political campaigns before during Alliance days including bringing a full hospital to Waitakere and fighting the sale of Ports of Auckland.
Best speaker for me was Annette Sykes, punchy style with a lawyers grasp of detail. Minto is widely liked too by the very people Key and torys spit on. IMP is a small player but will likely deservedly help decide the election result. Get to a Roadshow event if you can.
free tertiary and universal internet access policies and online policy creation by members. Plus No to TPPA, Royal Commission on all the spooks, independent foreign policy, moratorium on extractive activities, tax free first $27,000 and so on.
Pretty much all Green Party policies – may be slight differences in the finer details, but the GP have worked long on making the policies workable.
won’t it be great if the greens do really well..and internet/mana do really well..
..then together..
..they can persuade labour to return to its’ roots/original reasons for being..?
..and enact those left/green/progressive policies they hold in common..?
..doesn’t that have hints of a masterplan..of sorts..?
..and really..nobody has copyright on those/any ‘left/green/progressive’ policy ideas..
..just look at peters..with his ‘cool’ no gst on food policy..
..what’s not to love about that one..?
..a good idea is a good idea..
..something to be shared..and thus achieved..
..not something to be churlishly clung-to..
..thus ensuring less chance of that achieving..?
@ karol.. you recall just when the greens introduced ‘ online policy creation by members.’..? memories are the greens being like most other political parties in this way..
..policy-creation being a few people pulling the policy together..(under direction of leadership..)..
..with the final policy being signed-off/approved by head-office..
..and then being presented to the party membership as a fait accomplit..
..when did this change..?
..and that is something the internet party is to be applauded for..
..for their policy being formulated in an open forum.. a total reversal of that usual top-down method..
..i am expecting members of other political parties to also demand this right/change..
..a change that can only enhance the democratic process..
“]1] free tertiary and universal internet access policies and online policy creation by members. [2] Plus No to TPPA, [3] Royal Commission on all the spooks, [4] Independent foreign policy, [5] moratorium on extractive activities, [6] tax free first $27,000 and so on.”
[1] Great policy. If financially doable is an important question.
[2] That is jumping the gun blindly before we even know the details.
[3] Agree.
[4] With fair, just and friendly non aligned relations with all nations, guided by the UN principles.
[5] Dumb policy.
[6] (a) Reduces government income drastically affecting services (b) If not targeted to the
poor and low income families, will be a gift to everyone, including the wealthy.
[2] The TPPA has been irredeemably hi-jacked by US corporate imperialism. There needs to be another way that maintains NZ’s independence.
[5] It’s not dumb at all. It will put a break on overseas companies that the Nats have been empower into extracting NZ resources. It will create time for a clear and in depth look at the way forward.
[6] Both the Greens and Mana have other policies to offset the lost tax revenue. eg Greens favour Capital Gains and Tobin taxes, plus , for other reasons, and ecological tax. A tax free threshold is a smart and simple policy. Aussie has a tax free threshold and it works for them (albeit for a lower amount).
2). I’d say that having the government signing it without any input from the people of NZ is jumping the gun. In fact, it’s totally undemocractic.
4.) Agreed. Total neutrality is NZ’s best option
5.) Disagree. We need to keep that wealth for the following generations.
6.) (a) Only if it’s not offset by other taxes. (b) They’ve specifically said that they will be taxing the rich more and introducing a financial transaction tax.
Tax free first $27,000?
Gosh, it looks as if Laila is stealing policies from the Conservative Party doesn’t it?
Even people who want to beat children might have a good idea once in their lives.
Also as above Tiger, well written, same question, any intimation of future dates when the roadshow, after the announced break, continues down the motu…
Internet Mana Roadshow dates and venues are on this page bad and others;
Will check some of the vids available from Kelston and post links later if suitable.
Cheers Tiger, befor i click on the link, every other time i have tried to get to the Internet Party website my computer hits a blank wall,(if you have the time publishing the dates would be a big help),
Just heard, again on my wireless, a fair and balanced report, sorry forgot the name of the reporter from the weekends event,
The audience was described as diverse, a plus in my eyes showing a wide cross section of support,(would have been nice if the reporter had of identified if those spoken to were ‘fence sitters’ in 2011),
They played audio of part of DotCom’s speech, hopefully He is included in the rest of the roadshow as He brings the human face to His supposed crimes which has the audience obviously warming to Him,
InternetMana putting a definite buzz into election 2014, they have my Party Vote…
Edit: yeah Tiger it is like i said above, i just get a blank white page with four purple squares…
Was reluctant to post list if poss as takes up space here but people are interested so…
Internet Mana Roadshow events
Tuesday, July 29
Distinction Hotel, 390 Fenton Street
Wednesday, July 30
Waikato University, PriceWaterhouseCoopers Lecture Theatre
Thursday, July 31
New Plymouth
New Plymouth Boys’ High School
Saturday, August 2
War Memorial Conference Centre
Sunday, August 3
Church Service, Waipounamu St
Palmerston North
Convention Centre
Monday, August 4
Mac’s Function Centre
They seem to be announcing dates and venues only about 10 days to 2 weeks beforehand, and have not yet announced South Island dates etc.
Thursday, July 24 The Foundary, Christchurch – 10 Bar, Dunedin 19:00
not sure of the Roadshow itinerary in the South Island, perhaps it has not been released yet.
That second line they put out on Facebook is a bit garbled.
I found some info for buying tickets online and posted them at
Their organiser should take another look at and double check the various info put out through their press releases, eg, their Facebook page and elsewhere online.
Quite important, confusing or contradictory details are not a good look
They moved the Dunedin venue to something nicer and more appropriate (thanks for the heads up, Pasupial). That is clever and a good call.
Yes, the weather might not be very nice and so perhaps they should have a shuttle outside the old venue to ferry people in case some turn up there. That would build up even more political capital and goodwill.
The Foundry in Ilam or the Foundry in Woolston? One is in the middle of Brownlees urban middle blue sinkhole, the other in the middle of touch-and-go Port Hills working class earthquake-forgotten hard arses (though the local Foundry occupied by Ilam types).
Lolz, and i thought i had Wellington sussed, Mac’s function centre, never heard of it, will Google it up later and post some reminders here in ‘Open Mike’ in the days leading up to the Wellington event…
Lower Taranaki St, Cable St intersection on the waterfront near Te Papa.
Big red brick building. Entry to function centre on Taranaki St side opposite Circa Theatre
Jenny, phil and others. Great to hear about the Internet Mana roadshow first hand. (Good to know I’m not the only who has political dreams) What a breath of fresh air they are!
May they sweep through our islands collecting the hearts and minds of the disenchanted, the young, the hopeful, and the forgotten.
May the fantastic line up of the party party shake the foundations of their venues with their sound. Wake the town and tell the people!
May Laila return to parliament, in power, with Annette and Hone at her side. ( I have a soft spot for Laila, she is a former employer. She is a determined, a quick and strategic thinker and has bucket loads of energy, I could never fathom where she got it all from. I’m guessing she’s in her element right now)
I like hearing about all the positive campaigning events happening around the country. Keep it up comrades.
Good to read the comments of the Internet Party’s second-ranked candidate, Chris Yong:
“In recent years, I’ve become quite disillusioned with our government. I feel they just don’t have the interests of New Zealanders at heart. Despite public concerns they pushed through state asset sales, are happy to risk our natural environment with deep sea oil drilling, and breached our right to privacy under the Bill of Rights with mass surveillance.
“Further to that, the cost of living especially in Auckland is crippling. An average income earner cannot afford an average priced home, financial stress is a huge problem affecting many people.”
Cheers for that freedom, will spread the word around the bro’s…
Will be trying to get to the Aug 4 event myself so might see you there, of course I won’t know if I do 🙂
Here’s your clue to picking ‘i’ head out in the crowd freedom, ”looks like a thug, could be a thief”, see you there…
Whatever you do, DON’T click on the purple dots! You never know what might happen!
Slippery the Prime Minister via my wireless this morning intimating that He will be announcing a decision on what National intend to do about the East Coast Bays seat next week,
Winston Peters, also via my wireless, strangely not being so certain today of contesting the above mentioned seat,
Colon the ‘honestly why don’t you believe me, we are not loonies, Conservative, also via you know what announcing not only that the Conservatives are fully transparent,(like P 🙄 G everyone sees right through them), but, the bottom line isn’t really a bottom line,(and apparently there’s lots of people out there that do not believe that the Conservatives are loonies, so there)…
Yep agreed bad12.
And Slippery was nicely nailed by Espiner this AM on whether he knew about Dotcom earlier. Espiner said Coleman knew about Dotcom 2 years before Key and asked Key if Coleman had told him about Dotcom. Key came back saying that this was not true to which Espiner said it was true. Cue lots of panic blather from Key at that point, including Key saying he would refuse to resign even if he had lied about this.
Worth a listen on Morning Report.
Bearded Git, thanks for filling in the gaps, i caught the bit where Slippery the Prime Minister said He wouldn’t resign even if DotCom produces the smoking gun,
Between the pair of them, Slippery and Espinner, my ears had tuned out the salient points your comment addresses,
That FF-ing Espinner sounds more and more like a Manic that the shrinks have on the wrong brand of anti-depressants, His delivery is far more suited to the fare-welling of cadavers from a funeral home than addressing the nation via National Radio,
my poor old much verbally abused wireless is now in danger of suffering the further indignity of actual physical harm from having that Dee-rrrr droning at me for the mornings news hour…
LOL! Very funny!
To be fair he stated that they have investigated the matter and could find no evidence of any connection before when he stated he heard of him. He then said there might be something out there he was unaware of at this stage and if this came to light he wasn’t going to resign over it.
Hollow words from a Prime Minister who has stated repeatedly he cannot remember his view on the Springbok Tour, or when exactly he made trades for Andrew Krieger or that he promised not to raise G.S.T or that he will stand by the Pike River families or that no-one in Christchurch will face the struggle alone.
Why do you still stand behind the bunting, excitedly waving your little blue and yellow flags?
If in a couple of weeks the PM announces that they had to refuse entry to Greenwald for whatever reason, will you also refute he said the following about whether Greenwald would be allowed into the country?
OR is our PM saying they would not be concerned if Greenwald’s entry was refused?
that is something a journo should get clarification on …
stopping greenwald from entering the country wouldn’t work for them…it wd get global-publicity..
..and he cd b streamed in on a big screen…
Wondered what Key’s line would be when he is finally snookered on Dotcom issues.
He could probably squiggle out if it was only about timeline “I had to choose Hobbits over nasty union members, I did it for you, so not lying, national interest ”. Sadistic torys would vote for him anyway with pleasure.
BUT, unfortunately for ShonKey this involves NSA, FBI, Five Eyes, US Corporates, MPAA, NZ security agencies and him as minister and Prime Minister. Mr Dotcom seeming to further delve into the Snowden haul may turn up something in that direction showing incontrovertibly that the NZ state security forces and government were used to directly intervene on behalf of offshore corporates.
If the Prime Minister of New Zealand undermining the countrys sovereignty, parliament, surveillance and labour laws on behalf of a foreign power is not of major concern to citizens then I don’t know what would be.
I suspect that the evidence KDC ha will be circumstantial, and not a smoking gun that delivers a knock-out blow.
Or there could be Snowden documents that show Dotcom was right.
Yeah, there’s got to be a reason why he’s got Greenwald coming.
as i said yesterday..i stood on the edge of that stand-up dotcom did with the corporate media at the harawira/harre/dotcom roadshow..
..where both tvone and 3 tried to run that ‘you’ve got nothing!;-line past him..
..and dotcom almost laughed in their faces..
..that they wd think he was so stupid as to say he had the goods on key..and then not to have those goods..
..i’d bet a pound to a pinch of horseshit that dotcom will deliver those ‘goods’ on the 15th of sept..’ll be the best show in town on that nite…
I believe that even if Dotcom has evidence of everything Tiger Mountain says it will not affect National’s vote. It might affect IMP’s turnout though.
The way to win this election is to put in the hard yards, not rely on magic bullets. Put it this way: Martyn Bradbury has predicted it will be a game changer.
I am sure if Mr Dotcom’s revelations involve external and internal spying agencies and a provable linkage to Key then he will have the PM well and truly screwed. However I doubt he has that level of detail.
enjoy your doubt for now gosman, for you can be certain that Greenwald and Snowden do have ‘that level of detail’.
Even the bluest of the blue voters will not enjoy what is to come out at ‘that level of detail;, I am certain of it.
When the following story broke the exclusion of any references to NZ agencies was commented on in social networks, with Greenwald’s network alluding there was ‘more to come at a later date’. September 15 qualifies as a later date. Who knows, maybe it’s all a big Dotcom conspiracy and the US and the UK and Canada never did any of what the extensive collections of released documents detail.
For those who want a bit more insight as to what makes Glenn Greenwald tick,
here is a blog which has an extensive archive
And check this out – Greenwald is a great speaker. With a few words of intro by none other than Jeremy Scahill.
Greenwald himself from 10:00mins in.
Here is the interview on Morning Report.'t-know-kim-dotcom
Hilarious. Key and his office are laying the groundwork for being proved wrong on this. It will end up all being a paperwork mistake and the fault of some middle tier public service official.
This is exactly why Internet Mana have chosen a date close to the election, so that it resonates loudly when a lot of undecided will be listening most carefully. Key and his loyal media servants are all trying to force the information out earlier so they have more time to manage the fallout.
There must be some desperate calls from the ninth floor to Crosby Textor. Key is in danger of misreading the undecided vote on this issue. Trustworthiness is important to fair-minded New Zealanders (but not so much to existing right wing voters).
The biggest disadvantage now for Key is Dotcom’s alliance and access to Snowden and Greenwald who actually know much more about everything than Key or Crosby Textor ! This is a game-changer .. can’t wait for justice to breathe free once again in our little precious islands. Kia Kia, Kim !
Thanks Weepu … sharing hilarity with you 🙂
Is there any reason Greenwald could be denied entry to NZ?
Certainly, if Key deems it a threat to Nationals security….
LOl! National party security as opposed to National security!
lol Fender ! There would always be the option of Skyping him in, or similar. Oh, how small and tiny, plus internationally notorious the Shonkey govt will appear if they try to block a respected British journalist from entry !
Yes I’d say blocking his entry will be just as scandalous as the information he (hopefully) brings.
“I don’t know actually, it’s a legitimate question but there’s nothing we’d be concerned with there,” Key said on Breakfast
Let’s dissect that from the pathological liar:
I don’t know —> translates into: oh fk
actually —> fk fk darn fk
it’s a legitimate question —> even in lies there resonates an element of truth
but there’s nothing —> yeah right! nothing to see here! that is why he is on the media
we’d be concerned with there —> administer a lie detector for this phrase and he will come through with flying colours for that specific phrase
It is time to end the silly and stupid catch-me-if-you-can game that the Prime Twister likes to play.
Enough of the nonsense and lies from him.
The veneer of civilised behaviour is falling from the Israeli regime.
To shell a Gaza City suburb as an act of spite because a Hamas ambush killed 13 Israeli soldiers is one of the most cowardly acts in modern history.
The strongest condemnation for it should come from the international community.
While as strong a critic of Hamas as many, this is just appalling from the Israeli government.
It is sufficient to warrant a call to the Ambassador to offer some explanation to the PM.
Israeli State terrorism has always greatly exceeded anything carried out by Hamas.
swordfish +100
Jews for Justice who support Palestinian rights
The deliberate killing of civilians by a national military is a war crime.
Totally agree, this is collective punishment by the dirty filthy Israeli army. Surely the most blatant genocide style attack since the Tamil massacre in Sri Lanka.
Resistance and non compliance with the Zionist illegal occupation is defence.
I despair for the Palestinians and Arabs under Jewish occupation. To the state of Israel to perpetrate crimes against humanity in this manner is to ape and condone what was done to their forbears in Europe by another evil regime. They will of course deny it, label Arabs terrorists. If you want terror try being a child playing soccer on a beach being blown to shreds by a terrorist state.
The only way to stop this is for the Jewish adherents of the state of Israel to face truth with honour and say enough is enough to their people. It is to late for the dead: it is never too late for the living.
Villification and stereotyping were powerful tools used by Goebbels.
Even John Kerry has had enough (see his recent off mic outburst).
But good luck getting anything done while AIPAC is still legal.
Never mind the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Join the boycott on Israel. Consumers can vote with their wallets with these very clever apps for Apple and Android (price–free).
Boycotts no use? Read Naomi Klein’s view on why it is now time.
Why shouldn’t AIPAC be legal? That is a very odd statement to make.
Because it’s effectively a treasonous organisation. It promotes the interests of a foreign state above the interests of the United States.
I would have thought that doctrinaire conservatives would oppose the existence of an organisation which is designed to get the US to funnel taxpayers’ money to a foreign state which then acts in ways which frustrate US interests in the region.
Hell, that same country was allowed to attack an American naval vessel and kill many of its crew with complete impunity. It spies on the United States and we have good reason to believe it has stolen nuclear materials from US labs.
And all of this just to indulge the far right racialist fantasies of a minority of American Jews. A fantasy that sees a third of the current ruling coalition of Israel comprised of openly racist parties (as opposed to the Likud, which is racist, but not openly).
“Even John Kerry has had enough (see his recent off mic outburst}”
Not yet quite enough though to challenge the status quo or his comfort zone. Airforce 2 is not exactly uncomfortable
Maybe a few more Net yer Nah Who? (I dunno – it’s all somebody else’s fault – WE’RE the victims here – besides I’m reading from a CroZTextor script) bloodied 4 year olds with the back of their heads blown off deserve it cos they’re the sons or daughters of tearists.
Even then though ? Not if there’s a plausible excuse and explanation that – either it didn’t happen; OR it was a proportional response.
Gawd that red blood is luvly ain’t it – we should ALL roll in it [Ooooo yea – it’s really really turning me on! gimme more MORE].
Obamarama roll and tumble (with Tacho Bell, KFC, a bit of Mick Chicken and some Black Water salad dressing on the side).
Oh … btw Ya ALL – we’re the good guys: we’re centrist – NOT fascist RW those “far left cunts” opposed to that MSM you muddle class subscribe to. If you’re not convinced – just consider how wonderful our weekly efforts are on Q+A, and the Nation, and Rinny Ryan’s fair and balanced Mondays.
We’re the fair and balanced, the average NewZulluner, the voice of the people, the in-touch, the 4h Estate even – AND we’re fukkin gorgeous with it. Why even our stance on that silly bitch Tania Billingsly says it all – we’re y’avrijde bloke.
Like I’ve said elsewhere – the tipping point is nigh – probably closer to 2017 though – and there’ll be a shitload of squeeling pigs and “wasn’t me’s” when it comes around.
Sadly – I probably won’t be around to witness it
Mana was the only political party represented at the peace march for Gaza in Dunedin. They have my vote.
You will find that every Labour party activist was putting up billboards on Saturday. Mana had the privilege of paying someone to put theirs up. Honest the Dotcom money is a boon for them but it is also a threat to them.
Not in Owairaka Auckland they didn’t Micky, Internet Mana candidate Joe Carolan had a crew of around a dozen out at a frozen 2am putting their signs up. Kelston Internet Mana Roadshow ads were put up by volunteers too. Can’t comment on other Mana branches yet.
People are stretched but a couple of people and a banner or sign should be able to be spared by all left parties for important events such as Gaza solidarity.
Hi TM. I and most members are fully opposed to Israel’s attacks on Palestine. You just have to see my own posts on the subject to see this. I am normally the first at a protest but Saturday was a busy day.
Apologies to Comrade Joe. I had thought that the speed that their signs had appeared meant that they had used paid help. I was still in bed at 2 am!
A picture from the IP Twitter feed of the first hoarding going up. Looks cold and dark!
All I can say to the Mana hoarding crews is RESPECT!
You will have to give up sleeping for the duration of the campaign. If it is good enough for the party leader to work 18 hours every day it is good enough for you to follow his example.
Unless David Cunliffe has a different definition of “working” to most people he clearly won’t be sleeping at all.
Tiger Mountain, I have a lot of respect for Internet Mana (as per enthusiastic post above) but I would question the wisdom of going about the neighbourhood at 2am banging away at a hoarding with a hammer.
A chronic insomniac like me finally gets off to sleep at 1 – 2am and who wakes at the slightest sound would be not well pleased to hear a hammer banging away outside. Nor would it please the sleep deprived mother who is catching a bit of sleep between feeds for her young baby, nor the shift worker who has to get up at 3.30am to get to work.
Not a criticism, just a thought.
May be the Internet Mana should put up virtual hologram sign boards! Wouldn’t that be cool!
Wot? Like a Princess Laila/Leia against the Evil Empire? Haha.
LOL very satirical and ironical. They welcome bright people with alternative approaches at IMP – why not roll up to the Party that’s on its way up in the elevator.
National wouldn’t let you ride in its elevator, the Greens wouldn’t use it to encourage personal effort and save energy, Labour had an elevator but they lost it somewhere, and are waiting for it to come back dragging it’s tail behind it.. IMP could be the coalition for you.
Mickysavage – what evidence do you have that Mana paid people to put up their billboards? I’ve seen quite a few photos of ordinary Mana members making them, and erecting them.
Not a good look, micky. We really need a bit more cooperation against Key.
Internet Mana are rising. The Greens will be solid. Labour will go over 30% plus extra seats in Chch and elsewhere. NZ First will go over 5% easy. MP bye bye.
National will flounder in the mid-high 40%s. Act and Dunne are down the dunny.
The left bloc will have the numbers by at least two imo.
But this still wont be easy. The rest of NZ will scream from the top of their lungs about the mismatch of putting together so many small parties. The cries and wailing will be alarming. The left bloc will immediately be put on the defensive.
The left bloc must have a plan to combat this immediately on the night of the election – and come out fighting hard and strong for the people. No apology, no hand-wringing, no mutters of ‘it wont be that bad’, no backing down.
Agreed vto. IMHO no-mates apart from loonies National will poll 43/44%. That is good, but not good enough to stop Cunliffe from being PM. It’s called MMP.
For whatever it’s worth, iPredict has National on 43%, Labour on 32%, Greens on 11%. Minor parties combined come to 14%, with NZFirst on 5.3%. Weirdly iPredict is still largely in favour of a National win, despite the percentages above strongly favouring the left.
Personally I feel that if a govt can be formed from the four parties of the left it needs to have a greater majority than one or two seats. My fear been that if all four parties are needed things could become fractious and dysfunctional quickly. If NZs first experience with a full on coalition govt is a poor one long term damage could ensue. It is vital I would have thought that Labour poll at least 35% then forming a coalition with all left parties instead of leaving one or two out in the cold. Hopefully then there will be a big enough majority to allow the smaller parties to disagree with one another on occasion without causing major disruption.
Not nearly as fractious and dysfunctional as National trying to cobble something together, with, say NZ First – now that would be a circus!
But I agree – all the left parties need to be in there together – none of this cherry-picking I keep hearing
It’s not. NZFirst’s one, and only, coalition collapse was with National in 1996 to 1998. Considering NZFirst’s policies they can’t go with National this time at all. They basically have two options: Sitting on the cross benches and voting issue by issue or going into coalition with Labour.
I like your 2 cents vto. I also agree their will resistance from the media and some sectors of society at a Left bloc win. They know such a win means no more same old same old instead something bold, something bold!
In such a case we have to collectively stand and be proud of the change we bring. No apologies.
Who knows! Just imagine that the National voters begin to realise that National will not be able to form a government and therefore decide to switch their votes to Labour for stability and collapse the National party vote to 30% minus and Labour vote to 52% plus! oops, just musing!
In your dreams Clemgeopin.
My dream has the Labour right defecting after the election to form a new group who will look at taxation policy and reduce income tax, increase GST and introduce a financial transactions tax that should have been done when GST was introduced in the first place. A UBI would be okay by me too.
I guess neither of us are going to wake up happy on 21 September 2014.
I will be happy because I am CERTAIN that there will be a Labour led progressive coalition government.
Of you want to make a pole of cash on that, head to i-predict now when the iron has not yet heated up!
Wrote to Steve Kilgallon yesterday asking about the inaccuracies in his article, why it needed to be edited by another reporter, and what he was trying to achieve. This is his response.
It’s convenient for some journalists to hide behind claims of impartiality whenever they get a bit of flack for sloppy work. Does beg the question: if Steve is not someone with an agenda, is he not going to vote in September?
Interesting comment from Brent Edwards: Seems the consensus of opinion among his Caucus sources is that it was not one of the MPs who talked to the SST.
yep Anne, and I liked the text to Morning Report that said that nobody kicked up a fuss when Key went on holiday to Hawaii for 10 days, but when Cunliffe has 3 days off (among New Zealanders) with his young family suddenly this is an issue.
Maybe for the next 9 weeks we should bombard Morning Report with texts particularly where they are showing bias? It all helps.
Probably it was a reporter (journalist) saying ‘what everybody is thinking’ and on that basis it wasn’t necessary to check the facts. Or fax?
Even 69% Herald readers happy with Cunliffe holiday-online poll today.
67% on the Stuff poll also say they are happy with it,
and the Stuff poll was a straight yes/no
On what basis would Radio NZ National be biased against Labour? The organisation is supposedly an independent State entity that doesn’t need funding from the ‘evil’ private sector.
Yeah supporting
NationalKey doesn’t mean you are anti-Labour does it, but it sure helps avoid a throat-slitting gesture come your way and will ensure you get more work than Bradley Ambrose….Eh???
you’ve got a short memory, there, gos.
Almost as bad as dunnokeyo’s.
Maybe some sort of amnesia is transmitted from toryboy to toryboy?
I am sure you have a perfect memory and as such can she’d light on what point fender was making.
The point is many journalists would be afraid of the consequences for attacking the
NationalKey Party.As evidenced by what exactly? Do you have examples of a journalist annoying National having their career impacted as a result?
As evidenced by journalists going easy on National, of course.
Put the goalposts back, there’s a good chap.
What an entirely circular argument. Do you really think that is terribly persuasive?
I think he was referring to the nasty/disgusting/uncouth/undignified throat cutting gesture that Key once made in parliament against a Labour leader.
Remember that?
The MSM did not even crtisise the dear leader then.
Just imagine if Mr Cunliffe had made that gesture to Key!
It was reported. Key was even asked what he was meaning by the gesture and he gave a response. You might not agree with his response but what do you want the media to do? Should they basically editorialise that it was a terrible thing despite his denial?
oh wow, your memory has partially returned. Good for you.
“You might not agree with his response but what do you want the media to do? Should they basically editorialise that it was a terrible thing despite his denial?”
If that’s the way they usually treat everything the Leader of the Opposition does, which it is, then yes.
let’s see – one incident involved our prime minister’s expression of concern for a chap who tried to leap from the parliamentary gallery, the other involved police raiding press offices just days before the election in order to shield government ministers from disgrace.
I can see how an ethically-challenged sociopath might not recall those events (let alone outraged), but what’s your excuse you tory shill – oh, fair enough then, no further excuse needed.
“On what basis would Radio NZ National be biased against Labour?”
what goes to air obviously
Why would what goes on air be biased against Labour though? Even if National has somehow infiltrated the organisation via political appointees at the senior level (something I have seen NO opposition politician complaining about it has to be pointed out) how they can influence the editorial decision of the news team is unclear. Does this mean the majority of the journalists working at Radio NZ National are suspect then? How will this be rectified unless you implement a politically inspired cleanse this time from the left?
“this time”?
Don’t you mean something more vague, like “the next time the Left is in government”?
Otherwise it sounds like you think the Left will win ths election. Thanks for the reassurance.
I noted that The Fan Club made a brief comment yesterday after a lengthy absence. I seem to remember he/she may have been banned for bad behaviour, but still it’s interesting he/she should reappear on the post “Collective Renewal”. As a self-described “Labour insider” and Cunliffe hater, one has to wonder what he/she might know about the source of the SST story.
of course it wasn’t.
it was all fabricated by that creepy little hooton looking so smug as it went down on Q&A Sunday morning and susan woods is complicit.
The question is whether the source was an MP or not.
I didn’t ask that directly, unfortunately. I believe what is left unsaid is important. Nowhere does Kilgallon say the insider is an MP.
WB @9.2.1 I also emailed Steve and said I didn’t believe the story and I thought he had made it up. He denied this and refused to name his source, so I asked him if had check out the story with the MP whom the senior advisor quoted.
I will update if I hear back.
@Weepus beard
Feed the Steve guy some interesting stories. He is obviously an open mouth at a fairground just waiting for a well-placed ball, or perhaps a trained seal waiting for a fish, and doesn’t care whether it’s smelly or not.
I see discussion in the Work Life Balance thread yesterday about denigrating comment from some within Labour against David Cunliffe being printed in The Hairy or somewhere like. Shocking – I hope that there is a Cluedo search with appropriate punishment meted, when it is seen where this arose.
And I noticed Guy Le Spinner this morning saying something about Labour MPs having a ‘crisis’ meeting and then there was a reasoned explanation given, that it was a replacement for the usual meeting which would have been time limited by other commitments.
this is all crap.
I suspect it is all concerted by boaghootoncrosbytext.
as somebody said earlier here it is time to start flooding switchboards with complaints.
if supposed reputable organisations start playing the partisan card then they must be held responsible for their actions.
grey-Kathryn Ryan repeated the “crisis” tab in the politics discussion on Nine to Noon, where as you say this description had already been shown to be rubbish on Morning Report.
Either Ryan is badly briefed or she is simply being her Tory self and getting it wrong on purpose.
RNZ news is going on about DC being under pressure balh blah blah.
Well it will show the voters that DC can take any crap that they throw at him.
I see the news is reporting that DC had lunch with the name suppressed sex offender. Whilst I have been heavily critical of him previously, I have a lot of sympathy for him on this one.
I have met this bloke once (I won’t say any thing that could identify him) when my ex wife and another couple were on holiday. He was totally sex obsessed, and insisted on showing us a sick video clip of a dominatrix kicking some restrained guy in the goolies. But he was also a high energy and engaging bloke. He would have no problem greasing his way into any setting, especially men of middle age or above.
This is one of the problems of the ridiculous name suppression laws, especially as in this case the victim wanted his name published.
If Key gets his pleasure by being kicked in the nuts, that’s his business…
Why didn’t his staff do the leg work to identify whether the person was dodgy or not? It should be easy enough to do and would have been the sensible course of action especially if you have lunch with them.
Gosman. We must call you Mr Sensible. You can’t get the ‘Commonsense’ term now Dunne is done as Winston has grabbed it. Hope it works for him.
Agreed as fun as it is kicking Cunliffe when hes down and keeping the foot on his throat this is something that he has no control over rather its the dumb ass suppression laws we have in this country
For those with the time and inclination over lunch or coffee I recommend:
A long read, but IMHO an excellent and informative overview of the mess capitalism has created for itself globally.
I would think Audrey Young could be called to account for the fact that her story about the sex offender was hidden behind another innocent headline, I nearly didn’t click through, then wished I hadn’t because I spent some time in confusion trying to place the relevance of the second headline – had we gone back in a time warp of some sort ? Wish I knew how to access that protected person’s name – I am so burned up with curiosity now !
The SST reported this warning exists on an overseas website. I guess you could just google the text exactly as they published it ..
WARNING: It is illegal for this editorial to be accessed by New Zealand readers because of suppression orders in that country’
Apparently it’s not illegal to access it, but it is illegal to link to it on a NZ site.
Even if it were illegal to access it, the law is definitely an ass in this situation, as it’s pathetically easy to find it.
I googled with the words ‘sex offender Queens town’, read an article by Rodney Hide and soon was led to an Australian website and Hola!
[lprent: Breaks the suppression order. Banned permanently. ]
I know that Cunliffe wants all the votes he can get in his New Lynn electorate. But it sure is strange that he has his hoardings up in Phil Goff’s Roskill electric proclaiming “Vote Cunliffe for New Lynn” Look out Phil, the carpet bagger is about. An Labour thinks it could run the country?
[You are an idiot. Both electorates are contiguous. And the main roads have people travelling through Mount Roskill into New Lynn – MS]
It’s not on a main road. It’s on a through road in the centre of the Roskill electorate. I know I may be an idiot but I am also a swinging voter but not such an idiot that I do not know where the electorate boundaries are. 🙂
‘taint politics i know, but, i gotta give a big ups to Lydia Ko for Her latest winning round of golf,
i couldn’t play the game to save myself, what i try to hit hard as far as golf balls go pretty much turns out to be limp but i can drive a putt miles past its intended destination,
No such problems for that young lady and i had the pleasure of watching the free to air sports channel on my TeeVee one night which featured a whole tournament on the Asian circuit which Ko won just befor turning pro,
Relentless is the best description of the way She run down the front runner of that tournament who at the point where the final round started was 9 shots in front of Her…
At last! I had to read right through this series of posts to come to one that addresses the important things in life.
Everyone else is obsessed with the trivia of politics. You and I appear to be the only ones who appreciate the magnificent display by Lydia. She makes it look so easy doesn’t she?
Indeed, watching her play there’s nothing overly flash about how she goes about the game its just the consistency with which she puts herself in a position of maybe birdying the hole and Her ability when she is on Her game to do just that,
The tournament in Asia which i comment on above had me watching with fascination as all round Her there were some amazing golf shots by the other competitors but none of them could deliver a continual flurry of such golfing shots,
Normally i go ‘yawn’ at the mention of the game…
The NZ Herald has gone Te Reo in its name on its site. Pity it doesn’t support politics that would decrease inequalities.
Thought you would censor my comment and not post it. So much for “Open Mike” 🙂
[Guess again. But try and make your comments informative rather than attacking people, especially the good Labour activists in New Lynn – MS]
Ummm, don’t you mean ‘Yay for Open Mike‘ !
I was wrong!!! The Standard did post my comment. I enjoy putting a burr under the saddle on tunnel vision Labour people. I do the same for National on their site. Great fun. Have a good one MS.
Didn’t realise this was a Labour site. When did that change happen and can somebody let all the greens, IMPers and unaligned others who post the majority of comments here know?
Graham is a legend in his own mind. He doesn’t let reality get in the way of blows for freedom.
I used today’s Open Mike to draw attention to what I regard as an excellent essay on the mess globalised capitalism has gotten itself into, including growing inequality. The ‘problem’ of democracy is addressed therein, vis:
” Only in the Cold War world did capitalism and democracy seem to become aligned with one another, as economic progress made it possible for working-class majorities to accept a free-market, private-property regime, in turn making it appear that democratic freedom was inseparable from, and indeed depended on, the freedom of markets and profit-making. Today, however, doubts about the compatibility of a capitalist economy with a democratic polity have powerfully returned. Among ordinary people, there is now a pervasive sense that politics can no longer make a difference in their lives, as reflected in common perceptions of deadlock, incompetence and corruption among what seems an increasingly self-contained and self-serving political class, united in their claim that ‘there is no alternative’ to them and their policies. One result is declining electoral turnout combined with high voter volatility, producing ever greater electoral fragmentation, due to the rise of ‘populist’ protest parties, and pervasive government instability.”
It’s a long essay but well worth the time if you have it:
[lprent: And it is completely off-topic for this post. So moved back to back to OpenMike. Don’t do a diversion comment again or I will ban you. At present the ban time is getting longer the closer we get to the election. ]
Thanks for that link. Politics is divorced from most people’s lives, which trundle on whichever party is at the helm. There is growing instability and eccentricity at the fringes, but with no big-ticket issue like asset sales, I would be surprised if 2014 doesn’t garner a lower turn out than 2011.
Caught up with an old friend recently, a teacher, who has never evinced much interest in politics. This election she will vote National, despite criticising the party for wrecking the public education system. Seems counter-intuitive in the extreme. National’s wrecking of education affects her career, and her family (she has children), while surely education is critical to the ‘standard of living’ she credits National with upholding. She will vote National to ensure continuation of the status quo; it was like there was no alternative. It’s disturbing, people seem inured to the damage being wrought in their own lives from National’s policies, let alone being able to grasp the big picture.
Rich people worried they might have to associate with poor people #1029146
These are the types Michael Cullen referenced when he spoke of his dislike for people kicking the ladder out once they’d reached the top.
Hooton! Haha, he can’t keep out of the news.
What’s hilarious is that they seem to think that caveat emptor applies to everyone except them.
Socialist bailouts for the rich, please. Up to and including the sports stadiums they so seem to love advocating for.
Mallard? Cullen? Stadium New Zealand?
Not related but Cuncliffe is gonna be having a live chat on stuff in a couple of hours –
He might need a little help fending of the assholes who are bound to show up and hassle him about the infamous ‘holidays’ and other bullshit news from the MSM.
[lprent: Off-topic. Moved to OpenMike. Banned for 3 weeks. ]
Seems there is a Live Chat with David Cunliffe today at 4:30 , Questions open from 3:30
What happens when leftist policies lead to a brain drain of your best and brightest.
That’s interesting. A similar campaign against state workers has been waged in this country, and not by leftists, as you call them.
Really??? Are you stating half the workforce of a significant sector of the economy that was State owned has been forced to relocate offshore by a direct government decision? Which sector is that then?
hillside workshops spring to mind…
Hillside is hardly a significant sector of the economy. It certainly was providing any major export income for the nation unlike the oil sector in Venezuela.
Duh, it was reducing our trade deficit by preventing the need to import Chinese trains.
So it wasn’t affecting our exports then? Your argument could equally be used to support industries that we used to have here like television and car assembly. Do you think we should have continued to support those?
You must have been asleep, Gosman, over the last few years in New Zealand, as all our skilled young people left for Australia, our graduate students left to pursue study offshore as their funding was cut, and most of our best researchers, engineers and scientists, left for places where they are appreciated.
We have lots of “managers” accountants and lawyers, though……..
If you read the article you will find out it was the loss of those managers you seem to deride that have caused the problem of the stagnating oil industry in Venezuela.
the problem with Venezuela is that it is a criminal state.
New Zealand is heading down that path now under a national government.
New Zealand is also always under threat from conspiracy jobs, and other nutjobs who are against everything and ready and willing to resort to violence when they dont get their own way.
The country needs a proper makeover and its time for decent people to get back in charge.
This wouldn’t be ‘our’ favourite conceited wee MattyMatty prick would it ?
“A public school turf war has broken out in the quiet Auckland suburbs of Greenlane and Remuera.
“Parents from two elite Auckland public schools are up in arms after learning of a proposal to put them in an overlapping zone with two lower decile schools.”
“Parent Matthew Hooton owns a house in the proposed overlap and says the consultation has been “wholly unsatisfactory”.”
“You live in this area because you pay $100,000 more for your house so you can access Epsom Girls Grammar and Auckland Grammar School,” he said.”
“Any perceived threat to these zones will be met with fierce resistance.”
What ? You mean the sons and daughters of the scum Matty ?
To the ramparts ye broken, abused, ill-treated Entitled. And no smirking. They won’t take us seriously !
Could be worse Matty – you might’ve just had your bennie slashed in half – no lunch for the kids let alone a school befitting your ‘station’. still being little shits
questions open from 3:30 pm
“He’s back from holiday …”
Childish; puerile intimation of rank silliness dressed up as a controversy. Yet no doubt thought to be clever by the author of the tweet.
A mind wastes its time and we’re all that little bit the worse for it.
Alwyn and bad12, yeah good on Lydia but golf is only a pastime, now try leading the whole Tour de France field for 20 metres short of 220kms. Thats hard work and heartbreaking. Good on you Jack Bauer, your day will come.
what party is he standing for?
I believe he’s standing on the Cheney/Blackwater ticket.
I’ve lost it with GT cycling – I’m fed up with watching riders cruise all day in the peloton or get towed along by teammates, and then put in a bit of an effort in the last 10 or 20k to pull off stage wins they really haven’t worked for.
And while Nabali is a good rider – all his possible contenders are out of the race. All he has to do is not fall asleep from boredom and fall off his bike.
Barry at 2.1,.4 (since a reply button is not forthcoming)
Can you tell me where and when that ‘something you heard’ was?
Please – can we engage with the fukwit Barry a bit more? As in get him to actually put his money where his mouth is? I’m intrigued.
i think the media are not conscious of their bias. they have a huuuuuuugggggeeeee. disconnect with the majority of nz. they are biased before the get go. they wont be kind to the left until the left becomes the right. to them socialism is debunked and the neo-lib way is the only way. and they assume this is the view of the whole country. its an issue of culture and sub-concious.
case in point was the commenter here “liam hehir”, who carries the same name as a columnist in a regional rag. The columnist said they didn’t write about labour’s positivies because it was a true reflection of Labour’s lack of positives, not because the columnist was biased.
yeah, right.
What does Hamas really want?
Read the list of conditions published in the name of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and judge honestly whether there is one unjust demand among them.
Rafah Crossing
Palestinians from Gaza at the Egyptian-controlled Rafah border crossing last week. One of Hamas’ demands is to have internationa… / Photo by Reuters
By Gideon Levy
Published 13:23 20.07.14
After we’ve said everything there is to say about Hamas: that it’s fundamentalist; that it’s undemocratic; that it’s cruel; that it does not recognize Israel; that it fires on civilians; that it’s hiding ammunition in schools and hospitals; that it did not act to protect the population of Gaza – after all that has been said, and rightly so, we should stop for a moment and listen to Hamas; we may even be permitted to put ourselves in its shoes, perhaps even to appreciate the daring and resilience of this, our bitter enemy, under harsh conditions.
But Israel prefers to shut its ears to the demands of the other side, even when those demands are right and conform to Israel’s own interests in the long run. Israel prefers to strike Hamas without mercy and with no purpose other than revenge. This time it is particularly clear: Israel says it does not want to topple Hamas – even Israel understands that instead it will have Somalia at its gates – but it is also unwilling to listen to Hamas’ demands. Are they all “animals”?
Let’s say that’s true. But they are there to stay, even Israel believes that’s the case, so why not listen?
Last week 10 conditions were published in the name of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, for a 10-year cease-fire. We may doubt whether these were in fact the demands of those organizations, but they can serve as a fair basis for an agreement.
There is not one unfounded condition among them.
Hamas and Islamic Jihad demand freedom for Gaza. Is there a more understandable and just demand?
There is no way to end the current cycle of killing, and not have another round in a few months, without accepting this.
No military operation, by air, ground or sea, will bring a solution; only a basic change of attitude toward Gaza can ensure what everyone wants: quiet.
Read the list of demands and judge honestly whether there is one unjust demand among them
withdrawal of Israel Defense Forces troops and allowing farmers to work their land up to the fence;
release of all prisoners from the Gilad Shalit swap who have been rearrested;
an end to the siege and opening of the crossings
opening of a port and airport under UN management
expansion of the fishing zone
international supervision of the Rafah crossing;
an Israeli pledge to a 10-year cease-fire and closure of Gaza’s air space to Israeli aircraft;
permits to Gaza residents to visit Jerusalem and pray at the Al-Aqsa mosque
and an Israeli pledge not to interfere in internal Palestinian politics such as the unity government
opening Gaza’s industrial zone.
These conditions are civilian; the means of achieving them are military, violent and criminal. But the (bitter) truth is that when Gaza is not firing rockets at Israel, nobody cares about it. Look at the fate of the Palestinian leader who had had enough of violence. Israel did everything it could to destroy Mahmoud Abbas. The depressing conclusion? Only force works.
The current war is a war of choice, a choice that we had. True, after Hamas started firing rockets, Israel had to respond.
But as opposed to what Israeli propaganda tries to sell, the rockets didn’t fall out of the sky from nowhere.
Go back a few months: the breakdown of negotiations by Israel; the war on Hamas in the West Bank following the murder of the three yeshiva students, which it is doubtful Hamas planned, including the false arrest of 500 of its activists; stopping payment of salaries to Hamas workers in Gaza and Israeli opposition to the unity government, which might have brought the organization into the political sphere. Anyone who thinks all this would simply be taken in stride must be suffering from arrogance, complacence and blindness.
Terrifying amounts of blood are being spilled in Gaza – and in Israel to a lesser extent. It is being spilled in vain.
Hamas is beaten down by Israel and humiliated by Egypt.
The only chance for a real solution is exactly the opposite of the way Israel is going. A port in Gaza to export its excellent strawberries? To Israelis this sounds like heresy.
Here once again, the preference is for (Palestinian) blood over (Palestinian) strawberries.
Penny Bright
Man breaks woman’s back in domestic assault
Maybe someone can give this guy a cushy job in mainstream media next.