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- Date published:
6:00 am, August 24th, 2024 - 18 comments
Categories: open mike -
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Step up to the mike …
Slight problem with a reboot this morning for a kernel update. I hadn't enabled the php8.3 service, so it didn't autostart. Hopefully not too many people hit that.
Townies don't get up before nine on a Saturday I'm probably the only one who noticed 🤣
This townie was up before 7 – but admittedly not online (walking, gardening, laundry, cleaning). Just sitting down now with a cup of coffee to read the papers.
you beat me there hoplessly addicted to my scrolling of the bloody ph
Rot, I’m a townie, and I was up at 0530 and did the server updates at about 0615. But I was writing code and working on a virtual test server and listening to music on headphones. Which is why I didn’t see the notifier or hear that the site wasn’t running.
However I did go back to bed at 0830 for a read followed by a nap to midday. Been a bit short of sleep over the past week. The bloody cat has been getting nocturnally active as the day lengths increase.
I noticed but went instead and did Wordle as is my wont. Then read in the Press about Leon MacDonald's departures, some opinion pieces on Hipkins and Willis/Bayly, some articles on fraudsters, tax evaders, and stupid speedsters, pieces on kaupapa Māori health services and human brain tissue issues with micro-plastics and delightfully an 'apology' by Hipkins on behalf of Luxon.
Local body people deserved a 'respectful relationship' with central government."I am sorry you did not get that this week", he said.
"It's all very well to describe a community swimming pool as a nice-to-have, if you have a pool in your own backyard" he said, to applause.
In Letters to the Editor, former ChCh mayor Garry Moore wrote in similar vein. "What about unnecessary expenditure on libraries, swimming pools, gyms, art galleries, school playing fields, and museums."
"Why remove from the Local Government Act reference to consideration of social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing?" Moore wrote.
Indeed. Some thoughtful stuff thee even before moving to The Standard which gets a mention in the Janet Wilson opinion piece, describing The Standard as '"he left-wing newspaper"!
From the Historical : It will be somebody else's problem….
Also earlier: She'll be right mate…
Why i, and many others are worried about NACT1 and fast tracking…
Iron oxide.
Ah, could be. IMO the Council was giving the right call, to be cautious. And knowing that there is a mineshaft (containing what? )in the area…
Or kōkōwai.
edit: Hametite deposits adjacent to the Ohinemuri River.
Hello Mother Nature ? Cleanup in isle … Does Nature (Mother or not) get over…cleaning up after humans?
Having had a bit of a poke around in a couple a long time ago and (ignoring warning signs) we did find a pretty good pile of very old and very unstable explosives backed outa there pretty quick but mostly old bits of equiptment etc.
Oh that was maybe a lucky escape ? FYI I like some of the History…have biked/walked along and around plenty of remains of stacked Schist stone header dams/old water races used for sluicing. The toxic chemicals some used though, esp on gold bearing quartz etc….uuurgh.
As I said..It was all somebody else's problem. Ours.
You forget that pollution is not a bug for the neolibs of Seymour and Luxons flavour. It's just another income stream ripening for harvest when the public health has been trashed to the extent that private health is the only option.
No I never forget that. We have to stand up for sure. Ive done submissions to Parliament and protested where I can….
Eighty five years ago Stalin and his Austrian mate did their dirty deal to roll over Eastern Europe and divvy up the proceeds.
Will the FSU mob defend Owen's right to spread her antisemitism?
It seems Uncle Tom Potaka is having to be protected by more senior members of his party: