Another day, another vomit-inducing Armstrong’s ode to his Dearest Leader Jong Kee. I won’t be even arsed to copypasta a link, it’s just not worth it. Go and read a book instead.
Thanks for the no-link Amirite………am I right assuming that part at least was devoted to milksop admiration of Little Churchill’s posturings on the world stage ? No ? Oh well, we’ll read all about it next week then.
Jesus if I was Putin I’d be shitting. Little Churchill’s on the job.
For example, the “8 Falsehoods” study details how Pacific Rim/OceanaGold, soon after filing its suit, attempted to paint its opponents as “rogue” NGOs that are “anti-development.” Yet, the reality is that El Salvador’s decision to stop issuing new mining permits came after strong public outrage over the devastating impacts of mining. As the study reveals:
• An independent poll showed 62.4% of the public opposed to mining.
• The highest echelons of the Catholic Church publicly came out against mining.
• The government’s office of Ombudsman for Human Rights opposes mining.
• Over 260 international groups have called for the dismissal of the suit.
In other words, as the study stresses, the groups inside and outside of El Salvador opposing the mining are anything but “rogue.” Moreover, the “rogue” label used by Pacific Rim/OceanaGold is reckless amidst the conflict that Pacific Rim’s proposed mine has brought to the area. Indeed, since 2009, at least four people opposed to mining have been assassinated in the area where the company wants to mine.
The study also refutes Pacific Rim/OceanaGold’s claim that it went above and beyond the guidelines required for mining permits back when the government was still issuing them. Instead—and this should be key to the World Bank-based tribunal hearing the case—our study found that the firm never completed or submitted a feasibility study, nor did it ensure it had purchased ownership or authorization to use the surface land over the proposed mine. Rather, Pacific Rim relied on lobbying government officials to try to get the permit.
The malfeasance of corporations and yet this government wants us to sign away our sovereignty to them via the TPPA.
Our courts are not where the cases will be decided. They plan to use off-shore tribunals that seem to have little to do with International law. The mechanics of it are apparently written into the bits the public (and most of the negotiating countries) have not seen.
The very real confusion and confliction on this topic alone should be headline news every day but it’s okay Key and Groser are onto it. They say it’s all going to be fine.
Do you really believe that vto?
Do you honestly think that transnational mega-corporations have no muscle to flex?
Do you sincerely believe that NZ courts can stand up to the combined forces of companies worth trillions of dollars?
These companies control the production and transportation (and safety) of the majority of products and services that we consume. If the TPPA is signed, we become even more enslaved to their corporate will. I think a few hours spent out on the street showing our Government that we know what is planned and are not happy about it, is the very least free people in a democracy can do.
International law said the USA had no right to invade Iraq.
International law said the USA had no right to use white phosphorus.
International law said the USA had no right to use depleted uranium.
Here are some excerpts from the libraries of data that is out there about the illegal use of munitions by the USA and (Israel)
“According to a August 2002 report by the UN sub-commission, laws which are breached by the use of DU [Depleted Uranium] shells include: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; the Charter of the United Nations; the Genocide Convention; the Convention Against Torture; the four Geneva Conventions of 1949; the Conventional Weapons Convention of 1980; and the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907, which expressly forbid employing ‘poison or poisoned weapons’ and ‘arms, projectiles or materials calculated to cause unnecessary suffering’. All of these laws are designed to spare civilians from unwarranted suffering in armed conflicts.”
While you are technically correct in that White Phosphorus use is not illegal it is only deemed legal when use as an obscuriant for advancing/retreating troop movements.
“White phosphorus is not listed in the schedules of the Chemical Weapons Convention. It can be legally used as a flare to illuminate the battlefield, or to produce smoke to hide troop movements from the enemy. Like other unlisted substances, it may be deployed for “Military purposes… not dependent on the use of the toxic properties of chemicals as a method of warfare”. But it becomes a chemical weapon as soon as it is used directly against people”
note: Towns and cities are not open battlefields
Of late , and especially in Palestine the use of White Phosphorus has been used as an offensive munition and certainly hits the grey area of legality
“When used properly in open areas, white phosphorus munitions are not illegal, but the Human Rights Watch report concludes that the IDF repeatedly exploded it unlawfully over populated neighborhoods, killing and wounding civilians and damaging civilian structures, including a school, a market, a humanitarian aid warehouse, and a hospital.
Israel at first denied it was using white phosphorus in Gaza but, facing mounting evidence to the contrary, said that it was using all weapons in compliance with international law. Later it announced an internal investigation into possible improper white phosphorus use. “.
Max, If you think burning children alive is not illegal because of some vagaries of self-serving International interpretations between warmongers then fine, just call it highly immoral, but either way, defending the use of these munitions says a lot about you. I suppose you think nuclear warfare is all good too as long as it gets a big green tick on some checklist.
If the Treaty analogy holds, then there’ll be a new series of land wars within a couple of decades. Drones in the skies rather than cannonballs. A century of oppression tfollowed by a grudging 3% pittance returned.
+100 @ freedom….and if you combine this TPPA with censorship and attacks on the openness of the internet….which USA and multi nationals want to do…..we will indeed be sitting ducks as passive recipients/victims of what ever the biggest multi -billion dollar multinationals want to dish out to us in pursuit of maximising their profits…a compliant, ill educated , population…and to hell with our health and wellbeing
….democracy, critical thinking and self determination well and truly out the window…. and fascism and mind control in.
I notice that for the Day of Action in Auckland, speakers include, Turei (Greens), Harawira (Mana) and Asenati Lole-Taylor (NZ First). – also Jeanette Fitzsimon – no-one from Labour? I see Labour MPs are lined up for other places – though the only named one I can find so far is Claire Curran
Anadarko has slunk off with barely a whisper. The departure date seems to have been kept quiet till now to prevent a public Haere Rā.
The drill ship Noble Bob Douglas departed New Zealand waters last weekend. The ship has left its drill site north of Dunedin and is bound for Argentina… but at present the seismic survey vessel Aquila Explorer is still operating south east of Dunedin, on behalf of Shell.
With the development time of any find by Shell taking till at least next election, this report seems well timed:
Many natural systems (e.g. climate, water) are so affected by humans that they are starting to limit the quality of life, and if left unchecked will severely degrade human wellbeing. A wide range of indicators all point to the need for New Zealand to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and to limit the deterioration of New Zealand’s environment
David Cunliffe on RadioNZ’s Morning Report just now, nice one David, take no prisoners, while the interviewer tried to apply ‘soft soap’ to the actions of Hekia Parata surrounding the Kohanga Reo debacle Cunliffe was having none of it,
As the interviewer tried to intervene and disrupt what Mr Cunliffe was saying His voice developed a growl and didn’t falter while He delivered listeners the message,
Good skills David Cunliffe, its time to adopt an attitude of take no prisoners, its no use waking up the day after the vote wondering what if i had done this or said that…
Anger is appropriate in these kinds of situations and signals important information:
Third wayers who insist on Labour being declawed and focusing on happy- happy- joy-joy just don’t get it. The Crosby-Textor approach only works for the representatives of the elite because the means contains the message – it is the language and the very modus operandi of neoliberalism.
However taking the high road does entail the Labour caucus clearing out all its dirty secrets of a financial nature. You can’t be what you are criticising in others if you are left. It destroys the whole argument.
+1 Bad. Excellent, David. I hope Chris Trotter was listening. There was nothing contrived about David’s delivery .and he made the most of the opportunity.
Lolz, Morning report just read out a couple of texts they have received about the Cunliffe interview this morning,
”Wow was that really David Cunliffe, now that sounds like what a ‘real’ leader of the Opposition should sound like”, and, ”what just happened there did Simon Mercep slip David Cunliffe some hydrochloric acid”,
Indeed, there is a time for anger in politics, and, David Cunliffe this morning managed to project such anger with aplomb, it certainly got more than a few sets of ears tuning in,
Yep. It was great stuff. Matt McCarten is probably telling David to go out there and pummel them. Mercep was pissed off and cut him off in a sulky and peremptory manner.
I thought Mercep was being transferred to another programme? The sooner the better.
i would say tho that this morning Cunliffe certainly had Mercep figured out, when Mercep tried to but, but,but in with whatever it was he was trying to peddle as a defense for Hekia Parata, Cunliffe simply deepened His voice, raised the volume a notch and carried right on delivering the message,
Certainly silenced the interviewer, and, that’s the way David Cunliffe has to treat such people, allowing the media to bring Cunliffe down to the level of a sparring match between Him and the media is not an option,(they sure as hell don’t treat Slippery the PM in such a tawdry manner)…
Yes a good interviewee. But no, Keep Simon and Paddy on.
Intellectually Cunliffe could eat them in one swallow.
Can’t wait for the next stoush or should I say ‘demolition?’
But seriously it’s good to see Labour standing up to and confronting the bias so prevalent in our media.
Yeah Mercep was a disgrace…….when Cunliffe leapt into it he tried to cut him off in his piss mealy mouthed Mercep way…….”whoa whoa I know what you’re up to we won’t be having any of that…..”. His natural nothingness wouldn’t have had him doing that to the Bankster. He’d have been arselickingly clucking. “Thank you Prime Minister”. Seems like they’re all lost minutes after they think they’ve got a profile. Or maybe it’s just a case of knowing their handsomely paid jobs depend on it. Jesus New Zealand’s fucked !
The big question I have is: Why the hell is such an important Search & Rescue/Ambulance service being funded by a board otherwise intended to fund arts institutions?
Surely these helicopter services have proven their worth well enough to have a proper official funding out of Govt Police/Health budgets.
No the real question is why we have to have a trust running such a service that has several questionable people involved.
The whole trust should be disbanded and either run as part of the RCC service or similar body or funded from government through a suitable body. St Johns springs to mind but maybe we could just add it on to Salvation Army Social service. I know they have never asked to operate helicopter service or even have the staff but heck that doesn’t seem to matter anymore.
The big question I have is: Why the hell is such an important Search & Rescue/Ambulance service being funded by a board otherwise intended to fund arts institutions?
There are two Trusts which would really need to be consolidated to see the full picture but the admin and salaries look fairly generous in some areas. I couldn’t see how many rescues or operations they undertook every year. Interesting that they have funds for lawyers.
The average salary per employee of either trust looks like it is in the $100K region. got this lot off the charities website 2013 year. sorry about length.
This seems to be the Trust that actually “operates” the helicopters.
Auckland Regional Rescue Helicopter Trust
Trustees per the Charities website
Murray Bolton 03/08/1990
Michelle Boag 01/12/2004
John McDougall 03/08/1990
Bob Parkinson 01/07/2007
Kenneth Baguley 01/09/2010
Craig Marshall 08/06/2011
Number of paid full time people in an average week 33
Number of paid part time people in an average week 1
Number of paid hours worked in total by all employees in an average week 1335
Salaries and wages $3,565,556
The main trust has sold the helicopters and leased them back from this Trust:
The Rescue Helicopter (Auckland) Trust
Trustees are pretty much the same people
Tenby Powell 08/03/2011
John Mcdougall 08/03/2011
Michelle Boag 08/03/2011
Robert Parkinson 08/03/2011
Kenneth Baguley 08/03/2011
Murray Bolton 08/03/2011
Craig Marshall 08/06/2011
Number of paid full time people in an average week 9
Number of paid part time people in an average week 4
Number of paid hours worked in total by all employees in an average week 326
Salaries and wages $1,070,886
This trust fundrraised about $6.9m($1.5M from bequests) with expenses of $1.6m
Ah yes, the great efficiency & transparency benefits of running stuff in the Private sector!
So just on this one job two jobs, Boag earns 200k per year doing 76hrs/week O_o
Add to that the gazillion other directorship/spokespersonships she has & its utterly mind-boggling that she finds time to breathe.
Her bank account must surely be so full its on the verge of overflowing so that some of us get to finally benefit from the Golden shower of her trickledown!
Over on Brian Edwards he has posted a critique of Key v Cunliffe.
He concludes that he doesn’t trust Key.
Several of his commenters are asking for evidence of why Brian doesn’t trust him.
Perhaps someone can find a link to Blip’s list which could then be posted.
This comment caught my eye “I look forward to Labour releasing some policy that I can vote for but if future announcements mirror the shambles of the Start Up plan, not to mention including those on 150000 as in need of help, God help Labour.”
What do people who think like this, think tax cuts for the wealthy are, if not help?
If tax cuts for the rich are not helpful, why do they not complain about them?
Hypocrisy, the homeland of the Elite.
I do have somewhat of a pavlov’s dog reaction of posting Blip’s List whenever I see a blog where someone asks “what’s wrong with that nice man Mr Key?”
I did make a comment a long time ago expressing my dissatisfaction with Mr Edward’s declaration that libraries should be completely user pays, maybe that had something to do with it, but more likely email address related. What I found funny though, was my post today got released moments after my above question was posted 🙂
Shucks, you mean its only taken five and a half years for Brian to realize that Slippery the Prime Minister cannot be trusted,
Any thinking New Zealander who wasn’t about to get their back pocket stuffed via National’s ‘tax shift’ way back in 2009 would have realized that the PM was a snake oil salesman at the point He uttered ”National will not be raising GST”…
…mmmm bad12, I think Brian has been a little more discerning than that. He is simply comparing the MSM perceptions of Key v Cunliffe with his “throw away line” at the end.
Yesterday the Fairfax papers ran a story about New Zealand mortgages being more expensive than the rest of the world for the last 20 years
David Cunliffe followed with a press release – I’m not sure if it was picked up in the MSM – saying it was proof of the need for Labour’s ‘economic upgrade’; higher savings, an economy that earns its way in the world, etc. This is such a central hip pocket issue especially now houses are so expensive. And it affects renters too. It means much more to most people than the focus on exporters and the high dollar. I hope Labour continues to emphasise this, and it wasn’t just a conditioned response press release to a story of the day.
Another story from Fairfax yesterday, which I can’t find online, said banks might not hike interest rates on term deposits by the expected lift in response to this month’s interest rate rise because they are not hungry for NZ capital and can borrow offshore. This seems so very wrong. A related and very pertinent issue Labour should be highlighting.
The MSM is blatantly only printing pro TricKey stories. So anything positive to Labour is hidden in the archives, 30 floors down (no lift no lights.) Then you will have to search for it in the box room, and sorry, we had a grumpy stockboy so everything is out of order. Oh sorry the lights don’t work here either.
This on wages that I tacked onto a comment on Dunne yesterday (basic info which I needed and if you want background, I made quite a good job of collating so worth a look).
Informative piece on income wages etc from the census.
A Herald analysis of the income figures show a 90 per cent rise in people earning between $70,001 and $100,000 – from 125,115 to 238,212 – and a 40 per cent increase in those bringing home between $50,000 and $70,000.
Of those earning more than $100,000 41 per cent live in Auckland, 19 per cent in Wellington and 12 per cent in Christchurch.
Women are a fifth more likely to have a degree than men, but women’s incomes lag behind men’s because women are still more likely to do more unpaid child-minding….
The number of women on six-figure salaries has doubled from 22,824 to 45,294 since the 2006 Census….
While the median wage – Men earn $36,500 and women $23,100, according to the median income figures, up from $31,500 and $19,100 respectively.
An interesting point that is in Ha-Joon Chang’s 23 things about capitalism is that the evidence shows that increasing education doesn’t improve the economy through a massive boost in innovation. He, and I agree with him, still thinks it better for a nation to be well educated. Innovation, though, comes from elsewhere and Mazzucato’s Entrepreneurial State would indicate that it comes from government funded long term research – the more the better.
Another interesting point that Ha-Joon Chang makes is that our economies are actually massively planned. Almost all the actions of small businesses and mega corporations are planned to the nth degree. One of the problems that has occurred over the last three decades is that the planning of government, which coordinated all the planning of the businesses, has been removed resulting in less growth and innovation.
I’m defending transparency and accountability for Auckland citizens and ratepayers.
Where’s the ‘Taxpayers’ Union’ Jordan Williams?
25 March 2014
REQUEST FOR SPEAKING RIGHTS at Auckland Council Governing Body meeting to be held on Thursday 27 March 2014 at 9.30am, Reception Lounge Auckland Town Hall.
My subject matter is:
1) An update on four complaints that I filed with Police:
a) Alleged money-laundering against Mayor Len Brown.
b) Alleged bribery and corruption against Mayor Len Brown (a joint complaint with fellow
community Public Watchdog Lisa Prager).
c) Alleged contravention of statute by former Auckland Council CEO, Doug McKay.
d) Alleged assault against Auckland Council Officers who forcibly removed me from the CEO
Review Committee meeting after I was denied speaking rights by Chair Chris Fletcher,
when I was attempting to expose, (in my considered opinion), a corrupt 'conflict of interest'
involving current CEO Stephen Town.
2) The lack of statutory protection for ‘anti-corruption whistle-blowers’ who are not employees.
3) The failure of both Auckland Council, and statutory ‘Public Watchdogs’ to ensure that the RULE OF LAW regarding ‘open, transparent and democratically-accountable’ local government – particularly statutory duties arising from s. 17 of the Public Records Act 2005, is upheld:
How come I do not see Penny Bright protesting about Collin’s recent dealings milk with the same vehemence as she does the mayor of Auckland.
Surely its not because she was defeated by said mayor.
Do try to keep up with those of us who are CONSISTENT in our opposition to corruption, and asking the questions no one else appears to be, to find out the FACTS and the TRUTH?
(Please be advised that I have now received formal acknowledgments that both these OIA requests have been received …..)
Open Letter’ /OIA request to NZ Prime Minister John Key ‘Nothing to hide – nothing to fear’? Please provide the name and position of the Chinese border control official.
14 March 2014
New Zealand Prime Minister
John Key
‘Open Letter’ /OIA request to NZ Prime Minister John Key:
‘Nothing to hide – nothing to fear’?
Dear Prime Minister,
It has been publicly reported that Justice Minister Judith Collins had dinner with the following persons, whilst in Beijing in October 2013:
The founder of Oravida, Deyi “Stone” Shi,
The Managing Director of Oravida, Julia Xu
A senior Chinese border control official (unnamed)
(Minister Judith Collins ‘senior advisor’ Margaret Malcolm, was also reported as being present at this dinner.)
On Wednesday, Prime Minister John Key publicly expressed his ire that she had been economical with the truth about meetings with Mr Shi while visiting China last October.
She revealed that apart from a previously disclosed visit to milk exporter Oravida’s Shanghai offices, she dined with Mr Shi, the company’s managing director Julia Xu, and a senior Chinese border control official while in Beijing.
Mr Key has accepted Ms Collins’ assurances that Oravida’s business was not discussed at the dinner, but yesterday, New Zealand First leader Winston Peters challenged that in Parliament.
“Following the botulism scare of last year, is it not a fact that her visit to Oravida was predominantly access and Customs clearance for Oravida products in the Chinese market, and that is the real reason why a People’s Republic of China border official was present at that dinner?”
Ms Collins once again denied that, and when asked if she would resign if it emerged that she discussed Oravida’s imports to China with the border official, said: “Yes, of course, but I didn’t.”
Ms Collins said her senior adviser Margaret Malcolm, who was also present at the dinner, would confirm that Oravida’s business was not discussed, which is exactly what Ms Malcolm did when contacted by the Herald.
Asked whether Ms Xu had ever raised concerns with her about problems getting product into China, Ms Collins said no.
“They were not affected by the whey powder. They’re the first exporters of fresh milk from New Zealand to China and this was not affected by Fonterra.”
However, that is at odds with a television interview Ms Xu gave a month before the Beijing dinner.
Ms Xu said that in the wake of the Fonterra botulism scare her company, which exports milk and other products to China, was facing additional stringent testing requirements from the Chinese border control agency CIQ (China Inspection & Quarantine Services). That added costs and caused delays.
During the interview on TVNZ’s Q+A Ms Xu also said: “I think the Government, perhaps, could do a little more to engage in more bilateral talks to remove some of the tests or measures the Chinese Government have put on because of this false mistake.”
Ms Collins refused to identify the Chinese border control official who was at the dinner or say which agency they worked for, and indicated she was being kept on a short leash by the Prime Minister.
“I think you should talk to the Prime Minister’s office because I am giving you the words that I have been told that I should say, otherwise there could be an issue with China.”
1) Please provide the name of the above-mentioned ‘senior Chinese border control official’, and the agency for whom he worked.
2) Please provide the information which confirms that advice on this on-going ‘conflict of interest’ between Justice Minister Judith Collins and the company Oravida, of which her husband David Wong Tung is a Director,
is being dealt with, as outlined in the Cabinet Manual, by the Acting Secretary of the Cabinet, Michael Webster, not your Chief of Staff, Wayne Eagleson, from the Office of the Prime Minister:
2.69 Ministers must ensure that any conflicts of interest are promptly addressed. The Secretary of the Cabinet (and, where appropriate, the chief executive of the department concerned) should be kept informed of conflicts of interest as they arise.
In addition, the Prime Minister should be advised in writing of conflicts that are of particular concern or that require ongoing management. If in doubt about the appropriate course of action, Ministers should consult the Prime Minister or the Secretary of the Cabinet.
3) Please provide the information which confirms that this OFFICIAL INFORMATION ACT REQUEST will be dealt with, in the proper way, by the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) , not your ‘National party political’ Chief of Staff, Wayne Eagleson, as clearly outlined on the DPMC website:
This includes preparation of replies to Parliamentary questions, and dealing with Official Information Act requests and other correspondence. A totally separate body, the Office of the Prime Minister, also advises the Prime Minister: it is the primary point of responsibility for managing political issues and relationships with other political parties and for providing administrative and media support.
DPMC formally came into existence on 1 January 1990, as a result of a report which recommended establishing structures to provide two separate streams of advice to the Prime Minister; one, a new government department to supply impartial, high quality advice and support to the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and another, a Prime Minister’s Private Office (which is not part of DPMC), to provide personal support and media services, and advice of a party political nature.
Please be reminded that I have still yet to receive an acknowledgement of receipt of the following ‘Open Letter’ /OIA request which I emailed to you on 6 March 2014.
(It is now 14 March 2014.)
6 March 2014
NZ Prime Minister
John Key
OPEN LETTER / OIA request – re: the alleged ‘conflict of interest’ of Minister of Justice Judith Collin’s perceived endorsement of Oravida milk.
Dear Prime Minister,
Please provide a copy of the advice purportedly provided by the Cabinet Office, upon which you are relying, which substantiates your following reported statement:
Prime Minister John Key said the Cabinet Office “unequivocally .. said no there’s no breach.”
Yours sincerely,
Penny Bright
‘Anti-corruption / anti-privatisation Public Watchdog’
‘Anti-corruption/ anti-privatisation Public Watchdog’
Attendee: 2009 Australian Public Sector Anti-Corruption Conference
Attendee: 2010 Transparency International Anti-Corruption Conference
Attendee: 2013 Australian Public Sector Anti-Corruption Conference
David Cunliffe talked about Government supporting timber value added instead of just exporting logs. Good on him. It does work well. In South Korea Government got stuck into developing technology as the way to develop exports using G4 technology and are now heading into G5 before it has even been invented. They are world leaders and raking in the profits.
Just after 8pm tonight Monday on National Radio, there was an interesting BBC interview with a South Korean official and they talked about the Government choosing to promote/develop Technology in a very big way.
ianmac, i listened to something on RadioNZ, i believe it was yesterday that said that New Zealand is now by volume the biggest source of raw logs going into that country,
We need to get some real smarts going here, obviously the Chinese like em raw because this creates employment for their people, what needs to occur is an assessment of what products such raw logs become as the end use,
A negotiation with the Chinese need then occur around what level of processing of the raw logs would they accept to be carried out in New Zealand while still be willing to purchase the same tonnage of product from us,
Even if we as New Zealand could secure agreement that half of such processing were to occur here in New Zealand and half in China, in terms of added employment to the economy we would be far better off than we are at present…
A negotiation with the Chinese need then occur around what level of processing of the raw logs would they accept to be carried out in New Zealand while still be willing to purchase the same tonnage of product from us,
They won’t buy any processed wood products from us. They’re using our resources to develop their economy while ours goes backwards.
We need to be banning the export of raw produce so that we’ll be forced to develop our own economy.
Draco, i am not debating from such a point as you are pushing simply because the major player on our side of the divide Labour? proposes no such thing,
So to debate from your point of view is to debate that which is definitely not going to happen, Yes the Chinese are at present only buying our raw logs, but, that is the point of an investigation into what further processing they do with those logs and a negotiation surrounding how much of our wood would they buy if it were part or fully processed…
How much are they buying ATM? Because that would be the amount that they would continue to buy. As I said, they’re using our resources to develop their own economy.
To develop better value add to wood then two things need to happen:
1.) The price of raw logs needs to come down and
2.) The actual R&D to produce that added value needs to happen
Now, the government supporting that R&D can get that to happen but after that we need to have the resources available to do anything with it and that’s where banning the exports of raw logs comes in. It would give us the resources to produce the value added products and if we do it right then the price paid for the logs would increase back to where they are now due to the demand for those products.
Lolz Draco, you have forgotten one thing, the end use of the raw logs, that is why i say we should first investigate what use(s) the Chinese put these raw logs to,(the end use),
We then should negotiate with the Chinese so as to gain part of the processing they now do as part of our manufacturing here in New Zealand,
What do you think the Chinese will say if we simply tell them to f off we are not selling them any more raw logs???, i would suggest they would simply say fine then, having plenty of money they would simply move to the next big supplier, (Canada), and using their greater purchasing power of having more money secure their raw logs,
Having given them the F off as far as raw logs goes do you think the Chinese would not for a moment make doing business with them all that much harder in other areas,
Look what occurred surrounding the Botulism scare, next minute we have containers full of meat trapped on the wharf in China unable for some mysterious reason to move,(oh that’s right a problem with the paper-work), i could imagine piles and piles of problems with the paperwork occurring were we to start treating the Chinese in the shoddy manner you suggest…
What do you think the Chinese will say if we simply tell them to f off we are not selling them any more raw logs?
As long as it’s a complete ban of exporting raw logs (product) there’s not a lot they can say.
i would suggest they would simply say fine then, having plenty of money they would simply move to the next big supplier
And that affects us how?
We should not be afraid of a country being unwilling to trade with us especially considering that power-down really isn’t that far away and that international trade will be decreasing anyway.
As a Far northerner as a kid and for almost 20 years later on till just now (and going back) I read the Northland Age, herewith is Hone’s statement in what he regards as his local newsletter.
“Harawira — I’m not the MP signing with Dotcom
Te Tai Tokerau MP and Mana Party leader Hone Harawira has rejected any suggestion that he might be about to join forces with Kim Dotcom following a hitherto undeclared meeting with the internet mogul earlier this year.
‘‘ We clearly have common interests, but for the record, I didn’t ask him to fund Mana, and he didn’t offer to either. I didn’t ask him to join Mana, and he didn’t ask me to join his party,’’ Mr Harawira said.
‘‘ I haven’t spoken publicly about the meeting because I haven’t yet spoken with the Mana exec about it. That’s set for later this week.’’
Mr Harawira spoke after Mr Dotcom claimed that he had signed up one sitting MP to join his new Internet Party before the election and was talking to three more. He declined to identify the MP, until the Internet Party was registered and has chosen all its candidates, around mid-year, but was reported as saying he was in talks with Mr Harawira about uniting their parties under one umbrella, enabling the Internet Party to enter Parliament on the coat-tails of the Te Tai Tokerau electorate MP.
The two leaders and their party bosses, Vikram Kumar and Gerard Hehir, reportedly met at a house on Auckland’s North Shore on February 28. A Sunday paper claimed that the Mana Party executive was about to consider a merger proposal, Mana offering one or two electorates, the Internet Party contributing a more broadlybased party vote and $1 millionplus in campaign funding.
Mana Party was one of several parties in talks about an alliance, Mr Dotcom said, along with a number of MPs who had won electorates and were expected to do so again.
The Internet Party planned to launch membership phone and web apps this week, and hoped to have the 500 members required to register the party within a day. The goal was for the Internet Party to ‘‘pick’’ the next government.”
Some are horrified by the thought of some form of Mana/DotCom alliance, Sue Bradford is quoted in this mornings Herald,(National Party disinformation service), as being Opposed,Opposed,Opposed, claiming that Mana should not be trying to take short cuts to ‘building the movement’,
My question to Sue of course would be ,”just how is that movement building going Sue”, as one involved in the beneficiaries rights movement many a year ago i know that Sue was intent on the building of this mass movement way back then, while i would consider the Green party to be an integral part of that movement, from where i sit and remembering that this is only my opinion, it appears that because of a frustration to Her personal aspirations to ‘power’ Sue tossed her toys and walked from that movement,
So, i am ambivalent when Sue opposes such an alliance based upon this ‘idea’ that somehow this would be a corruption to the ‘building of this long awaited mass movement’,
My view at this current point in time, with denials forthcoming from Hone, is lets tai ho for the moment and allow this to move forward to the Mana Party executive,
i will tho add the question, IF, along with Hone holding His seat of Te Tai Tokerau, Annette Sykes were to win the Waiariki AND there was an alliance of Mana/DotCom, along with the million dollars of advertising such an alliance would bring, do any of us ‘see’ that this alliance could in fact be the ‘key’ to an out-right victory for Labour/Green + Mana/DotCom at the 2014 election,
i do, and i urge us all to tai ho and see how this develops befor we rush to judgement…
Sue is a well known ‘leaver’ from student days to New Labour to Alliance to Greens and on.
But politics does happen in different ways and there is a consistent network behind the scenes she adheres to. Which I do not particularly go for, too mercurial, but Sue was for years the sole MP who raised and supported social security (aka bludger) issues.
The issues that have haunted our garages and overcrowded houses for too many years.
Tiger, there was a little joke that went the rounds of our little chapter within the beneficiaries rights organization way back then,
”It was said that Sue could talk for so long about any given issue on the table that she would have the whole circle nodding in the end, 2 of em would be nodding in agreement, the other 20 would be nodding off to sleep”….
heh, the beno rights movement had its good times, and acronyms BUM and CUBA etc
Paul Blair is still going in the Rotorua centre and produced a compelling paper about abatement rates and the effect on sole parents in receipt of a DPB moving into paid work a few years back that the ministry refused to release after commissioning it.
Annete King just tweeted that her “cousin” is going to announce he is not standing in 2014. Her cousin is Chris Finlayson. There are also hints that Tau Henare is also going to be announcing his retirement.
If true there is now a flood of people going and some who will leave rather large holes to fill.
a snipey brittle man Finlayson, bye bye, Taubar what a joke! but the funny thing is he has probably had an enjoyable life, remember him with black leather glovelets on while representing female clerical workers in the 80s, and assaulting Owen Harvey (Butchers and Grocers Union sec) and long time Labour supporter, with a beer crate one nite at a party.
Some need to go alright. Which is not a bitter mantra from me but you can go past your use by date without noticing.
If only Labour could apply the broom as easily as National does to the decaying heap of past their use by date, rogernomic era, never going to be anywhere near a cabinet again, career politicians.
Mallard, Goff, King.
Parker as well. He should feel more at home in National.
We need progressives. Not fools who believe that the past 30 years has been a success.
Nact are at least clearing away their dead wood, meanwhile Labour seems intent on clutching onto every piece of rotting timber:
It looked like the 2011 general election could get Mr Davis off the Labour list and holding his seat in Parliament as an elected member, but he quit politics after finishing 832 behind Mr Harawira.
If Davis does win Te Tai Tokerau, all he’ll really achieve is getting one less MP for the left. But perhaps this is Labour’s way of gifting the electorate to Mana by standing someone that Harawira has beaten four times in a row?
Yep, if Labour want to be the ‘head’ of the next Government they need to run a ”psst party Vote only” campaign in both Te Tai Tokerau and Waiariki, anything else in my opinion is some really dumb act of first Past the Post Neanderthalic politics,
Kelvin Davis is said to be a highly intelligent man, what Labour should do is give Mr davis a high place on the Party List to ensure His entry into the Parliament,
If kelvin wants to represent the Te Tai Tokerau electorate after becoming a list MP He need only open an office in the electorate to do so,
The same goes for Labour in any electorate, having an office an an MP to regularly conduct ‘clinics’ at that office is pretty much the same as having an electorate MP do the job, MMP politics is all about the Party Vote remember…
Bad, I’m not sure that the strategy of gifting mana two seats changes anything. Wouldn’t the overall numbers on the left stay exactly the same? I would have thought trying to lift their party vote above 1.6% so they get a second (overhang) seat would be more useful. btw, what makes you think mana would support a labour led government? I haven’t seen the slightest hint that they would do so, which means it would be madness for greens or Labour supporters to vote for them in the electorates.
Te Reo, your first point, NO, it is the PARTY VOTE that will determine for Labour how many MP’s they have in the next Parliament, and, i think you fucking know this,
If Labour were to win the Te Tai Tokerau seat and Waiariki, these 2 electorates will simply be among the total befor the added allocation of the list MP’s that will take the Party up to its alloted seats under the auspices of its Party Vote,
The number of Labour MP’s in the next parliament will not go up if Labour win those two seats, only the Party Vote will lift those MP numbers,
Who the hell do you think Mana is going to support in the next Parliament, National perhaps, now that is just dumb…
Calm down, Bad. It was a genuine question and you haven’t answered it. Presumably because you (and Bearded Git) haven’t realised that overhang seats only apply to the list vote. Gifting mana the two electorate seats changes nothing in terms of the overall numbers. However, mana getting an overhang seat by getting an improved party vote does make a difference.
Still, good to have confirmation that you also haven’t seen any indication that mana would support a Labour led government. To be blunt, if mana want charity from Labour or the Greens, then they need to a) ask for it and b) say what they will give in exchange. That’s politics, maaan.
edit: who would mana support? My guess is nobody. Hone will sit on the cross benches and vote issue by issue, IMHO
Right that was an interesting little interlude of food foraging today being the day the poo bear family get to do things in the supermarket,
Teo Reo, here is the question you asked,”i am not sure gifting Mana two seats would change anything, wouldn’t the overall number of seats on the left stay the same,
You were well answered you just want to continue your little dance on the head of a pin based on a series of further questions based upon conjecture, and, i can only answer that by saying that if you think Mana would not support a Labour/Green Government on at least confidence and supply then it s easy to see why you dance on the head of a pin when confronted with correct information,
If Labour were to win both the Te Tai Tokerau and Waiariki seats in 2014 and say collect 35% of the party votes they will have the same number of MP’s in the Parliament based upon the 35% of Party Vote regardless of those seats, were Labour not to win those two electorates and gain that 35% of the vote they will have the same number of MP’s in the Parliament as they would have had they won those two seats,
Now that’s the situation for Labour winning Te Tai Tokerau and Waiariki, here’s the difference should Mana win both of those electorates,
Considering Hone is already there as an MP on the left we will simply leave Him as counted, however should Annette Sykes wave haere ra to Te Ururoa Flavell in Wairaiki then ‘the left’ are ahead two votes, 1 being Her vote in the Mana Party and 2 being the rights loss of Flavell as a lap dog,
i will concede to you that should Labour win that seat they will have gained 1 vote by taking Flavell out of the equation as far as He supports National at present, but,this does not in any way deny the fact that ‘the left’ will be 2 votes ahead if Mana take Flavells seat,
However, should Labour manage to wrest both Te Tai Tokerau and Waiariki off of the incumbents there are in effect MINUS 2 votes for ‘the left’ in the next Parliament, they take a +1 vote for removing Flavell but then the gains of winning those two electorates are subsumed by the Labour Party Vote…
The fundamental problem remains, Bad. Without a concrete guarantee that mana will endorse a left Government, they deserve nothing. Labour and the Greens are not going to take your word for it, I’m afraid. The vibe, your honour, only gets you so far in the real world.
There needs to be a clear understanding pre-election, as Labour had subtly with Anderton and Fitzsimons and the Nats have with Dunne and ACT, before Labour would ever consider a nod and wink arrangement. And even then, that would be rorting democracy to an extent. It sucks in Epsom and it would suck in the maori seats.
Now, if Labour, the Greens and mana took my advice, they’d form a pre-election bloc, tell their supporters to electorate vote to promote the bloc’s chances and we’d be away laughing. Until then, we’ll just have to see what hand the voters deal us.
Like it or not, for your proposition to gain traction, the big move has to come from mana. At the moment, there is no reason to do Hone and Sykes any favours at all because there is no indication a vote for mana is actually going turn out to be a vote for a left government.
Pfft, and off you trot Te Reo, running through the convoluted little corridors of your mind,
You know why i choose not to debate the sidetracks you have thrown up in what was a specific debate on the one topic,
Simply because i cannot be arsed engaging with one who uses that wing-nut tactic of the subject change as a tool to escape the wrong side of the debate,
i will tho point out that in every vote in the present Parliament Hone Harawira has voted with the Green Party so please don’t go casting fucking ugly little aspersions when you have simply closed your slitted little eyes and mind to the fucking facts,
i think what really frightens you is a a larger than at present ‘left’ vote in the Parliament than the present, because every extra MP that Mana or the Green Party bring into that institution leaves the old Dinosaur Labour just that little bit weaker,
So, have you now managed to ‘see’ where ‘the left’ will be light a vote or two by playing first past the post politics in an MMP enviroment with the Te Tai Tokerau and Waiariki electorates…
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get back to me when you can prove mana will do what you claim they will. Have you heard of google? It’s really great. See if you can find any indication at all that your fantasy stacks up.
Presumably because you (and Bearded Git) haven’t realised that overhang seats only apply to the list vote.
If we had a pure proportional system then there would be no overhang seats at all. We don’t though and so we get them when a party gets more electorate seats than it’s party vote allows them.
who would mana support? My guess is nobody. Hone will sit on the cross benches and vote issue by issue, IMHO
That would be my bet as well. It is a lot safer for the party if they do.
Problem with micro electorate only parties is that while their seat(s) are useful, they have usually got their party support by clustering together an odd coalition of various groups pissed off by something with all major parties. Going into any kind of coalition agreement means that they get firmly welded in and that will guarantee that one of more of their main supporters will get pissed off with them for the compromises that any micro party has to make and leave.
That is because they lack the leverage to exert real pressure for a national policy shift (instead they have fictional “successes” like the Families commission that they can puff as Peter Dunne did). The only realistic payoff for a government micro-party is to make a deal that prefers the electorate of the MP(s) over the wishes of the party – Epsom being a good example. Electorate seat micro-parties in a coalition government inevitably discard their withered husk of a party pretty rapidly. Not usually as clearly as the telephone booth party of Peter Dunne. Most “party leaders” prefer to keep the funding and are willing to exert attention to make sure that doesn’t happen.
Having to get within range of the 4-5% bound really is the only survival route for a micro party. It has been done several times with success. The Greens and NZ First have levered a pretty permanent place in the political landscape. Act did for a long time until their electoral power obsessions drove them towards the centre and discarded their activist nutter fringe.
Best thing Mana could do if they only get a few percent would be to cross bench it, vote issue by issue with agreements with a leftish coalition (kind of hard seeing them having much common ground with the Nats), and concentrate on how to build up their votes and party towards not requiring electorate seats – effectively forging a wider and broader constituency somehow.
But in any case, it really is bad politics for a micro-party to become dependent on the generosity of a larger party in gifting seats. The best thing that they could actually do to help is to contest the seats hard. It forces a concentration on the essential party vote. Worked for NZ First losing Tauranga and Greens losing Coromandel.
As I keep saying all Labour and Greens should vote for Mana in the Maori seats but should party vote Labour and Green. That will mean an overhang of Mana seats that could well be enough to swing the election for the left.
Ello,ello,ello, just what’s going on here then, there are a number of thoughts that have been running through my mind as the trickle of announcement from within this National government’s ranks has turned into a ‘virtual Government resignation’,
(1), Is this simply a rejuvenation,(hell even down on the farm they don’t rejuvenate the herd via mass execution),
(2), Is this Slippery the Prime Minister, growing ever more paranoid the closer He gets to smelling a third term as the PM simply ‘watching His back’,( in other words a cull of the ‘going nowhere’ back-bench MP’s who having realized after a couple of terms as cannon fodder they are not going to be promoted might be tempted to agree to a ‘palace coup’ as the means to get their buttes onto the leather of a Ministerial limo),
(3), Are National’s ‘internal polling numbers’ as many of us believe way lower than what the mass media polling would lead us all to believe, with so many jumping ship from a sitting Government are those ‘internal polling numbers’ stuck at 39–40% and the parties sitting MP’s having done their own numbers based around such polling simply falling on their swords as they see their list places evaporated by such polling, along with the sitting Ministers who having drunk the cool-aid for so long couldn’t face the prospect of opposition,
There is something ‘going on here’ within the Government ranks that my little brain just cannot quite fathom…
My feeling is growing that there is something planned by National after the next election that they can’t quite stomach and don’t want to put their names to – be very afraid!
The fact that many of them are the old guard could an indication that they still bring some moral consideration to their decision making whereas the new guard – the likes of Simon Bridges and Paula Bennett, wouldn’t recognise a moral consideration if it got up and bit them!
I actually think it is worse than that and will be something which impinges on what remains to us as our sovereignty as a nation – I think that would get the old guard on the run
It seems to me that the emphasis for NACT politicians is to get young to middle aged people who are photogenic and can speak confidently and explain the agreed line competently and firmly. They must have their priorities right and the NACTs will provide options for those who have proven records in society and are ambitious. ie those from famiies that already have money.
The others can just fill in the background and live in holes, from which they will be pulled out by specially trained beneficiary-hunting dogs as required.. Or they may be press-ganged in the street and sent off to a labouring job if there is a demand for such. The families won’t know until they pluck up courage to report their missing family member.
And will be reluctant to do so because it will bring them to the notice of authorities who may then arbitrarily allocate them to another distant job away from family and support base.
Simon Bridges – speak confidently and competently? – That went well, then!
My observation is that the front row at the moment is filling up with self-made sociopaths – mini-mes of you-know-who
Politics, as seen by the Hootons and the right wing horse race journalists in the press gallery, is a cynical business of greed, branding and re-arranging the dinner cards in the restaurant car of the gravy train express.
So here is a tale by way of an antidote. I was allocated to look after a frail 98 year old lady at a wedding last week, and I asked her about her life. I asked her if she recalled Micky Savage, and her voice softened, and with the tone used for the gratefulness reserved for when you life is saved by strangers she said “He was a wonderful man, he took us out of the depression you know. Life was hard before then. Yes, he was a wonderful man”.
Sevent five years after he died, for someone whose life was changed his reputation remains undimmed.
Politics can be a good experience for all of us, if you a politician who actually does something good.
I hold Norman Kirk in the same esteem for what He said and did for the New Zealand people and their ‘spirit’ during such a short period as Prime Minister,
There may be only one of Norm’s Ohu left operating but it was the thought behind allowing these Ohu to be established that has me seeing Norman Kirk as a ‘great man’,
Instead of deriding that small fringe of New Zealand society that wanted to opt out of the structured society of the time Norm Kirk simply found a means of allowing them to pursue their ideas…
Norm was the last Prime Minister I felt deserved the title and felt truly proud of even being relatively young at the time. Our workplace shutdown everyone on full pay on the day of his funeral. Norm said “take the bikes off the bikies” but I doubt even one ever was, it was what he did that added to his standing.
And don’t call me Bob Harveys mate but I still maintain there was lack of medical care involved in his rather lonely death–read his secretary Margaret’s book for some clues. Have not seen the new “Totara” book by David Grant yet being released at the Owen Glenn centre in Auckland March 27, 6pm.
Went to his State Funeral in August 1974 – about the time of my 10th birthday. Kirk was a bit of a hero to me. Watched leading Labour Caucus members carry his coffin down Parliament’s steps.
There was something sinister going on at the time Tiger Mountain. It manifested itself in different ways. There was the Colin Moyle affair for starters, and there were the mysterious politically motivated incidents during Bill Rowling’s tenure as PM. These occurred after Kirk’s death of course and I have no idea whether Kirk’s failing health was part of it or not.
It needs to be remembered that Norman Kirk put NZ on the international map by sending a frigate into the French Nuclear testing zone at Muroroa Atoll in 1973. The French don’t exactly have an unblemished past when it came to wanting to be a member of the big boys nuclear club, but they weren’t the only ones upset with Big Norm.
What’s unbalanced about this article, it seems to lay out the facts quite succinctly, how would you like it if someone came along and said they were going to build another house in your back yard,
i do tho think the name of the HousingNZ rep an appropriate one, Ms Fink indeed…
SSLands, another dickwads answer, IT IS Her backyard, the Residential Tenancies Act allows Her the unimpeded access to all the property She rented, along with that She as the tenant is given a guarantee under the same ACT of the Parliament guaranteeing Her as the Tenant ‘quiet enjoyment’ of the property,
The definition of ‘the property’ is defined as being that described on the title at the time She as the tenant signed the rental agreement,
How many times is it now SSLands that you have leapt into the discussion with your ugly little dissing of the poor without a shred of fact to back up your bullshit…
Um, no, Puckish twit. We (the government) entered into a contractual arrangement with her, the terms of which we are changing.
I’d like to enter into a contractual arrangement with you, because after all, while I think taking candy from babies is unethical, according to your ethics, you’re fair game.
“how would you like it if someone came along and said they were going to build another house in your back yard”
The difference is I own my home whereas she doesn’t but she quite likes living in a state house but doesn’t want other people to have the same help as shes getting…nice
Yeah how dare I agree with the idea that if theres space in the back yard for a two bedroom house then that might be a good idea as it means two other people get a roof over their heads
She doesn’t own the house
Theres space on the property to help another couple
Shes unhappy another house will be built on that space to help another couple
think about as the owner of the property subdividing or cross leasing the section and developing a new townhouse on the back.
That happens hundreds if not thousands of times a year around auckland as homeowners cash in on property prices.
Why is this situation different? If she was renting from a private landlord the same scenario could happen, and no-one would find that extraordinary. The only difference here is that because she is renting her house from the NZ taxpayer she believes she is entitled to property rights that in fact she does not have. A sense of entitlement is not a contract.
If HNZ is subdividing this property and not affecting her rights under her tenancy agreement then tough luck lady.
Think of it as a contractual arrangement. The tenant has a contract to lease the property, including the land, and the other party to the contract is changing the terms of the lease.
As a businessman, I drive a hard bargain, then honour it. Can’t see why a HNZ tenant should behave differently.
Perhaps a wingnut can apologise for regarding HNZ tenants as subhuman before we have to figure out how to punish wingnuts.
no I’m not suggesting that all – stop making offensive statements up and inferring I said or meant that. In fact stop inferring I’m a wingnut.
If HNZ is doing something to her property that is not allowed in her tenancy agreement then I am pretty sure that by now plenty of pro bono lawyers who would love to make a publicity splash would be raising a shiitestorm about it, not to mention politiciuans jumping on the wagon.. Therefore I think it is safe to assume that HNZ is acting within the terms of the tenancy agreement. Therefore there is no story aside from a tenants inflated sense of entitlement. If you changed HNZ to private landlord, this would not rate as a story.
You should in fact be praising HNZ for building more low income housing and increasing the housing density in the city which will have all kinds of positive spinoffs for theclimate, transport networks blah blah blah.
“The tenant has a contract to lease the property, including the land, and the other party to the contract is changing the terms of the lease.”:
No she does not. She has an agreement to occupy the house. The owner of the land can subdivide it, build new dwellings, and do what he likes subject to Council approval.
I own a rental property. If I sought, and obtained, permission to build another dwelling on the section I can assure you there is nothing in the lease I have with my tenant that would allow the tenant to stop me. It is my property.
Honestly the fact that you people think like this is bizarre – it shows what a sickening sense of entitlement you have.
HNZ should be applauded for building more welfare housing – which you are always bleating for, and for promoting urban infill.
I think they have them in America. New Zealand, not so much. Quite happy to be proved wrong.
I’m sure you’d like to think everything in the tenancy agreement is being honoured, but again, I’m happy for you to prove me wrong by citing it, as opposed to your opinion.
The reason it rates as a story is that as the landlord, I think your attitude to our tenant is lower than the gutter, and further, that your callous disregard for our people renders you fit for public ridicule and contempt.
I bleat for nothing, S Rylands. I’m entitled to nothing that I cannot enforce by force of arms. I enjoy it.
I recognise the fact based evidence that human rights increase our wealth, not least because they help enforce strong property rights, and help me defend us against you and your revolting ideology.
If I sought, and obtained, permission to build another dwelling on the section I can assure you there is nothing in the lease I have with my tenant that would allow the tenant to stop me. It is my property.
Depends on your lease, and whether the yard is implicitly part of the dwelling.
At the very least, if you didn’t tell the tenant about your plans they’d probably have grounds to walk out.
Of course tenants have rights. They will be summarised neatly in her tenancy agreement. She should get out her tenancy agreement and point out the clause that says the section cannot be subdivided and send HNZ into the naughty corner. Her lack of pointing out said clause suggests she doesn’t have the appropriate clause in her tenancy agreement. Next step, check HNZ aren’t breaching any other rights a person in this country has. If what HNZ does does not breach any other rights she has under law, end of story. Bake a cake for your new neighbour.
Nadis, i am sure you should have chosen the handle anus, far more apt, as i said this discussion is akin to talking to a series of brick walls each one thicker than the other, you being obviously the thickest,
i…will…repeat…slooooowly…just…for…you, The Residential Tenancies Act provides in its provisions the tenants right to the use of all the property along with ‘the quiet enjoyment’ of that property,
‘The Property’ in terms of the Act is the property described on its title at the time the rental agreement was signed by the tenant,
Now you do know what a property described on its title is don’t you Anus,
bloke – would have thought you’d be used to gettting things wrong by now. Of course we have pro bono represenatation in NZ. Every major law firm has a parner responsible fo rhte pro-bono practice. Talk to your mate micky savage – I’m sure he will regale you with stories of subaurbna and rural lawyers doing pro bono work for needy cases that cant afford representation but have a particuarly difficult story. Then their are Community law centres etc – keep up.
Just to make life really, really easy for your fact challenged self, here is a link to the standard form tenenacy agreeement which almostevery tenenancy in NZ uses. In fact it is illegal to use an agreement that conflicts with the Residential tenancy act, so most would use this.
@nadis. Listen, dickhead, if you were renting a house and garden and your landlord reduced the size of the garden would you be looking for a rent reduction or not?
“Just to make life really, really easy for your fact challenged self, here is a link to the standard form tenenacy agreeement which almostevery tenenancy in NZ uses.”
excuse me, sorry to interrupt, where is the link ?
I don’t really understand what is contentious here. Everything is governed by really easy to understand law. And I cant believe the difficulty some of you guys have with normal commercial concepts.
At the end of the tenants contract period (either a fixed date or at 90 days notice), HNZ says “we are ending your contract. you are welcome to enter into a new one”
Anonymous bloke of course the new tenancy should be cheaper on a like for like basis, if it’s not the tenant has the option to move and the landlord will be left with an un-rented property. If HNZ is trying to do something that breaks either the already agreed contract or the general provisions of the law then HNZ should be rightly censured.
If they are acting within the law then there is no legal problem. The tenant (any tenant) does not have a right to tenancy beyond what has been contractually agreed. If the tenant doesn’t like living in the property or it doesn’t meet their needs when their tenancy is over, then they will have to do what other tenants and house owners do which is move and find something that suits.
Bad, you should actually read the tenancy agreement before spouting off about concepts you don’t understand. It’s not difficult.
Anus, i have no need to read a bog standard tenancy agreement, what i have been quoting to you is the provisions of the Residential Tenancies Act,
One day in the future someone is going to have the power and the will to Trample All Over your property Rights by simply changing a few words in a Law or a couple of Laws,
On that day, unfortunately tho i would like to be, i doubt if i will be among the living, you will scream like a stuck pig and the rest of the world will sit laughing, poking derision at You for daring to think you have any sacrosanct rights,
You will be deserving of any and all such treatment…
What the hell is a “wing nut”? You come across as a rude, childish 10 year old child. Incredible. No wonder you are an unemployed smoker living in a State house.
There you go SSlands, a ‘wingnut’ usually ‘loose’ kindly depicted for you by Lprent,
‘The left’ usually far far too kind in aiding our ‘wing-nut’ afflicted visitors when it would be far far less exertion to instead heave you all under the proverbial bus…
srylands, while you are around and before you disappear like you usually do when the going gets tough ….. as a disciple of the neoliberal dogma can you please explain why electricity prices have risen and keep rising when supply is static and demand is dropping?
You also referred the other day to “relying on the evidence of what works”. Would you also mind then telling me what the evidence of the 29 dead men at Pike River shows works and doesn’t work with regard to the neoliberal free market deregulation private knows best approach that you staunchly and unswervingly adopt?
Lolz its SSLands again, with a friend, it would be pointless for me to Google up the Residential Tenancies Act and point out to them the relevant clauses which protect the tenants rights to the property,
They would just slip into the snake skins as usual and slither off to appear again in a couple of days pushing more lies on some other topic where i would have to go through the whole process again,
Far far easier to treat them with derision as a knuckle-scraping species of subhumans fit for purpose only to wipe the smelly deposits off of the bottom of the gumboots with,
Far more fun too, time to throw together the raw fish for tomorrows dinner and use the remainder for fish’nchips for tonight’s…
Bad12 what are you even talking about? Nothing you say makes coherent sense. Are you 12 years old? I give up – you don’t seem to have any relationship with logical thought. You’ve gone from saying people have rights to people have no rights, the only original things you say are the bilious abuse you spout against anyone that has the temerity to argue with you. I give up. You are literally a moron. Please don’t reproduce.
No he is 10 years old. He is a smoker, and thinks he is an expert on everything. When anyone disagrees he spouts vile abuse. He is beyond any redemption.
not only that felix, but srylands keeps refusing to answer certain questions – ones he has no answer for as a disciple of neoliberalism. Examples just above include an explanation for why electricity prices have risen and keep rising when supply is static and demand is reducing.
Come on srylands – back yourself you chicken – bok bok
SSLands, look deeply at the little green icon attached to every comment you make, everything you say here comes with the sign of the swastika which is the basis of the few comments you do produce that contain an iota of fact,
As i point out to nadis/anus above, one day in a very dark, for you, future someone will come along claiming to be acting in the best interests of something or someone mythical and remove from you those ‘property rights’ you hold so dearly and believe are yours by an unalienable right,
Just as has been done to the tenants of HousingNZ who you obviously despise based upon nothing more than the ism contained in that little icon attached to your every comment, the swastika, it will only take the changing of a couple of pieces of Legislation to put you and your ‘property rights’ in the same position faced by those HousingNZ tenants you so despise,
The only sadness i would have with regards to a future Government removing your ‘property rights’ with the stroke of a pen is that i do not have the power to do so right this very minute because you can bet i would with one stroke of my pen,
Soon after that i would arrive on your doorstep with a warrant for your removal along with a crew tasked with demolishing what is obviously a pig sty you inhabit…
Perhaps we need a few leaked emails from the left discussing rezoning the eastern bays in auckland and parts of the North shore for the build of low rise minimum size apartments so that housing corp and other teneants can enjoy the benefits of a mature suburb and the current owners can enjoy some new neighbours so they don’t have to pay for the roads to the outer ‘burbs.
Jimmy Carter fears NSA and US monitoring so much that he now hand-writes and mails sensitive letters to foreign and American leaders because he can’t trust his email or telephone to be secure.
“I don’t think there’s any doubt now that the NSA or other agencies monitor or record almost every telephone call made in the United States, including cellphones, and I presume email as well,” Carter told The Associated Press in an interview. “We’ve gone a long way down the road of violating Americans’ basic civil rights, as far as privacy is concerned.”
Buckish Rogue
And Tardis
There goes the neighbourhood!! DNFTT,.. Waste of energy. It would be a good idea to have exercise bicycles hooked up to the grid. When dopes like this come on the site go and work off your steam fuelling up the credit a/c. By the time winter came you would get free heating for a week.
John Drinnan on changes at National Radio.
Guyon Espiner is to have more editorial input than previous hosts. As apparently will his new co-host, but given Guyon’s apparent lack of objectivity in other positions it does not bode well. It seems Paul Thomson is very quietly undertaking huge changes at RNZ.
‘Well-placed sources said that management had agreed that Espiner – who will be based out of Auckland studios – will have a greater editorial role than previous hosts held in the past.’
I just get the sense that prior to November 2008, there was at least a New Zealand government that was making a deliberate attempt to address the issue of Global Warming and that the current administration is largely sceptical about the issue and persuaded by the power of its coalition partner .
About climate change and our govt I would say the word isn’t skeptical but ‘relaxed’. Hey, it’s an SEP. Let’s make hay while the sun shines, and shines, and shines……………..
A listing of 23 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, January 19, 2025 thru Sat, January 25, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
Sooner or later, like a gym bro flexing in the mirror, like a teen rolling their eyes, like a mansplainer patronisingly clearing his throat, the ACT party will start talking about privatisation.In the eyes of David Seymour and his LinkedIn ACTolytes, there's not a thing in this world that cannot ...
Confession: I used to follow US politics and UK politics - never as closely as this - but enough to identify the broad themes.I stopped following US politics after I came to the somewhat painful realisation that my perception was simply that - a perception. Mountain Tui is a reader-supported ...
Life is cruel, life is toughLife is crazy, then it all turns to dustWe let 'em out, we let 'em inWe'll let 'em know when it's the tipping point. The tipping point.Songwriters: Roland Orzabal / Charlton PettusYesterday, we saw the annual pilgrimage to Rātana, traditionally the first event in our ...
The invitation to comment on the proposed Regulatory Standards Bill opens with Minister David Seymour stating ‘[m]ost of New Zealand's problems can be traced to poor productivity, and poor productivity can be traced to poor regulations’. I shall have little to say about the first proposition except I can think ...
My friend Selwyn Manning and I are wondering what to do with our podcast “A View from Afar.” Some readers will also have tuned into the podcast, which I regularly feature on KP as a media link. But we have some thinking to do about how to proceed, and it ...
Don't try to hide it; love wears no disguiseI see the fire burning in your eyesSong: Madonna and Stephen BrayThis week, the National Party held its annual retreat to devise new slogans, impressing the people who voted for them and making the rest of us cringe at the hollow words, ...
Support my work through a paid subscription, a coffee or reading and sharing. Thank you - I appreciate you all.Luxon’s penchant for “economic growth”Yesterday morning, I warned libertarianism had penetrated the marrow of the NZ Coalition agenda, and highlighted libertarian Peter Thiel’s comments that democracy and freedom are unable to ...
A couple of recent cases suggest that the courts are awarding significant sums for defamation even where the publication is very small. This is despite the new rule that says plaintiffs, if challenged, have to show that the publication they are complaining about has caused them “more then minor harm.” ...
Damages for breaches of the Privacy Act used to be laughable. The very top award was $40,000 to someone whose treatment in an addiction facility was revealed to the media. Not only was it taking an age for the Human Rights Review Tribunal to resolve cases, the awards made it ...
It’s Friday and we’ve got Auckland Anniversary weekend ahead of us so we’ve pulled together a bumper crop of things that caught our attention this week. This post, like all our work, is brought to you by a largely volunteer crew and made possible by generous donations from our readers ...
Long stories short, the six things of interest in the political economy in Aotearoa around housing, climate and poverty on Friday January 24 are:PM Christopher Luxon’s State of the Nationspeech in Auckland yesterday, in which he pledged a renewed economic growth focus;Luxon’s focused on a push to bring in ...
Hi,It’s been ages since I’ve done an AMA on Webworm — and so, as per usual, ask me what you want in the comments section, and over the next few days I’ll dive in and answer things. This is a lil’ perk for paying Webworm members that keep this place ...
I’m trying a new way to do a more regular and timely daily Dawn Choruses for paying subscribers through a live video chat about the day’s key six things @ 6.30 am lasting about 10 minues. This email is the invite to that chat on the substack app on your ...
The podcast above of the weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar for paying subscribers on Thursday night features co-hosts & talking about the week’s news with regular and special guests, including: on Donald Trump’s first executive orders to reverse Joe Biden’s emissions reductions policies and pull the United States out of ...
The Prime Minister’s State of the Nation speech yesterday was the kind of speech he should have given a year ago.Finally, we found out why he is involved in politics.Last year, all we heard from him was a catalogue of complaints about Labour.But now, he is redefining National with its ...
Photo by Mauricio Fanfa on UnsplashKia oraCome and join us for our weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar with paying subscribers to The Kākā for an hour at 5 pm today.Jump on this link on YouTube Livestream for our chat about the week’s news with myself , plus regular guests and ...
Aotearoa's science sector is broken. For 35 years it has been run on a commercial, competitive model, while being systematically underfunded. Which means we have seven different crown research institutes and eight different universities - all publicly owned and nominally working for the public good - fighting over the same ...
One of the best speakers I ever saw was Sir Paul Callaghan.One of the most enthusiastic receptions I have ever, ever seen for a speaker was for Sir Paul Callaghan.His favourite topic was: Aotearoa and what we were doing with it.He did not come to bury tourism and agriculture but ...
The Tertiary Education Union is predicting a “brutal year” for the tertiary sector as 240,000 students and teachers at Te Pūkenga face another year of uncertainty. The Labour Party are holding their caucus retreat, with Chris Hipkins still reflecting on their 2023 election loss and signalling to media that new ...
The Prime Minister’s State of the Nation speech is an exercise in smoke and mirrors which deflects from the reality that he has overseen the worst economic growth in 30 years, said NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi President Richard Wagstaff. “Luxon wants to “go for growth” but since he and Nicola ...
People get readyThere's a train a-comingYou don't need no baggageYou just get on boardAll you need is faithTo hear the diesels hummingDon't need no ticketYou just thank the LordSongwriter: Curtis MayfieldYou might have seen Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde's speech at the National Prayer Service in the US following Trump’s elevation ...
Long stories short, the six things of interest in the political economy in Aotearoa around housing, climate and poverty on Thursday January 23 are:PM Christopher Luxon’s State of the Nation speech after midday today, which I’ll attend and ask questions at;Luxon is expected to announce “new changes to incentivise research ...
I’m trying a new way to do a more regular and timely daily Dawn Choruses for paying subscribers through a live video chat about the day’s key six things @ 6.30 am lasting about 10 minues. This email is the invite to that chat on the substack app on your ...
Yesterday, Trump pardoned the founder of Silk Road - a criminal website designed to anonymously trade illicit drugs, weapons and services. The individual had been jailed for life in 2015 after an FBI sting.But libertarian interest groups had lobbied Donald Trump, saying it was “government overreach” to imprison the man, ...
The Prime Minister will unveil more of his economic growth plan today as it becomes clear that the plan is central to National’s election pitch in 2026. Christopher Luxon will address an Auckland Chamber of Commerce meeting with what is being billed a “State of the Nation” speech. Ironically, after ...
This video includes personal musings and conclusions of the creator climate scientist Dr. Adam Levy. It is presented to our readers as an informed perspective. Please see video description for references (if any). 2025 has only just begun, but already climate scientists are working hard to unpick what could be in ...
The NZCTU’s view is that “New Zealand’s future productivity to 2050” is a worthwhile topic for the upcoming long-term insights briefing. It is important that Ministers, social partners, and the New Zealand public are aware of the current and potential productivity challenges and opportunities we face and the potential ...
The NZCTU supports a strengthening of the Commerce Act 1986. We have seen a general trend of market consolidation across multiple sectors of the New Zealand economy. Concentrated market power is evident across sectors such as banking, energy generation and supply, groceries, telecommunications, building materials, fuel retail, and some digital ...
The maxim is as true as it ever was: give a small boy and a pig everything they want, and you will get a good pig and a terrible boy.Elon Musk the child was given everything he could ever want. He has more than any one person or for that ...
A food rescue organisation has had to resort to an emergency plea for donations via givealittle because of uncertainty about whether Government funding will continue after the end of June. Photo: Getty ImagesLong stories short in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, poverty and climate on Wednesday, January 22: Kairos Food ...
Leo Molloy's recent "shoplifting" smear against former MP Golriz Ghahraman has finally drawn public attention to Auror and its database. And from what's been disclosed so far, it does not look good: The massive privately-owned retail surveillance network which recorded the shopping incident involving former MP Golriz Ghahraman is ...
The defence of common law qualified privilege applies (to cut short a lot of legal jargon) when someone tells someone something in good faith, believing they need to know it. Think: telling the police that the neighbour is running methlab or dobbing in a colleague to the boss for stealing. ...
NZME plans to cut 38 jobs as it reorganises its news operations, including the NZ Herald, BusinessDesk, and Newstalk ZB. It said it planned to publish and produce fewer stories, to focus on those that engage audience. E tū are calling on the Government to step in and support the ...
Data released by Statistics New Zealand today showed that inflation remains unchanged at 2.2%, defying expectations of further declines, said NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi Economist Craig Renney. “While inflation holding steady might sound like good news, the reality is that prices for the basics—like rent, energy, and insurance—are still rising. ...
I never mentioned anythingAbout the songs that I would singOver the summer, when we'd go on tourAnd sleep on floors and drink the bad beerI think I left it unclearSong: Bad Beer.Songwriter: Jacob Starnes Ewald.Last night, I was watching a movie with Fi and the kids when I glanced ...
Last night I spoke about the second inauguration of Donald Trump with in a ‘pop-up’ Hoon live video chat on the Substack app on phones.Here’s the summary of the lightly edited video above:Trump's actions signify a shift away from international law.The imposition of tariffs could lead to increased inflation ...
An interesting article in Stuff a few weeks ago asked a couple of interesting questions in it’s headline, “How big can Auckland get? And how big is too big?“. Unfortunately, the article doesn’t really answer those questions, instead focusing on current growth projections, but there were a few aspects to ...
Today is Donald J Trump’s second inauguration ceremony.I try not to follow too much US news, and yet these developments are noteworthy and somehow relevant to us here.Only hours in, parts of their Project 2025 ‘think/junk tank’ policies — long planned and signalled — are already live:And Elon Musk, who ...
How long is it going to take for the MAGA faithful to realise that those titans of Big Tech and venture capital sitting up close to Donald Trump this week are not their allies, but The Enemy? After all, the MAGA crowd are the angry victims left behind by the ...
California Burning: The veteran firefighters of California and Los Angeles called it “a perfect storm”. The hillsides and canyons were full of “fuel”. The LA Fire Department was underfunded, below-strength, and inadequately-equipped. A key reservoir was empty, leaving fire-hydrants without the water pressure needed for fire hoses. The power companies had ...
The Waitangi Tribunal has been one of the most effective critics of the government, pointing out repeatedly that its racist, colonialist policies breach te Tiriti o Waitangi. While it has no powers beyond those of recommendation, its truth-telling has clearly gotten under the government's skin. They had already begun to ...
I don't mind where you come fromAs long as you come to meBut I don't like illusionsI can't see them clearlyI don't care, no I wouldn't dareTo fix the twist in youYou've shown me eventually what you'll doSong: Shimon Moore, Emma Anzai, Antonina Armato, and Tim James.National Hugging Day.Today, January ...
Is Rwanda turning into a country that seeks regional dominance and exterminates its rivals? This is a contention examined by Dr Michela Wrong, and Dr Maria Armoudian. Dr Wrong is a journalist who has written best-selling books on Africa. Her latest, Do Not Disturb. The story of a political murder ...
The economy isn’t cooperating with the Government’s bet that lower interest rates will solve everything, with most metrics indicating per-capita GDP is still contracting faster and further than at any time since the 1990-96 series of government spending and welfare cuts. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short in ...
Hi,Today is the day sexual assaulter and alleged rapist Donald Trump officially became president (again).I was in a meeting for three hours this morning, so I am going to summarise what happened by sharing my friend’s text messages:So there you go.Welcome to American hell — which includes all of America’s ...
This is a re-post from the Climate BrinkI have a new paper out today in the journal Dialogues on Climate Change exploring both the range of end-of-century climate outcomes in the literature under current policies and the broader move away from high-end emissions scenarios. Current policies are defined broadly as policies in ...
Long story short: I chatted last night with ’s on the substack app about the appointment of Chris Bishop to replace Simeon Brown as Transport Minister. We talked through their different approaches and whether there’s much room for Bishop to reverse many of the anti-cycling measures Brown adopted.Our chat ...
Last night I chatted with Northland emergency doctor on the substack app for subscribers about whether the appointment of Simeon Brown to replace Shane Reti as Health Minister. We discussed whether the new minister can turn around decades of under-funding in real and per-capita terms. Our chat followed his ...
Christopher Luxon is every dismal boss who ever made you wince, or roll your eyes, or think to yourself I have absolutely got to get the hell out of this place.Get a load of what he shared with us at his cabinet reshuffle, trying to be all sensitive and gracious.Dr ...
The text of my submission to the Ministry of Health's unnecessary and politicised review of the use of puberty blockers for young trans and nonbinary people in Aotearoa. ...
Hi,Last night one of the world’s biggest social media platforms, TikTok, became inaccessible in the United States.Then, today, it came back online.Why should we care about a social network that deals in dance trends and cute babies? Well — TikTok represents a lot more than that.And its ban and subsequent ...
Sometimes I wake in the middle of the nightAnd rub my achin' old eyesIs that a voice from inside-a my headOr does it come down from the skies?"There's a time to laugh butThere's a time to weepAnd a time to make a big change"Wake-up you-bum-the-time has-comeTo arrange and re-arrange and ...
Former Health Minister Shane Reti was the main target of Luxon’s reshuffle. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short to start the year in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, poverty and climate: Christopher Luxon fired Shane Reti as Health Minister and replaced him with Simeon Brown, who Luxon sees ...
Yesterday, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon announced a cabinet reshuffle, which saw Simeon Brown picking up the Health portfolio as it’s been taken off Dr Shane Reti, and Transport has been given to Chris Bishop. Additionally, Simeon’s energy and local government portfolios now sit with Simon Watts. This is very good ...
The sacking of Health Minister Shane Reti yesterday had an air of panic about it. A media advisory inviting journalists to a Sunday afternoon press conference at Premier House went out on Saturday night. Caucus members did not learn that even that was happening until yesterday morning. Reti’s fate was ...
Yesterday’s demotion of Shane Reti was inevitable. Reti’s attempt at a re-assuring bedside manner always did have a limited shelf life, and he would have been a poor and apologetic salesman on the campaign trail next year. As a trained doctor, he had every reason to be looking embarrassed about ...
A listing of 25 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, January 12, 2025 thru Sat, January 18, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
After another substantial hiatus from online Chess, I’ve been taking it up again. I am genuinely terrible at five-minute Blitz, what with the tight time constraints, though I periodically con myself into thinking that I have been improving. But seeing as my past foray into Chess led to me having ...
Rise up o children wont you dance with meRise up little children come and set me freeRise little ones riseNo shame no fearDon't you know who I amSongwriter: Rebecca Laurel FountainI’m sure you know the go with this format. Some memories, some questions, letsss go…2015A decade ago, I made the ...
In 2017, when Ghahraman was elected to Parliament as a Green MP, she recounted both the highlights and challenges of her role -There was love, support, and encouragement.And on the flipside, there was intense, visceral and unchecked hate.That came with violent threats - many of them. More on that later.People ...
It gives me the biggest kick to learn that something I’ve enthused about has been enough to make you say Go on then, I'm going to do it. The e-bikes, the hearing aids, the prostate health, the cheese puffs. And now the solar power. Yes! Happy to share the details.We ...
Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. This fact brief was written by Sue Bin Park from the Gigafact team in collaboration with members from our team. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Can CO2 be ...
The old bastard left his ties and his suitA brown box, mothballs and bowling shoesAnd his opinion so you'd never have to choosePretty soon, you'll be an old bastard tooYou get smaller as the world gets bigThe more you know you know you don't know shit"The whiz man" will never ...
..Thanks for reading Frankly Speaking ! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.The Numbers2024 could easily have been National’s “Annus Horribilis” and 2025 shows no signs of a reprieve for our Landlord PM Chris Luxon and his inept Finance Minister Nikki “Noboats” Willis.Several polls last year ...
This Friday afternoon, Māori Development Minister Tama Potaka announced an overhaul of the Waitangi Tribunal.The government has effectively cleared house - appointing 8 new members - and combined with October’s appointment of former ACT leader Richard Prebble, that’s 9 appointees.[I am not certain, but can only presume, Prebble went in ...
The state of the current economy may be similar to when National left office in 2017.In December, a couple of days after the Treasury released its 2024 Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update (HEYFU24), Statistics New Zealand reported its estimate for volume GDP for the previous September 24 quarter. Instead ...
So what becomes of you, my love?When they have finally stripped you ofThe handbags and the gladragsThat your poor old granddadHad to sweat to buy you, babySongwriter: Mike D'aboIn yesterday’s newsletter, I expressed sadness at seeing Golriz Ghahraman back on the front pages for shoplifting. As someone who is no ...
It’s Friday and time for another roundup of things that caught our attention this week. This post, like all our work, is brought to you by a largely volunteer crew and made possible by generous donations from our readers and fans. If you’d like to support our work, you can join ...
Note: This Webworm discusses sexual assault and rape. Please read with care.Hi,A few weeks ago I reported on how one of New Zealand’s richest men, Nick Mowbray (he and his brother own Zuru and are worth an estimated $20 billion), had taken to sharing posts by a British man called ...
The final Atlas Network playbook puzzle piece is here, and it slipped in to Aotearoa New Zealand with little fan fare or attention. The implications are stark.Today, writes Dr Bex, the submission for the Crimes (Countering Foreign Interference) Amendment Bill closes: 11:59pm January 16, 2025.As usual, the language of the ...
The Green Party is calling on the Government to stand firm and work with allies to progress climate action as Donald Trump signals his intent to pull out of the Paris Climate Accords once again. ...
The Green Party has welcomed the provisional ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas, and reiterated its call for New Zealand to push for an end to the unlawful occupation of Palestine. ...
The Green Party welcomes the extension of the deadline for Treaty Principles Bill submissions but continues to call on the Government to abandon the Bill. ...
Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters has announced three new diplomatic appointments. “Our diplomats play an important role in ensuring New Zealand’s interests are maintained and enhanced across the world,” Mr Peters says. “It is a pleasure to announce the appointment of these senior diplomats from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ...
Ki te kahore he whakakitenga, ka ngaro te Iwi – without a vision, the people will perish. The Government has achieved its target to reduce the number of households in emergency housing motels by 75 per cent five years early, Associate Housing Minister Tama Potaka says. The number of households ...
Foreign Minister Winston Peters has announced the new membership of the Public Advisory Committee on Disarmament and Arms Control (PACDAC), who will serve for a three-year term. “The Committee brings together wide-ranging expertise relevant to disarmament. We have made six new appointments to the Committee and reappointed two existing members ...
Ka nui te mihi kia koutou. Kia ora, good morning, talofa, malo e lelei, bula vinaka, da jia hao, namaste, sat sri akal, assalamu alaikum. It’s so great to be here and I’m ready and pumped for 2025. Can I start by acknowledging: Simon Bridges – CEO of the Auckland ...
The Government has unveiled a bold new initiative to position New Zealand as a premier destination for foreign direct investment (FDI) that will create higher paying jobs and grow the economy. “Invest New Zealand will streamline the investment process and provide tailored support to foreign investors, to increase capital investment ...
Science, Innovation and Technology Minister Judith Collins today announced the largest reset of the New Zealand science system in more than 30 years with reforms which will boost the economy and benefit the sector. “The reforms will maximise the value of the $1.2 billion in government funding that goes into ...
Turbocharging New Zealand’s economic growth is the key to brighter days ahead for all Kiwis, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon says. In the Prime Minister’s State of the Nation Speech in Auckland today, Christopher Luxon laid out the path to the prosperity that will affect all aspects of New Zealanders’ lives. ...
The latest set of accounts show the Government has successfully checked the runaway growth of public spending, Finance Minister Nicola Willis says. “In the previous government’s final five months in office, public spending was almost 10 per cent higher than for the same period the previous year. “That is completely ...
The Government’s welfare reforms are delivering results with the number of people moving off benefits into work increasing year-on-year for six straight months. “There are positive signs that our welfare reset and the return consequences for job seekers who don't fulfil their obligations to prepare for or find a job ...
Jon Kroll and Aimee McCammon have been appointed to the New Zealand Film Commission Board, Arts Minister Paul Goldsmith says. “I am delighted to appoint these two new board members who will bring a wealth of industry, governance, and commercial experience to the Film Commission. “Jon Kroll has been an ...
Finance Minister Nicola Willis has hailed a drop in the domestic component of inflation, saying it increases the prospect of mortgage rate reductions and a lower cost of living for Kiwi households. Stats NZ reported today that inflation was 2.2 per cent in the year to December, the second consecutive ...
Two new appointed members and one reappointed member of the Employment Relations Authority have been announced by Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Brooke van Velden today. “I’m pleased to announce the new appointed members Helen van Druten and Matthew Piper to the Employment Relations Authority (ERA) and welcome them to ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has delivered a refreshed team focused on unleashing economic growth to make people better off, create more opportunities for business and help us afford the world-class health and education Kiwis deserve. “Last year, we made solid progress on the economy. Inflation has fallen significantly and now ...
Veterans’ Affairs and a pan-iwi charitable trust have teamed up to extend the reach and range of support available to veterans in the Bay of Plenty, Veterans Minister Chris Penk says. “A major issue we face is identifying veterans who are eligible for support,” Mr Penk says. “Incredibly, we do ...
A host of new appointments will strengthen the Waitangi Tribunal and help ensure it remains fit for purpose, Māori Development Minister Tama Potaka says. “As the Tribunal nears its fiftieth anniversary, the appointments coming on board will give it the right balance of skills to continue its important mahi hearing ...
Almost 22,000 FamilyBoost claims have been paid in the first 15 days of the year, Finance Minister Nicola Willis says. The ability to claim for FamilyBoost’s second quarter opened on January 1, and since then 21,936 claims have been paid. “I’m delighted people have made claiming FamilyBoost a priority on ...
The Government has delivered a funding boost to upgrade critical communication networks for Maritime New Zealand and Coastguard New Zealand, ensuring frontline search and rescue services can save lives and keep Kiwis safe on the water, Transport Minister Simeon Brown and Associate Transport Minister Matt Doocey say. “New Zealand has ...
Mahi has begun that will see dozens of affordable rental homes developed in Gisborne - a sign the Government’s partnership with Iwi is enabling more homes where they’re needed most, Associate Housing Minister Tama Potaka says. Mr Potaka attended a sod-turning ceremony to mark the start of earthworks for 48 ...
New Zealand welcomes the ceasefire deal to end hostilities in Gaza, Foreign Minister Winston Peters says. “Over the past 15 months, this conflict has caused incomprehensible human suffering. We acknowledge the efforts of all those involved in the negotiations to bring an end to the misery, particularly the US, Qatar ...
The Associate Minster of Transport has this week told the community that work is progressing to ensure they have a secure and suitable shipping solution in place to give the Island certainty for its future. “I was pleased with the level of engagement the Request for Information process the Ministry ...
Associate Health Minister David Seymour says he is proud of the Government’s commitment to increasing medicines access for New Zealanders, resulting in a big uptick in the number of medicines being funded. “The Government is putting patients first. In the first half of the current financial year there were more ...
New Zealand's first-class free trade deal and investment treaty with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have been signed. In Abu Dhabi, together with UAE President His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, New Zealand Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon, witnessed the signing of the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) and accompanying investment treaty ...
The latest NZIER Quarterly Survey of Business Opinion, which shows the highest level of general business confidence since 2021, is a sign the economy is moving in the right direction, Finance Minister Nicola Willis says. “When businesses have the confidence to invest and grow, it means more jobs and higher ...
Events over the last few weeks have highlighted the importance of strong biosecurity to New Zealand. Our staff at the border are increasingly vigilant after German authorities confirmed the country's first outbreak of foot and mouth disease (FMD) in nearly 40 years on Friday in a herd of water buffalo ...
Associate Justice Minister Nicole McKee reminds the public that they now have an opportunity to have their say on the rewrite of the Arms Act 1983. “As flagged prior to Christmas, the consultation period for the Arms Act rewrite has opened today and will run through until 28 February 2025,” ...
Complaints about disruptive behaviour now handled in around 13 days (down from around 60 days a year ago) 553 Section 55A notices issued by Kāinga Ora since July 2024, up from 41 issued during the same period in the previous year. Of that 553, first notices made up around 83 ...
The time it takes to process building determinations has improved significantly over the last year which means fewer delays in homes being built, Building and Construction Minister Chris Penk says. “New Zealand has a persistent shortage of houses. Making it easier and quicker for new homes to be built will ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden is pleased to announce the annual list of New Zealand’s most popular baby names for 2024. “For the second consecutive year, Noah has claimed the top spot for boys with 250 babies sharing the name, while Isla has returned to the most popular ...
Work is set to get underway on a new bus station at Westgate this week. A contract has been awarded to HEB Construction to start a package of enabling works to get the site ready in advance of main construction beginning in mid-2025, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“A new Westgate ...
Minister for Children and for Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence Karen Chhour is encouraging people to use the resources available to them to get help, and to report instances of family and sexual violence amongst their friends, families, and loved ones who are in need. “The death of a ...
Pacific Media Watch Among his first official acts on returning to the White House, President Donald Trump issued an executive order “restoring freedom of speech and ending federal censorship”. Implicit in this vaguely written document: the United States is done fighting mis- and disinformation online, reports the Paris-based global media ...
At Rātana commemorations on Friday Christopher Luxon repeated his mantra that National would vote down the Act-authored Government Bill at its second reading. ...
The prime minister says he can mend the relationship with Māori after the bill is voted down, and he would refuse a future referendum in the next election's coalition negotiations. ...
By Lagipoiva Cherelle Jackson For Doddy Morris, a journalist with the Vanuatu Daily Post, the 7.3 magnitude earthquake that struck Vanuatu last month on December 17, 2024, was more than just a story — it was a personal tragedy. Amid the chaos, Morris learned his brother, an Anglican priest, had ...
Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation has misled the Australian Parliament and is liable to prosecution — not that government will lift a finger to enforce the law, reports Michael West Media.SPECIAL REPORT:By Michael West Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation has misled the Australian Parliament. In a submission to the Senate, ...
Opinion: Architecture has the power to shape our lives, not only in our homes and workplaces but in the public spaces that we all share. Civic architecture – our public libraries, train stations, swimming pools, schools, and other community facilities – is more than just functional infrastructure.These buildings are the ...
Asia Pacific Report A co-founder of a national Palestinian solidarity network in Aotearoa New Zealand today praised the “heroic” resilience and sacrifice of the people of Gaza in the face of Israel’s ruthless attempt to destroy the besieged enclave of more than 2 million people. Speaking at the first solidarity ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Michelle Grattan, Professorial Fellow, University of Canberra Neale Daniher, a campaigner in the fight against motor neurone disease and a former champion Essendon footballer, is the 2025 Australian of the Year, Himself a sufferer from the deadly disease Daniher, 63, who ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Michelle Grattan, Professorial Fellow, University of Canberra Peter Dutton has chosen a dark horse in naming David Coleman for the key shadow foreign affairs portfolio, in a reshuffle that also seeks to boost the opposition’s credentials with women. Coleman has been ...
By Harry Pearl of BenarNews Vanuatu’s top lawyer has called out the United States for “bad behavior” after newly inaugurated President Donald Trump withdrew the world’s biggest historic emitter of greenhouse gasses from the Paris Agreement for a second time. The Pacific nation’s Attorney-General Arnold Loughman, who led Vanuatu’s landmark ...
ACT leader David Seymour is being slammed for his "extreme right-wing policies" after saying Aotearoa needs to get past its "squeamishness" about privatisation. ...
By Moera Tuilaepa-Taylor, RNZ Pacific manager RNZ International (RNZI) began broadcasting to the Pacific region 35 years ago — on 24 January 1990, the same day the Auckland Commonwealth Games opened. Its news bulletins and programmes were carried by a brand new 100kW transmitter. The service was rebranded as RNZ ...
If you believe Prime Minister Chris Luxon economic growth will solve our problems and, if this is not just around the corner, it is at least on the horizon. It won’t be too long before things are “awesome” again. If you believe David Seymour the country is beset by much greater ...
Opinion: New Zealand’s universities are failing to prepare students for the entrepreneurial realities of the modern economy. That is a key finding of the Science System Advisory Group report released Thursday as part of the Government’s major science sector overhaul.The report highlights major gaps in entrepreneurship and industry-focused training. PhD ...
I first met Neve at a house party in Mount Maunganui. She was tall, blonde and tanned. An influencer typecast. She wore a string of pearls and a shell necklace that sat around her collarbones, and a silk dress that barely passed her crotch. Her hair was in tight curls—I ...
The Angry LeftSummer in New Zealand, and what does Christopher Luxon do about it? He goes fishing. Unbelievable.And worse, he does it in a boat. How tone-deaf is that? There he is, fishing, at sea, in a boat that would be better put to some practical use, like housing. How ...
A Complete Unknown may be fictionalised but it gets the key parts right. What is biography for? Especially the biopic, in which years and people and facts must be compressed into a mass-audience-friendly, sub-three-hour format. And what does biography do with an artist as immortal, inimitable and unwilling as Bob ...
The pool is a summery delight for swimmers and a smart move from the mayor. Last week I walked through Auckland’s Wynyard Quarter, commando and braless. After smugly setting off that morning for my second swim at the Karanga Plaza pool, dubbed Browny’s Pool by mayor Wayne Brown, I realised ...
Following his headline act in the Christchurch Buskers Festival, Alex Casey chats to Sam Wills about spending two decades as the elusive Tape Face. It’s a Thursday night at The Isaac Theatre Royal in Ōtautahi, and the fly swats, rubbish bags, and coat hangers littered across the stage make it ...
In my late 50s, I discovered long-distance hiking – and woke up to a new life infused with the rhythms of nature. The Spinoff Essay showcases the best essayists in Aotearoa, on topics big and small. Made possible by the generous support of our members.It began innocuously, just before my ...
The comedian and actor takes us through his life in television, including the British sitcom that changed his life and the trauma of 80s Telethons. You may know him best as Murray from Flight of the Conchords, or Stede Bonnet from Our Flag Means Death, but Rhys Darby is taking ...
Madeleine Chapman reflects on the week that was. Nearly every piece of advice or social trend can be boiled down to encouraging people to say “yes” more or “no” more. Dating advice has a foundation of saying yes, putting yourself out there, being open to new people and possibilities. The ...
Asia Pacific Report The Fijians for Palestine Solidarity Network (FPSN) and its allies have called for “justice and accountability” over Israel’s 15 months of genocide and war crimes. The Pacific-based network met in a solidarity gathering last night in the capital Suva hosted by the Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre and ...
Analysis - There needs to be recognition of the significant risks associated with focusing on mining and tourism, Glenn Banks and Regina Scheyvens write. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Mark Patrick Taylor, Chief Environmental Scientist, EPA Victoria; Honorary Professor, School of Natural Sciences, Macquarie University Andriana Syvanych/Shutterstock Most of us are fortunate that, when we turn on the tap, clean, safe and high-quality water comes out. But a senate inquiry ...
Analysis: Try as they might, Christopher Luxon and his partners in NZ First have been unable to distance themselves from the division caused by the Treaty Principles Bill, hampering the potential for further progress in areas where the Prime Minister believes the Crown and tangata whenua can collaborate.While the celebration ...
The Treaty Principles Bill continues to dog the National Party despite Luxon's repeated efforts to communicate the legislation will not go beyond second reading. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Julia Richardson, Professor of Human Resource Management, Head of School of Management, Curtin University Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock US President Donald Trump has called time on working from home. An executive order signed on the first day of his presidency this week requires all ...
The prime minister says he can mend the relationship with Māori after the bill is voted down, and he would refuse a future referendum in the next election's coalition negotiations. ...
Forest & Bird will continue to support New Zealanders to oppose these destructive activities and reminds the Prime Minister that in 2010, 40,000 people marched down Queen Street, demanding that high-value conservation land be protected from mining. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Glenn Banks, Professor of Geography, School of People, Environment and Planning, Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa – Massey University Getty Images Prime Minister Christopher Luxon’s state-of-the-nation address yesterday focused on growth above all else. We shouldn’t rush to judgement, but at least ...
Another day, another vomit-inducing Armstrong’s ode to his Dearest Leader Jong Kee. I won’t be even arsed to copypasta a link, it’s just not worth it. Go and read a book instead.
Thanks for the no-link Amirite………am I right assuming that part at least was devoted to milksop admiration of Little Churchill’s posturings on the world stage ? No ? Oh well, we’ll read all about it next week then.
Jesus if I was Putin I’d be shitting. Little Churchill’s on the job.
Be very afraid……..bam bam bam !
New Study Shows Dangers of Trade Agreements that Help Corporations Sue Governments
The malfeasance of corporations and yet this government wants us to sign away our sovereignty to them via the TPPA.
It is not possible for our sovereignty to be signed away.
Our vote and what it permits the government to do belongs to us, not to the government.
The TPP will be invalid for this reason.
It is really very simple.
all very true but that will not stop the corporations suing the arse of us in courts 24/7
all very true vto, but that will not stop corporations suing the arse of us in courts 24/7.
at this point in time, numbers on the streets is one of our only options
As it will be invalid they will have no standing in our courts.
Our courts are not where the cases will be decided. They plan to use off-shore tribunals that seem to have little to do with International law. The mechanics of it are apparently written into the bits the public (and most of the negotiating countries) have not seen.
The very real confusion and confliction on this topic alone should be headline news every day but it’s okay Key and Groser are onto it. They say it’s all going to be fine.
Any application of offshore courts can only be enforced here by our courts – where they will have no standing.
Do you really believe that vto?
Do you honestly think that transnational mega-corporations have no muscle to flex?
Do you sincerely believe that NZ courts can stand up to the combined forces of companies worth trillions of dollars?
These companies control the production and transportation (and safety) of the majority of products and services that we consume. If the TPPA is signed, we become even more enslaved to their corporate will. I think a few hours spent out on the street showing our Government that we know what is planned and are not happy about it, is the very least free people in a democracy can do.
I know all of that freedom, but that is not the purpose of the simple point made.
International law said the USA had no right to invade Iraq.
International law said the USA had no right to use white phosphorus.
International law said the USA had no right to use depleted uranium.
Yet, one million dead civilians later ………
white phosphorus is allowed to be used as an obscurantist and depleted uranium isn’t illegal either.
Here are some excerpts from the libraries of data that is out there about the illegal use of munitions by the USA and (Israel)
“According to a August 2002 report by the UN sub-commission, laws which are breached by the use of DU [Depleted Uranium] shells include: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; the Charter of the United Nations; the Genocide Convention; the Convention Against Torture; the four Geneva Conventions of 1949; the Conventional Weapons Convention of 1980; and the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907, which expressly forbid employing ‘poison or poisoned weapons’ and ‘arms, projectiles or materials calculated to cause unnecessary suffering’. All of these laws are designed to spare civilians from unwarranted suffering in armed conflicts.”
While you are technically correct in that White Phosphorus use is not illegal it is only deemed legal when use as an obscuriant for advancing/retreating troop movements.
“White phosphorus is not listed in the schedules of the Chemical Weapons Convention. It can be legally used as a flare to illuminate the battlefield, or to produce smoke to hide troop movements from the enemy. Like other unlisted substances, it may be deployed for “Military purposes… not dependent on the use of the toxic properties of chemicals as a method of warfare”. But it becomes a chemical weapon as soon as it is used directly against people”
note: Towns and cities are not open battlefields
Of late , and especially in Palestine the use of White Phosphorus has been used as an offensive munition and certainly hits the grey area of legality
“When used properly in open areas, white phosphorus munitions are not illegal, but the Human Rights Watch report concludes that the IDF repeatedly exploded it unlawfully over populated neighborhoods, killing and wounding civilians and damaging civilian structures, including a school, a market, a humanitarian aid warehouse, and a hospital.
Israel at first denied it was using white phosphorus in Gaza but, facing mounting evidence to the contrary, said that it was using all weapons in compliance with international law. Later it announced an internal investigation into possible improper white phosphorus use. “.
Max, If you think burning children alive is not illegal because of some vagaries of self-serving International interpretations between warmongers then fine, just call it highly immoral, but either way, defending the use of these munitions says a lot about you. I suppose you think nuclear warfare is all good too as long as it gets a big green tick on some checklist.
Te VTO (in 1840 – translation)
It is not possible for our rangatiratanga to be signed away.
Our mana and what it permits the kawanatanga to do belongs to us, not to the kawanatanga.
Te Tiriti will be invalid for this reason.
I am really very simple.
perfect analogy thanks, keep it going for illustration purposes please mr pasupial, it is a map of where we are heading.
where maori have been since 1840 so we all head now.
who is happy about that?
If the Treaty analogy holds, then there’ll be a new series of land wars within a couple of decades. Drones in the skies rather than cannonballs. A century of oppression tfollowed by a grudging 3% pittance returned.
who is happy about that?
Resist the TPPA!
They may place trade sanctions on us. Altho forcing us to become self sufficient could be the revolution we need
They dont decide in nz courts. They will use wto structures or similar
+100 @ freedom….and if you combine this TPPA with censorship and attacks on the openness of the internet….which USA and multi nationals want to do…..we will indeed be sitting ducks as passive recipients/victims of what ever the biggest multi -billion dollar multinationals want to dish out to us in pursuit of maximising their profits…a compliant, ill educated , population…and to hell with our health and wellbeing
….democracy, critical thinking and self determination well and truly out the window…. and fascism and mind control in.
I notice that for the Day of Action in Auckland, speakers include, Turei (Greens), Harawira (Mana) and Asenati Lole-Taylor (NZ First). – also Jeanette Fitzsimon – no-one from Labour? I see Labour MPs are lined up for other places – though the only named one I can find so far is Claire Curran
Anadarko has slunk off with barely a whisper. The departure date seems to have been kept quiet till now to prevent a public Haere Rā.
With the development time of any find by Shell taking till at least next election, this report seems well timed:
Simon Mercep, the John Armstrong of radio
David Cunliffe on RadioNZ’s Morning Report just now, nice one David, take no prisoners, while the interviewer tried to apply ‘soft soap’ to the actions of Hekia Parata surrounding the Kohanga Reo debacle Cunliffe was having none of it,
As the interviewer tried to intervene and disrupt what Mr Cunliffe was saying His voice developed a growl and didn’t falter while He delivered listeners the message,
Good skills David Cunliffe, its time to adopt an attitude of take no prisoners, its no use waking up the day after the vote wondering what if i had done this or said that…
hallelujah bad12.
Anger is appropriate in these kinds of situations and signals important information:
Third wayers who insist on Labour being declawed and focusing on happy- happy- joy-joy just don’t get it. The Crosby-Textor approach only works for the representatives of the elite because the means contains the message – it is the language and the very modus operandi of neoliberalism.
However taking the high road does entail the Labour caucus clearing out all its dirty secrets of a financial nature. You can’t be what you are criticising in others if you are left. It destroys the whole argument.
+1 Bad. Excellent, David. I hope Chris Trotter was listening. There was nothing contrived about David’s delivery .and he made the most of the opportunity.
Lolz, Morning report just read out a couple of texts they have received about the Cunliffe interview this morning,
”Wow was that really David Cunliffe, now that sounds like what a ‘real’ leader of the Opposition should sound like”, and, ”what just happened there did Simon Mercep slip David Cunliffe some hydrochloric acid”,
Indeed, there is a time for anger in politics, and, David Cunliffe this morning managed to project such anger with aplomb, it certainly got more than a few sets of ears tuning in,
i definitely wanted that interview to continue…
Yep. It was great stuff. Matt McCarten is probably telling David to go out there and pummel them. Mercep was pissed off and cut him off in a sulky and peremptory manner.
I thought Mercep was being transferred to another programme? The sooner the better.
i would say tho that this morning Cunliffe certainly had Mercep figured out, when Mercep tried to but, but,but in with whatever it was he was trying to peddle as a defense for Hekia Parata, Cunliffe simply deepened His voice, raised the volume a notch and carried right on delivering the message,
Certainly silenced the interviewer, and, that’s the way David Cunliffe has to treat such people, allowing the media to bring Cunliffe down to the level of a sparring match between Him and the media is not an option,(they sure as hell don’t treat Slippery the PM in such a tawdry manner)…
Yes a good interviewee. But no, Keep Simon and Paddy on.
Intellectually Cunliffe could eat them in one swallow.
Can’t wait for the next stoush or should I say ‘demolition?’
But seriously it’s good to see Labour standing up to and confronting the bias so prevalent in our media.
Yeah Mercep was a disgrace…….when Cunliffe leapt into it he tried to cut him off in his piss mealy mouthed Mercep way…….”whoa whoa I know what you’re up to we won’t be having any of that…..”. His natural nothingness wouldn’t have had him doing that to the Bankster. He’d have been arselickingly clucking. “Thank you Prime Minister”. Seems like they’re all lost minutes after they think they’ve got a profile. Or maybe it’s just a case of knowing their handsomely paid jobs depend on it. Jesus New Zealand’s fucked !
Here is the transcript of that 4 minute interview:
It was pwetty darn good!!
Regarding the ongoing saga of Auckland Helicopter Trust funding
The big question I have is: Why the hell is such an important Search & Rescue/Ambulance service being funded by a board otherwise intended to fund arts institutions?
Surely these helicopter services have proven their worth well enough to have a proper official funding out of Govt Police/Health budgets.
No the real question is why we have to have a trust running such a service that has several questionable people involved.
The whole trust should be disbanded and either run as part of the RCC service or similar body or funded from government through a suitable body. St Johns springs to mind but maybe we could just add it on to Salvation Army Social service. I know they have never asked to operate helicopter service or even have the staff but heck that doesn’t seem to matter anymore.
No idea about questionable people being involved.
But yes should be a fully official & officially funded service.
There are two Trusts which would really need to be consolidated to see the full picture but the admin and salaries look fairly generous in some areas. I couldn’t see how many rescues or operations they undertook every year. Interesting that they have funds for lawyers.
The average salary per employee of either trust looks like it is in the $100K region. got this lot off the charities website 2013 year. sorry about length.
This seems to be the Trust that actually “operates” the helicopters.
Auckland Regional Rescue Helicopter Trust
Trustees per the Charities website
Murray Bolton 03/08/1990
Michelle Boag 01/12/2004
John McDougall 03/08/1990
Bob Parkinson 01/07/2007
Kenneth Baguley 01/09/2010
Craig Marshall 08/06/2011
Number of paid full time people in an average week 33
Number of paid part time people in an average week 1
Number of paid hours worked in total by all employees in an average week 1335
Salaries and wages $3,565,556
The main trust has sold the helicopters and leased them back from this Trust:
The Rescue Helicopter (Auckland) Trust
Trustees are pretty much the same people
Tenby Powell 08/03/2011
John Mcdougall 08/03/2011
Michelle Boag 08/03/2011
Robert Parkinson 08/03/2011
Kenneth Baguley 08/03/2011
Murray Bolton 08/03/2011
Craig Marshall 08/06/2011
Number of paid full time people in an average week 9
Number of paid part time people in an average week 4
Number of paid hours worked in total by all employees in an average week 326
Salaries and wages $1,070,886
This trust fundrraised about $6.9m($1.5M from bequests) with expenses of $1.6m
Ah yes, the great efficiency & transparency benefits of running stuff in the Private sector!
So just on this one job two jobs, Boag earns 200k per year doing 76hrs/week O_o
Add to that the gazillion other directorship/spokespersonships she has & its utterly mind-boggling that she finds time to breathe.
Her bank account must surely be so full its on the verge of overflowing so that some of us get to finally benefit from the Golden shower of her trickledown!
Over on Brian Edwards he has posted a critique of Key v Cunliffe.
He concludes that he doesn’t trust Key.
Several of his commenters are asking for evidence of why Brian doesn’t trust him.
Perhaps someone can find a link to Blip’s list which could then be posted.
there is a more recent list somewhere
This comment caught my eye “I look forward to Labour releasing some policy that I can vote for but if future announcements mirror the shambles of the Start Up plan, not to mention including those on 150000 as in need of help, God help Labour.”
What do people who think like this, think tax cuts for the wealthy are, if not help?
If tax cuts for the rich are not helpful, why do they not complain about them?
Hypocrisy, the homeland of the Elite.
I posted in Edwards’ comments the one where ts had it up as a guest post. It’s a year old now though.
edit: posted your link now too freedom
I note your 9:45 post is up but my 9:18 post is still awaiting moderation
for clarity here is my post” A few commenters here want to know why you should not trust John Key, take a few days and work your way through Blip’s list :”
Not exactly a radical statement, why the hold up?
Cheers freedom, I realised afterwards that you might have a comment there not visible yet.
Have you commented there before? I think all new commenters go into moderation.
I do have somewhat of a pavlov’s dog reaction of posting Blip’s List whenever I see a blog where someone asks “what’s wrong with that nice man Mr Key?”
I did make a comment a long time ago expressing my dissatisfaction with Mr Edward’s declaration that libraries should be completely user pays, maybe that had something to do with it, but more likely email address related. What I found funny though, was my post today got released moments after my above question was posted 🙂
Shucks, you mean its only taken five and a half years for Brian to realize that Slippery the Prime Minister cannot be trusted,
Any thinking New Zealander who wasn’t about to get their back pocket stuffed via National’s ‘tax shift’ way back in 2009 would have realized that the PM was a snake oil salesman at the point He uttered ”National will not be raising GST”…
…mmmm bad12, I think Brian has been a little more discerning than that. He is simply comparing the MSM perceptions of Key v Cunliffe with his “throw away line” at the end.
Yet another business suffers with the “very high NZ dollar” while National twiddles its thumbs.
Some mileage to be had for Labour in talking the dollar down and changing the Reserve Bank Act.
Yesterday the Fairfax papers ran a story about New Zealand mortgages being more expensive than the rest of the world for the last 20 years
David Cunliffe followed with a press release – I’m not sure if it was picked up in the MSM – saying it was proof of the need for Labour’s ‘economic upgrade’; higher savings, an economy that earns its way in the world, etc. This is such a central hip pocket issue especially now houses are so expensive. And it affects renters too. It means much more to most people than the focus on exporters and the high dollar. I hope Labour continues to emphasise this, and it wasn’t just a conditioned response press release to a story of the day.
Another story from Fairfax yesterday, which I can’t find online, said banks might not hike interest rates on term deposits by the expected lift in response to this month’s interest rate rise because they are not hungry for NZ capital and can borrow offshore. This seems so very wrong. A related and very pertinent issue Labour should be highlighting.
The MSM is blatantly only printing pro TricKey stories. So anything positive to Labour is hidden in the archives, 30 floors down (no lift no lights.) Then you will have to search for it in the box room, and sorry, we had a grumpy stockboy so everything is out of order. Oh sorry the lights don’t work here either.
Just National continuing to lower wages through increasing unemployment.
This on wages that I tacked onto a comment on Dunne yesterday (basic info which I needed and if you want background, I made quite a good job of collating so worth a look).
Informative piece on income wages etc from the census.
A Herald analysis of the income figures show a 90 per cent rise in people earning between $70,001 and $100,000 – from 125,115 to 238,212 – and a 40 per cent increase in those bringing home between $50,000 and $70,000.
Of those earning more than $100,000 41 per cent live in Auckland, 19 per cent in Wellington and 12 per cent in Christchurch.
Women are a fifth more likely to have a degree than men, but women’s incomes lag behind men’s because women are still more likely to do more unpaid child-minding….
The number of women on six-figure salaries has doubled from 22,824 to 45,294 since the 2006 Census….
While the median wage – Men earn $36,500 and women $23,100, according to the median income figures, up from $31,500 and $19,100 respectively.
Clear, factual, coherent.
Posts like this only highlight what a pitiful job the media in New Zealand is doing.
remember to share and share and share, (full of links detailing the destruction of education in NZ)
An interesting point that is in Ha-Joon Chang’s 23 things about capitalism is that the evidence shows that increasing education doesn’t improve the economy through a massive boost in innovation. He, and I agree with him, still thinks it better for a nation to be well educated. Innovation, though, comes from elsewhere and Mazzucato’s Entrepreneurial State would indicate that it comes from government funded long term research – the more the better.
communication between all facets of society breeds synergy and innovation
modern social constructs make that communication appear as tin can telephones with frayed strings
Another interesting point that Ha-Joon Chang makes is that our economies are actually massively planned. Almost all the actions of small businesses and mega corporations are planned to the nth degree. One of the problems that has occurred over the last three decades is that the planning of government, which coordinated all the planning of the businesses, has been removed resulting in less growth and innovation.
yup, people unfortunately die from asphyxiation,
but there is no such thing as accidental strangulation.
I’m defending transparency and accountability for Auckland citizens and ratepayers.
Where’s the ‘Taxpayers’ Union’ Jordan Williams?
25 March 2014
REQUEST FOR SPEAKING RIGHTS at Auckland Council Governing Body meeting to be held on Thursday 27 March 2014 at 9.30am, Reception Lounge Auckland Town Hall.
My subject matter is:
1) An update on four complaints that I filed with Police:
a) Alleged money-laundering against Mayor Len Brown.
b) Alleged bribery and corruption against Mayor Len Brown (a joint complaint with fellow
community Public Watchdog Lisa Prager).
c) Alleged contravention of statute by former Auckland Council CEO, Doug McKay.
d) Alleged assault against Auckland Council Officers who forcibly removed me from the CEO
Review Committee meeting after I was denied speaking rights by Chair Chris Fletcher,
when I was attempting to expose, (in my considered opinion), a corrupt 'conflict of interest'
involving current CEO Stephen Town.
2) The lack of statutory protection for ‘anti-corruption whistle-blowers’ who are not employees.
3) The failure of both Auckland Council, and statutory ‘Public Watchdogs’ to ensure that the RULE OF LAW regarding ‘open, transparent and democratically-accountable’ local government – particularly statutory duties arising from s. 17 of the Public Records Act 2005, is upheld:
Part 2
Recordkeeping requirements
Subpart 1—Key duties
17Requirement to create and maintain records
Yours sincerely,
Penny Bright
‘Anti-corruption / anti-privatisation Public Watchdog’
How come I do not see Penny Bright protesting about Collin’s recent dealings milk with the same vehemence as she does the mayor of Auckland.
Surely its not because she was defeated by said mayor.
errr… you can’t have been paying attention ‘Ron’?
Do try to keep up with those of us who are CONSISTENT in our opposition to corruption, and asking the questions no one else appears to be, to find out the FACTS and the TRUTH?
(Please be advised that I have now received formal acknowledgments that both these OIA requests have been received …..)
Open Letter’ /OIA request to NZ Prime Minister John Key ‘Nothing to hide – nothing to fear’? Please provide the name and position of the Chinese border control official.
14 March 2014
New Zealand Prime Minister
John Key
‘Open Letter’ /OIA request to NZ Prime Minister John Key:
‘Nothing to hide – nothing to fear’?
Dear Prime Minister,
It has been publicly reported that Justice Minister Judith Collins had dinner with the following persons, whilst in Beijing in October 2013:
The founder of Oravida, Deyi “Stone” Shi,
The Managing Director of Oravida, Julia Xu
A senior Chinese border control official (unnamed)
(Minister Judith Collins ‘senior advisor’ Margaret Malcolm, was also reported as being present at this dinner.)
On Wednesday, Prime Minister John Key publicly expressed his ire that she had been economical with the truth about meetings with Mr Shi while visiting China last October.
She revealed that apart from a previously disclosed visit to milk exporter Oravida’s Shanghai offices, she dined with Mr Shi, the company’s managing director Julia Xu, and a senior Chinese border control official while in Beijing.
Mr Key has accepted Ms Collins’ assurances that Oravida’s business was not discussed at the dinner, but yesterday, New Zealand First leader Winston Peters challenged that in Parliament.
“Following the botulism scare of last year, is it not a fact that her visit to Oravida was predominantly access and Customs clearance for Oravida products in the Chinese market, and that is the real reason why a People’s Republic of China border official was present at that dinner?”
Ms Collins once again denied that, and when asked if she would resign if it emerged that she discussed Oravida’s imports to China with the border official, said: “Yes, of course, but I didn’t.”
Ms Collins said her senior adviser Margaret Malcolm, who was also present at the dinner, would confirm that Oravida’s business was not discussed, which is exactly what Ms Malcolm did when contacted by the Herald.
Asked whether Ms Xu had ever raised concerns with her about problems getting product into China, Ms Collins said no.
“They were not affected by the whey powder. They’re the first exporters of fresh milk from New Zealand to China and this was not affected by Fonterra.”
However, that is at odds with a television interview Ms Xu gave a month before the Beijing dinner.
Ms Xu said that in the wake of the Fonterra botulism scare her company, which exports milk and other products to China, was facing additional stringent testing requirements from the Chinese border control agency CIQ (China Inspection & Quarantine Services). That added costs and caused delays.
During the interview on TVNZ’s Q+A Ms Xu also said: “I think the Government, perhaps, could do a little more to engage in more bilateral talks to remove some of the tests or measures the Chinese Government have put on because of this false mistake.”
Ms Collins refused to identify the Chinese border control official who was at the dinner or say which agency they worked for, and indicated she was being kept on a short leash by the Prime Minister.
“I think you should talk to the Prime Minister’s office because I am giving you the words that I have been told that I should say, otherwise there could be an issue with China.”
1) Please provide the name of the above-mentioned ‘senior Chinese border control official’, and the agency for whom he worked.
2) Please provide the information which confirms that advice on this on-going ‘conflict of interest’ between Justice Minister Judith Collins and the company Oravida, of which her husband David Wong Tung is a Director,
is being dealt with, as outlined in the Cabinet Manual, by the Acting Secretary of the Cabinet, Michael Webster, not your Chief of Staff, Wayne Eagleson, from the Office of the Prime Minister:
Conduct, public duty, and personal interests
Managing conflicts of interest
2.69 Ministers must ensure that any conflicts of interest are promptly addressed. The Secretary of the Cabinet (and, where appropriate, the chief executive of the department concerned) should be kept informed of conflicts of interest as they arise.
In addition, the Prime Minister should be advised in writing of conflicts that are of particular concern or that require ongoing management. If in doubt about the appropriate course of action, Ministers should consult the Prime Minister or the Secretary of the Cabinet.
3) Please provide the information which confirms that this OFFICIAL INFORMATION ACT REQUEST will be dealt with, in the proper way, by the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) , not your ‘National party political’ Chief of Staff, Wayne Eagleson, as clearly outlined on the DPMC website:
Administrative support to the Prime Minister
This includes preparation of replies to Parliamentary questions, and dealing with Official Information Act requests and other correspondence. A totally separate body, the Office of the Prime Minister, also advises the Prime Minister: it is the primary point of responsibility for managing political issues and relationships with other political parties and for providing administrative and media support.
DPMC formally came into existence on 1 January 1990, as a result of a report which recommended establishing structures to provide two separate streams of advice to the Prime Minister; one, a new government department to supply impartial, high quality advice and support to the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), and another, a Prime Minister’s Private Office (which is not part of DPMC), to provide personal support and media services, and advice of a party political nature.
Please be reminded that I have still yet to receive an acknowledgement of receipt of the following ‘Open Letter’ /OIA request which I emailed to you on 6 March 2014.
(It is now 14 March 2014.)
6 March 2014
NZ Prime Minister
John Key
OPEN LETTER / OIA request – re: the alleged ‘conflict of interest’ of Minister of Justice Judith Collin’s perceived endorsement of Oravida milk.
Dear Prime Minister,
Please provide a copy of the advice purportedly provided by the Cabinet Office, upon which you are relying, which substantiates your following reported statement:
Prime Minister John Key said the Cabinet Office “unequivocally .. said no there’s no breach.”
Yours sincerely,
Penny Bright
‘Anti-corruption / anti-privatisation Public Watchdog’
Ph (09) 946 9825
021 211 4 127
Collins told Oravida its milk was ‘nice’
By Claire Trevett
Yours sincerely,
Penny Bright
‘Anti-corruption/ anti-privatisation Public Watchdog’
Attendee: 2009 Australian Public Sector Anti-Corruption Conference
Attendee: 2010 Transparency International Anti-Corruption Conference
Attendee: 2013 Australian Public Sector Anti-Corruption Conference
David Cunliffe talked about Government supporting timber value added instead of just exporting logs. Good on him. It does work well. In South Korea Government got stuck into developing technology as the way to develop exports using G4 technology and are now heading into G5 before it has even been invented. They are world leaders and raking in the profits.
Just after 8pm tonight Monday on National Radio, there was an interesting BBC interview with a South Korean official and they talked about the Government choosing to promote/develop Technology in a very big way.
ianmac, i listened to something on RadioNZ, i believe it was yesterday that said that New Zealand is now by volume the biggest source of raw logs going into that country,
We need to get some real smarts going here, obviously the Chinese like em raw because this creates employment for their people, what needs to occur is an assessment of what products such raw logs become as the end use,
A negotiation with the Chinese need then occur around what level of processing of the raw logs would they accept to be carried out in New Zealand while still be willing to purchase the same tonnage of product from us,
Even if we as New Zealand could secure agreement that half of such processing were to occur here in New Zealand and half in China, in terms of added employment to the economy we would be far better off than we are at present…
They won’t buy any processed wood products from us. They’re using our resources to develop their economy while ours goes backwards.
We need to be banning the export of raw produce so that we’ll be forced to develop our own economy.
Draco, i am not debating from such a point as you are pushing simply because the major player on our side of the divide Labour? proposes no such thing,
So to debate from your point of view is to debate that which is definitely not going to happen, Yes the Chinese are at present only buying our raw logs, but, that is the point of an investigation into what further processing they do with those logs and a negotiation surrounding how much of our wood would they buy if it were part or fully processed…
How much are they buying ATM? Because that would be the amount that they would continue to buy. As I said, they’re using our resources to develop their own economy.
To develop better value add to wood then two things need to happen:
1.) The price of raw logs needs to come down and
2.) The actual R&D to produce that added value needs to happen
Now, the government supporting that R&D can get that to happen but after that we need to have the resources available to do anything with it and that’s where banning the exports of raw logs comes in. It would give us the resources to produce the value added products and if we do it right then the price paid for the logs would increase back to where they are now due to the demand for those products.
Lolz Draco, you have forgotten one thing, the end use of the raw logs, that is why i say we should first investigate what use(s) the Chinese put these raw logs to,(the end use),
We then should negotiate with the Chinese so as to gain part of the processing they now do as part of our manufacturing here in New Zealand,
What do you think the Chinese will say if we simply tell them to f off we are not selling them any more raw logs???, i would suggest they would simply say fine then, having plenty of money they would simply move to the next big supplier, (Canada), and using their greater purchasing power of having more money secure their raw logs,
Having given them the F off as far as raw logs goes do you think the Chinese would not for a moment make doing business with them all that much harder in other areas,
Look what occurred surrounding the Botulism scare, next minute we have containers full of meat trapped on the wharf in China unable for some mysterious reason to move,(oh that’s right a problem with the paper-work), i could imagine piles and piles of problems with the paperwork occurring were we to start treating the Chinese in the shoddy manner you suggest…
As long as it’s a complete ban of exporting raw logs (product) there’s not a lot they can say.
And that affects us how?
We should not be afraid of a country being unwilling to trade with us especially considering that power-down really isn’t that far away and that international trade will be decreasing anyway.
More of the ‘don’t bother voting’ campaign:
Also Stuff getting in on the action a couple of days back:
As a Far northerner as a kid and for almost 20 years later on till just now (and going back) I read the Northland Age, herewith is Hone’s statement in what he regards as his local newsletter.
“Harawira — I’m not the MP signing with Dotcom
Te Tai Tokerau MP and Mana Party leader Hone Harawira has rejected any suggestion that he might be about to join forces with Kim Dotcom following a hitherto undeclared meeting with the internet mogul earlier this year.
‘‘ We clearly have common interests, but for the record, I didn’t ask him to fund Mana, and he didn’t offer to either. I didn’t ask him to join Mana, and he didn’t ask me to join his party,’’ Mr Harawira said.
‘‘ I haven’t spoken publicly about the meeting because I haven’t yet spoken with the Mana exec about it. That’s set for later this week.’’
Mr Harawira spoke after Mr Dotcom claimed that he had signed up one sitting MP to join his new Internet Party before the election and was talking to three more. He declined to identify the MP, until the Internet Party was registered and has chosen all its candidates, around mid-year, but was reported as saying he was in talks with Mr Harawira about uniting their parties under one umbrella, enabling the Internet Party to enter Parliament on the coat-tails of the Te Tai Tokerau electorate MP.
The two leaders and their party bosses, Vikram Kumar and Gerard Hehir, reportedly met at a house on Auckland’s North Shore on February 28. A Sunday paper claimed that the Mana Party executive was about to consider a merger proposal, Mana offering one or two electorates, the Internet Party contributing a more broadlybased party vote and $1 millionplus in campaign funding.
Mana Party was one of several parties in talks about an alliance, Mr Dotcom said, along with a number of MPs who had won electorates and were expected to do so again.
The Internet Party planned to launch membership phone and web apps this week, and hoped to have the 500 members required to register the party within a day. The goal was for the Internet Party to ‘‘pick’’ the next government.”
Some are horrified by the thought of some form of Mana/DotCom alliance, Sue Bradford is quoted in this mornings Herald,(National Party disinformation service), as being Opposed,Opposed,Opposed, claiming that Mana should not be trying to take short cuts to ‘building the movement’,
My question to Sue of course would be ,”just how is that movement building going Sue”, as one involved in the beneficiaries rights movement many a year ago i know that Sue was intent on the building of this mass movement way back then, while i would consider the Green party to be an integral part of that movement, from where i sit and remembering that this is only my opinion, it appears that because of a frustration to Her personal aspirations to ‘power’ Sue tossed her toys and walked from that movement,
So, i am ambivalent when Sue opposes such an alliance based upon this ‘idea’ that somehow this would be a corruption to the ‘building of this long awaited mass movement’,
My view at this current point in time, with denials forthcoming from Hone, is lets tai ho for the moment and allow this to move forward to the Mana Party executive,
i will tho add the question, IF, along with Hone holding His seat of Te Tai Tokerau, Annette Sykes were to win the Waiariki AND there was an alliance of Mana/DotCom, along with the million dollars of advertising such an alliance would bring, do any of us ‘see’ that this alliance could in fact be the ‘key’ to an out-right victory for Labour/Green + Mana/DotCom at the 2014 election,
i do, and i urge us all to tai ho and see how this develops befor we rush to judgement…
Sue is a well known ‘leaver’ from student days to New Labour to Alliance to Greens and on.
But politics does happen in different ways and there is a consistent network behind the scenes she adheres to. Which I do not particularly go for, too mercurial, but Sue was for years the sole MP who raised and supported social security (aka bludger) issues.
The issues that have haunted our garages and overcrowded houses for too many years.
Tiger, there was a little joke that went the rounds of our little chapter within the beneficiaries rights organization way back then,
”It was said that Sue could talk for so long about any given issue on the table that she would have the whole circle nodding in the end, 2 of em would be nodding in agreement, the other 20 would be nodding off to sleep”….
you terror bad, been there done that,
heh, the beno rights movement had its good times, and acronyms BUM and CUBA etc
Paul Blair is still going in the Rotorua centre and produced a compelling paper about abatement rates and the effect on sole parents in receipt of a DPB moving into paid work a few years back that the ministry refused to release after commissioning it.
Annete King just tweeted that her “cousin” is going to announce he is not standing in 2014. Her cousin is Chris Finlayson. There are also hints that Tau Henare is also going to be announcing his retirement.
If true there is now a flood of people going and some who will leave rather large holes to fill.
a snipey brittle man Finlayson, bye bye, Taubar what a joke! but the funny thing is he has probably had an enjoyable life, remember him with black leather glovelets on while representing female clerical workers in the 80s, and assaulting Owen Harvey (Butchers and Grocers Union sec) and long time Labour supporter, with a beer crate one nite at a party.
Some need to go alright. Which is not a bitter mantra from me but you can go past your use by date without noticing.
I agreed TM
If only Labour could apply the broom as easily as National does to the decaying heap of past their use by date, rogernomic era, never going to be anywhere near a cabinet again, career politicians.
Mallard, Goff, King.
Parker as well. He should feel more at home in National.
We need progressives. Not fools who believe that the past 30 years has been a success.
I think Parker is ok. Mallard has to go.
Nact are at least clearing away their dead wood, meanwhile Labour seems intent on clutching onto every piece of rotting timber:
If Davis does win Te Tai Tokerau, all he’ll really achieve is getting one less MP for the left. But perhaps this is Labour’s way of gifting the electorate to Mana by standing someone that Harawira has beaten four times in a row?
Yep, if Labour want to be the ‘head’ of the next Government they need to run a ”psst party Vote only” campaign in both Te Tai Tokerau and Waiariki, anything else in my opinion is some really dumb act of first Past the Post Neanderthalic politics,
Kelvin Davis is said to be a highly intelligent man, what Labour should do is give Mr davis a high place on the Party List to ensure His entry into the Parliament,
If kelvin wants to represent the Te Tai Tokerau electorate after becoming a list MP He need only open an office in the electorate to do so,
The same goes for Labour in any electorate, having an office an an MP to regularly conduct ‘clinics’ at that office is pretty much the same as having an electorate MP do the job, MMP politics is all about the Party Vote remember…
Bad, I’m not sure that the strategy of gifting mana two seats changes anything. Wouldn’t the overall numbers on the left stay exactly the same? I would have thought trying to lift their party vote above 1.6% so they get a second (overhang) seat would be more useful. btw, what makes you think mana would support a labour led government? I haven’t seen the slightest hint that they would do so, which means it would be madness for greens or Labour supporters to vote for them in the electorates.
Te Reo, your first point, NO, it is the PARTY VOTE that will determine for Labour how many MP’s they have in the next Parliament, and, i think you fucking know this,
If Labour were to win the Te Tai Tokerau seat and Waiariki, these 2 electorates will simply be among the total befor the added allocation of the list MP’s that will take the Party up to its alloted seats under the auspices of its Party Vote,
The number of Labour MP’s in the next parliament will not go up if Labour win those two seats, only the Party Vote will lift those MP numbers,
Who the hell do you think Mana is going to support in the next Parliament, National perhaps, now that is just dumb…
Calm down, Bad. It was a genuine question and you haven’t answered it. Presumably because you (and Bearded Git) haven’t realised that overhang seats only apply to the list vote. Gifting mana the two electorate seats changes nothing in terms of the overall numbers. However, mana getting an overhang seat by getting an improved party vote does make a difference.
Still, good to have confirmation that you also haven’t seen any indication that mana would support a Labour led government. To be blunt, if mana want charity from Labour or the Greens, then they need to a) ask for it and b) say what they will give in exchange. That’s politics, maaan.
edit: who would mana support? My guess is nobody. Hone will sit on the cross benches and vote issue by issue, IMHO
Te Reo you are talking absolute shit…
And yet you have no answer to the questions I raise …
Right that was an interesting little interlude of food foraging today being the day the poo bear family get to do things in the supermarket,
Teo Reo, here is the question you asked,”i am not sure gifting Mana two seats would change anything, wouldn’t the overall number of seats on the left stay the same,
You were well answered you just want to continue your little dance on the head of a pin based on a series of further questions based upon conjecture, and, i can only answer that by saying that if you think Mana would not support a Labour/Green Government on at least confidence and supply then it s easy to see why you dance on the head of a pin when confronted with correct information,
If Labour were to win both the Te Tai Tokerau and Waiariki seats in 2014 and say collect 35% of the party votes they will have the same number of MP’s in the Parliament based upon the 35% of Party Vote regardless of those seats, were Labour not to win those two electorates and gain that 35% of the vote they will have the same number of MP’s in the Parliament as they would have had they won those two seats,
Now that’s the situation for Labour winning Te Tai Tokerau and Waiariki, here’s the difference should Mana win both of those electorates,
Considering Hone is already there as an MP on the left we will simply leave Him as counted, however should Annette Sykes wave haere ra to Te Ururoa Flavell in Wairaiki then ‘the left’ are ahead two votes, 1 being Her vote in the Mana Party and 2 being the rights loss of Flavell as a lap dog,
i will concede to you that should Labour win that seat they will have gained 1 vote by taking Flavell out of the equation as far as He supports National at present, but,this does not in any way deny the fact that ‘the left’ will be 2 votes ahead if Mana take Flavells seat,
However, should Labour manage to wrest both Te Tai Tokerau and Waiariki off of the incumbents there are in effect MINUS 2 votes for ‘the left’ in the next Parliament, they take a +1 vote for removing Flavell but then the gains of winning those two electorates are subsumed by the Labour Party Vote…
The fundamental problem remains, Bad. Without a concrete guarantee that mana will endorse a left Government, they deserve nothing. Labour and the Greens are not going to take your word for it, I’m afraid. The vibe, your honour, only gets you so far in the real world.
There needs to be a clear understanding pre-election, as Labour had subtly with Anderton and Fitzsimons and the Nats have with Dunne and ACT, before Labour would ever consider a nod and wink arrangement. And even then, that would be rorting democracy to an extent. It sucks in Epsom and it would suck in the maori seats.
Now, if Labour, the Greens and mana took my advice, they’d form a pre-election bloc, tell their supporters to electorate vote to promote the bloc’s chances and we’d be away laughing. Until then, we’ll just have to see what hand the voters deal us.
Like it or not, for your proposition to gain traction, the big move has to come from mana. At the moment, there is no reason to do Hone and Sykes any favours at all because there is no indication a vote for mana is actually going turn out to be a vote for a left government.
Pfft, and off you trot Te Reo, running through the convoluted little corridors of your mind,
You know why i choose not to debate the sidetracks you have thrown up in what was a specific debate on the one topic,
Simply because i cannot be arsed engaging with one who uses that wing-nut tactic of the subject change as a tool to escape the wrong side of the debate,
i will tho point out that in every vote in the present Parliament Hone Harawira has voted with the Green Party so please don’t go casting fucking ugly little aspersions when you have simply closed your slitted little eyes and mind to the fucking facts,
i think what really frightens you is a a larger than at present ‘left’ vote in the Parliament than the present, because every extra MP that Mana or the Green Party bring into that institution leaves the old Dinosaur Labour just that little bit weaker,
So, have you now managed to ‘see’ where ‘the left’ will be light a vote or two by playing first past the post politics in an MMP enviroment with the Te Tai Tokerau and Waiariki electorates…
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get back to me when you can prove mana will do what you claim they will. Have you heard of google? It’s really great. See if you can find any indication at all that your fantasy stacks up.
If we had a pure proportional system then there would be no overhang seats at all. We don’t though and so we get them when a party gets more electorate seats than it’s party vote allows them.
Yes, quite right, Draco. Should have said coat-tail seats, rather than overhang.
That would be my bet as well. It is a lot safer for the party if they do.
Problem with micro electorate only parties is that while their seat(s) are useful, they have usually got their party support by clustering together an odd coalition of various groups pissed off by something with all major parties. Going into any kind of coalition agreement means that they get firmly welded in and that will guarantee that one of more of their main supporters will get pissed off with them for the compromises that any micro party has to make and leave.
That is because they lack the leverage to exert real pressure for a national policy shift (instead they have fictional “successes” like the Families commission that they can puff as Peter Dunne did). The only realistic payoff for a government micro-party is to make a deal that prefers the electorate of the MP(s) over the wishes of the party – Epsom being a good example. Electorate seat micro-parties in a coalition government inevitably discard their withered husk of a party pretty rapidly. Not usually as clearly as the telephone booth party of Peter Dunne. Most “party leaders” prefer to keep the funding and are willing to exert attention to make sure that doesn’t happen.
Having to get within range of the 4-5% bound really is the only survival route for a micro party. It has been done several times with success. The Greens and NZ First have levered a pretty permanent place in the political landscape. Act did for a long time until their electoral power obsessions drove them towards the centre and discarded their activist nutter fringe.
Best thing Mana could do if they only get a few percent would be to cross bench it, vote issue by issue with agreements with a leftish coalition (kind of hard seeing them having much common ground with the Nats), and concentrate on how to build up their votes and party towards not requiring electorate seats – effectively forging a wider and broader constituency somehow.
But in any case, it really is bad politics for a micro-party to become dependent on the generosity of a larger party in gifting seats. The best thing that they could actually do to help is to contest the seats hard. It forces a concentration on the essential party vote. Worked for NZ First losing Tauranga and Greens losing Coromandel.
As I keep saying all Labour and Greens should vote for Mana in the Maori seats but should party vote Labour and Green. That will mean an overhang of Mana seats that could well be enough to swing the election for the left.
Ello,ello,ello, just what’s going on here then, there are a number of thoughts that have been running through my mind as the trickle of announcement from within this National government’s ranks has turned into a ‘virtual Government resignation’,
(1), Is this simply a rejuvenation,(hell even down on the farm they don’t rejuvenate the herd via mass execution),
(2), Is this Slippery the Prime Minister, growing ever more paranoid the closer He gets to smelling a third term as the PM simply ‘watching His back’,( in other words a cull of the ‘going nowhere’ back-bench MP’s who having realized after a couple of terms as cannon fodder they are not going to be promoted might be tempted to agree to a ‘palace coup’ as the means to get their buttes onto the leather of a Ministerial limo),
(3), Are National’s ‘internal polling numbers’ as many of us believe way lower than what the mass media polling would lead us all to believe, with so many jumping ship from a sitting Government are those ‘internal polling numbers’ stuck at 39–40% and the parties sitting MP’s having done their own numbers based around such polling simply falling on their swords as they see their list places evaporated by such polling, along with the sitting Ministers who having drunk the cool-aid for so long couldn’t face the prospect of opposition,
There is something ‘going on here’ within the Government ranks that my little brain just cannot quite fathom…
My feeling is growing that there is something planned by National after the next election that they can’t quite stomach and don’t want to put their names to – be very afraid!
The fact that many of them are the old guard could an indication that they still bring some moral consideration to their decision making whereas the new guard – the likes of Simon Bridges and Paula Bennett, wouldn’t recognise a moral consideration if it got up and bit them!
JanM – probably sell Kiwibank and privatise ACC and Kiwisaver, continue to destroy our public education and health system.
I actually think it is worse than that and will be something which impinges on what remains to us as our sovereignty as a nation – I think that would get the old guard on the run
TPP signing
It seems to me that the emphasis for NACT politicians is to get young to middle aged people who are photogenic and can speak confidently and explain the agreed line competently and firmly. They must have their priorities right and the NACTs will provide options for those who have proven records in society and are ambitious. ie those from famiies that already have money.
The others can just fill in the background and live in holes, from which they will be pulled out by specially trained beneficiary-hunting dogs as required.. Or they may be press-ganged in the street and sent off to a labouring job if there is a demand for such. The families won’t know until they pluck up courage to report their missing family member.
And will be reluctant to do so because it will bring them to the notice of authorities who may then arbitrarily allocate them to another distant job away from family and support base.
Simon Bridges – speak confidently and competently? – That went well, then!
My observation is that the front row at the moment is filling up with self-made sociopaths – mini-mes of you-know-who
Update: Finlayson denies it …
What large holes, they are all fucking useless.
Hopefully National can replace these useless idiots with competent MPs.
No chance though as National has noone at all that I would consider competent.
Politics, as seen by the Hootons and the right wing horse race journalists in the press gallery, is a cynical business of greed, branding and re-arranging the dinner cards in the restaurant car of the gravy train express.
So here is a tale by way of an antidote. I was allocated to look after a frail 98 year old lady at a wedding last week, and I asked her about her life. I asked her if she recalled Micky Savage, and her voice softened, and with the tone used for the gratefulness reserved for when you life is saved by strangers she said “He was a wonderful man, he took us out of the depression you know. Life was hard before then. Yes, he was a wonderful man”.
Sevent five years after he died, for someone whose life was changed his reputation remains undimmed.
Politics can be a good experience for all of us, if you a politician who actually does something good.
I hold Norman Kirk in the same esteem for what He said and did for the New Zealand people and their ‘spirit’ during such a short period as Prime Minister,
There may be only one of Norm’s Ohu left operating but it was the thought behind allowing these Ohu to be established that has me seeing Norman Kirk as a ‘great man’,
Instead of deriding that small fringe of New Zealand society that wanted to opt out of the structured society of the time Norm Kirk simply found a means of allowing them to pursue their ideas…
Rural communes
Norm was the last Prime Minister I felt deserved the title and felt truly proud of even being relatively young at the time. Our workplace shutdown everyone on full pay on the day of his funeral. Norm said “take the bikes off the bikies” but I doubt even one ever was, it was what he did that added to his standing.
And don’t call me Bob Harveys mate but I still maintain there was lack of medical care involved in his rather lonely death–read his secretary Margaret’s book for some clues. Have not seen the new “Totara” book by David Grant yet being released at the Owen Glenn centre in Auckland March 27, 6pm.
Went to his State Funeral in August 1974 – about the time of my 10th birthday. Kirk was a bit of a hero to me. Watched leading Labour Caucus members carry his coffin down Parliament’s steps.
There was something sinister going on at the time Tiger Mountain. It manifested itself in different ways. There was the Colin Moyle affair for starters, and there were the mysterious politically motivated incidents during Bill Rowling’s tenure as PM. These occurred after Kirk’s death of course and I have no idea whether Kirk’s failing health was part of it or not.
It needs to be remembered that Norman Kirk put NZ on the international map by sending a frigate into the French Nuclear testing zone at Muroroa Atoll in 1973. The French don’t exactly have an unblemished past when it came to wanting to be a member of the big boys nuclear club, but they weren’t the only ones upset with Big Norm.
Words fail me about the reporting of this article, even I like a little balance
What’s unbalanced about this article, it seems to lay out the facts quite succinctly, how would you like it if someone came along and said they were going to build another house in your back yard,
i do tho think the name of the HousingNZ rep an appropriate one, Ms Fink indeed…
FFS It is not HER back yard!
But it should probably be considered hers while she’s living there.
That said, we’re not being given enough information to make any judgement in this case.
She is paying rent for it.
SSLands, another dickwads answer, IT IS Her backyard, the Residential Tenancies Act allows Her the unimpeded access to all the property She rented, along with that She as the tenant is given a guarantee under the same ACT of the Parliament guaranteeing Her as the Tenant ‘quiet enjoyment’ of the property,
The definition of ‘the property’ is defined as being that described on the title at the time She as the tenant signed the rental agreement,
How many times is it now SSLands that you have leapt into the discussion with your ugly little dissing of the poor without a shred of fact to back up your bullshit…
I suppose she could always leave and go private renting…that’d show ’em
i suppose you could always drown in your own bile, that’ed show us…
Um, no, Puckish twit. We (the government) entered into a contractual arrangement with her, the terms of which we are changing.
I’d like to enter into a contractual arrangement with you, because after all, while I think taking candy from babies is unethical, according to your ethics, you’re fair game.
“how would you like it if someone came along and said they were going to build another house in your back yard”
The difference is I own my home whereas she doesn’t but she quite likes living in a state house but doesn’t want other people to have the same help as shes getting…nice
you’re such a lovely person aren’t you pr
similarly srylands
Yeah how dare I agree with the idea that if theres space in the back yard for a two bedroom house then that might be a good idea as it means two other people get a roof over their heads
it all goes right over your head doesn’t it …….
Its really simple:
She doesn’t own the house
Theres space on the property to help another couple
Shes unhappy another house will be built on that space to help another couple
Puckish Rogue, the Residential Tenancies Act would disagree with you, while She does not own the property She does have ‘rights’,
The tenant has the right to be able to freely access all the property and the tenant has the right to quiet enjoyment of the property,
The Property as defined by the Residential Tenancies Act is the property described on its title at the time the rental agreement was signed,
think about as the owner of the property subdividing or cross leasing the section and developing a new townhouse on the back.
That happens hundreds if not thousands of times a year around auckland as homeowners cash in on property prices.
Why is this situation different? If she was renting from a private landlord the same scenario could happen, and no-one would find that extraordinary. The only difference here is that because she is renting her house from the NZ taxpayer she believes she is entitled to property rights that in fact she does not have. A sense of entitlement is not a contract.
If HNZ is subdividing this property and not affecting her rights under her tenancy agreement then tough luck lady.
Think of it as a contractual arrangement. The tenant has a contract to lease the property, including the land, and the other party to the contract is changing the terms of the lease.
As a businessman, I drive a hard bargain, then honour it. Can’t see why a HNZ tenant should behave differently.
Perhaps a wingnut can apologise for regarding HNZ tenants as subhuman before we have to figure out how to punish wingnuts.
no I’m not suggesting that all – stop making offensive statements up and inferring I said or meant that. In fact stop inferring I’m a wingnut.
If HNZ is doing something to her property that is not allowed in her tenancy agreement then I am pretty sure that by now plenty of pro bono lawyers who would love to make a publicity splash would be raising a shiitestorm about it, not to mention politiciuans jumping on the wagon.. Therefore I think it is safe to assume that HNZ is acting within the terms of the tenancy agreement. Therefore there is no story aside from a tenants inflated sense of entitlement. If you changed HNZ to private landlord, this would not rate as a story.
You should in fact be praising HNZ for building more low income housing and increasing the housing density in the city which will have all kinds of positive spinoffs for theclimate, transport networks blah blah blah.
“The tenant has a contract to lease the property, including the land, and the other party to the contract is changing the terms of the lease.”:
No she does not. She has an agreement to occupy the house. The owner of the land can subdivide it, build new dwellings, and do what he likes subject to Council approval.
I own a rental property. If I sought, and obtained, permission to build another dwelling on the section I can assure you there is nothing in the lease I have with my tenant that would allow the tenant to stop me. It is my property.
Honestly the fact that you people think like this is bizarre – it shows what a sickening sense of entitlement you have.
HNZ should be applauded for building more welfare housing – which you are always bleating for, and for promoting urban infill.
Pro bono lawyers…
I think they have them in America. New Zealand, not so much. Quite happy to be proved wrong.
I’m sure you’d like to think everything in the tenancy agreement is being honoured, but again, I’m happy for you to prove me wrong by citing it, as opposed to your opinion.
The reason it rates as a story is that as the landlord, I think your attitude to our tenant is lower than the gutter, and further, that your callous disregard for our people renders you fit for public ridicule and contempt.
Are we crystal?
pro bono just means a lawyer working for a client without charging a fee. of course we have them in nz.
I bleat for nothing, S Rylands. I’m entitled to nothing that I cannot enforce by force of arms. I enjoy it.
I recognise the fact based evidence that human rights increase our wealth, not least because they help enforce strong property rights, and help me defend us against you and your revolting ideology.
Tracey, how many pro bono lawyers advertise for HNZ tenants? How many HNZ pro bono cases have been heard recently? Please prove me wrong.
Depends on your lease, and whether the yard is implicitly part of the dwelling.
At the very least, if you didn’t tell the tenant about your plans they’d probably have grounds to walk out.
srylands your point at 4.52pm is simply wrong. You are outright wrong.
Mind you a while ago you got our GST rate wrong too so this is hardly surprising.
This is like talking to a series of brick walls, every one in the series a bit thicker than the other,
Tenants have rights, i have outlined those rights above, pointless me doing so i know, Nazi’s do not believe in rights other than their own…
“stop making offensive statements up and inferring I said or meant that. In fact stop inferring I’m a wingnut.”
Well good luck with achieving that. It is hard wired.
Of course tenants have rights. They will be summarised neatly in her tenancy agreement. She should get out her tenancy agreement and point out the clause that says the section cannot be subdivided and send HNZ into the naughty corner. Her lack of pointing out said clause suggests she doesn’t have the appropriate clause in her tenancy agreement. Next step, check HNZ aren’t breaching any other rights a person in this country has. If what HNZ does does not breach any other rights she has under law, end of story. Bake a cake for your new neighbour.
SSlands, a babbling ‘wing-nut’ as well i might add, whatever the latest piece of babble actually means is beyond me,
Is this your default position when being lying scum fails…
Nadis, i am sure you should have chosen the handle anus, far more apt, as i said this discussion is akin to talking to a series of brick walls each one thicker than the other, you being obviously the thickest,
i…will…repeat…slooooowly…just…for…you, The Residential Tenancies Act provides in its provisions the tenants right to the use of all the property along with ‘the quiet enjoyment’ of that property,
‘The Property’ in terms of the Act is the property described on its title at the time the rental agreement was signed by the tenant,
Now you do know what a property described on its title is don’t you Anus,
bloke – would have thought you’d be used to gettting things wrong by now. Of course we have pro bono represenatation in NZ. Every major law firm has a parner responsible fo rhte pro-bono practice. Talk to your mate micky savage – I’m sure he will regale you with stories of subaurbna and rural lawyers doing pro bono work for needy cases that cant afford representation but have a particuarly difficult story. Then their are Community law centres etc – keep up.
Just to make life really, really easy for your fact challenged self, here is a link to the standard form tenenacy agreeement which almostevery tenenancy in NZ uses. In fact it is illegal to use an agreement that conflicts with the Residential tenancy act, so most would use this.
90 days notice is the answer………
@nadis. Listen, dickhead, if you were renting a house and garden and your landlord reduced the size of the garden would you be looking for a rent reduction or not?
If not, please please let’s do business.
Can’t wait to hear the whining when srylands and/or nadis rents a car then has the wheels taken off it after he gets in the drivers seat…
“Just to make life really, really easy for your fact challenged self, here is a link to the standard form tenenacy agreeement which almostevery tenenancy in NZ uses.”
excuse me, sorry to interrupt, where is the link ?
oops sorry
I don’t really understand what is contentious here. Everything is governed by really easy to understand law. And I cant believe the difficulty some of you guys have with normal commercial concepts.
At the end of the tenants contract period (either a fixed date or at 90 days notice), HNZ says “we are ending your contract. you are welcome to enter into a new one”
Anonymous bloke of course the new tenancy should be cheaper on a like for like basis, if it’s not the tenant has the option to move and the landlord will be left with an un-rented property. If HNZ is trying to do something that breaks either the already agreed contract or the general provisions of the law then HNZ should be rightly censured.
If they are acting within the law then there is no legal problem. The tenant (any tenant) does not have a right to tenancy beyond what has been contractually agreed. If the tenant doesn’t like living in the property or it doesn’t meet their needs when their tenancy is over, then they will have to do what other tenants and house owners do which is move and find something that suits.
Bad, you should actually read the tenancy agreement before spouting off about concepts you don’t understand. It’s not difficult.
Anus, i have no need to read a bog standard tenancy agreement, what i have been quoting to you is the provisions of the Residential Tenancies Act,
One day in the future someone is going to have the power and the will to Trample All Over your property Rights by simply changing a few words in a Law or a couple of Laws,
On that day, unfortunately tho i would like to be, i doubt if i will be among the living, you will scream like a stuck pig and the rest of the world will sit laughing, poking derision at You for daring to think you have any sacrosanct rights,
You will be deserving of any and all such treatment…
PR “Its really simple:
She doesn’t own the house”
It is not that simple at all you moron. Go learn some basic property law. What a fool.
What the hell is a “wing nut”? You come across as a rude, childish 10 year old child. Incredible. No wonder you are an unemployed smoker living in a State house.
[lprent: Wingnut.
You can blame that unsubtle hint to investigate google on a very very long compile to see if \$$\$$ in a make script solves my build issue. ]
There you go SSlands, a ‘wingnut’ usually ‘loose’ kindly depicted for you by Lprent,
‘The left’ usually far far too kind in aiding our ‘wing-nut’ afflicted visitors when it would be far far less exertion to instead heave you all under the proverbial bus…
srylands, while you are around and before you disappear like you usually do when the going gets tough ….. as a disciple of the neoliberal dogma can you please explain why electricity prices have risen and keep rising when supply is static and demand is dropping?
You also referred the other day to “relying on the evidence of what works”. Would you also mind then telling me what the evidence of the 29 dead men at Pike River shows works and doesn’t work with regard to the neoliberal free market deregulation private knows best approach that you staunchly and unswervingly adopt?
Lolz its SSLands again, with a friend, it would be pointless for me to Google up the Residential Tenancies Act and point out to them the relevant clauses which protect the tenants rights to the property,
They would just slip into the snake skins as usual and slither off to appear again in a couple of days pushing more lies on some other topic where i would have to go through the whole process again,
Far far easier to treat them with derision as a knuckle-scraping species of subhumans fit for purpose only to wipe the smelly deposits off of the bottom of the gumboots with,
Far more fun too, time to throw together the raw fish for tomorrows dinner and use the remainder for fish’nchips for tonight’s…
Bad12 what are you even talking about? Nothing you say makes coherent sense. Are you 12 years old? I give up – you don’t seem to have any relationship with logical thought. You’ve gone from saying people have rights to people have no rights, the only original things you say are the bilious abuse you spout against anyone that has the temerity to argue with you. I give up. You are literally a moron. Please don’t reproduce.
Anus, thank you for your concerns, have you finished now, please do not come back…
No he is 10 years old. He is a smoker, and thinks he is an expert on everything. When anyone disagrees he spouts vile abuse. He is beyond any redemption.
And you are spending enormous amounts of your life talking with him on the internet. 🙄
not only that felix, but srylands keeps refusing to answer certain questions – ones he has no answer for as a disciple of neoliberalism. Examples just above include an explanation for why electricity prices have risen and keep rising when supply is static and demand is reducing.
Come on srylands – back yourself you chicken – bok bok
SSLands, look deeply at the little green icon attached to every comment you make, everything you say here comes with the sign of the swastika which is the basis of the few comments you do produce that contain an iota of fact,
As i point out to nadis/anus above, one day in a very dark, for you, future someone will come along claiming to be acting in the best interests of something or someone mythical and remove from you those ‘property rights’ you hold so dearly and believe are yours by an unalienable right,
Just as has been done to the tenants of HousingNZ who you obviously despise based upon nothing more than the ism contained in that little icon attached to your every comment, the swastika, it will only take the changing of a couple of pieces of Legislation to put you and your ‘property rights’ in the same position faced by those HousingNZ tenants you so despise,
The only sadness i would have with regards to a future Government removing your ‘property rights’ with the stroke of a pen is that i do not have the power to do so right this very minute because you can bet i would with one stroke of my pen,
Soon after that i would arrive on your doorstep with a warrant for your removal along with a crew tasked with demolishing what is obviously a pig sty you inhabit…
will the new house be built over a vegetable garden?
Was wondering that myself. If the backyard is a part of her food source this loss will hit her hard.
I’d expect her rent to drop by 1/3-1/2 for this to be anywhere near fair.
Perhaps we need a few leaked emails from the left discussing rezoning the eastern bays in auckland and parts of the North shore for the build of low rise minimum size apartments so that housing corp and other teneants can enjoy the benefits of a mature suburb and the current owners can enjoy some new neighbours so they don’t have to pay for the roads to the outer ‘burbs.
Jimmy Carter fears NSA and US monitoring so much that he now hand-writes and mails sensitive letters to foreign and American leaders because he can’t trust his email or telephone to be secure.
“I don’t think there’s any doubt now that the NSA or other agencies monitor or record almost every telephone call made in the United States, including cellphones, and I presume email as well,” Carter told The Associated Press in an interview. “We’ve gone a long way down the road of violating Americans’ basic civil rights, as far as privacy is concerned.”
Read more here:
I’m sure the unconstitutional interception of President Carter’s communications are solely for his protection against Islamic Terrorists, etc.
I am wondering HOW the private meetings of some MPs with Kim dot com became known. I suspect the spy agencies.
Buckish Rogue
And Tardis
There goes the neighbourhood!! DNFTT,.. Waste of energy. It would be a good idea to have exercise bicycles hooked up to the grid. When dopes like this come on the site go and work off your steam fuelling up the credit a/c. By the time winter came you would get free heating for a week.
John Drinnan on changes at National Radio.
Guyon Espiner is to have more editorial input than previous hosts. As apparently will his new co-host, but given Guyon’s apparent lack of objectivity in other positions it does not bode well. It seems Paul Thomson is very quietly undertaking huge changes at RNZ.
‘Well-placed sources said that management had agreed that Espiner – who will be based out of Auckland studios – will have a greater editorial role than previous hosts held in the past.’
Ergo. This might be a closer link:
so who gets the $64,000 for guessing that naki man is wail boil?
Billy Bragg concert. Bit crowded
[Hey lprent you are in moderation! – MS]
Mistype on email…
“Senior scientists and government officials are meeting in Japan to agree a critical report on the impacts of global warming.”
Do we know who is representing or directing New Zealand at these deliberations?
What our government’s position is…? (Young Bridges perhaps.)
I just get the sense that prior to November 2008, there was at least a New Zealand government that was making a deliberate attempt to address the issue of Global Warming and that the current administration is largely sceptical about the issue and persuaded by the power of its coalition partner .
About climate change and our govt I would say the word isn’t skeptical but ‘relaxed’. Hey, it’s an SEP. Let’s make hay while the sun shines, and shines, and shines……………..