Open mike 22/07/2019

Written By: - Date published: 7:00 am, July 22nd, 2019 - 63 comments
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63 comments on “Open mike 22/07/2019 ”

  1. Sanctuary 1

    Well done the Netball girls, that is all I have to say.

  2. johnm 2

    Renegade Inc: Rentier Britain: all the rent goes to the 1%

    There are three fundamental issues that lie at the heart of our current economic malaise: the first is unearned income and wealth from land rent ( plus property speculation for capital Gain), second the creation of money by privately owned banks, and the third is rent-seeking that is used to juice profits out of intellectual property through copyright and patents (TPPA). But the political class, supported by lobbying, continues to avoid addressing these issues (Current Labour Government does not impose a CGT). So monopolies grow larger and larger, and as they do, more and more people are excluded from the economy ( Our young couples can’t afford to buy homes but must rent for life). To really address the root causes, why don’t we start by calling out the rentier economy as a structural issue that no progressive society can actually afford?

    This applies to New Zealand : The F.I.R.E sector:

    • Muttonbird 4.1

      China must be wondering whether they should have extended Britain's lease.

    • francesca 4.2

      I think the yellow vest protests in France have been more sustained, with far more violence from the authorities, ..people have been blinded and killed by the police and the protests have been going since last November

    • Pat 5.1

      that little gem would be equally at home on the "Peters,Pence,Pompeo and the Rapture" post

  3. Robert Guyton 6

    Get Winston!

    "Bridges is one bad poll away from oblivion and he will not win the keys to Premier House by earnest attention to detail and well written speeches. He needs to slay a dragon. Through the heart. With a wooden stake. "

    • mac1 6.1

      I read this earlier, today, thinking what a badly written piece of opinion. The reference to our incumbent PM was a cheap throwaway and the reference to Winston Peters’ handmaidens was, well, a joke considering who occupies seats on his side of the House.

      However, referring to Bridge's earnest attention to detail and well written speeches. I have heard him make three speeches in public forums and I would not have characterised them as well- written. I have heard him in the House and he does not come anywhere nearing slaying Winston with his rhetoric. Quite the reverse.

      The real dragon sits on his side of the House, tail flicking amidst the desolation……

      • Robert Guyton 6.1.1

        But it so much more fun to invent an Imminent Threat, isn't it? One that's on The Other Side, one you can demonise without splitting your own ranks.

        It was a very poor piece of work, I agree.

        • mac1

          The article says this. "It is a huge gamble but it also would define Bridges as a leader of courage, honour and integrity. It makes an effective contrast with the incumbent whose power is buttressed by Golriz Ghahraman on her left and Shane Jones on her right."

          Now, that means that in Mr Grant's opinion our present Prime Minister does not possess 'courage, honour and integrity' because he says that Bridges would be defined on this way (by doing what Grant says he should) which is in contrast to the PM.

          Now that's cheap political writing, with nothing to back it up except somehow to argue that a person of courage, inregrity and honour would not be connected in a coalition with a Green or NZ First politician.

          There is nothing to back up those assertions excpt a cheap shot at Peters saying he had only done three things in his political career, and then even wrote them down.

          This is political opinion, based on poor analysis. It's just tribal crap that I'd expect from a party hack in a bar-room debate after several Speights.

          • Robert Guyton

            "tribal crap" indeed. But serving a purpose, or at least, paving a way…

      • Rapunzel 6.1.2

        It kind of ironic I think that the same "Mr Grant" – although everyone deserves a second chance insists on "reading between the lines" and giving his version of the conduct of others.I read and re-read this story and while no doubt it is all "pretty legal" it gave me the sense that he was commenting on more than is his jurisdiction and obligation to perform a service, I wouldn't mind betting he couldn't lie straight in bead but feels free to be judge and jury on a lot of other people and even moreso "Stuff" pays him for his "opinion" I have decided that Stuff can stuff its Sunday rag.

    • McFlock 6.2


      minnows don't kill sharks.

      Actually, strike minnows. Bridges is a salmon, earnestly trying to swim upstream far enough to briefly spawn a government, but frankly even if he gets there he'll be politically dead shortly after.

    • Stuart Munro. 6.3

      Simon is not the kind that slays dragons, much less a wily old wyrm like Winston. If he had been, non-performers like Nick & Gerry (and Paula) would be long gone. Simon is a seat-warmer waiting for someone else to solve his problems, which makes him a natural leader for the current Gnats, but as relevant to winning anything as Jack Falstaff. As Gandalf said ‘in this neighborhood heroes are scarce, or simply lot to be found. “

      • Robert Guyton 6.3.1

        "wyrm" – nice choice of word, Stuart; it's how we Southlanders pronounce it smiley

    • Ed1 6.4

      Damien Grant is a "columnist" – presumably to separate his contribution, suitable for a partisan blog, from an article by a "reporter", giving facts from some event or speech, or a "journalist" who provides evidence or logical argument for statements put forward. To say that a politician "one bad poll away from oblivion" has the power to slay another politician by a decision to further isolate his party is laughable. We are having mid-term speculation based on nothing however we have predictable discussions as to whether small parties will disappear – again based on little evidence. Unfortunately it is easy to click on a headline before realising who it was written by . . .

    • Drowsy M. Kram 6.5

      Slaying a dragon with a wooden stake through the heart? Couldn't even get that right.

      Winston's been counted out before, and by political opponents with more skills than 'no-Bridges'!

      • Incognito 6.5.1

        The National Party zoologist Steven Joyce would never use a wooden stake to slay a dragon through the heart. Instead, he’d use a rubber dildo and poke it in the eye.

    • Wensleydale 6.6

      Authored by Damien Grant… did you expect anything better?

  4. Andre 8

    Lessons from legalising weed: don't make it too hard to become a legal seller, and don't tax it too much, and be serious about ensuring sellers actually are legal. If you don't, then it's too easy and tempting for illegal sellers to just carry on.

  5. Anne 9

    A couple of jealous Aussie bitches bitching about Jacinda Ardern and being disingenuous with their interpretations:

    • Muttonbird 9.1

      Lol. That is some severe butt-hurt from the mad right-wing.

      Perhaps the Aussies should work out how to stop being racists and producing mass murderers.

    • Jilly Bee 9.3

      Yes, Anne, Granny has had quite the field day with that article and the one I'll link to, which was at the top of their website writ large for several hours with an accompanying photo dragged no doubt out of their collection of less than pleasant pics of the PM. I noted that none of the other news outlets had this headline anywhere on their sites – not even Newshub! No names attributed to the articles, of course.

    • mac1 9.4

      Speaking to fellow broadcaster Sky News Australia host Peta Credlin, commentator Gemma Tognini said of the Kiwi PM: "It's very, very cute for her to come to another country and morally posturise the way she has been.

      Good grief. In other words, "don't you come over here and shame us about the ways that we treat people here!"

      That is what this rightist dislike of "virtue signalling" is -the bully does not like being called for what he or she is doing.

      • Gabby 9.4.1

        Well someone's got to give Peda Cretin some moral guidance.

        • Incognito

          Horse – water – drink.

          Robert could start a college for the depraved.

      • Anne 9.4.2

        I loved the way the female anchor witch said at the end of the clip:

        And don't forget how she got there in the first place. Did a deal with Winston Peters.

  6. soddenleaf 10

    Potty mouth republicism in ascendancy. Making the U.S. great again. oxymoronic.

  7. Fireblade 11

    The right-wing are puerile, pathetic and desperate.

    Some idiot was trying to sell these, but the listing has now been removed by Trade Me.

  8. Tony Veitch (not etc) 12

    My wife and I are on a month long trip to Europe. Talked cricket with a Banglideshi waiter in a restaurant in a quiet part of Venice far away from San Marco. He was able to watch the final, which was more than we were able to do, being en route between cities at the time.

    But, and here's the point, he also made reference to the March massacre and how lucky we are as country to have such a wonderful prime minister who showed such compassion and feeling (his words)

    Once again proud to be a NZer.

  9. alwyn 13


    Martyn Bradbury has come to his senses. About the only thing I would disagree with him in this is that he thinks the Green Party have a 40% chance of surviving the next election. Not a hope, I would say.

    The article he links to is interesting too, although not quite as harsh in its evaluation of the Greens.

    Oh well, C'est la vie. I don't think they will be missed form Parliament, particularly when one looks at the spectacular stuff-up Shaw managed in his overseeing of Statistics in the Census.

    • The Greens won't make it past 5% if Martyn Bradbury has anything to do with it, sure. Fortunately, he won't have anything to do with it.

      This bit from the Stuff article is far more significant than Bradbury's sour grapes:

      The Greens are more worried about external threats: the negative Facebook posts that spread dubious claims during the Australian election campaign. There's every chance Topham Guerin, the Kiwi firm behind much of the Liberals' successful digital campaign will return to home soil in 2020.

      Pretty much, although "dubious claims" is a euphemism for "outright lies." Those guys will make Dirty Politics look like the amateur hour it was.

    • Robert Guyton 13.2

      You've bid farewell to The Greens on the advice of Martyn Bradbury, Alwyn?

      Your credibility took a further dive from it's subterranean "Metiria's a thief" level.

      Any deeper and you'll qualify as one of Stuart's "wyrms".

      • Sam 13.2.1

        You do realize kiwis have a far stronger history of voting governments out than in correct? Although I still think Labour and NZFirst can go it with the Greens, it would be better if the Greens stayed in don't you think? Unless the electorates are so stupid as to believe rainbows on the Internet will gift the Greens a spot on government.

    • Incognito 13.3

      This “spectacular stuff-up Shaw managed in his overseeing of Statistics in the Census” was not shouting that Census data had been hacked by a black ops team working for a bunch of dirty politicians, was it? That would indeed be a sackable offence.

      • dv 13.3.1

        AND wasn't the census organised while the Natz were in power?????

      • CHCoff 13.3.2

        Wasn't very impressed much when the female co-leader did that interview about some policy, but didn't have the stats to back it up, but the stats male co-leader did for his, along with her being clobbered about it by the previous guy ( who i guess didn't go back to OZ, anyway )

        Whatever else, they need to sort out those kind of stuff ups.

        • Incognito

          I agree that especially in the coms department all three coalition parties individually as well as collectively in the coalition Government could do heaps better. However, I also think that the media love to whip any molehill into a giant stuff up of epic proportions. We also tend to forget that things here in NZ are perhaps not nearly as bad as in other countries where bigly stuff ups are the norm such as Oz, Gr-Br, and US-A. I don’t know about you, but I prefer the NZ stuff ups to war mongers looking for a fight.

          • CHCoff

            In part it is easier here to do things abit differently.

            • Incognito

              I like different. I like how MMP is slowly growing up. I like how NZ (not just Jacinda Ardern) is carving out a niche in the world of geo-politics. I know that there’s a shed load of things to change here and despite the many stuff ups and snail’s pace of change in many areas progress is being made. I like that too.

    • Grey Area 13.4

      The census was a hospital pass from the incompetent National Party. But then you know that.

  10. Peter 14

    Last night Country Calendar on TV was about some entrepreneurial people near Nelson who have developed a business around processing various types of nuts. We got to see bags full, thousands of nuts. Good to see, they've done very well.

    It came to mind this afternoon when I got in a car that had Magic Radio on (or whatever they call themselves.) Sean Plunket was on and in the few minutes I heard him I had considerably more exposure to nutty than I'd had in half an hour the night before.

    • Gabby 14.1

      Haven't heard the Plunker in a long time. Not long enough mind you.

    • mac1 14.2

      That Country Calendar was about Uncle Joe's in Blenheim. Sort of near Nelson- just over the hill 110 km away! Also manufacture flour, oil and spreads made from nuts and seeds. The shells even make a garden mulch which deters snails!

      What we need are more nutters like these!

  11. Eco maori 15

    Kia ora The Am Show.

    Whats up boys the girls WON.

    One industry modeling that you can come up with that someone thinks Wahine gets paid more than men get a grip what about all the other organizations that pay Wahine less than men .

    I say a gun register is needed to trace the guns back to the owners not all licensed gun owners are responsible citizens + the police will know how many and what type of guns are in Aotearoa. That Christchurch fool was not a gangster was he.

    You know what I seen on the weekend a big flash million dollar playground in Cambridge full of children playing. A carpark bigger than the playgrounds in Fairysprings or Maraenui .

    We are currently constructing our bathing facilities the systems will be powered by Te Ra and Ahi

    Wildlife Seagulls its about survival a tame small dog could quite easily be a birds lunch birds are quite awesome hunters.

    Ka kite ano

  12. Eco maori 16

    Some Eco Maori music for the minute.

  13. Eco maori 17

    Kia ora Newshub.

    These businesses having losses because of the city rail link in Auckland during construction. Do business pay more when times are good No.

    That was a funny but a mistake from the greens.

    Thats is a great leak the polling shows national is not craling out of that hole .

    I think that the undercover sandflys in Aotearoa have long strings connected to the White House.

    Michael Eco Maori is correct in the reasons why I chose to blog to 3 tv because every story you screen is a attack on the government.

    Ka pai to Greenpeace for the Abigail Smith and co for protesting and climbing a building we only have one environment we don't have a multiverse like some would like us to believe te oil barons muppets.

    Ka kite ano

  14. Eco maori 18

    Kia ora Te Ao Maori News.

    Its is sad that the police are pushing te tangata whenua protesters in Auckland off their whenua thats the way they use the courts in Aotearoa to hit tangata whenua on the head with the court system Eco Maori tryed to use the courts system to defend himself but the sandflys interfere in my attempt to get JUSTICE muppets are shit scared to face Eco Maori in COURT. They are trying to control me but every time they try they just give Eco Maori more mana.

    Eco Maori tau toko his Whanau in Te Wairoa in there quest to BAN PEE FROM Wairoa I have heaps of Whanau in Te Wairoa I want the SHIT BANNED FROM Te taiwhiti East Coast to Banned from Aotearoa to.

    Te Wahine should have a choice of abortion if they need it there are many reasons why they would want a abortion I don't think it should be a crime to have a abortion .

    Ka kite ano.

  15. Eco maori 19

    My device is playing up WTF

  16. Eco Maori 20

    Kia Ora The Am Show.

    The resource management act needs to be replaced with one that doesn't place such huge cost on building a whare . Its's bloody ridiculous the charges from council to build a whare $20.000 just to get consent to build a driveway onto your property . These huge changes for resorce concent to build a whare are pushing tangata whenua out of owning there own whare is that what some designed it to do like the huge cost to servaying tangata whenua whenua in the old days Maori had to sell there whenua to pay the cost of the servaying.

    Eco Maori says Aotearoa needs to respect China .

    Great game of Netball awesome win.

    Ka Pai to Indonesia for considering closings the Island that Kamodo Dragons live on to save there habitat. Ka kite ano

  17. Eco maori 21

    You know who this is for whanau

  18. Eco maori 22

    Some Eco Maori music for the minute.

    These Hawksbay sandflys don't know who they are FUCKING WITH they will soon learn