Open mike 23/12/2024

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, December 23rd, 2024 - 22 comments
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Step up to the mike …

22 comments on “Open mike 23/12/2024 ”

  1. Tony Veitch 1

    Heading into the new year, we on the left have a massive task: to save our democracy from ‘wealth!’

    Over dramatic? Perhaps . . . perhaps not.

    When we see, in real time, the over-the-top influence of the billionaires on the last American election, and ‘Trumps’ Project 2025, when we can see similar things happening in the UK and Europe, when Australia is taking active steps to curtail the influence of wealth on their elections, and when we can see plain evidence of money manipulating our politicians (Winton, for instance, buying Bishop), then it’s past time to start removing money from our political processes.

    We cannot expect the Natz, ACT or NZFirst to so anything, they, after all, are the beneficiaries of pretty massive donations.

    The Greens and Ti Paarti Maori are already on board.

    That only leaves Labour. We need to convince the Labour Party to enact legislation to severely limit the influence of big money – in the form, as per Australia, of limiting contributions, or completely funding all parties from the public purse – something must be done!

  2. bwaghorn 2

    If a patient dies due to government underfunded I T , surely they could be taken to court for criminal negligence?

    • Kay 2.1

      Except that would set a precedent. Not just hospital death by IT, but death from malnutrition as a result of the government slashing funding to foodbanks, unsurvivable benefit rates, and kicking people out of emergency accommodation, deliberately not funding mental health services Etc, etc, etc.

      A lot of government policy contributes directly and indirectly to premature deaths, but don't worry – even if they made it to court, millions of taxpayer's money would be spent by Crown Law defending the government.

  3. Barfly 4

    I'm not sure the world has enough popcorn for the next four years laugh

  4. SPC 5

    A rules based order.

    Earlier this year B4Ukraine wrote to the King calling for companies including Bacardi, Nestlé, Unilever and Cadbury to have the award revoked.

    Ethical leadership.

    Cadbury only hung on because the Queen and her ancestors liked Bournville dark chocolate (us commoners only knew of Vita). Otherwise their resort to unnatural cheap ingredients, which made them untrustworthy and dishonest – and then sacre bleu, reduced size of blocks to hide price increases, would have been the end of them years back.,_Warwickshire

    History lesson. Cadbury fort was the symbol of British sovereignty. It was build to house 500 commoners under security of 500 guards. Later after the legions left in 406CE, the tradition was carried on by the 500 on horse.

    Their legend was that of the 2nd 6th. They served near the wall and were demobilised to Yorkshire and continued their horse expertise. After defeast by the Cantabrians of Spain (who used horse), the 2nd 6th hired in groups from the Black Sea for their legion. They brought with them, the legend of the women of the lake. The mythical origin of European royalty (old European for river is Danu) as old as the flood of c5500BCE in the Black Sea region.

  5. adam 7

    Wow just so blatant about one rule for the greedy, and one rule for the rest of us.

  6. joe90 8

    A month before we start eating each other, within the year most of us would be done.

    The temporary breakdown of Earth’s magnetic field 42,000 years ago sparked major climate shifts that led to global environmental change and mass extinctions, an international research team including a University of Wollongong (UOW) scientist has found.

    This dramatic turning point in Earth’s history – laced with electrical storms, widespread auroras, and cosmic radiation – was triggered by the reversal of Earth’s magnetic poles and changing solar winds.


    The study suggests that were a similar shift in the Earth’s magnetic poles to occur now, the consequences for modern society would be huge.

    Not only would incoming cosmic radiation destroy our electric power grids and satellite networks, it would trigger a new wave of climate change.

    “Why do we care what happened 42,000 years ago? Because what happened is terrifying and could happen again,” Professor Dosseto said.

    “If it happened again, the consequences would be tragic for humankind and would go well beyond losing mobile phone reception – however terrifying that might seem.

    “Although the weakening of the magnetic field only lasted a few hundred years, it had consequences on Earth’s climate, environment and life for the following thousands of years – a cautionary tale for our current impact on the planet.

    “It will take a while for the planet to clean up our mess, even long after we’re gone.”

  7. SPC 9

    A mortgage free home and a million dollars saved to have comfortable retirement.

    How many achieve this?

    • Macro 10.1

      I read that today as well. I just felt the same. This is a sick and mean spirited shower we have "governing" NZ at the moment. They forget that government is for all people, not just the wealthiest and sorted.

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