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6:00 am, February 23rd, 2010 - 20 comments
Categories: open mike -
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Raj Patel’s list of 10 things that aren’t as cheap as people assume.
Intresting piece about one possible reason for the slowdown in new job creation…
Snuffle, snuffle. “Oops, I did it again”
Because Rolling Stone has f.a. web presence and because Matt Taibbi writes so..well colourfully, on the banks’ rape and pillage of us all in this wonderful 21st C and bearing in mind that John Boy wants NZ to be a back room operation for Blobal Banksters Inc, I thought I’d ping up a link to his latest Wall Street Bailout Hustle
Hope you enjoy.
Matt Taibbi is one of the great investigative writers. Every article of his should be a must read for anyone wanting history lessons in the great fuck up that is the American (and, by extension, our) economy.
It would appear that according to the Beehive’s very own version of Alf Garnet being an ACT Minister is only a part-time occupation. He’s currently got an ad running in a Tongan newspaper claiming that he is:
To give him the benefit of the doubt, perhaps he can’t advertise the fact that he’s an MP and the practise is still being run by his Associates but, if so, why are the contact details for New Zealand? And, then of course, it has to be remembered that Garrett is spending a lot of time over in Tonga representing Commander Lupeti Vi, head of the Ports Of Tonga Authority, at the Royal Commission Inquiry into the Sinking of the Princess Ashika.
hey hooton.
the polls dude the polls.
72% of new zealanders dont beleive the prime minister is telling the truth?
62% believe they will be worse off after the tax cuts.
and is not believing the prime minister the same as believing he is a liar?
Not 100% but just a leaning that way. They are beginning to realise that he is King John the Clueless of Charmalot and is adept at thinking six impossible things before breakfast.
Why, if we have the technology to perform secure online banking and a large percentage of us do, hasn’t that technology been adapted to vote online towards binding referenda ?
Even those who don’t have regular internet could truck down to a permanent polling station to vote if they felt it was important enough ?
It seems to me that you are suggesting a move towards a more streamlined system for referenda that are also binding?
If so, there is a big difference between an effectively run democracy and mob rule. If referenda became so commonplace and binding, all you would have is a country run by 51% of people on any issue. No direction or leadership, just whatever the mob wills. This would also leave very little time for education of the masses on the issue at hand or any other number of problems due to system overload for most.
As much as I think online voting needs to be implemented for national and local elections putting them in place for binding referendums will screw up society really badly. Most people don’t have the information to hand to make a rational decision regarding the running of the country and so tend to emotionalise that decision. Representative democracy isn’t perfect but it’s a hell of a lot better than what we would have if we had binding referendums.
The trick would be to have limited informed selection on referenda before they get to public vote and educate the public on the issues…. a simple pros and cons list then let us decide.
…but dost thou really have so little faith in the common man ?
No, I think that if they have the correct information available to them then they will choose correctly. The problem occurs when a lot of the information available to them is the wrong information and the fact that they don’t know the difference (Doing so in all matters would be far beyond the ability of any one person). The AGW “debate” is still going on in the public eyes due to the proliferation of wrong information – a debate that ended in the scientific community years ago.
“If referenda became so commonplace and binding, all you would have is a country run by 51% of people on any issue.”
as opposed to a country run by the wealthy/privileged for themselves ?
propose referenda, let it go to committee for approval then drawn from a ballot for public consumption and only enacted with a 2/3 public majority ? The problems aren’t so great that they could be overcome with some healthy checks and balances thrown in to make sure the process doesn’t get exploited by the few.
Can you envision a time when self rule would be commonplace ? and how would we even initiate the process if those who have most to lose control that process ?
Yes, actually, I can but, not ATM – we have more to learn first.
Twenty seven civilians killed by a US missile strike – US General says “oops, sorry ’bout that”.
Never mind, there’s always the gas reserves to think about, eh? Fuckers.
And once again the “sceptical” environmentalist Lomborg is shown to be full of crap:
Might still have to get Cool it though (second hand), just to go with The Lomborg Deception…
Also reading through the comment son Pharyngula I can see a Lomborg fanboi at it again, salivating over the Himalayan glacier errors as though that invalidates all the myriad errors found by Friel in Lomborg’s books. Plus then there’s all the lovely stuff Kare Fog’s dug up
Majority rule is an evil system and does nothing to protect minorities – even when that minority is quite large.
In thinking about democracy though shouldn’t the election of those to govern for their term be more about the division of labour than the allocation of power. All citizens cannot be expected to know everything about everything, though all should be free to have input.
Isn’t the point to pay people to govern wisely, consulting and considering all viewpoints and making decisions that benefit all the community ( including the future) – not to blithely hand over power for them to spend three years doing what they want.
The former is what representative democracy is supposed to be. Unfortunately, it’s become a power game between the elites – the latter. The latter is especially true of National as they tend to be authoritarian to begin with.
Draco, I wrote in a similar way on a thread at Red Alert about the Nats’ authoritarianism based on a passage from Noam Chomsky, “What We Say Goes”. Page 59.
He says on the subject of democracy, page 47.
“In fact, what’s called ‘undemocratic’ by the United States is extremely interesting. For example, when Evo Morales in Bolivia made moves towards nationalization of Bolivia’s resources, he was condemned as authoritarian, dictatorial, attacking democracy. But did it matter that he was supported by about 95% of the population? Is that what ‘dictatorial’ means? We have a particular concept of democratic, which means “do what we say’. Then a country is democratic, or is becoming democratic. If a country does what the population wants, it’s not democratic. It’s shocking that people can’t see this.’
There are parallels between the US position when this was written in 2007 and current National views of democracy? “Do what we say’.
He quoted Thucydides, “Large nations do what they wish, while small nations accept what they must.” Which can be writ small and applied to people within a nation. And secondly, he quoted Adam Smith, the “principal architects” of state policy, the “merchants and manufacturers” make sure their own interests are “most particularly attended to.” (page 41).
A huge concurrence with what you are saying, and in my view, hugely descriptive of NZ today. Cheers.