This is a really crappy article but it highlights the problem with modern consumer culture and how it’s destroying the world.
One of the more astonishing figures from the book was that our fiber consumption has leapt from 10 million tons to 82 million tons [annually] in the last 60 years. It’s far outpacing population growth.
I also get into the waste that’s created. We throw away 68 pounds of textiles per person per year. On top of that, we’re using thrift stores and charity shops as dumps for an incredible volume of clothes that we don’t wear anymore. [The average charity shop is able to sell a mere 20 percent of what comes in.]
US centric but, sheesh, that’s a lot of waste and shows, once again, the irrationality of our profit driven free-market society.
Well, the US leads the way in the throw-away consumer culture. I think there’s something similar in NZ, but maybe not to the same extent.
I know a few US women who, after visiting NZ, described Kiwis as “dowdy”. i.e. this was a comment on the kind of clothes we wear. But this probably has something to do with the fact that fashionable clothes are more expensive here.
But this probably has something to do with the fact that fashionable clothes are more expensive here.
Not just fashionable clothes. Basics such as reasonably priced underpants and socks that last more than a couple of washes are not easy finds in this country.
Decent shoes are ridiculously expensive in New Zealand compared to Stateside. I have my shoes shipped over, but that’s not so cheap, so thank goodness there are still shoe repair outfits here when the heels wear down and the soles get a bit thin.
“Reasonably priced” is somewhat subjective to one’s financial positon, but Farmers still sell the Holeproof brand of socks, around $18 for one or two pairs depending on style and type. Choose wool/nylon 50% : 50% blend for socks (and colour) that will last ten years or more, though pick a size larger, because the first time they see a dryer they’ll shrink.
For a “more reasonable” price in Auckland, go to the Bendon Outlet stores. Once they were on Barry’s Point road in Auckland, or Fox Center Northcote, and disappeared briefly, but have now re-emerged at Westcity Mall at the end of the NW motorway or at Botany Town Centre out East. Holeproof turn up there and also various other quality brands to chose from at heavily reduced prices.
Saturday/Sunday Market stalls selling imported socks, 3 or 4pairs for $5 – $10 are a hit-and-miss situation, mostly cotton blends, but also worth a go for the colour/pattern selection. Pakuranga, Avondale, Glen Innes, Manurewa, Otara, Henderson and Mangere markets all have sock stalls regularly. Those markets also have high quality (cleaned, pressed, well presented) second hand clothes, usually something like 3 pieces for $10; Avondale especially has new imported brands you’ll recognise and quality Asian brands for “reasonable cost”. Get an pair of new average shoes there for around $10 – $20.
For new Shoes, also try Dressmart in Onehunga and get high end/reheelable for roughly half price and while you’re there, check out Shoetown just outside, on the Onehunga Mall. Also outside Dressmart Onehunga is Number One Shoes Outlet. Some cheap shoes in there, but as it’s end of line/out of season, the selection is limited. Also quality can be an issue, so inspect closely if you intend to reheel. Hannahs Outlet at Panmure/Mt Wellington turns up some good finds at good prices.
In my experience, the best reheel/repair place in Auckland is Gemmels on Symonds Street. They can’t fix some shoes simply because they are designed to be thrown out, but other than that, if you at least look to buy good leather in a shoe, you can continue to reheel for some years at roughly half the price of new.
For other high quality second hand clothes, try Save Mart, they are Nationwide. In my experience in Auckland, the best clothes selection is at Onehunga or New Lynn, but outlets are also at Northcote and Browns Road. Northcote has the biggest selection of shoes. Tonnes of womens stuff at all branches, good range of mens from $5.99 to $25 for designer labels. Also “retro and ethnic” at New Lynn.
Finding belts that last more than a month can be difficult. Best bet in Dressmart is Hallensteins or there is a belt stall near the donut stall. There you’ll pay $25 for durable leather in almost any style or colour. Also, Safety Protector shops carry the Taurus range of belts at around $25 – $30 a piece. Classic plain black or brown, single silver buckle – 100% leather.
Finding “reasonably priced” mens trousers can be difficult. Kmart often has many of Hallensteins range under a different label for up to half the price. On can pay $12 (on special) up to $25, where you might pay up to $75 elsewhere. The Warehouse occasionally has durable cheap underwear range, but again, it pays to estimate up to 2 sizes higher, because of shrinkage. Dye colours other than grey or black will run. Thermals are also there or at Postie Plus for around $10 a piece. Postie plus often has hidden gems ina ll things.
It all depends on personal taste. K-Road often turns up some good shoes and clothes, but it depends on your idea of “reasonable price”. As Carol’s friends pointed out above, in a country that openly condones jeans as formal wear, it’s easy to look well dressed, starting from scratch, for $50 – $100 total. Some people won’t be able to get those sorts of funds together all in one go, but shit, there’s only so much I can do. Not much is free these days and others will know better angles than me.
As the final trick for young players: Re-Dye your clothes. A popular thing to do, overseas, if you’ve ever been a backpacker. Much of what we buy never wears out, but colour fades. Go to Geoffs Emporium on Dominion road and get some washing machine dye. For $14 you can renew or change the colour of $200 pants or an armful of shirts, socks, T-shirts etc. Read the instructions on the dye! Just bear in mind the stitching on clothes is often polyester, even if the item is cotton, and will not take the dye. So black, grey, dark blue, green and brown all work well. But you’ll never get a light blue shirt to be black – it’ll have white/blue stitching. These dyes work well in the washing machine with no mess or damage to further washes, but if you’re an environmentalist, you might want to think about weighing up the use of dying chemicals against the waste of throwing out structurally sound clothes.
excellent! Thanks, Uturn. I’ve copied and saved your tips for future reference. While your tips are slanted towards males, I shop at some of the places you mention, and my dress styles tends towards “casual”, unisex-ish (trousers/jeans not dresses).
And I’ve had problems like belts and shoes not lasting. This is also true of a lot of women’s clothes as they are built for looks not durability. I did used to buy more men’s jeans & shirts in the past for this reason. But I’m quite small, and people seem to have got bigger – even most small men’s clothes are too big for me now.
I’d like to emphasise the value of the op-shop, and belts are a good example. The last belt I bought for five dollars is wide, thick leather, and will defintely outlive me.
I tend to haunt the jumper racks for thin merino garments which make an excellent thermal underlayer for winter. I’ve got plently myself, but friends are always grateful.
Just a note about dyeing. I often dye things, most recently some op-shop cushions. But nowadays I don’t dye anything that will need regular washing. I’m yet to find a genuinely colourfast dye, but if anyone else has I’d love to hear about it.
You should be able to get clothing dye in supermarkets. Small tins. Look in the washing section.
Think of op shops that support social needs in the community when buying clothes.. Buying things there is an excellent way to give a donation that gives back to you. There’s sure to be one not far away
or at a local church or centre once a week. Finding one that’s open when you’re around is the trick.
I bought some Katmandu socks @ 15 dollars a pair I have worn them less than five times they are buggered.These socks are for the serious tramper.
I will never buy katmandu ever again.
Atleast you know when you buy whare house stuff its not going to last that long but I have had a better run out of their socks,
It all depends on personal taste. K-Road often turns up some good shoes and clothes, but it depends on your idea of “reasonable price”
I found a perfect skirt in a charity shop on K Rd, I guess it depends on taste… I love ‘hippie’ type long skirts, lucky they’re not generally popular – and best of all – pockets!
I also found a perfect ‘office’ type skirt in KMart for $20.00…
Draco, interested in your thoughts on this new article from Gordon Campbell. Essentially pessimistic on peak oil and cleantech given new dirty oil extraction capacity into the medium term.
Funny that another article with the same title came out on the Wall Street Journal today. As Campbell mentions there has a proliferation of articles proclaiming the end of peak oil. The peak has shifted into the future yes, but on closer look not as far as many of these cornucopian pundits are making out.
Chris Nelder has a great article on a few of the recent end of peak oil articles:
It’s hard to say about unconventional oil – not enough data yet. IMO, it’s uneconomic both in purely economic and sustainability terms. Unfortunately, due to the fact that all costs aren’t factored into it’s production or use, it still seems viable and, also, it seems that the politicians have been brought over to the side of the fossil fuel industry. We’re seeing subsidies for clean tech stopped while subsidies for fossil fuels continue.
It seems that there is little to no hope that we will stop the actions that will drive the world in to cataclysmic climate change.
On top of that, we’re using thrift stores and charity shops as dumps for an incredible volume of clothes that we don’t wear anymore.
I wear clothes and use towels etc until they’re threadbare. I have taken some of my son’s out-grown clothes to charity shops, otherwise, I am a hoarder by nature. So, for once, not guilty! 🙂
…National will continue flogging off part of the power companies.
…Labour/Greens will continue to flog a dead horse petition?
There’s risks for all three of the larger parties. The success of the Mighty River float is crucial for National – and it’s also important for the country.
And Labour/Greens risk continuing to put a lot of resource into what could be an extended and futile post-legislation fizzle. There may be plenty of fight amongst political activists, but the wider voting population are much more likely to contune living their lives outside the bubble.
Your the one living in a bubble Petey full of self righteous justification and spin handed down by your masters warmed by the glow of victory, it’s really quite sad to observe.
You and Dunne will be regarded, just like NACT as people who sold our assets to enrich mates and backers to the disadvantage of today and future generations, you know no shame because you are a sell out who spends him time in the blogosphere not in the real world.
The real world where UF and NACT just made their backers the pay back the hollowmen demanded, serving the people Petey you and us know that’s a blatant lie.
+ 1 – exactly right tc – they have sold our assets as part of the payback. They will sell everything if they can because they are hollow inside and out. Well fuck them I say, it is not over yet!
And yet the media ignore the desperate attempt by NACT/UF to effectively bribe the iwi with shares, you know those shares that were meant to fix schools, pay debt, build roads and be the magic wand that cures all.
for Petey to understand that mickey would be to admit he understands the gorilla in the room, can’t let reality get in the way of more shonkey spin can we.
Oh thank you thank you thank you facile one Pete George. Everything you pompously tell us we never have a clue about. Until you tell us. Because you stood for parliament. And you’re an oracle near unequalled. Except for the perennial cabinet toady you call your leader.
Your contibutions to “debate” on this blog are limited to this – statement of either the patently obvious (you know…..”one party government is not good for democracy”), or, utterly predictable right wing wish-list, mouthed out as fact.
And on top of it you do it with terribly self-consciousness solemnity to conceal your narcissism.
You stood for parliament……….so bloody what ? You are sadly the most boring person in the universe, and I suspect, essentially thick.
How can someone (or people) in a top position in ACC have so little sensitivity to, or understanding of the situation of, rape and incest survivors? These ACC top dogs think so little of the survivors and their situation that they think $250 will buy their silence?
And how much influence did the minister have over this?
ACC has sent letters of apology to rape and incest victims whose privacy was breached – offering them $250 if they agree to stay silent
“When I got the letter and offer I just thought it was pathetic,” one sensitive claims client said yesterday. “I just wanted to vomit. It’s another slap in the face after all the things they’ve done.”
ACC said it was offering the money because the breach involved details of the clients being in the sensitive claims unit and that may have caused distress.
It finished by saying ACC “has your best interests at heart” and was committed to moving forward positively “following this regrettable incident”.
But the letters have drawn fire from several ACC clients in internet discussions and from the woman who provided a copy of her letter to The Dominion Post.
Several have said they will not sign a secrecy agreement with ACC.
Social Development Minister Paula Bennett is encouraging people who were abused as a result of the state being involved in their care, including placement with wider family or in foster homes, to apply for compensation.
Her comments followed the story of “Joanne”, who told Marae Investigates she was placed in the care of her uncle, a convicted rapist, after a family group conference in 2001 when she was 16.
She has alleged she was raped and contracted HIV.
Child, Youth and Family has now apologised to her and changed the vetting requirements in such cases.
The maximum that has been paid out to an individual is $80,000. Since November 2008, a total of $3.55 million has been paid out and 272 claims completed. Previously, 54 claims were completed and payouts totalled $375,500.
The Ministry of Social Development has said there is no legal obligation to pay compensation, but a moral obligation sometimes arose where its actions were deficient to a degree that resulted in loss or harm.
So a state department can be grossly negligent and there is no legal obligation to pay compensation… how mental is that?
mickysavage, what happened to David Cunliffe’s speech?
I thought that was a big, visionary speech for the future. It didn’t get a post-speech post here. Nothing in the media. Nothing on Red Alert. Nothing but a one of many ‘News’ listing in the Labour website.
I thought there should have been a major promotion of it. Is that yet to happen? Or is it not very important to Labour?
According to ministerial briefing papers obtained by RadioLIVE there is a catch to the Government’s promise of more jobs.
The Labour Department predicts 100,000 new jobs in the coming years, but the documents reveal they will largely benefit professional men, leaving low-skilled workers and women out in the cold.
“He is intentionally dumbing down the community by locking them out of higher education even though he knows that there simply will not be the jobs created for those people as part of his overall economic plan,” says Ms Turei.
The Department of Labour briefing paper says more needs to be done to ‘up-skill disadvantaged’ groups in society.
Violence begets violence. Poor dog suffered, the environment and residents where the drilling is planned could suffer. Then there will be more suffering, all for a hole in the ground.
People like me dont take shit from trolls. And we dont see property rights as absolute when they affect the rest of us. And people like me question why NOT who started the nonsense, we dont however condone all actions.
Well we know how people like you roll chris73 with more than 700 environmentalists, that’s one a week, killed over the past decade.
Among those mourned by the Council of Canadians and Blue Planet Project are:
Bernardo Vásquez Sánchez in Mexico
Mariano Abarca Roblero in Mexico
Beatriz Carino Trujillo in Mexico
Father Jose Reinel Restrepo Idairraga in Colombia
Kimy Pernia Domico in Colombia
Dora Alicia Sorto Recinos in El Salvador
Marcelo Rivera Moreno in El Salvador
Ramiro Rivera Gomez in El Salvador
Juan Francisco Duran Ayala in El Salvador
Across the world, our research found 711 individuals
reported killed in the past decade – an average of
more than one killing per week. Of these, 106 people
were killed in 2011 – nearly twice the death toll in
2009. It includes those killed in targeted attacks and
violent clashes as a result of protests, investigating
or taking grievances against mining operations,
logging operations, intensive agriculture including
ranching, tree plantations, hydropower dams, urban
development and poaching
No not just Peter Dunne, but every aspirational idiot, every fat cat 1%er, every “I am better than you” person who voted for this scabby bunch of theives. Dunne is just another bland faceless “me firster”, dont give him any credit. Others enabled his position.
So when you know your fellow citizen voted NACT tell the bastards what they have done, why your power bill is going up and you cant feed the children. Tell them they are to blame for voting the bastards in.
PS When somebody screams poverty ask them did they vote? If not why not? They are to blame as well.
PPS When some lefty MP tells you that they cant make statements like “nationalise” etc, tell them that we dont vote them in to be toothless (and useless).
This morning I reflected that the world has not changed significantly since last night when another larcenous act was perpetuated against the citizenry of NZ. The theft is slow and corrosive, at stake is our security, our childrens future, our freedom (such as we have left). We are I note in a class war.
In reality we have been constantly in a class war and always will be. The reason is because we humans constantly want what we dont have, and somebody else does. The tempo of our wars increase as the gap between those who have and those who dont have widens. Last nights legislation merely signals an escalation: the violence level was raised because one side had a narrow firepower advantage. The response will be that the other side will try to close the firepower gap. But that is not enough.
What the Left currently does not have is generals with the knowledge that they really are at war facing battle hardened focused foes from the Right. The Lefts generals need to throw off the amateur gentlemanly manner and harden up. For too many years the Left has allowed their own generals to come from the Right, bringing Right wing tactics to bear. It has not worked.
Those “Left” generals who think the key to victory is holding the centre need to notice the blitz has gone around this point and attacked from the flanks. Plodding up the middle wont work, victory is for the swift, and at the moment its the Right. The Left needs to recognise the gravity and extremity of the fight, and make a stand. To date the stand has been feeble, the goal fuzzy. Time to lay out the strategy and commit to total victory. They are taking all we have, we are going to take everything they have. Unconditional victory.
I think with the Labour party the gloves have been well and truly off for quite a while (who was the labour pres that went to oz to dig up some dirt on John Key?)
Could that be one of the reasons the Greens are becoming more popular?
reposting in Open mike because i would genuinely like an answer
Q: Can the Governor General do anything?
I admittedly am a bit fuzzy on where those largely ceremonial powers start/stop. Which is why i ask questions of others who know these matters more accurately than I. ( something many people would do well to try) Ceremonial position aside, does he not have some power here? Perhaps if he thought of all his brothers in arms who fought and died for New Zealand and what they died protecting, then he could be a brave soldier and refuse to allow the act to be accepted by the Crown?
Yes it messes in our self-determination but we are not a Republic yet. If it is a tool in the box, let’s bloody well use it and ask the GG to protect Aotearoa.
“Get ready for every future appointment to be former ministers who veto everything their former party doesn’t like.”
that is a short cut to thinking and i personally believe we have a fairly robust and attentive parliament where this would not become the norm.
I sincerely believe the GG discussion is worthy of debate if it allows a return to the house of this Bill, perhaps forcing National to actually consider the thousand plus submissions opposing the bill not just agree with the handful that supported it.
A true democracy should always be mindful of how its future is crafted but not be afraid of using the tools at its disposal to affect change upon that future. Even if some tools are sharper than others, and the potential of injury is severe, the skill of the craftsman is the issue and this highlights the question, ‘can the GG do anything?’ i have many tools i use sparingly because they have limited application but not using them can be the difference between doing a job properly and hashing out a piece of inferior work.
or has NZ fatally become a speak much say nothing do even less society
You really want the Governor General to effectively become a veto for anything they don’t like?
No, what I would like him to do is refuse assent to the law as it’s obviously against the will of the people. In other words, an actual considered position that has moral authority.
Because otherwise it’s arbitrary. In fact, that’s the point of all law – it has to be justified. So that would be another reason for the GG to stop the law as all of the reasons that NACT+UF have put forward have been proven to be bollocks.
Because at the moment it’s only because you are saying it is.
Nope, all polling shows that asset sales is against the will of the people. The referendum will most likely prove that.
Just seems the start of a very slippery slope to me.
“No, what I would like him to do is refuse assent to the law as it’s obviously against the will of the people. In other words, an actual considered position that has moral authority.”
So the guy that complains NZ is a dictatorship now wants to vest veto power into a figure who is not beholden to the public and cannot be removed from office by public vote?
Good point Draco, like the ‘Anti-smacking bill’ or buying back Kiwi Rail, or selling Spring Creek Mine to an American conglomerate, or selling Wellington Power to a Hong Kong conglomerate……..or are they only allowed to step in when a ‘Right-wing’ party does something that is ‘obviously against the will of the people’?
Thanks draco, I have the general info, I was hoping there might be someone out there with a working knowledge as to how it applies and how best to move on it. It is a parliamentary thing that Jo Citizen has no part in as far as i understand it.
I have to admit I am a little shocked at the lack of interest in the subject.
It seems like no-one can be bothered actually stopping the sale
just happy to be seen looking like they are trying to.
Sent off some emails, which will no doubt end up in spam boxes.
Will send off a few letters but i understood notice to the GG had to happen within a short (unknown to me) time frame of the vote on the relevant Bill.
So the guy that complains NZ is a dictatorship now wants to vest veto power into a figure who is not beholden to the public and cannot be removed from office by public vote?
People are looking at all available means to restrict the progression of the Asset Sales. Our GG has certain powers, every now and then something happens where perhaps those powers should be applied, but applied with the due concern, consideration and respect that the situation calls for. This is one of those times.
I am not a fan of having a soldier as our GG but he is and we must work with the strengths a soldier has. A sense of duty and a wish to defend one’s country being paramount in their arsenal. I am trusting that our GG is someone who will consider fairly if the Government is defending New Zealand with this bill. If the intervention from the Queen’s Representative became a more common occurrence then that would be a question for that situation. Like all laws, it is the people that use them or abuse them which dictate their legitimacy.
Those I have spoken with on this agree that asking the GG to return the MOM Bill to the House for further debate is a valid request in this divisive situation. A request that is only asking that the Submissions on this bill be properly considered as they suffered a deliberately truncated process and the support was outweighed by those against by a factor of 99-1. This is nothing but asking for the NZ Parliament to properly follow its own procedure. Something this Government has chosen not to do on a regular basis.
TC, you also ignore the fact no-one is calling for new powers. You simply choose not to acknowledge what is there on the books already. NZ is being abused again, but by all means lay back and take it, that is your right.
‘Reserve Bank Governor-in-waiting Graeme Wheeler was once touted as a potential World Bank president and gained fame for telling his boss, Paul Wolfowitz, to resign during what was seen as a civil war at the World Bank.
Wheeler’s appointment to take over at the central bank when Alan Bollard steps down on September 25 was welcomed yesterday, even though many had expected deputy governor Grant Spencer to win the top post.
Spencer may be disappointed and it is not clear if he will stay at the central bank, given Wheeler may serve at least one, possibly two, five-year terms. Wheeler has a strong international reputation, especially in world financial markets.
He takes over what is arguably one of the most important roles in the economy as the sole final decisionmaker on monetary policy: what to do with official interest rates and when.
Wheeler resigned as managing director of the World Bank in 2010, after 12 years at what is effectively the world’s most important aid agency.
The World Bank borrows from institutions on international markets, including New Zealand, and lends to developing countries, especially for big projects. ‘ ( more on the webpage )
In yesterdays Herald Slippery the Prime Minister indicated that He will have to seek legal advice after calls from groups of Doctors and Nurses to ban duty free cigarettes,
Legal advice???, yeah Slippery sez that it’s getting to the point where SOMEONE is going to take to His Government over such things as rack raising of taxes on tobacco products,and, proposals to ban things like duty free cigs,
From here it looks just as likely that Slippery has woken up to the fact that there are 600,000 users of tobacco products in New Zealand and should discrimination in taxation force them into a ‘Grey Power’ type political advocacy organization His Government and any other proposing discriminatory taxation of tobacco addicts will get a caning,
Slippery is aware of the fact that many of the 2 million who pass through the International Arrivals area of our airports and therefore are allowed the small joy of some duty free cigs are very likely to be the well heeled National voters returning from faraway exotic places where they have been busily spending their tax cuts, (apparently 75% of tax cuts for the rich are spent in ‘other’ economy’s),
But what of tobacco usage??? having taken an interest i have begun the dig for FACTS and my initial finds are both startling, (perhaps an indication of why Slippery fears being sued) and from the stuff i have read on the web it sure as hell proves that if you tell the masses a big one often enough sooner or later they will believe you,
Specially if your a Doctor, Nurse, or oft reported entity with imposing letters like ASH,
Fact (1), 10% of those who smoke will get lung cancer,
Fact (2), 15% of those who get lung cancer will have no link to actual or passive smoking,
Fact (3), 50% of those who get lung cancer are those who gave up smoking,
fact (4), those with a specific gene anomaly are 30% more likely to get lung cancer,
fact (5), those with a double gene anomaly are 70% more likely to get lung cancer,
fact (6), in the UK 8% of lung cancers are directly caused by the work a person does,
fact (7) lung cancer has become more prevalent as people live longer, the average age of those who get lung cancer is 65, in the 1930s the average life expectancy was 57 so not many lived long enough to develop a lung cancer,
Rather than put up all the links to these little gems of info the Google is, Why don’t all smokers get cancer…
A fellow student on a course I did in the UK, used to use a similar argument in favour of heroin – ie most users can use them for a major part of their adult lives without any significant ill affects.
Aha, i grew up on the streets of Wellington during the ‘Heroin years’ and know many people working in professions who used the drug,
The operative word of course is ‘use’ as opposed to abused where the more overt ‘junky’ type user simply used the drug to get out of it all the time if possible,
From the statistics it would appear that those who actually start smoking and stop at some time during their lives are the most at risk of developing lung cancer,
To strangely twist that stat a little would have our Government rack raising the taxes on tobacco products with the stated aim of preventing people from developing lung cancer in effect actually raising the chances that they will by 40 odd percent…
Yawn, your wee snivel of abuse as an indication of your intelligence and ability to debate would leave you sadly lacking in the former and at village idiot level in the latter,
Smoking gives you lung cancer???, not even, 90% of those who use tobacco products will not get lung cancer,
Of course if 90% of those who you are trying to discriminate against don’t get the lung disease you claim the product causes then you have to up the ante and make claims about such things as heart disease and strokes,
After the millions and millions of dollars spent on advertising campaigns to attempt to fill the users of the product with fear i was inclined to the opinion that smoking the product hugely increased my chances of developing lung cancer,
Having an inquiring mind has lead me to have a good read of what is on the web about such and my initial response is one of mirth at the obvious CON of the lung cancer statistics and the laughter would be ongoing except for the fact that i use the stuff and don’t like to be discriminated against by any Government via the taxation system on spurious grounds,
Heart Disease and Strokes and their supposed links to the use of tobacco products need a good looking at coz if ‘they’ will bulls**t us all over lung cancer ‘they’ will quite happily do so over heart disease and strokes…
‘Tobacco is the only consumer product that will kill half its users when used as intended.’
One in two long-term smokers, who do not quit smoking, will die early from a smoking-related illness. Smokers are twice as likely as non-smokers to die when they are in middle age.
It’s not just lung cancer that makes smoking bad for you.
Indeed, but it is an interesting point about perception vs reality. The major risk from smoking is heart disease, but the meme and hollywood cliche is lung cancer.
Additionally, tobacco has a dose-response like any other exposure, down to undetectable risk as somewhere like 3 cigarettes a day ISTR. So the numbers of smokers might be relatively static, but the mortality rate will decrease as the effects of excise increases etc take effect (lower consumption per smoker).
And of course if you want to talk “kills if used as intended”, try camembert, soft drinks or fish & chips, other great causes of diabetes and heart disease. So smokefree are probably fibbing a bit there. But then I’ve long figured that the ash-zealots were just as economical with the truth as the tobacco industry ever were.
Aha, as i have become ‘interested’ in the claims made by the tobacco kills lobby a good look into the other kills by tobacco is warranted,
Go on, bet you like i really believed the tobacco use causes lung cancer one right???, but, the truth of that little piece of mis-information is that 90% of tobacco users will not get lung cancer,
So there is hardly a proven link between tobacco use and lung cancer, the other stuff, throat cancer, stokes, heart disease i plan to check out and add to the ‘discussion’ later,
Given that 3 different studies have pointed to a specific abnormality in a persons Genes as the prime indicator of developing cancer it then becomes clearer why only 10% of tobacco users develop lung cancer, and, why certain populations such as Maori in this country’s case are more prone to develop the disease, ie, the Maori population are more closely inter-related than the European population,
Obviously i will be looking for whether the same altered gene is a feature inherent in those who develop the other ‘smokers diseases’ as well as the veracity of the highly unlikely claim that smoking kills half of those who use the product, an extremely glib and emotive claim where most of those supposedly killed by the product are in fact at the end of their life anyway….
“So there is hardly a proven link between tobacco use and lung cancer, the other stuff, throat cancer, stokes, heart disease i plan to check out and add to the ‘discussion’ later”
Even though big tobacco admitted smoking was positively correlated with incidences disease tried to cover it up and why the overwhelming scientific consensus is that tobacco is positively correlated with lung cancer, throat cancer, heart disease and emphysema?
It has been known for almost 50 years that tobacco use can be linked to cancers of the lung and head and neck.
Eighty-five percent of the cases of head and neck cancer found each year are associated with tobacco use. Long-term smoking that begins before age 30 also increases the risk for developing colorectal cancer.
Smoking contributes to cancer development by causing mutations in genes, impairing lung function, and decreasing the effectiveness of the immune system.
The longest follow up of the ill effects of smoking in relation to coronary disease was probably the framingham cohort which we now base many of the risk algorithms on in relation to assessing a persons risk of suffering an adverse event.
Paul Brennan, who led the IARC study, says he initially believed that the risk of getting lung cancer was elevated by the genetic predisposition to become addicted,
”The Genes made you more likely to smoke, made you more likely to smoke more, made you less likely to give up, and therefore, more likely to develop lung cancer”,
But His research showed, that in fact, the gene appeared to independently increase a persons risk of developing the disease–with no link to addictions,
When Steffansson’s team applied the stats to the incidence of lung cancer, it found that individuals with 2 copies of the altered gene had a whopping 70% greater chance of developing lung cancer, those with 1 copy had a 30% higher risk,
Smoking alters genes which then go on to cause cancer OR as the above from 3 different 2008 studies say, a copy of an altered gene gives people a 30% higher chance or 2 copies of the altered gene increases the chances of cancer whether or not the person uses tobacco products…
My Grandfather had Bowel Cancer, was given 1 month to live, 18 months later, when he was on his last legs, he developed Pneumonia and passed away. This was counted as a smoking related death!
My Aunty developed motor neuron disease, it quickly crippled her to the point where she could no longer speak, she also developed Pneumonia and passed away. This was also classed as a smoking related death!
Before you spout bulls**t statistics, please realise how flawed the collation of data relating to deaths is in the overall picture. This is a topic I get very emotive over as I watched these diseases that are completely unrelated to smoking, decemate my close family members lives. Due to the fact that it was the Pneumonia that ‘finished them off’ we cannot do anything to stop them being added to these statistics which would now say 100% of my close relatives that have passed away did so due to smoking.
which would now say 100% of my close relatives that have passed away did so due to smoking.
Exactly! Someone working at Stats told me some years ago, that all deaths from respiratory causes are coded as smoking related… That makes me wonder if the death of my baby brother at 6 weeks from pneumonia, was coded that way? (Which would of course be absurd. Given it was 1957, probably not, but you never know..)
Can I ask how old were your Grandfather and Aunt when they died???, and, did either of them smoke???,
What i have gathered so far from my internet reads is that what smokers are being tagged with is ‘end of life diseases’, and, i get the feeling that especially in the case of of heart related deaths it is in fact the major killer across the whole of the aged population and people are dying of these heart related diseases at around the same age, 65 onwards, whether or not they smoke,
So it is spurious of the health statistics to show that a 65+ who smoked died of a smoking related disease of the heart when 80% of the 65+ who die of a disease of the heart in the same year who did not smoke are simply heart attack or heart disease statistics,
One has to ask if everyone intends living forever, i pick my own lifespan to be in the realm of 65 t0 80 years and if i do reach that 80 figure i will have been smoking 20+ a day for 67 years,
It is in fact between the years 65 to 80 years when 90% of us die whether we use tobacco products or not and as we age and weaken then it is obvious that we will all be at higher risk of catching and surrendering to all diseases even cancers whether or not we use tobacco products or not…
b12, That’s not how it works. It’s a multi-discipinary approach.
What happens is the population scientists look at the rates of different conditions in populations who smoke vs non-smokers. They notice that smokers tend to die earlier than non-smokers. Further researchers note that ony half of smokers die earlier than non-smokers, but the average life-shortening is by 20-odd years.
Meanwhile scientists examine the contents of smoke, and note a number of chemicals that are associated with higher incidences of different conditions when in other exposure scenarios, e.g. hydrocarbons.
Other scientists examine the biological mechanisms of various conditions, and how they form and affect the body.
Then people get all the stuff together, note that we have observed relationship, physiological plausibility, and decent biochemistry to back it up. Smoking is indeed bad, m’kay?
But then we have people looking for a specific cause for their illness or relative’s death (mum had a heart attack, it must of been her smoking. Or her husband’s. Or that smoker she passed in the street). But you can’t really attribute an individual death to smoking (unless a cigarette down the back of a couch called a fatal fire :)).
We also have policy advocates muddying the waters (in both directions), for example I saw news reports of a study a few years back claiming something like 288 NZers a year died from passive smoking. Turned out the NZ “study” extrapolated from a european study, and the numbers were so small the confidence interval was five miles wide. I could see those guys doing the old “all xxx is caused by smoking” when attributing smoking-related harm, just like big tobacco did the opposite.
“unless a cigarette down the back of a couch called a fatal fire”
Yep. My family has experienced that – one dead and the survivor being in hospital for 2 years, over 30 skin grafts and 50 operations, ACC for 30 years, deformed, scarred, deaf from the ensuing stroke and meds and disabled for life. Bugger all the health-related stuff (which, btw I agree with) smoking is dangerous. Smoking kills and disables. Sorry folks, it’s personal.
Aha, i see your point,honest!!! and then after all of this ‘the thin puff leads to the short huff’, along comes genetic science and POINTS OUT that X specific gene, (from memory 15), when it has developed x specific ANOMALY will mean that the person so afflicted will be 30% more likely to develop cancer WHETHER OR NOT that person has ever used tobacco products or been exposed to them in any way,
Should that specific identified gene have x as xx as the anomaly then the person so afflicted will be 70–80% more likely to develop cancer and again the abnormality in the gene makes no discrimination about whether a person has ever been exposed to tobacco products,
So, it becomes easier to see when we add in the science of genetics why 50% of the pesky little smokers aint dying off at the same rate as the other 50% and why the lung cancer one is such a huge flop in terms of quantifying the harm of tobacco usage, (hell even an unbeliever like me entertained the idea for a while that i was merrily puffing my way to a bad case of black lungs),
The heart disease one tho from the little i have ascertained is pretty spurious, i will happily admit that the use of tobacco products could be one of many factors. BUT, the cause??? no way,
In the US 83% of all deaths are from ‘heart disease’, 17. something % of Americans use tobacco products,
Almost from the day we are all born we start laying down in our various arteries,veins,and, heart valves the plaque that will eventually cause our tickers to malfunction in various ways and eventually kill us,
Now smoking may help that process along, but cause it, nah!!!living does that…
My personal belief is that tobacco, particularly unadulterated tobacco, is on the line between preventing actions that cause harm vs preventing less healthy personal lifestyle choices.
Frankly, if in 20 years we are all lentil munching vegetarian tofu suckers with forced exercise routines and no alcohol or tobacco – I’d probably want to shoot myself. Not much exaggeration if any, either – I like the little joys in life, even if they might be bad for me.
Aha, your right there, i had a quick read of part of a study which says exactly that as far as tobacco usage being as much a preventative action as a causative,
I was speed reading at the time,(nah i hadn’t just piped a point),and now can’t remember the page i was reading that from,
I can see the point tho, along with all the other bits and pieces tobacco has quite a good supply of one of the poisons, arsenic i think, so it’s easy to envisage the users immune system being at heightened levels of activity after a smoke of tobacco,
It, tobacco makes a great pesticide, a few leaves soaked in 3 litres of water for a few weeks and then sprayed upon plants prone to be eaten by the bugs works a treat…
My Grandfather was 67, and my Aunty was 42. Both of them were smokers up until diagnosed, which is why (as far as I know, although Vicky32 may be on to something) they were classed as passing away from smoking related illness.
Heart Disease and Strokes and their supposed links to the use of tobacco products need a good looking at coz if ‘they’ will bulls**t us all over lung cancer ‘they’ will quite happily do so over heart disease and strokes…
That interests me greatly, as I was misdiagnosed with a TIA in January, simply because I am a smoker. Having been told to quit, as smoking causes strokes, I asked Dr Google what the mechanism is, only to learn that there are two contradictory mechanisms, which can’t possibly both be true! That caused me to wonder if either of them is true!
My GP actually apologised for the misdiagnosis, and as I was on clopidogrel for only 3 months, no actual harm was done…
”But there was a flipside. 40% of those who had CT screenings had an abnormal result that lead to additional testing, and 16 premature deaths occurred because of interventions prompted by the screening, such as needle biopsies of the lung, 6 of those people didn’t have lung cancer”,
Naughty smokers wouldnt have got dead by medical misadventure if they had just quit the fags right,
Well nah, 50% of those who get lung cancer HAD quit,(apparently well befor the diagnosis)…
Replying to my own post from yesterday – I just checked TIA symptoms on a website (as I’d been following Bad12’s google ideas) and discovered that of all the symptoms of a TIA I had – er, none of them! What on earth were the GP and the neurologist thinking? Were they so blinded by the smoking thing on my record? (I had a chance to check my record, and discovered that half of it’s wrong, I recommend everyone asks their GP for the chance to check.)
For one thing – halve the number of cigarettes you say you smoke. This is because health professionals automatically double what you say. 😀
Yeah us tobacco junky’s are terrible aint we, a full on 90% of us WON’T get the big bad bogie, lung cancer,
So damn, we are all doomed to die from every other ailment that just happens to be the prime causes of death for ALL those who don’t partake of the tobacco products,
It takes so damn long tho right, hell it takes so f**king long for the stuff to kill us all tho, take little old me for instance, (man sailing on his ego trip), i will have by the time i get to 65 been smoking tobacco products for 53 years,
Why did i choose to mention the age of 65 you might ask, and, i would have to reply because that is the average age where Lung Cancer is detected in Humans,and, the American Medical Association says that 83% of those who will die of Heart Disease will be 65 years of age or older,
Remember that Heart disease thingy another of the ‘supposed’ diseases of smoking, could it just be, and, it looks increasingly more so the more i read, that as a matter of convenience and because it suits them and their masters to do so, if a person dies of ‘heart disease’, (and one hell of a lot of us do), and they also happen to smoke tobacco or had done so previously then the ‘convenience’ is to simply blame the consumption of tobacco products…
4,000 people dying each year can’t be wrong! addicts can come up with any and many excuses
So it would seem, can wowsers! 😀
The number is actually 400 not 4000, but aside from that, 400 is coincidentally the number of people adversely affected by vehicle exhaust!
If you don’t believe me, then tell the Herald, that’s where I got those statistics…
“Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death in New Zealand, accounting for around 4300 to 4600 deaths per year”
But hey, by all means take your health advice from an anonymous internet poster who gets his information from Google than 50+ years of research study and hard data
I already told you, from the NZ Herald! It really helps if you read with attention…
Here’s another ‘anonymous’ internet poster for you (except that of course he’s not anonymous).
(I think you’re underestimating how off piste someone gets when they are misdiagnosed because health professionals have their knickers in a knot. Hours at the neurology clinic, unnecessary drugs, a scary pack for ‘stroke patients’, smug anti-smoking nurses phoning at inconventient times, you name it.)
It’ll take more than that to convince to take up smoking again.
Silly! No one’s asking you to!
All I am asking is that you stop bullying, and feeling superior to, people who smoke.
Alcohol however, is fine and normal it seems. My GP’s nurse counselled me to ‘cut back on my alcohol intake’ when she rang yesterday – and was amazed when I told her that I never drink alcohol. That’s cos everyone drinks alcohol, right? Er no, not everyone drinks…
Fact (1), 10% of those who smoke will get lung cancer,
Fact (2), 15% of those who get lung cancer will have no link to actual or passive smoking,
Fact (3), 50% of those who get lung cancer are those who gave up smoking,
fact (4), those with a specific gene anomaly are 30% more likely to get lung cancer,
fact (5), those with a double gene anomaly are 70% more likely to get lung cancer, fact (6), in the UK 8% of lung cancers are directly caused by the work a person does,
Or where they live! An ex-b/f has just been diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma, related to the lovely asbestos ceiling in his childhood home. He’s always been an anti-smoking fanatic, how ironic. He’s the only person I’ve ever known with lung cancer.
fact (7) lung cancer has become more prevalent as people live longer, the average age of those who get lung cancer is 65, in the 1930s the average life expectancy was 57 so not many lived long enough to develop a lung cancer,
Yeah you are SO right there, i could and maybe should have put in fact (8), 1% of those who develop lung cancer will do so as a result of radon in the soil,usually where they reside.
I didnt think that one was of that much importance seeing as it’s only 1% of lung cancers and i didn’t want to give you all info overload,
The Google for all that is ”why don’t all smokers get cancer” and 1 through to 8 were gleaned off of the first 2 pages…
Posted this on the privatisation page but thought it might get a hit here:
So I have a couple questions maybe someone can help me with. There’s alot of Rhetoric thrown around on the asset sales and I am fundamentally against transferring our dividend flow into the 10% of kiwi’s investing in the stock exchange. However I feel like there has been alot of seemingly unfactual statements from the blogs I read. Power prices will jump, we will lose infrastructure etc.
It is my understanding that power prices should remain competitive in the mixed model, even in the private model (I know that’s based on a larger market in the USA though). Also the infrastructure for our grid is owned and maintained by Transpower, correct?, on the right they claim that power has increased 7% a year for however long failing to mention that the increase is “apparently” due to Transpower upgrading the Grid due to be complete in 2015. I’m guessing that power prices won’t fall back 7% after 2015 and this will lead to increases in the MOM’s profits as Transpowers charges decrease. So I can’t assume that prices will rise, but more transpowers charges will drop and the Government won’t be able to be held accountable for no drop in power rates as they would have been.
Lastly on Cambell Live, Key mentions that our Kiwisaver and Super are heavily invested in Aussi Stocks. Is it not prudent to move them into our markets. It has been said that this is in essence a NZX bailout, but economically doesn’t it make sense to grow this exchange when Aussi growth is about to plummet on the back of China’s financial elephant in the room later this year?
Also worth noting, nowhere in the SOE law does it mention that these companies are owned for the good of the people. They are stated to be run as profitable as possible and AirNZ seems to show that their model has been much more profitable than the previous model.
I welcome these comments getting pulled the F*** apart. As these are just a collection of points I can’t decide on
To answer the part about whether SOEs are for the good of the people or not:
Originally, the state often used the organisations they owned to control unemployment or address health issues – a social security initiative, if you like. For example, our current ACC has its birth around the turn of the twentieth century in the Workers Compensation Act. By 1972 it had developed into no-fault cover in place of people suing their employers for personal damages and became the Accident Compensation Act. Then in 1987 Rogernomics came along and decided everything had to make a profit and that resulted in staff cuts and claim restrictions – a contradiction of its purpose.
Air NZ, too, was once called Tasman Empire Airways Limited. Established in 1939, the UK government withdrew in 1953 and Australia pulled out by 1961. In 1965 it was under full NZ government ownership and was renamed Air NZ. There is also a company called Kordia, that sixty years ago was the transmission and operations of what is now known as TVNZ.
This is to say that the history of what we now know as profit driven corporate companies had their genesis and development in the collective efforts of NZders looking out for and supporting NZders in business, private life and especially health. They just didn’t magically appear on April 1st 1987, which is where the idea of profit, above all, was first stamped on them.
This is why people like Phil Goff said (yes, somewhat ironically) in last election’s debates (and I’m paraphrasing here), “John, you don’t own these things”. No individual owns our SOEs and no individual or small group has the right to sell them. Unless John key and friends are over one hundred years old, and started these companies withth eir own money and efforts, or worked them with their own hands, they are really just opportunist corporate raiders. I doubt that surprises anyone. Changing the name on a historic company, or restructuring it, or part owning it, doesn’t eliminate the original purpose – as much as pollies of all colour have tried. Even deciding to turn them to tools of profit was a gross conceit. Modern media doesn’t examine where these companies came from and people generally don’t ask.
Cheers man, as a 24 yr old with no background in political studies I have very little knowledge of our countries history prior Helen Clark really. I have read a enough recently to have learnt the greatness of Savage, and essentially that most of our countries greatest policies/achievements that we claim to be proud of seem to come from Labour governments.
I don’t really understand what they were doing in the 80’s though.
I definetly think selling them is a crazy no-win situation, but I do think there is alot of off topic or irrelevant banter thrown in. “We will pay more for power” can easily be ignored by the general public as tarrot-reading. 120 million for the sale and the loss of 150 million in dividends a year is abit harder to ignore. Or atleast if found that in discussion.
I think it’s worth remembering, National got in because of peoples fear of the economy to a degree. And even though alot of people are against the sales alot of them are still afraid and really believe National have the best economic record. Whether or not this is true, bashing them with idealogical left rhetoric is not going to get them on your side long term, they are still right and they still think wealth trickles down.
National got in because of amnesia. It only took from 1999 to 2005 for a large proportion of the electorate to lose its memory and forget exactly what the National Party is.
We only escaped their incompetence in 2005 because Brash is so phenomenally incompetent it couldn’t be ignored, but Bill English’s incompetence is at least a match for Brash’s.
Now the chisellers have their wallets open, shovelling tax-payer dollars in as fast as they can, for the next two years. And the electorate is reminded what the National Party is.
National got in because the left ran a completely weak and ineffective anti asset sales campaign prior to the election and failed miserably to engage the voting public who stayed away from the polling booths in their tens of thousands.
Consequently I have no sympathy for the left who are whining on about the Nats not having a mandate when clearly they only have themselves to blame for their own laziness and poor performance on polling day.
As a young member of society, you can’t expect young New Zealanders to know the finer details of previous National or Labour governments. We aren’t taught this at school and our Parents will only speak of their own beliefs. As someone who wasn’t able to vote until Clarke’s last term I have only recently learnt more about our political history, and find it a crock to claim amnesia against the whole voting public.
This only really applies to the younger of us really, the majority should have known.
“If you end up with a boring miserable life because you listened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest, or some guy on television telling you how to do your shit, then you deserve it.”
― Frank Zappa
If you take it too literally I guess the amnesia analogy falls over, but consider the fact that the same set of people (plus one parachuted-in smiley-wavy guy with no previous form) that were turfed out in 1999 were able to form a government in 2008. They’re displaying exactly the same bleedin’ useless incompetence as last time. If you can think of a better term than electoral amnesia let’s hear it.
The National Party has recessions when the rest of the world is fine. Amnesia.
That’s a great quote from a legend and true. That’s why i’m here, if I followed my parents views I’d be at the NZHerald site. But past political history is a huge amount of information to handle and not part of my working or social life, so you’ll have to forgive my ignorance. I for one didn’t know that the 1999 National members are still the main crew behind Key.
I would publicly state that I think National has gone off the rails the last 7 months on nearly ever issue.
But Cunliffe is saying some great things. I am hopeful that the country isn’t going to be to bad by 2014.
Give or take a few they are essentially the same crowd – and frankly most of the time it’s only the faces that change anyway – the apparent innumeracy and grasping sense of born-to-rule entitlement mixed with hatred and suspicion of the “other” abides.
Any book dealing with NZ politics could easily carry the subtitle: “Cleaning Up After The National Party.”
Yeah because the fourth labour government didn’t drop the ball or anything and its not like any of that term are still hanging around (there really needs to be a sarcasm emoticon)
In the seventies global oil supplies were at risk, there were carless days and no-petrol weekends, inflation was 15-20%, wildcat strikes were commonplace, consumer goods & travel cost a lot more, houses cost a lot less
National PM Muldoon ran up huge foreign debts with Think Big projects, froze wages and prices, and stayed on friendly terms with apartheid era South Africa. This ruined the 1976 Olympics and the led to the infamous 1981 Springbok tour protests.
Muldoon also cancelled a retirement savings scheme introduced by Labour that would be worth tens of billions today, and would have eliminated any reason to sell state assets.
Labour was open to desperate measures when the coutry was in crisis in 1984, and mad idealogues like (ACT party founders) Roger Douglas and Richard Prebble went overboard with deregulation, destroying our productive industrial base, and selling assets off cheap to dodgy asset strippers like Fay, Richwhite (Jones, Fletcher also did well)
This nearly destroyed the LP but the National government that followed (1990) was even worse, so Helen Clark was elected in 1999 on a far more moderate platform, akin to Blair’s Third Way. And now at last the LP seems to have figured out that, in economic and social terms it was all bullshit and a return to egalitarian Kiwi values is the way of the future.
(Ironically if we had kept the Think Big projects in state ownership they would have paid for themselves by now and would be a great income stream for NZ)
and earlier you asked what happened in the 80’s?
treasury lied to Labour, who had been hijacked by neolibs who decided to sell a bunch of stuff that didn’t have to be sold to pay debts that didn’t really exist. Lots of people up and down the isles stayed very very drunk and took a lot of very interesting drugs for a few years and everything basically went to crap according to a well scripted plan that resulted in workers being reduced to serfs, any nz business worth a dime forced out so imports could increase and economists were elevated to demi-god status regardless of whether they could actually count.
We also made some great films, music, art, folk tried to play sport in strange places and we managed to tell the USA to shove their bombs anywhere but here
remiss of me not to mention property market insanity, the taciturn allocution of land disputes and realisation that a language which should always have been there was finally allowed into NZ schools.
all in all a hell of decade
can’t help but feel this decade is shaping up to be a slightly different beastie.
Also in the Eighties
* half the world boycotted the Moscow Olympics because of a war in Afghanistan
* 1981 Springbok Tour ripped the nation in two
* Rainbow Warrior sabotaged by France because of greenpeace nuke protests
* School Certificate/UE replaced by incomprehensible NCEA system
Urban rascal Media(murdoched) and money was the reason the left didn’t get in if not for the cup of tea National would have coasted in.
If people had known that this election was going to be so close more would have turned out and trickle down would have become trickle up.
Ah but the teacup was important so National has a far-right partner to “blame” for charter schools and asset sale. Hence John Banks still not called on his obvious law breaking across the board. But are you saying the cup of Tea brought their vote down. I don’t think so.
The cup of tea was a media blowout to right supporters that I know. The effect of the tea-tape seems to be a higher level of scrutiny on the Governments subsequent gaffs. I think these were probably always there last term, just not picked up by mainstream media.
I personally think we were under some psych conditioning through media reporting (biased landline polls etc). If you tell the public for three years that John Key and National are preferred leaders by huge margins, you can’t help but think this effects the less intelligent of us valuing the power of their vote. Hence, low turnout.
My question would be, what changed? What did National do to seriously upset the media enough to make their last 7 months hell?
We aren’t under psych conditioning, the average voter is confused and bored by policies and economics.
Like newspapers, an election campaign has to be pitched at 8 year old comprehension levels.
And you can’t beat a high profile, smiling personality that people think they can trust.
Well for starters the power price increases weren’t all due to Transpower charges and they won’t reduce those later either, those increases are fixed. Transpower has invested more money in infrastructure, the higher charges reflect what they require to get a return from the investment.
Secondly the AirNZ ‘model’ was a taxpayer bailout of a private business, there isn’t a shred of evidence to suggest that AirNZ is in any way advantaged by the minority private shareholding. It shows only that the state runs an airline better and more profitably than the private sector does. References to AirNZ by Key & co are downright dishonest.
Thirdly Kiwisaver providers invest in whatever markets give them best returns for least risk. There are no guarantees that the NZX will provide that even with the SOEs listed. The Kiwisaver providers may buy the shares now & then sell again later. If the NZX isn’t performing then it has some fundamental faults and artificially boosting it with a taxpayer bailout won’t solve the underlying problems will it. We gave the NZX a whole bunch of our assets previously, why would a few more make a difference when the first tranches didn’t?
And etc etc.. none of the arguments for hold up to scrutiny.
So essentially, they are empty promises that aren’t binding or infact relevant to the argument National are making.
AirNZ seems to me like they are a much more well run company now to me though. Consistently regarded as one of the better airlines in the world etc. Surely this a benefit to the 51% stake the government holds?
I don’t agree in throwing the NZX a bone, but wouldn’t these 4 companies listing on the NZX boost our domestic economy with the transactions going through them? Wouldn’t that be a good thing with our two biggest markets grinding to a halt?
The Govts argument about AirNZ is that the private shareholding has contributed towards it’s success since it was bailed out by the taxpayer. That, if it were true, would add weight to the argument that we should give the private sector a shareholding in the SOEs. I’d give them 10 points for gall but it’s pure spin because there simply is no evidence that the private shareholding has advantaged AirNZ in any shape or form. They’re just bullshitting.
AirNZ is well run now because the state put up cash to take it over and brought in better management practices. It doesn’t follow that a minority private shareholding is beneficial.
How would it boost the economy? I’m pretty certain that trading in shares doesn’t contribute to GDP and that’s just gambling anyway, we’ve already got casinos & horse racing & lotto & TAB why do we need more? We already get the dividends from the SOEs so I can’t see how transferring some of the dividends to the NZX will benefit the economy. The SOEs pay tax already so there’s no gains there. Where are the benefits?
You are correct. That’s all I can say.
I was under the belief that shares effected the economy directly by effecting the amount of $ coming through the country. In essence like how the USA manage to hold their economy together by having oil purchases done in $US around the world. But the benefits of holding onto them by far outweigh the gamble that the NZX is, thanks for your rational response.
One of the arguments does warrant a reasonable inspection, that of increasing the amount of people investing in shares. The argument from Key is that getting more people involved in the sharemarket will bring more interest in shares and boost demand for the likes of rights issues and IPOs. That does benefit the economy.
The core role of the sharemarket is to act as a vehicle for private business to raise capital and the NZX has been an abject failure at that. Actual share trading doesn’t really benefit a business much at all, they’re not getting any capital out of it that’s just gambling by share traders. The SOEs get nothing from this float. An increase in its share price enables a business to borrow more but that’s not necessarily good for the economy.
It’s hard to accept that argument however because previous history doesn’t support it. We’ve already been down the road of floating SOEs on the sharemarket and it didn’t lead to the conclusion Key & co say this will lead to. If anything it will just starve the NZX of capital, it’s going to soak up a good few $billion of capital much of which might have been invested in shares anyway.
I agree that some of the arguments against are also wrong but IMO the weight of evidence is very much on the side of those opposing the sales.
The share-market is supposed to be a way for businesses to raise needed cash. Neither the SoEs nor the government are in such a position. The SoEs are doing quite well thank you and the government never needs to borrow – it can just print the cash and/or raise taxes.
What the share-market has become is a gambling arena where people speculate on the prices of the shares and nothing else. Basically, betting for untaxed capital gains.
(a plagiarised comment)
The stock market is [supposed] to facilitate the trading of securities. The societal good of that is that it frees up and allocates money to companies that are producing more value , or doing it more efficiently. This is a way to reward smart companies and incentivize new technologies.
This [high frequency trading] shit has nothing to do with any of that. They’re gaming the system for a purpose to which it was never meant to be put and further, they’re endangering everyone else while they’re at it. Those are just the facts.. Greed has located a positive feedback loop and is exploiting it in a predictably greedy fashion.
The thing is, this is obviously reckless and has nothing to do with free markets. It’s as if we threw away any concept of a social good except the servicing of the impulses of richest greediest people our society can produce.
Greed is an innate flaw in human thinking under most circumstances. It’s not some magic rocket fuel that impels society towards greater wealth and innovation. That’s a bullshit narrative told to you by drug addicts who don’t want to be separated from their drug . And nothing more.
The thing is, the fanaticism on the right is also in a positive feedback loop with the right wing noise machine. Even though their economic deregulatory policies cratered the economy, they are taught how to deny that fact by the right wing noise machine. This clears them to vote more of the same into office.
We’ve effectively turned our economy over to people with a a group of compulsive gamblers and risk junkies. This is a completely different thing than supporting risk taking entrepreneurs.
Societies live, grow and die. They die because they become captive to an entrenched minority who games the social cultural political system and secures for itself some positive feedback loop that reinforces their power and permits them to write the rules of society to their personal, narrow advantage. Thenceforward, at every decision point, their local, short terms needs are serviced first and in our case, almost exclusively.
We may be living in a dying society that will catastrophically implode . Our refusal to address global warming in more of the same dynamic with the oil and coal companies finding a positive feedback loop in their campaign contributions and right wing noise machine.
You have to understand that rational thinking and reasoning about even the basic, obvious facts of the world does NOT come naturally to people. As proof of this I offer a recent story about an ongoing cause for mass murder in Africa- Penis Shrinkage Through Sorcery.
I ‘ll link to the Reuters story because otherwise you might suppose I am accidentally reporting satire.
As Warren Bufett says “should he consider buying into any airline please dial 111”.
Whilst I like to fly AirNZ I would not touch them as an investment, but the Energy companies for a long term investment – bring it on.
If I wasn’t saving to leave the country I would be spending the $1000 to get some shares in Might River. Sounds like a very low risk investment.
Say what you will about a 24yr old graduate having to leave the country to substantially pay off my loan. National haven’t come to the table on that one.
Urban rascal
Good luck with your overseas plans or hopes. Hope when you come back something good will have come from all this thinking and blogging politically.
I think you’re mad. Having five identical power companies on the NZX is a recipe for disaster in the longer term. We’ll end up with some getting into serious financial strife & some expanding and we won’t know which until it starts happening.
Seriously, surely no-one can expect the share price of each company to follow exactly the same path. All it takes is for one megalomaniac CEO who wants to make a name for him/herself and all bets are off.
Personally I’d probably buy NZX shares if I was going to buy any, they’re the ones who look to benefit the most with all the ticket clipping.
footrot with out AirNZ air travel would be dearer tourism would decline and the main reason Dr Cullen bought the airline was high value exports.AirNZ by far has the biggest cargo carrying capacity.
Other progressive govts like Singapore also realise the long term advantages.
Once again the invisible hand of the Market definitely doesn’t Know best
Anyone read Bob Jones’s column in the Herald. It’s curious timing in light of the youtube hit about the overweight US woman on the school bus being taunted by a bunch of kids…
I remember the overweight kids at school. I can also remember the bullies who picked on them and I know which of the two I see in that article. Seems money & knighthood don’t a gentleman make.
I read Sir Bob Jones’ narcissistic misogynistic rant about overweight female civil servants in Wellington’s CBD yesterday and it confirmed for me that anything this man comments on is vacuous tripe from an old codger who spends his money on pretty young girls from Bulgaria.
skinny does not always mean healthy, in many cases it is quite the opposite.
look at the All Blacks and Silver Ferns. big strong Kiwis beating the world.
If you stop smoking you’ll gain some weight Vicky32.
Boy that article by the old crook Bob Jones is a complete disgrace! He comes across as a dirty old man slavering over a young Bulgarian girl and stigmatizing people with weight problems because he’s dissatisfied with his shriveled up old impotent white body. Yuck!
These human hippos are self made and ridicule may inspire them to unmake their degrading situation. It’s not hard. Just stop stuffing yourself with rubbish.
Jones fails to understand that insulting fat people will only make them look for further comfort in food. The main problem is the subsidized processed and fast food industries, whereby people are brainwashed into buying food that is unhealthy for them.
Of course Jones fails to mention this at all because it goes against his capitalist running dog belief system. The sooner he pops his clogs the better.
The following was sent to Herald by Eden – I will keep you posted on the response.
Dear Editor,
I am writing to complain about Sir Bob Jones’ article ‘Roll up, roll up – see the skinny freak’.
Weight-based discrimination is a significant social problem and a human rights issue in Aotearoa New Zealand bringing distress to the lives of many hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders. We see this first hand with the resulting difficult and disordered relationships with food, eating and body image amongst those who face discrimination.
Sir Bob Jones fails to get the important health promotion message through that we all need to live actively and eat a range of nutrition regardless of shape and size and that we need to be using a far wider range of determinants of health, rather than just weight or for that matter relying solely on Sir Bob Jones’ personal aesthetic preferences!
In a country which already struggles with high levels of size discrimination and appearance bullying, publishing an article like this is irresponsible. This is an issue at a grass root level and at a public policy level. The Youth ’07 Survey found that that appearance bullying is the most prevalent type of bullying in New Zealand schools, alongside sexuality. In addition, our Human Rights Act allows for protection of many forms of discrimination, but for those who discriminated based on size, shape or weight, there is no protection under the law.
The outrageously fat phobic comments in the article are shaming and scientifically incorrect. The implication that all those people who have a BMI which sits in the ‘over weight’ or ‘obese’ categories are unhealthy is unfounded. In fact the members of our All Blacks team, held up as the epitome of health and fitness, all fit into these BMI categories.
Sir Bob Jones’ assertion that “ridicule may inspire them to unmake their degrading” is completely contrary to the research which shows that bullying has a negative impact on body image and on the uptake of physical activity. In fact, the better someone’s body image is, the more likely they are to partake in physical activity, regardless of shape of size. Sir Bob Jones would be better of focusing on boosting body image, rather than promoting hatred and discrimination.
Eden – Specialist in Eating Issues and Body Image since 1990
Peasant farmers are a dying breed in the “third world” as the big corporations are a) buying up all the farming land and b) flooding the market with cheap food driving the remaining farmers into poverty forcing them to sell. Charity doesn’t help on that latter point either.
And the developed world is also heading in that direction as well, as we loose control of our land and assets under the WTO, IMF, and World Bank agendas of the Globalisation of Poverty. (But you know that already Draco. 🙂 )
Question being asked in the House about the legitimacy of the Asset vote. Just caught the end of the debate but it seemed that there were questions about the rightness of Dunne’s vote being given by proxy. Lockwood has closed it down but…. Mmmmm?
Last night Andrew Williams (NZF) tried to get the Assoc Speaker (Eric Roy) to agree to a personal vote on the MOM legislation after the final vote at 61/60. He requested a personal vote under Standing Order 141 which apparently provides for a personal vote when a party vote is very close. Roy turned down his request, but Williams then today asked Lockwood Smith as Speaker to give an opinion etc on the possibility.
There was a interesting discussion on this with National obviously opposing, but the course of the discussion included reference to having to have 25% of Members of a party being physically within the precinct of Parliament at the time of the vote in order to allow all votes by that party to be counted. By implication rather than direct speak, what was being referred to was the exercising and counting of votes by the one man band parties (ACT and UF) when neither Banks or Dunne were in the House at the time of the MOM votes. Who knows where Banks was but we do know that Dunne was not presumably in the precincts of Parliament at the time but at a funeral (mother of Dunne’s son’s girlfriend according to Stuff). Pretty sure Favell was actually in the House at the time of last night’s votes, so MP’s negative votes were OK.
I was interrupted towards the end of today’s discussion but think Winston raised a theoretical situation of some sort and asked Smith to provide a later opinion on that, but happy to be corrected. Don’t have time right now to rewatch.
In National’s probable populist favour is:
– the car crushing
– coming down harder on beneficiaries
– reversing decision on school teacher numbers
– getting tough with the ACC Board
– continuing dominance of the political discourse
In Labour’s probable favour is:
– base supported with Cunliffe’s 2 speeches within the poll
– Shearer tracking better and sounding a little smoother
A little surprised at NZ First, since they had their conference in that time, and Greens have profiled well on Asset Sale story.
Labour have such a long, long way to go up after their utter shellacking last time. But (sigh) at least they are gonig up. Labour won’t beat them in 2014 unless they have a champoin who goes toe to toe with Key, every major time, and also develop a superior populist gene to National.
This speech is the first time I have seen a real intersection between Labour and the Greens. Can anyone recall a more thorough, more grounded speech from a New Zealand elected politician?
It doesn’t actually mention the Green party, but it nails their political economy namely: that there is no return to the way of life that we are in, we must change, and it still won’t be enough.
Surely it is time for Shearer to admit that the Greens are Labour’s most likely coalition partners, and start using this as a philosophical basis for a coalition discussion.
There are plenty of smaller parties to eat, rather than each other.
Well the private finance initiatives (PFIs) in the UK to build health infrastructure are all turning to custard (that is, if providing cheaper health services, rather than transferring wealth, was the aim).
A senior Conservative has attacked some private finance initiative deals on which the NHS now relies for much of its new infrastructure as “indefensible”, as the government prepares to take the unprecedented step of effectively letting a trust running three hospitals to go bankrupt.
The former Tory health secretary Stephen Dorrell carefully did not put the blame on his own party, which first introduced PFI in the 1990s, for the crisis facing the South London Healthcare NHS Trust, which is likely to be placed in a form of special measures after accumulating a deficit of £150m.
Ministers are blaming an “unaffordable” PFI deal signed under Labour, which enthusiastically took up the model, as they prepare the trust to be placed in the “unsustainable providers regime”.
And this is not the only NHS trust in trouble due to PFIs. Not that our government will pause for thought before using PFIs for schools.
QT today in The House. Winston to Paula Bennett (on behalf of her Associate Minister Turia – a concept Bennet seemed to struggle with at times). He did her over like a dog’s dinner.
And didn’t Paula look peeved. Collins and Bennett are often spiteful during question time and it was OK with me to see Paula looking defensive and a bit out of her depth for a change.
MY head hurts, can some one please explain in simple language why this happened given that Peter Dunne Proxy vote carried the Asset Stripping Bill ????
Simeon Brown’s Ideology BentSimeon Brown once told Kiwis he tries to represent his deep sense of faith by interacting “with integrity”.“It’s important that there’s Christians in Parliament…and from my perspective, it’s great to be a Christian in Parliament and to bring that perspective to [laws, conversations and policies].”And with ...
Severe geological and financial earthquakes are inevitable. We just don’t know how soon and how they will play out. Are we putting the right effort into preparing for them?Every decade or so the international economy has a major financial crisis. We cannot predict exactly when or exactly how it will ...
Questions1. How did Old Mate Grabaseat describe his soon-to-be-Deputy-PM’s letter to police advocating for Philip Polkinghorne?a.Ill-advisedb.A perfect letterc.A letter that will live in infamyd.He had me at hello2. What did Seymour say in response?a.What’s ill-advised is commenting when you don’t know all the facts and ...
NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi President Richard Wagstaff has called on OJI Fibre Solutions to work with the government, unions, and the community before closing the Kinleith Paper Mill. “OJI has today announced 230 job losses in what will be a devastating blow for the community. OJI needs to work with ...
NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi President Richard Wagstaff is sounding the alarm about the latest attack on workers from Minister of Workplace Relations and Safety Brooke van Velden, who is ignoring her own officials to pursue reckless changes that would completely undermine the personal grievance system. “Brooke van Velden’s changes will ...
Hi,When I started writing Webworm in 2020, I wrote a lot about the conspiracy theories that were suddenly invading our Twitter timelines and Facebook feeds. Four years ago a reader, John, left this feedback under one of my essays:It’s a never ending labyrinth of lunacy which, as you have pointed ...
And if you said this life ain't good enoughI would give my world to lift you upI could change my life to better suit your moodBecause you're so smoothAnd it's just like the ocean under the moonOh, it's the same as the emotion that I get from youYou got the ...
Aotearoa remains the minority’s birthright, New Zealand the majority’s possession. WAITANGI DAY commentary see-saws manically between the warmly positive and the coldly negative. Many New Zealanders consider this a good thing. They point to the unexamined patriotism of July Fourth and Bastille Day celebrations, and applaud the fact that the ...
The podcast above of the weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar for paying subscribers on Thursday night features co-hosts & talking about the week’s news with regular and special guests, including: and on the week in geopolitics, including the latest from Donald Trump’s administration over Gaza and Ukraine; on the ...
Up until now, the prevailing coalition view of public servants was that there were simply too many of them. But yesterday the new Public Service Commissioner, handpicked by the Luxon Government, said it was not so much numbers but what they did and the value they produced that mattered. Sir ...
In a moment we explore the question: What is Andrew Bayly wanting to tell ACC, and will it involve enjoying a small wine tasting and then telling someone to fuck off? But first, for context, a broader one: What do we look for in a government?Imagine for a moment, you ...
As expected, Donald Trump just threw Ukraine under the bus, demanding that it accept Russia's illegal theft of land, while ruling out any future membership of NATO. Its a colossal betrayal, which effectively legitimises Russia's invasion, while laying the groundwork for the next one. But Trump is apparently fine with ...
This is a guest post by George Weeks, reviewing a book called ‘How to Fly a Horse’ by Kevin AshtonBook review: ‘How to Fly a Horse’ by Kevin Ashton (2015) – and what it means for Auckland. The title of this article might unnerve any Greater Auckland ...
This story was originally published by Capital & Main and is part of Covering Climate Now, a global journalism collaboration strengthening coverage of the climate story. Within just a week, the sheer devastation of the Los Angeles wildfires has pushed to the fore fundamental questions about the impact of the climate crisis that have been ...
In this world, it's just usYou know it's not the same as it wasSongwriters: Harry Edward Styles / Thomas Edward Percy Hull / Tyler Sam JohnsonYesterday, I received a lovely message from Caty, a reader of Nick’s Kōrero, that got me thinking. So I thought I’d share it with you, ...
In past times a person was considered “unserious” or “not a serious” person if they failed to grasp, behave and speak according to the solemnity of the context in which they were located. For example a serious person does not audibly pass gas at Church, or yell “gun” at a ...
Long stories short, the top six things in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Thursday, February 13 are:The coalition Government’s early 2024 ‘fiscal emergency’ freeze on funding, planning and building houses, schools, local roads and hospitals helped extend and deepen the economic and jobs recession through calendar ...
For obvious reasons, people feel uneasy when the right to be a citizen is sold off to wealthy foreigners. Even selling the right to residency seems a bit dubious, when so many migrants who are not millionaires get turned away or are made to jump through innumerable hoops – simply ...
A new season of White Lotus is nearly upon us: more murder mystery, more sumptuous surroundings, more rich people behaving badly.Once more we get to identify with the experience of the pampered tourist or perhaps the poorly paid help; there's something in White Lotus for all New Zealanders.And unlike the ...
In 2016, Aotearoa shockingly plunged to fourth place in the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index. Nine years later, and we're back there again: New Zealand has seen a further slip in its global ranking in the latest Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). [...] In the latest CPI New Zealand's score ...
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Salvation Army’s State of the Nation 2025 report highlights falling living standards, the highest unemployment rates since the 1990s and half of all Pacific children going without food. There are reports of hundreds if not thousands of people are applying for the same jobs in the wake of last year’s ...
Mountain Tui is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.Correction: On the article The Condundrum of David Seymour, Luke Malpass conducted joint reviews with Bryce Wilkinson, the architect of the Regulatory Standards Bill - not Bryce Edwards. The article ...
Tomorrow the council’s Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee meet and agenda has a few interesting papers. Council’s Letter of Expectation to Auckland Transport Every year the council provide a Letter of Expectation to Auckland Transport which is part of the process for informing AT of the council’s priorities and ...
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Hi,I think all of us have probably experienced the power of music — that strange, transformative thing that gets under our skin and helps us experience this whole life thing with some kind of sanity.Listening and experiencing music has always been such a huge part of my life, and has ...
Business frustration over the stalled economy is growing, and only 34% of voters are confidentNicola Willis can deliver. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Wednesday, February 12 are:Business frustration is growing about a ...
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This session will feature Simon McCallum, Senior Lecturer in Engineering and Computer Science (VUW) and recent Labour Party candidate in the Southland Electorate talking about some of the issues around AI and how this should inform Labour Party policy. Simon is an excellent speaker with a comprehensive command of AI ...
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A Tai Rāwhiti mill that ran for 30 years before it was shut down in late 2023 is set to re-open in the coming months, which will eventually see nearly 300 new jobs in the region. A new report from Massey University shows that pensioners are struggling with rising costs. ...
As support continues to fall, Luxon also now faces his biggest internal ructions within the coalition since the election, with David Seymour reacting badly to being criticised by the PM. File photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate ...
Not since 1988 when Richard Prebble openly criticised David Lange have we seen such a challenge to a Prime Minister as that of David Seymour to Christopher Luxon last night. Prebble suggested Lange had mental health issues during a TV interview and was almost immediately fired. Seymour hasn’t gone quite ...
Three weeks in, and the 24/7 news cycle is not helping anyone feel calm and informed about the second Trump presidency. One day, the US is threatening 25% trade tariffs on its friends and neighbours. The reasons offered by the White House are absurd, such as stopping fentanyl coming in ...
This video includes personal musings and conclusions of the creator climate scientist Dr. Adam Levy. It is presented to our readers as an informed perspective. Please see video description for references (if any). Wherever you look, you'll hear headlines claiming we've passed 1.5 degrees of global warming. And while 2024 saw ...
Photo by Heather M. Edwards on UnsplashHere’s the key news, commentary, reports and debate around Aotearoa’s politics and economy in the week to Feb 10 below. That’s ahead of live chats on the Substack App and The Kākā’s front page on Substack at 5pm with: on his column in The ...
Is there anyone in the world the National Party loves more than a campaign donor? Why yes, there is! They will always have the warmest hello and would you like to slip into something more comfortable for that great god of our age, the High Net Worth Individual.The words the ...
Waste and fraud certainly exist in foreign aid programs, but rightwing celebration of USAID’s dismantling shows profound ignorance of the value of soft power (as opposed to hard power) in projecting US influence and interests abroad by non-military/coercive means (think of “hearts and minds,” “hugs, not bullets,” “honey versus vinegar,” ...
Health New Zealand is proposing to cut almost half of its data and digital positions – more than 1000 of them. The PSA has called on the Privacy Commissioner to urgently investigate the cuts due to the potential for serious consequences for patients. NZNO is calling for an urgent increase ...
We may see a few more luxury cars on Queen Street, but a loosening of rules to entice rich foreigners to invest more here is unlikely to “turbocharge our economic growth”. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate ...
Let us not dance daintily around the elephant in the room. Our politicians who serve us in the present are not honest, certainly not as honest as they should be, and while the right are taking out most of the trophies for warping narratives and literally redefining “facts”, the kiwi ...
A few weeks ago I took a look at public transport ridership in 2024. In today’s post I’m going to be looking a bit deeper at bus ridership. Buses make up the vast majority of ridership in Auckland with 70 million boardings last year out of a total of 89.4 ...
Oh, you know I did itIt's over and I feel fineNothing you could say is gonna change my mindWaited and I waited the longest nightNothing like the taste of sweet declineSongwriters: Chris Shiflett / David Eric Grohl / Nate Mendel / Taylor Hawkins.Hindsight is good, eh?The clarity when the pieces ...
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on UnsplashHere’s what we’re watching in the week to February 16 and beyond in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty:Monday, February 10The Kākā’s weekly wrap-up of news about politics and the economy is due at midday, followed by webinar for paying subscribers in Substack’s ...
A listing of 23 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, February 2, 2025 thru Sat, February 8, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
Today, I stumbled across a Twitter Meme: the ending of The Lord of the Rings as a Chess scenario: It gets across the basic gist. Aragorn and Gandalf offering up ‘material’ at the Morannon allows Frodo and Samwise to catch Sauron unawares – fair enough. But there are a ...
Last week, Kieran McAnulty called out Chris Bishop and Nicola Willis for their claims that Kāinga Ora’s costs were too high.They had claimed Kāinga Ora’s cost were 12% higher than market i.e. private devlopersBut Kāinga Ora’s Chair had already explained why last year:"We're not building to sell, so we'll be ...
Stuff’s Political Editor Luke Malpass - A Fellow at New Zealand IniativeLast week I half-joked that Stuff / The Post’s Luke Malpass1 always sounded like he was auditioning for a job at the New Zealand Initiative.Mountain Tui is a reader-supported publication. For a limited time, subscriptions are 20% off. Thanks ...
At a funeral on Friday, there were A4-sized photos covering every wall of the Dil’s reception lounge. There must have been 200 of them, telling the story in the usual way of the video reel but also, by enlargement, making it more possible to linger and step in.Our friend Nicky ...
Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. This fact brief was written by Sue Bin Park from the Gigafact team in collaboration with members from our team. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Is methane the ...
The Government’s idea is that the private sector and Community Housing Providers will fund, build and operate new affordable housing to address our housing crisis. Meanwhile, the Government does not know where almost half of the 1,700 children who left emergency housing actually went. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong ...
Oh, home, let me come homeHome is wherever I'm with youOh, home, let me come homeHome is wherever I'm with youSongwriters: Alexander Ebert / Jade Allyson CastrinosMorena,I’m on a tight time frame this morning. In about an hour and a half, I’ll need to pack up and hit the road ...
This is a post about the Mountain Tui substack, and small tweaks - further to the poll and request post the other day. Please don’t read if you aren’t interested in my personal matters. Thank you all.After oohing-and-aahing about how to structure the Substack model since November, including obtaining ...
This transcript of a recent conversation between the Prime Minister and his chief economic adviser has not been verified.We’ve announced we are the ‘Yes Government’. Do you like it?Yes, Prime Minister.Dreamed up by the PR team. It’s about being committed to growth. Not that the PR team know anything about ...
The other day, Australian Senator Nick McKim issued a warning in the Australian Parliement about the US’s descent into fascim.And of course it’s true, but I lament - that was true as soon as Trump won.What we see is now simply the reification of the intention, planning, and forces behind ...
Among the many other problems associated with Musk/DOGE sending a fleet of teenage and twenty-something cultists to remove, copy and appropriate federal records like social security, medicaid and other supposedly protected data is the fact that the youngsters doing the data-removal, copying and security protocol and filter code over-writing have ...
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tuneBird fly high by the light of the moonOh, oh, oh, JokermanSong by Bob Dylan.Morena folks, I hope this fine morning of the 7th of February finds you well. We're still close to Paihia, just a short drive out of town. Below is the view ...
It’s been an eventful week as always, so here’s a few things that we have found interesting. We also hope everyone had a happy and relaxing Waitangi Day! This week in Greater Auckland We’re still running on summer time, but provided two chewy posts: On Tuesday, a guest ...
Queuing on Queen St: the Government is set to announce another apparently splashy growth policy on Sunday of offering residence visas to wealthy migrants. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong stories short, the top six things in our political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Friday, February 7:PM Christopher ...
The fact that Waitangi ended up being such a low-key affair may mark it out as one of the most significant Waitangi Days in recent years. A group of women draped in “Toitu Te Tiriti” banners who turned their backs on the politicians’ powhiri was about as rough as it ...
Hi,This week’s Flightless Bird episode was about “fake seizure guy” — a Melbourne man who fakes seizures in order to get members of the public to sit on him.The audio documentary (which I have included in this newsletter in case you don’t listen to Flightless Bird) built on reporting first ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Karin Kirk The 119th Congress comes with a price tag. The oil and gas industry gave about $24 million in campaign contributions to the members of the U.S. House and Senate expected to be sworn in January 3, 2025, according to a ...
Early morning, the shadows still long, but you can already feel the warmth building. Our motel was across the road from the historic homestead where Henry Williams' family lived. The evening before, we wandered around the gardens, reading the plaques and enjoying the close proximity to the history of the ...
Thanks folks for your feedback, votes and comments this week. I’ll be making the changes soon. Appreciate all your emails, comments and subscriptions too. I know your time is valuable - muchas gracias.A lot is happening both here and around the world - so I want to provide a snippets ...
Data released today by Statistics NZ shows that unemployment rose to 5.1%, with 33,000 more people out of work than last year said NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi Economist Craig Renney. “The latest data shows that employment fell in Aotearoa at its fastest rate since the GFC. Unemployment rose in 8 ...
National’s cuts to disability support funding and freezing of new residential placements has resulted in significant mental health decline for intellectually disabled people. ...
The hundreds of jobs lost needlessly as a result of the Kinleith Mill paper production closure will have a devastating impact on the Tokoroa community - something that could have easily been avoided. ...
Today Te Pāti Māori MP for Te Tai Tokerau, Mariameno Kapa-Kingi, released her members bill that will see the return of tamariki and mokopuna Māori from state care back to te iwi Māori. This bill will establish an independent authority that asserts and protects the rights promised in He Whakaputanga ...
The Whangarei District Council being forced to fluoridate their local water supply is facing a despotic Soviet-era disgrace. This is not a matter of being pro-fluoride or anti-fluoride. It is a matter of what New Zealanders see and value as democracy in our country. Individual democratically elected Councillors are not ...
Nicola Willis’ latest supermarket announcement is painfully weak with no new ideas, no real plan, and no relief for Kiwis struggling with rising grocery costs. ...
Half of Pacific children sometimes going without food is just one of many heartbreaking lowlights in the Salvation Army’s annual State of the Nation report. ...
The Salvation Army’s State of the Nation report is a bleak indictment on the failure of Government to take steps to end poverty, with those on benefits, including their children, hit hardest. ...
New Zealand First has today introduced a Member’s Bill which would restore decision-making power to local communities regarding the fluoridation of drinking water. The ‘Fluoridation (Referendum) Legislation Bill’ seeks to repeal the Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Act 2021 that granted centralised authority to the Direct General of Health ...
New Zealand First has introduced a Member’s Bill aimed at preventing banks from refusing their services to businesses because of the current “Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Framework”. “This Bill ensures fairness and prevents ESG standards from perpetuating woke ideology in the banking sector being driven by unelected, globalist, climate ...
Erica Stanford has reached peak shortsightedness if today’s announcement is anything to go by, picking apart immigration settings piece by piece to the detriment of the New Zealand economy. ...
Our originating document, theTreaty of Waitangi, was signed on February 6, 1840. An agreement between Māori and the British Crown. Initially inked by Ngā Puhi in Waitangi, further signatures were added as it travelled south. The intention was to establish a colony with the cession of sovereignty to the Crown, ...
Te Whatu Ora Chief Executive Margie Apa leaving her job four months early is another symptom of this government’s failure to deliver healthcare for New Zealanders. ...
The Green Party is calling for the Prime Minister to show leadership and be unequivocal about Aotearoa New Zealand’s opposition to a proposal by the US President to remove Palestinians from Gaza. ...
The latest unemployment figures reveal that job losses are hitting Māori and Pacific people especially hard, with Māori unemployment reaching a staggering 9.7% for the December 2024 quarter and Pasifika unemployment reaching 10.5%. ...
Waitangi 2025: Waitangi Day must be community and not politically driven - Shane Jones Our originating document, theTreaty of Waitangi, was signed on February 6, 1840. An agreement between Māori and the British Crown. Initially inked by Ngā Puhi in Waitangi, further signatures were added as it travelled south. ...
Despite being confronted every day with people in genuine need being stopped from accessing emergency housing – National still won’t commit to building more public houses. ...
The Green Party says the Government is giving up on growing the country’s public housing stock, despite overwhelming evidence that we need more affordable houses to solve the housing crisis. ...
Before any thoughts of the New Year and what lies ahead could even be contemplated, New Zealand reeled with the tragedy of Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming losing her life. For over 38 years she had faithfully served as a front-line Police officer. Working alongside her was Senior Sergeant Adam Ramsay ...
Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson will return to politics at Waitangi on Monday the 3rd of February where she will hold a stand up with fellow co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick. ...
Te Pāti Māori is appalled by the government's blatant mishandling of the school lunch programme. David Seymour’s ‘cost-saving’ measures have left tamariki across Aotearoa with unidentifiable meals, causing distress and outrage among parents and communities alike. “What’s the difference between providing inedible food, and providing no food at all?” Said ...
The Government is doubling down on outdated and volatile fossil fuels, showing how shortsighted and destructive their policies are for working New Zealanders. ...
Green Party MP Steve Abel this morning joined Coromandel locals in Waihi to condemn new mining plans announced by Shane Jones in the pit of the town’s Australian-owned Gold mine. ...
The Green Party is calling on the Government to strengthen its just-announced 2030-2035 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement and address its woeful lack of commitment to climate security. ...
Today marks a historic moment for Taranaki iwi with the passing of the Te Pire Whakatupua mō Te Kāhui Tupua/Taranaki Maunga Collective Redress Bill in Parliament. "Today, we stand together as descendants of Taranaki, and our tūpuna, Taranaki Maunga, is now formally acknowledged by the law as a living tūpuna. ...
Labour is relieved to see Children’s Minister Karen Chhour has woken up to reality and reversed her government’s terrible decisions to cut funding from frontline service providers – temporarily. ...
It is the first week of David Seymour’s school lunch programme and already social media reports are circulating of revolting meals, late deliveries, and mislabelled packaging. ...
The Green Party says that with no-cause evictions returning from today, the move to allow landlords to end tenancies without reason plunges renters, and particularly families who rent, into insecurity and stress. ...
The Government’s commitment to get New Zealand’s roads back on track is delivering strong results, with around 98 per cent of potholes on state highways repaired within 24 hours of identification every month since targets were introduced, Transport Minister Chris Bishop says. “Increasing productivity to help rebuild our economy is ...
The former Cadbury factory will be the site of the Inpatient Building for the new Dunedin Hospital and Health Minister Simeon Brown says actions have been taken to get the cost overruns under control. “Today I am giving the people of Dunedin certainty that we will build the new Dunedin ...
From today, Plunket in Whāngarei will be offering childhood immunisations – the first of up to 27 sites nationwide, Health Minister Simeon Brown says. The investment of $1 million into the pilot, announced in October 2024, was made possible due to the Government’s record $16.68 billion investment in health. It ...
New Zealand’s strong commitment to the rights of disabled people has continued with the response to an important United Nations report, Disability Issues Minister Louise Upston has announced. Of the 63 concluding observations of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), 47 will be progressed ...
Resources Minister Shane Jones has launched New Zealand’s national Minerals Strategy and Critical Minerals List, documents that lay a strategic and enduring path for the mineral sector, with the aim of doubling exports to $3 billion by 2035. Mr Jones released the documents, which present the Coalition Government’s transformative vision ...
Firstly I want to thank OceanaGold for hosting our event today. Your operation at Waihi is impressive. I want to acknowledge local MP Scott Simpson, local government dignitaries, community stakeholders and all of you who have gathered here today. It’s a privilege to welcome you to the launch of the ...
Racing Minister, Winston Peters has announced the Government is preparing public consultation on GST policy proposals which would make the New Zealand racing industry more competitive. “The racing industry makes an important economic contribution. New Zealand thoroughbreds are in demand overseas as racehorses and for breeding. The domestic thoroughbred industry ...
Business confidence remains very high and shows the economy is on track to improve, Economic Growth Minister Nicola Willis says. “The latest ANZ Business Outlook survey, released yesterday, shows business confidence and expected own activity are ‘still both very high’.” The survey reports business confidence fell eight points to +54 ...
Enabling works have begun this week on an expanded radiology unit at Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital which will double CT scanning capacity in Hawke’s Bay to ensure more locals can benefit from access to timely, quality healthcare, Health Minister Simeon Brown says. This investment of $29.3m in the ...
The Government has today announced New Zealand’s second international climate target under the Paris Agreement, Climate Change Minister Simon Watts says. New Zealand will reduce emissions by 51 to 55 per cent compared to 2005 levels, by 2035. “We have worked hard to set a target that is both ambitious ...
Nine years of negotiations between the Crown and iwi of Taranaki have concluded following Te Pire Whakatupua mō Te Kāhui Tupua/the Taranaki Maunga Collective Redress Bill passing its third reading in Parliament today, Treaty Negotiations Minister Paul Goldsmith says. “This Bill addresses the historical grievances endured by the eight iwi ...
As schools start back for 2025, there will be a relentless focus on teaching the basics brilliantly so all Kiwi kids grow up with the knowledge, skills and competencies needed to grow the New Zealand of the future, Education Minister Erica Stanford says. “A world-leading education system is a key ...
Housing Minister Chris Bishop and Associate Agriculture Minister Mark Patterson have welcomed Kāinga Ora’s decision to re-open its tender for carpets to allow wool carpet suppliers to bid. “In 2024 Kāinga Ora issued requests for tender (RFTs) seeking bids from suppliers to carpet their properties,” Mr Bishop says. “As part ...
Associate Education Minister David Seymour has today visited Otahuhu College where the new school lunch programme has served up healthy lunches to students in the first days of the school year. “As schools open in 2025, the programme will deliver nutritious meals to around 242,000 students, every school day. On ...
Minister for Children Karen Chhour has intervened in Oranga Tamariki’s review of social service provider contracts to ensure Barnardos can continue to deliver its 0800 What’s Up hotline. “When I found out about the potential impact to this service, I asked Oranga Tamariki for an explanation. Based on the information ...
A bill to make revenue collection on imported and exported goods fairer and more effective had its first reading in Parliament, Customs Minister Casey Costello said today. “The Customs (Levies and Other Matters) Amendment Bill modernises the way in which Customs can recover the costs of services that are needed ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden says the Department of Internal Affairs [the Department] has achieved significant progress in completing applications for New Zealand citizenship. “December 2024 saw the Department complete 5,661 citizenship applications, the most for any month in 2024. This is a 54 per cent increase compared ...
Reversals to Labour’s blanket speed limit reductions begin tonight and will be in place by 1 July, says Minister of Transport Chris Bishop. “The previous government was obsessed with slowing New Zealanders down by imposing illogical and untargeted speed limit reductions on state highways and local roads. “National campaigned on ...
Finance Minister Nicola Willis has announced Budget 2025 – the Growth Budget - will be delivered on Thursday 22 May. “This year’s Budget will drive forward the Government’s plan to grow our economy to improve the incomes of New Zealanders now and in the years ahead. “Budget 2025 will build ...
For the Government, 2025 will bring a relentless focus on unleashing the growth we need to lift incomes, strengthen local businesses and create opportunity. Prime Minister Christopher Luxon today laid out the Government’s growth agenda in his Statement to Parliament. “Just over a year ago this Government was elected by ...
Associate Education Minister David Seymour welcomes students back to school with a call to raise attendance from last year. “The Government encourages all students to attend school every day because there is a clear connection between being present at school and setting yourself up for a bright future,” says Mr ...
The Government is relaxing visitor visa requirements to allow tourists to work remotely while visiting New Zealand, Economic Growth Minister Nicola Willis, Immigration Minister Erica Stanford and Tourism Minister Louise Upston say. “The change is part of the Government’s plan to unlock New Zealand’s potential by shifting the country onto ...
The opening of Kāinga Ora’s development of 134 homes in Epuni, Lower Hutt will provide much-needed social housing for Hutt families, Housing Minister Chris Bishop says. “I’ve been a strong advocate for social housing on Kāinga Ora’s Epuni site ever since the old earthquake-prone housing was demolished in 2015. I ...
Trade and Investment Minister Todd McClay will travel to Australia today for meetings with Australian Trade Minister, Senator Don Farrell, and the Australia New Zealand Leadership Forum (ANZLF). Mr McClay recently hosted Minister Farrell in Rotorua for the annual Closer Economic Relations (CER) Trade Ministers’ meeting, where ANZLF presented on ...
“We’re not here to interfere in people’s property rights,” Ngāi Tahu’s Te Maire Tau has told the High Court.Tau, a historian, Upoko (traditional leader) of Ngāi Tūāhuriri, and a university professor of history, is the lead witness in a case designed to force the Crown to recognise the tribe’s rangatiratanga ...
Pacific Media Watch Trump administration officials barred two Associated Press (AP) reporters from covering White House events this week because the US-based independent news agency did not change its style guide to align with the president’s political agenda. The AP is being punished for using the term “Gulf of Mexico,” ...
By Lydia Lewis, RNZ Pacific Presenter/Bulletin editor France’s top diplomat in the Pacific region says talks around the “unfreezing” of New Caledonia’s highly controversial electoral roll are back on the table. The French government intended to make a constitutional amendment that would lift restrictions prescribed under the Nouméa Accord, which ...
By bringing these global voices to the fight for free expression in New Zealand, we’ll continue to protect and expand our culture of free speech, says Nathan Seiuli, the Free Speech Union's Events Manager. ...
The issue is no longer a hypothetical one. US President Donald Trump will not explicitly suggest death camps, but he has already consented to Israel’s continuing a war that is not a war but rather a barbaric assault on a desolate stretch of land. From there, the road to annihilation is ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Cecelia Cmielewski, Research Fellow, Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University To be selected as the artist and curator team to represent Australia at the Venice Biennale is considered the ultimate exhibition for an artistic team. To have your selection rescinded, ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Steve Turton, Adjunct Professor of Environmental Geography, CQUniversity Australia Severe Tropical Cyclone Zelia is bearing down on the northwest coast of Australia and is likely to make landfall early Friday evening. It’s a monster storm of great concern to Western Australia. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Danielle Ireland-Piper, Associate Professor, ANU National Security College, Australian National University A Victorian government decision to allow dingo culling in the state’s east until 2028 has reignited debate over what has been dubbed Australia’s most controversial animal. Animals Australia, an animal welfare ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Hassan Vally, Associate Professor, Epidemiology, Deakin University Overnight, Robert F. Kennedy Jr was confirmed as the secretary of the US Health and Human Services Department. Put simply, this makes him the most influential figure in overseeing the health and wellbeing of more ...
Everything you missed from day five of the Treaty principles bill hearings, when the Justice Committee heard eight hours of submissions.Read our recaps of the previous hearings here.It was another work from home day for the Justice Committee, the only people in Room 3 being security guards, committee ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Milad Haghani, Associate Professor & Principal Fellow in Urban Risk & Resilience, The University of Melbourne Juris Teivans/Shutterstock In Australia, fatal road crashes are climbing again, especially since the pandemic, and despite years of attempts to reduce road trauma, the numbers ...
In its eagerness to appease supporters of Israel, the media is happy to ride roughshod over due process and basic rights. It’s damaging Australia’s (and New Zealand’s?) democracy.COMMENTARY:By Bernard Keane Two moments stand out so far from the Federal Court hearings relating to Antoinette Lattouf’s sacking by the ...
“The reality is we’re getting poorer. The government this year is leaning heavy on chasing economic growth, which is absolutely the right thing to do.” ...
The only published and available best-selling indie book chart in New Zealand is the top 10 sales list recorded every week at Unity Books’ stores in High St, Auckland, and Willis St, Wellington.AUCKLAND1 The Vegetarian by Han Kang (Granta, $28) Han Kang’s astounding novel was based on an ...
This new docuseries about two single comedians looking for love is also a joyful celebration of female friendship. This is an excerpt from our weekly pop culture newsletter Rec Room. Sign up here. “How many people do you think are boning right now?” Kura Forrester asks Brynley Stent as the bright ...
A new poem by Freya Turnbull. Hunger Song – After Kaveh Akbar (Untitled With Hunger And Matcheads) I hold my age in ripped fishnet hold an empty vessel oldyoung body cracks like gunshot like killa i was a father ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Dominik Koll, Honorary Lecturer, Australian National University View of the Pacific Ocean from the International Space Station.NASA Earth must have experienced something exceptional 10 million years ago. Our study of rock samples from the floor of the Pacific Ocean has found ...
Troy Rawhiti-Connell reviews Kia Tupu Te Ara, a documentary chronicling the meteoric rise of Aotearoa’s groundbreaking metal band. “Two brothers attempt to storm the world of thrash metal with the Māori language, despite the fact they’re both still teenagers,” reads the synopsis of Kent Belcher’s documentary, Kia Tupu Te Ara. ...
Three freelance writers have been awarded grants to work on their ambitious journalism projects. In January, The Spinoff announced the Vince Geddes In-Depth Journalism Fund, supported by the Auckland Radio Trust (ART). The fund was established to provide much-needed financial and editorial support to talented freelance journalists, empowering them to ...
By Caleb Fotheringham, RNZ Pacific journalist in Avarua, Rarotonga China has confirmed details of its meeting with Cook Islands Prime Minister Mark Brown for the first time, saying Beijing “stands ready to have an in-depth exchange” with the island nation. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Guo Jiakun told reporters during his ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Alexander Gillespie, Professor of Law, University of Waikato The Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ 2023 strategic foreign policy assessment, “Navigating a shifting world”, accurately foresaw a more uncertain and complex time ahead for New Zealand. But already it feels out of date. The ...
Our parliamentary throuple may be the longest running in the country, but cracks are showing. Gabi Lardies wonders if differing attachment styles may be to blame. Though no one ever anticipated happiness or roses in the three-way coalition, the relationship has wobbled on for over a year without breaking up. ...
As Mike White’s dark satire returns for a third season, we look back on some of The White Lotus’s most memorable characters. The White Lotus looks like a dream holiday, but this resort is anything but paradise. Set in an exclusive five star hotel resort, HBO’s award-winning series is a ...
Analysis: Would the last scientist to leave the building please turn out the lights? Because the confirmation of Robert F Kennedy Jr as US Secretary of Health suggests we’re heading back to the dark ages.It’s a sad irony that President John F Kennedy propelled America into the space age; now his nephew ...
The crux of my message today is that New Zealand needs to bend two curves. One is the long-term economic growth trajectory, which needs to bend upwards to expand our productive capacity and national real incomes. The second is our net public debt ...
Away from the tense scenes on the paepae, under a closely guarded canvas tent, te iwi Māori do the real work of Waitangi: talking. We were invited inside to listen. ...
The Jono & Ben star is self-aware and surrounded by extraordinary women in Three’s latest local comedy series. The first episode of Vince, written by and starring Jono Pryor, opens with intrigue, a loincloth and a man in the middle of some kind of breakdown. As the titular character, a ...
This is a really crappy article but it highlights the problem with modern consumer culture and how it’s destroying the world.
US centric but, sheesh, that’s a lot of waste and shows, once again, the irrationality of our profit driven free-market society.
Well, the US leads the way in the throw-away consumer culture. I think there’s something similar in NZ, but maybe not to the same extent.
I know a few US women who, after visiting NZ, described Kiwis as “dowdy”. i.e. this was a comment on the kind of clothes we wear. But this probably has something to do with the fact that fashionable clothes are more expensive here.
Not just fashionable clothes. Basics such as reasonably priced underpants and socks that last more than a couple of washes are not easy finds in this country.
Decent shoes are ridiculously expensive in New Zealand compared to Stateside. I have my shoes shipped over, but that’s not so cheap, so thank goodness there are still shoe repair outfits here when the heels wear down and the soles get a bit thin.
“Reasonably priced” is somewhat subjective to one’s financial positon, but Farmers still sell the Holeproof brand of socks, around $18 for one or two pairs depending on style and type. Choose wool/nylon 50% : 50% blend for socks (and colour) that will last ten years or more, though pick a size larger, because the first time they see a dryer they’ll shrink.
For a “more reasonable” price in Auckland, go to the Bendon Outlet stores. Once they were on Barry’s Point road in Auckland, or Fox Center Northcote, and disappeared briefly, but have now re-emerged at Westcity Mall at the end of the NW motorway or at Botany Town Centre out East. Holeproof turn up there and also various other quality brands to chose from at heavily reduced prices.
Saturday/Sunday Market stalls selling imported socks, 3 or 4pairs for $5 – $10 are a hit-and-miss situation, mostly cotton blends, but also worth a go for the colour/pattern selection. Pakuranga, Avondale, Glen Innes, Manurewa, Otara, Henderson and Mangere markets all have sock stalls regularly. Those markets also have high quality (cleaned, pressed, well presented) second hand clothes, usually something like 3 pieces for $10; Avondale especially has new imported brands you’ll recognise and quality Asian brands for “reasonable cost”. Get an pair of new average shoes there for around $10 – $20.
For new Shoes, also try Dressmart in Onehunga and get high end/reheelable for roughly half price and while you’re there, check out Shoetown just outside, on the Onehunga Mall. Also outside Dressmart Onehunga is Number One Shoes Outlet. Some cheap shoes in there, but as it’s end of line/out of season, the selection is limited. Also quality can be an issue, so inspect closely if you intend to reheel. Hannahs Outlet at Panmure/Mt Wellington turns up some good finds at good prices.
In my experience, the best reheel/repair place in Auckland is Gemmels on Symonds Street. They can’t fix some shoes simply because they are designed to be thrown out, but other than that, if you at least look to buy good leather in a shoe, you can continue to reheel for some years at roughly half the price of new.
For other high quality second hand clothes, try Save Mart, they are Nationwide. In my experience in Auckland, the best clothes selection is at Onehunga or New Lynn, but outlets are also at Northcote and Browns Road. Northcote has the biggest selection of shoes. Tonnes of womens stuff at all branches, good range of mens from $5.99 to $25 for designer labels. Also “retro and ethnic” at New Lynn.
Finding belts that last more than a month can be difficult. Best bet in Dressmart is Hallensteins or there is a belt stall near the donut stall. There you’ll pay $25 for durable leather in almost any style or colour. Also, Safety Protector shops carry the Taurus range of belts at around $25 – $30 a piece. Classic plain black or brown, single silver buckle – 100% leather.
Finding “reasonably priced” mens trousers can be difficult. Kmart often has many of Hallensteins range under a different label for up to half the price. On can pay $12 (on special) up to $25, where you might pay up to $75 elsewhere. The Warehouse occasionally has durable cheap underwear range, but again, it pays to estimate up to 2 sizes higher, because of shrinkage. Dye colours other than grey or black will run. Thermals are also there or at Postie Plus for around $10 a piece. Postie plus often has hidden gems ina ll things.
It all depends on personal taste. K-Road often turns up some good shoes and clothes, but it depends on your idea of “reasonable price”. As Carol’s friends pointed out above, in a country that openly condones jeans as formal wear, it’s easy to look well dressed, starting from scratch, for $50 – $100 total. Some people won’t be able to get those sorts of funds together all in one go, but shit, there’s only so much I can do. Not much is free these days and others will know better angles than me.
As the final trick for young players: Re-Dye your clothes. A popular thing to do, overseas, if you’ve ever been a backpacker. Much of what we buy never wears out, but colour fades. Go to Geoffs Emporium on Dominion road and get some washing machine dye. For $14 you can renew or change the colour of $200 pants or an armful of shirts, socks, T-shirts etc. Read the instructions on the dye! Just bear in mind the stitching on clothes is often polyester, even if the item is cotton, and will not take the dye. So black, grey, dark blue, green and brown all work well. But you’ll never get a light blue shirt to be black – it’ll have white/blue stitching. These dyes work well in the washing machine with no mess or damage to further washes, but if you’re an environmentalist, you might want to think about weighing up the use of dying chemicals against the waste of throwing out structurally sound clothes.
excellent! Thanks, Uturn. I’ve copied and saved your tips for future reference. While your tips are slanted towards males, I shop at some of the places you mention, and my dress styles tends towards “casual”, unisex-ish (trousers/jeans not dresses).
And I’ve had problems like belts and shoes not lasting. This is also true of a lot of women’s clothes as they are built for looks not durability. I did used to buy more men’s jeans & shirts in the past for this reason. But I’m quite small, and people seem to have got bigger – even most small men’s clothes are too big for me now.
Just bought ten pairs of white anklet sports socks for $11.50 at the Warehouse. $1.15 a pair or 57.5 cents each sock.
How long do you reckon they will last? I haven’t had much luck with bargain socks from the big red shed.
Thanks for the shopping tips, uturn.
What a useful thread.
I’d like to emphasise the value of the op-shop, and belts are a good example. The last belt I bought for five dollars is wide, thick leather, and will defintely outlive me.
I tend to haunt the jumper racks for thin merino garments which make an excellent thermal underlayer for winter. I’ve got plently myself, but friends are always grateful.
Just a note about dyeing. I often dye things, most recently some op-shop cushions. But nowadays I don’t dye anything that will need regular washing. I’m yet to find a genuinely colourfast dye, but if anyone else has I’d love to hear about it.
You should be able to get clothing dye in supermarkets. Small tins. Look in the washing section.
Think of op shops that support social needs in the community when buying clothes.. Buying things there is an excellent way to give a donation that gives back to you. There’s sure to be one not far away
or at a local church or centre once a week. Finding one that’s open when you’re around is the trick.
You should be able to get clothing dye in supermarkets. Small tins. Look in the washing section.
Not round my way.
From chemist shops generally, but I’ve never found one that is colour fast.
I bought some Katmandu socks @ 15 dollars a pair I have worn them less than five times they are buggered.These socks are for the serious tramper.
I will never buy katmandu ever again.
Atleast you know when you buy whare house stuff its not going to last that long but I have had a better run out of their socks,
I found a perfect skirt in a charity shop on K Rd, I guess it depends on taste… I love ‘hippie’ type long skirts, lucky they’re not generally popular – and best of all – pockets!
I also found a perfect ‘office’ type skirt in KMart for $20.00…
Draco, interested in your thoughts on this new article from Gordon Campbell. Essentially pessimistic on peak oil and cleantech given new dirty oil extraction capacity into the medium term.
Funny that another article with the same title came out on the Wall Street Journal today. As Campbell mentions there has a proliferation of articles proclaiming the end of peak oil. The peak has shifted into the future yes, but on closer look not as far as many of these cornucopian pundits are making out.
Chris Nelder has a great article on a few of the recent end of peak oil articles:
Why energy journalism is so bad
The politics of peak oil
One of my articles Seven Myths Used By Deniers To debunk Peak Oil, Debunked addresses the main arguments here:
It’s hard to say about unconventional oil – not enough data yet. IMO, it’s uneconomic both in purely economic and sustainability terms. Unfortunately, due to the fact that all costs aren’t factored into it’s production or use, it still seems viable and, also, it seems that the politicians have been brought over to the side of the fossil fuel industry. We’re seeing subsidies for clean tech stopped while subsidies for fossil fuels continue.
It seems that there is little to no hope that we will stop the actions that will drive the world in to cataclysmic climate change.
I wear clothes and use towels etc until they’re threadbare. I have taken some of my son’s out-grown clothes to charity shops, otherwise, I am a hoarder by nature. So, for once, not guilty! 🙂
What will happen now the asset bill has passed…
…National will continue flogging off part of the power companies.
…Labour/Greens will continue to flog a dead horse petition?
There’s risks for all three of the larger parties. The success of the Mighty River float is crucial for National – and it’s also important for the country.
And Labour/Greens risk continuing to put a lot of resource into what could be an extended and futile post-legislation fizzle. There may be plenty of fight amongst political activists, but the wider voting population are much more likely to contune living their lives outside the bubble.
Your the one living in a bubble Petey full of self righteous justification and spin handed down by your masters warmed by the glow of victory, it’s really quite sad to observe.
You and Dunne will be regarded, just like NACT as people who sold our assets to enrich mates and backers to the disadvantage of today and future generations, you know no shame because you are a sell out who spends him time in the blogosphere not in the real world.
The real world where UF and NACT just made their backers the pay back the hollowmen demanded, serving the people Petey you and us know that’s a blatant lie.
+ 1 – exactly right tc – they have sold our assets as part of the payback. They will sell everything if they can because they are hollow inside and out. Well fuck them I say, it is not over yet!
It is absolutely vital for the country that it does not go ahead. I really hope the Maori Council succeed in its attempt to inject the sale.
Have you noticed Petey that Tainui are not part of the litigation? Do you understand why?
And yet the media ignore the desperate attempt by NACT/UF to effectively bribe the iwi with shares, you know those shares that were meant to fix schools, pay debt, build roads and be the magic wand that cures all.
for Petey to understand that mickey would be to admit he understands the gorilla in the room, can’t let reality get in the way of more shonkey spin can we.
Oh thank you thank you thank you facile one Pete George. Everything you pompously tell us we never have a clue about. Until you tell us. Because you stood for parliament. And you’re an oracle near unequalled. Except for the perennial cabinet toady you call your leader.
Your contibutions to “debate” on this blog are limited to this – statement of either the patently obvious (you know…..”one party government is not good for democracy”), or, utterly predictable right wing wish-list, mouthed out as fact.
And on top of it you do it with terribly self-consciousness solemnity to conceal your narcissism.
You stood for parliament……….so bloody what ? You are sadly the most boring person in the universe, and I suspect, essentially thick.
Well, I hope Dunne’s ministerial post makes him happy. After all, that’s his reward for selling the country down the river.
How can someone (or people) in a top position in ACC have so little sensitivity to, or understanding of the situation of, rape and incest survivors? These ACC top dogs think so little of the survivors and their situation that they think $250 will buy their silence?
And how much influence did the minister have over this?
If that’s the kind of compensation the government is offering, it’s no wonder Paula Bennett is saying abused people should claim:
So a state department can be grossly negligent and there is no legal obligation to pay compensation… how mental is that?
mickysavage, what happened to David Cunliffe’s speech?
I thought that was a big, visionary speech for the future. It didn’t get a post-speech post here. Nothing in the media. Nothing on Red Alert. Nothing but a one of many ‘News’ listing in the Labour website.
I thought there should have been a major promotion of it. Is that yet to happen? Or is it not very important to Labour?
Seems very odd. What happened to David Cunliffe’s speech?
It was discussed here:
On Red Alert now.
Government promises 100,000 jobs? But for whom?—Greens/tabid/1607/articleID/259213/Default.aspx
As Bomber tweeted:
Why am I not surprised?
joyce on TV tonight was at his Narcissistic best laughing
Violence begets violence. Poor dog suffered, the environment and residents where the drilling is planned could suffer. Then there will be more suffering, all for a hole in the ground.
Well good to see thats how people like you roll
People like me dont take shit from trolls. And we dont see property rights as absolute when they affect the rest of us. And people like me question why NOT who started the nonsense, we dont however condone all actions.
On the contrary trolls like you do the opposite.
I’d like to point out that calling someone a troll because you don’t like what they post doesn’t in fact make them a troll
Well we know how people like you roll chris73 with more than 700 environmentalists, that’s one a week, killed over the past decade.
Among those mourned by the Council of Canadians and Blue Planet Project are:
Bernardo Vásquez Sánchez in Mexico
Mariano Abarca Roblero in Mexico
Beatriz Carino Trujillo in Mexico
Father Jose Reinel Restrepo Idairraga in Colombia
Kimy Pernia Domico in Colombia
Dora Alicia Sorto Recinos in El Salvador
Marcelo Rivera Moreno in El Salvador
Ramiro Rivera Gomez in El Salvador
Juan Francisco Duran Ayala in El Salvador
Across the world, our research found 711 individuals
reported killed in the past decade – an average of
more than one killing per week. Of these, 106 people
were killed in 2011 – nearly twice the death toll in
2009. It includes those killed in targeted attacks and
violent clashes as a result of protests, investigating
or taking grievances against mining operations,
logging operations, intensive agriculture including
ranching, tree plantations, hydropower dams, urban
development and poaching
Wow, I’ve been a busy boy haven’t I. That explains why I’ve felt a bit tired lately.
Is it true that Peter Dunne has voted more New Zealand assets into foreign hands than any other single person in this country?
Probably. I can’t think how anyone would beat him.
It will probably be what he’s most remembered for. When people remember to remember him at all.
Well he was elected under Labour from 84 – 94 so he may very well be
No not just Peter Dunne, but every aspirational idiot, every fat cat 1%er, every “I am better than you” person who voted for this scabby bunch of theives. Dunne is just another bland faceless “me firster”, dont give him any credit. Others enabled his position.
So when you know your fellow citizen voted NACT tell the bastards what they have done, why your power bill is going up and you cant feed the children. Tell them they are to blame for voting the bastards in.
PS When somebody screams poverty ask them did they vote? If not why not? They are to blame as well.
PPS When some lefty MP tells you that they cant make statements like “nationalise” etc, tell them that we dont vote them in to be toothless (and useless).
This morning I reflected that the world has not changed significantly since last night when another larcenous act was perpetuated against the citizenry of NZ. The theft is slow and corrosive, at stake is our security, our childrens future, our freedom (such as we have left). We are I note in a class war.
In reality we have been constantly in a class war and always will be. The reason is because we humans constantly want what we dont have, and somebody else does. The tempo of our wars increase as the gap between those who have and those who dont have widens. Last nights legislation merely signals an escalation: the violence level was raised because one side had a narrow firepower advantage. The response will be that the other side will try to close the firepower gap. But that is not enough.
What the Left currently does not have is generals with the knowledge that they really are at war facing battle hardened focused foes from the Right. The Lefts generals need to throw off the amateur gentlemanly manner and harden up. For too many years the Left has allowed their own generals to come from the Right, bringing Right wing tactics to bear. It has not worked.
Those “Left” generals who think the key to victory is holding the centre need to notice the blitz has gone around this point and attacked from the flanks. Plodding up the middle wont work, victory is for the swift, and at the moment its the Right. The Left needs to recognise the gravity and extremity of the fight, and make a stand. To date the stand has been feeble, the goal fuzzy. Time to lay out the strategy and commit to total victory. They are taking all we have, we are going to take everything they have. Unconditional victory.
So come on Labour, get with the program!
“The Lefts generals need to throw off the amateur gentlemanly manner and harden up.”
There are other examples but I’m sure you get the point
Gloves off then.
By the way did you disinfect yourself after going over to Blubs site?
I’m with you bored. Gloves off.
I think with the Labour party the gloves have been well and truly off for quite a while (who was the labour pres that went to oz to dig up some dirt on John Key?)
Could that be one of the reasons the Greens are becoming more popular?
Even the stuff poll doesn’t think that NACT+UF had a mandate.
What the left presently has is generals who are almost as far right as the NACTs who just sold our assets against our will.
reposting in Open mike because i would genuinely like an answer
Q: Can the Governor General do anything?
I admittedly am a bit fuzzy on where those largely ceremonial powers start/stop. Which is why i ask questions of others who know these matters more accurately than I. ( something many people would do well to try) Ceremonial position aside, does he not have some power here? Perhaps if he thought of all his brothers in arms who fought and died for New Zealand and what they died protecting, then he could be a brave soldier and refuse to allow the act to be accepted by the Crown?
Yes it messes in our self-determination but we are not a Republic yet. If it is a tool in the box, let’s bloody well use it and ask the GG to protect Aotearoa.
You really want the Governor General to effectively become a veto for anything they don’t like?
Get ready for every future appointment to be former ministers who veto everything their former party doesn’t like.
“Get ready for every future appointment to be former ministers who veto everything their former party doesn’t like.”
that is a short cut to thinking and i personally believe we have a fairly robust and attentive parliament where this would not become the norm.
I sincerely believe the GG discussion is worthy of debate if it allows a return to the house of this Bill, perhaps forcing National to actually consider the thousand plus submissions opposing the bill not just agree with the handful that supported it.
A true democracy should always be mindful of how its future is crafted but not be afraid of using the tools at its disposal to affect change upon that future. Even if some tools are sharper than others, and the potential of injury is severe, the skill of the craftsman is the issue and this highlights the question, ‘can the GG do anything?’ i have many tools i use sparingly because they have limited application but not using them can be the difference between doing a job properly and hashing out a piece of inferior work.
or has NZ fatally become a speak much say nothing do even less society
No, what I would like him to do is refuse assent to the law as it’s obviously against the will of the people. In other words, an actual considered position that has moral authority.
Representative Democracy: the National party has heard of it.
But they *actually* represent an economic elite from a galaxy far far away
And once they go down that path how do you stop it going further?
Did you see the bit about the “will of the people” and “considered position”?
In other words, it has to be justified.
Why does it have to be justified? Because at the moment it’s only because you are saying it is. Just seems the start of a very slippery slope to me.
Because otherwise it’s arbitrary. In fact, that’s the point of all law – it has to be justified. So that would be another reason for the GG to stop the law as all of the reasons that NACT+UF have put forward have been proven to be bollocks.
Nope, all polling shows that asset sales is against the will of the people. The referendum will most likely prove that.
And out comes the non-argument of the slippery slope.
“No, what I would like him to do is refuse assent to the law as it’s obviously against the will of the people. In other words, an actual considered position that has moral authority.”
So the guy that complains NZ is a dictatorship now wants to vest veto power into a figure who is not beholden to the public and cannot be removed from office by public vote?
I call bullshit
Good point Draco, like the ‘Anti-smacking bill’ or buying back Kiwi Rail, or selling Spring Creek Mine to an American conglomerate, or selling Wellington Power to a Hong Kong conglomerate……..or are they only allowed to step in when a ‘Right-wing’ party does something that is ‘obviously against the will of the people’?
The GG could refuse to sign the law into being but I doubt if he would.
Thanks draco, I have the general info, I was hoping there might be someone out there with a working knowledge as to how it applies and how best to move on it. It is a parliamentary thing that Jo Citizen has no part in as far as i understand it.
I have to admit I am a little shocked at the lack of interest in the subject.
It seems like no-one can be bothered actually stopping the sale
just happy to be seen looking like they are trying to.
Sent off some emails, which will no doubt end up in spam boxes.
Will send off a few letters but i understood notice to the GG had to happen within a short (unknown to me) time frame of the vote on the relevant Bill.
So the guy that complains NZ is a dictatorship now wants to vest veto power into a figure who is not beholden to the public and cannot be removed from office by public vote?
I call bullshit
People are looking at all available means to restrict the progression of the Asset Sales. Our GG has certain powers, every now and then something happens where perhaps those powers should be applied, but applied with the due concern, consideration and respect that the situation calls for. This is one of those times.
I am not a fan of having a soldier as our GG but he is and we must work with the strengths a soldier has. A sense of duty and a wish to defend one’s country being paramount in their arsenal. I am trusting that our GG is someone who will consider fairly if the Government is defending New Zealand with this bill. If the intervention from the Queen’s Representative became a more common occurrence then that would be a question for that situation. Like all laws, it is the people that use them or abuse them which dictate their legitimacy.
Those I have spoken with on this agree that asking the GG to return the MOM Bill to the House for further debate is a valid request in this divisive situation. A request that is only asking that the Submissions on this bill be properly considered as they suffered a deliberately truncated process and the support was outweighed by those against by a factor of 99-1. This is nothing but asking for the NZ Parliament to properly follow its own procedure. Something this Government has chosen not to do on a regular basis.
TC, you also ignore the fact no-one is calling for new powers. You simply choose not to acknowledge what is there on the books already. NZ is being abused again, but by all means lay back and take it, that is your right.
bloody marvelous … now we have a Wheeler and a dealer to plunder NZ into the poverty wilderness. HELP !!!! Anyone else troubled by this ???
‘Reserve Bank Governor-in-waiting Graeme Wheeler was once touted as a potential World Bank president and gained fame for telling his boss, Paul Wolfowitz, to resign during what was seen as a civil war at the World Bank.
Wheeler’s appointment to take over at the central bank when Alan Bollard steps down on September 25 was welcomed yesterday, even though many had expected deputy governor Grant Spencer to win the top post.
Spencer may be disappointed and it is not clear if he will stay at the central bank, given Wheeler may serve at least one, possibly two, five-year terms. Wheeler has a strong international reputation, especially in world financial markets.
He takes over what is arguably one of the most important roles in the economy as the sole final decisionmaker on monetary policy: what to do with official interest rates and when.
Wheeler resigned as managing director of the World Bank in 2010, after 12 years at what is effectively the world’s most important aid agency.
The World Bank borrows from institutions on international markets, including New Zealand, and lends to developing countries, especially for big projects. ‘ ( more on the webpage )
In yesterdays Herald Slippery the Prime Minister indicated that He will have to seek legal advice after calls from groups of Doctors and Nurses to ban duty free cigarettes,
Legal advice???, yeah Slippery sez that it’s getting to the point where SOMEONE is going to take to His Government over such things as rack raising of taxes on tobacco products,and, proposals to ban things like duty free cigs,
From here it looks just as likely that Slippery has woken up to the fact that there are 600,000 users of tobacco products in New Zealand and should discrimination in taxation force them into a ‘Grey Power’ type political advocacy organization His Government and any other proposing discriminatory taxation of tobacco addicts will get a caning,
Slippery is aware of the fact that many of the 2 million who pass through the International Arrivals area of our airports and therefore are allowed the small joy of some duty free cigs are very likely to be the well heeled National voters returning from faraway exotic places where they have been busily spending their tax cuts, (apparently 75% of tax cuts for the rich are spent in ‘other’ economy’s),
But what of tobacco usage??? having taken an interest i have begun the dig for FACTS and my initial finds are both startling, (perhaps an indication of why Slippery fears being sued) and from the stuff i have read on the web it sure as hell proves that if you tell the masses a big one often enough sooner or later they will believe you,
Specially if your a Doctor, Nurse, or oft reported entity with imposing letters like ASH,
Fact (1), 10% of those who smoke will get lung cancer,
Fact (2), 15% of those who get lung cancer will have no link to actual or passive smoking,
Fact (3), 50% of those who get lung cancer are those who gave up smoking,
fact (4), those with a specific gene anomaly are 30% more likely to get lung cancer,
fact (5), those with a double gene anomaly are 70% more likely to get lung cancer,
fact (6), in the UK 8% of lung cancers are directly caused by the work a person does,
fact (7) lung cancer has become more prevalent as people live longer, the average age of those who get lung cancer is 65, in the 1930s the average life expectancy was 57 so not many lived long enough to develop a lung cancer,
Rather than put up all the links to these little gems of info the Google is, Why don’t all smokers get cancer…
A fellow student on a course I did in the UK, used to use a similar argument in favour of heroin – ie most users can use them for a major part of their adult lives without any significant ill affects.
Aha, i grew up on the streets of Wellington during the ‘Heroin years’ and know many people working in professions who used the drug,
The operative word of course is ‘use’ as opposed to abused where the more overt ‘junky’ type user simply used the drug to get out of it all the time if possible,
From the statistics it would appear that those who actually start smoking and stop at some time during their lives are the most at risk of developing lung cancer,
To strangely twist that stat a little would have our Government rack raising the taxes on tobacco products with the stated aim of preventing people from developing lung cancer in effect actually raising the chances that they will by 40 odd percent…
sad 12 because their to busy getting mouth throat larynx and and raft of other cancers,
not to mention heart diseases and strokes.
Yawn, your wee snivel of abuse as an indication of your intelligence and ability to debate would leave you sadly lacking in the former and at village idiot level in the latter,
Smoking gives you lung cancer???, not even, 90% of those who use tobacco products will not get lung cancer,
Of course if 90% of those who you are trying to discriminate against don’t get the lung disease you claim the product causes then you have to up the ante and make claims about such things as heart disease and strokes,
After the millions and millions of dollars spent on advertising campaigns to attempt to fill the users of the product with fear i was inclined to the opinion that smoking the product hugely increased my chances of developing lung cancer,
Having an inquiring mind has lead me to have a good read of what is on the web about such and my initial response is one of mirth at the obvious CON of the lung cancer statistics and the laughter would be ongoing except for the fact that i use the stuff and don’t like to be discriminated against by any Government via the taxation system on spurious grounds,
Heart Disease and Strokes and their supposed links to the use of tobacco products need a good looking at coz if ‘they’ will bulls**t us all over lung cancer ‘they’ will quite happily do so over heart disease and strokes…
It’s not just lung cancer that makes smoking bad for you.
Indeed, but it is an interesting point about perception vs reality. The major risk from smoking is heart disease, but the meme and hollywood cliche is lung cancer.
Additionally, tobacco has a dose-response like any other exposure, down to undetectable risk as somewhere like 3 cigarettes a day ISTR. So the numbers of smokers might be relatively static, but the mortality rate will decrease as the effects of excise increases etc take effect (lower consumption per smoker).
And of course if you want to talk “kills if used as intended”, try camembert, soft drinks or fish & chips, other great causes of diabetes and heart disease. So smokefree are probably fibbing a bit there. But then I’ve long figured that the ash-zealots were just as economical with the truth as the tobacco industry ever were.
Aha, as i have become ‘interested’ in the claims made by the tobacco kills lobby a good look into the other kills by tobacco is warranted,
Go on, bet you like i really believed the tobacco use causes lung cancer one right???, but, the truth of that little piece of mis-information is that 90% of tobacco users will not get lung cancer,
So there is hardly a proven link between tobacco use and lung cancer, the other stuff, throat cancer, stokes, heart disease i plan to check out and add to the ‘discussion’ later,
Given that 3 different studies have pointed to a specific abnormality in a persons Genes as the prime indicator of developing cancer it then becomes clearer why only 10% of tobacco users develop lung cancer, and, why certain populations such as Maori in this country’s case are more prone to develop the disease, ie, the Maori population are more closely inter-related than the European population,
Obviously i will be looking for whether the same altered gene is a feature inherent in those who develop the other ‘smokers diseases’ as well as the veracity of the highly unlikely claim that smoking kills half of those who use the product, an extremely glib and emotive claim where most of those supposedly killed by the product are in fact at the end of their life anyway….
“So there is hardly a proven link between tobacco use and lung cancer, the other stuff, throat cancer, stokes, heart disease i plan to check out and add to the ‘discussion’ later”
Even though big tobacco admitted smoking was positively correlated with incidences disease tried to cover it up and why the overwhelming scientific consensus is that tobacco is positively correlated with lung cancer, throat cancer, heart disease and emphysema?
You are taking denial to strange new heights.
Got any links?
It has been known for almost 50 years that tobacco use can be linked to cancers of the lung and head and neck.
Eighty-five percent of the cases of head and neck cancer found each year are associated with tobacco use. Long-term smoking that begins before age 30 also increases the risk for developing colorectal cancer.
Smoking contributes to cancer development by causing mutations in genes, impairing lung function, and decreasing the effectiveness of the immune system.
The longest follow up of the ill effects of smoking in relation to coronary disease was probably the framingham cohort which we now base many of the risk algorithms on in relation to assessing a persons risk of suffering an adverse event.
Feel free to see what your statistical risk is with and without smoking.
”Smoking contributes to cancer development by causing mutations in genes”,
Does it really???. ?
Paul Brennan, who led the IARC study, says he initially believed that the risk of getting lung cancer was elevated by the genetic predisposition to become addicted,
”The Genes made you more likely to smoke, made you more likely to smoke more, made you less likely to give up, and therefore, more likely to develop lung cancer”,
But His research showed, that in fact, the gene appeared to independently increase a persons risk of developing the disease–with no link to addictions,
When Steffansson’s team applied the stats to the incidence of lung cancer, it found that individuals with 2 copies of the altered gene had a whopping 70% greater chance of developing lung cancer, those with 1 copy had a 30% higher risk,
Smoking alters genes which then go on to cause cancer OR as the above from 3 different 2008 studies say, a copy of an altered gene gives people a 30% higher chance or 2 copies of the altered gene increases the chances of cancer whether or not the person uses tobacco products…
Broken link.
I wouldn’t bother debating with BAD12 they’ve made up their mind and you won’t be able to change it through logic or the provision of data.
I just find it interesting that a couple of new studies is supposed to convince me that 50+ years of research should be discarded.
“they’ve made up their mind and you won’t be able to change it through logic or the provision of data.”
That could apply to more than just Bad12
My Grandfather had Bowel Cancer, was given 1 month to live, 18 months later, when he was on his last legs, he developed Pneumonia and passed away. This was counted as a smoking related death!
My Aunty developed motor neuron disease, it quickly crippled her to the point where she could no longer speak, she also developed Pneumonia and passed away. This was also classed as a smoking related death!
Before you spout bulls**t statistics, please realise how flawed the collation of data relating to deaths is in the overall picture. This is a topic I get very emotive over as I watched these diseases that are completely unrelated to smoking, decemate my close family members lives. Due to the fact that it was the Pneumonia that ‘finished them off’ we cannot do anything to stop them being added to these statistics which would now say 100% of my close relatives that have passed away did so due to smoking.
Exactly! Someone working at Stats told me some years ago, that all deaths from respiratory causes are coded as smoking related… That makes me wonder if the death of my baby brother at 6 weeks from pneumonia, was coded that way? (Which would of course be absurd. Given it was 1957, probably not, but you never know..)
‘…….Someone working at Stats told me some years ago, that all deaths from respiratory causes are coded as smoking related…’
They, or you, must have been mistaken as I can categorically tell you that this does not happen.
Someone told me once all types of fanciful tales
Can I ask how old were your Grandfather and Aunt when they died???, and, did either of them smoke???,
What i have gathered so far from my internet reads is that what smokers are being tagged with is ‘end of life diseases’, and, i get the feeling that especially in the case of of heart related deaths it is in fact the major killer across the whole of the aged population and people are dying of these heart related diseases at around the same age, 65 onwards, whether or not they smoke,
So it is spurious of the health statistics to show that a 65+ who smoked died of a smoking related disease of the heart when 80% of the 65+ who die of a disease of the heart in the same year who did not smoke are simply heart attack or heart disease statistics,
One has to ask if everyone intends living forever, i pick my own lifespan to be in the realm of 65 t0 80 years and if i do reach that 80 figure i will have been smoking 20+ a day for 67 years,
It is in fact between the years 65 to 80 years when 90% of us die whether we use tobacco products or not and as we age and weaken then it is obvious that we will all be at higher risk of catching and surrendering to all diseases even cancers whether or not we use tobacco products or not…
b12, That’s not how it works. It’s a multi-discipinary approach.
What happens is the population scientists look at the rates of different conditions in populations who smoke vs non-smokers. They notice that smokers tend to die earlier than non-smokers. Further researchers note that ony half of smokers die earlier than non-smokers, but the average life-shortening is by 20-odd years.
Meanwhile scientists examine the contents of smoke, and note a number of chemicals that are associated with higher incidences of different conditions when in other exposure scenarios, e.g. hydrocarbons.
Other scientists examine the biological mechanisms of various conditions, and how they form and affect the body.
Then people get all the stuff together, note that we have observed relationship, physiological plausibility, and decent biochemistry to back it up. Smoking is indeed bad, m’kay?
But then we have people looking for a specific cause for their illness or relative’s death (mum had a heart attack, it must of been her smoking. Or her husband’s. Or that smoker she passed in the street). But you can’t really attribute an individual death to smoking (unless a cigarette down the back of a couch called a fatal fire :)).
We also have policy advocates muddying the waters (in both directions), for example I saw news reports of a study a few years back claiming something like 288 NZers a year died from passive smoking. Turned out the NZ “study” extrapolated from a european study, and the numbers were so small the confidence interval was five miles wide. I could see those guys doing the old “all xxx is caused by smoking” when attributing smoking-related harm, just like big tobacco did the opposite.
“unless a cigarette down the back of a couch called a fatal fire”
Yep. My family has experienced that – one dead and the survivor being in hospital for 2 years, over 30 skin grafts and 50 operations, ACC for 30 years, deformed, scarred, deaf from the ensuing stroke and meds and disabled for life. Bugger all the health-related stuff (which, btw I agree with) smoking is dangerous. Smoking kills and disables. Sorry folks, it’s personal.
Aha, i see your point,honest!!! and then after all of this ‘the thin puff leads to the short huff’, along comes genetic science and POINTS OUT that X specific gene, (from memory 15), when it has developed x specific ANOMALY will mean that the person so afflicted will be 30% more likely to develop cancer WHETHER OR NOT that person has ever used tobacco products or been exposed to them in any way,
Should that specific identified gene have x as xx as the anomaly then the person so afflicted will be 70–80% more likely to develop cancer and again the abnormality in the gene makes no discrimination about whether a person has ever been exposed to tobacco products,
So, it becomes easier to see when we add in the science of genetics why 50% of the pesky little smokers aint dying off at the same rate as the other 50% and why the lung cancer one is such a huge flop in terms of quantifying the harm of tobacco usage, (hell even an unbeliever like me entertained the idea for a while that i was merrily puffing my way to a bad case of black lungs),
The heart disease one tho from the little i have ascertained is pretty spurious, i will happily admit that the use of tobacco products could be one of many factors. BUT, the cause??? no way,
In the US 83% of all deaths are from ‘heart disease’, 17. something % of Americans use tobacco products,
Almost from the day we are all born we start laying down in our various arteries,veins,and, heart valves the plaque that will eventually cause our tickers to malfunction in various ways and eventually kill us,
Now smoking may help that process along, but cause it, nah!!!living does that…
The leading cause, probably. Not the only cause.
My personal belief is that tobacco, particularly unadulterated tobacco, is on the line between preventing actions that cause harm vs preventing less healthy personal lifestyle choices.
Frankly, if in 20 years we are all lentil munching vegetarian tofu suckers with forced exercise routines and no alcohol or tobacco – I’d probably want to shoot myself. Not much exaggeration if any, either – I like the little joys in life, even if they might be bad for me.
Aha, your right there, i had a quick read of part of a study which says exactly that as far as tobacco usage being as much a preventative action as a causative,
I was speed reading at the time,(nah i hadn’t just piped a point),and now can’t remember the page i was reading that from,
I can see the point tho, along with all the other bits and pieces tobacco has quite a good supply of one of the poisons, arsenic i think, so it’s easy to envisage the users immune system being at heightened levels of activity after a smoke of tobacco,
It, tobacco makes a great pesticide, a few leaves soaked in 3 litres of water for a few weeks and then sprayed upon plants prone to be eaten by the bugs works a treat…
My Grandfather was 67, and my Aunty was 42. Both of them were smokers up until diagnosed, which is why (as far as I know, although Vicky32 may be on to something) they were classed as passing away from smoking related illness.
That interests me greatly, as I was misdiagnosed with a TIA in January, simply because I am a smoker. Having been told to quit, as smoking causes strokes, I asked Dr Google what the mechanism is, only to learn that there are two contradictory mechanisms, which can’t possibly both be true! That caused me to wonder if either of them is true!
My GP actually apologised for the misdiagnosis, and as I was on clopidogrel for only 3 months, no actual harm was done…
The risk of TIA is raised in smokers as is the risk of numerous cancers.
A overview for the general public is attached below.
Heres a bit of how smoking might kill you,…03…lung-cancer…smokers…/1
”But there was a flipside. 40% of those who had CT screenings had an abnormal result that lead to additional testing, and 16 premature deaths occurred because of interventions prompted by the screening, such as needle biopsies of the lung, 6 of those people didn’t have lung cancer”,
Naughty smokers wouldnt have got dead by medical misadventure if they had just quit the fags right,
Well nah, 50% of those who get lung cancer HAD quit,(apparently well befor the diagnosis)…
Replying to my own post from yesterday – I just checked TIA symptoms on a website (as I’d been following Bad12’s google ideas) and discovered that of all the symptoms of a TIA I had – er, none of them! What on earth were the GP and the neurologist thinking? Were they so blinded by the smoking thing on my record? (I had a chance to check my record, and discovered that half of it’s wrong, I recommend everyone asks their GP for the chance to check.)
For one thing – halve the number of cigarettes you say you smoke. This is because health professionals automatically double what you say. 😀
4,000 people dying each year can’t be wrong! addicts can come up with any and many excuses
Yeah us tobacco junky’s are terrible aint we, a full on 90% of us WON’T get the big bad bogie, lung cancer,
So damn, we are all doomed to die from every other ailment that just happens to be the prime causes of death for ALL those who don’t partake of the tobacco products,
It takes so damn long tho right, hell it takes so f**king long for the stuff to kill us all tho, take little old me for instance, (man sailing on his ego trip), i will have by the time i get to 65 been smoking tobacco products for 53 years,
Why did i choose to mention the age of 65 you might ask, and, i would have to reply because that is the average age where Lung Cancer is detected in Humans,and, the American Medical Association says that 83% of those who will die of Heart Disease will be 65 years of age or older,
Remember that Heart disease thingy another of the ‘supposed’ diseases of smoking, could it just be, and, it looks increasingly more so the more i read, that as a matter of convenience and because it suits them and their masters to do so, if a person dies of ‘heart disease’, (and one hell of a lot of us do), and they also happen to smoke tobacco or had done so previously then the ‘convenience’ is to simply blame the consumption of tobacco products…
So it would seem, can wowsers! 😀
The number is actually 400 not 4000, but aside from that, 400 is coincidentally the number of people adversely affected by vehicle exhaust!
If you don’t believe me, then tell the Herald, that’s where I got those statistics…
400? Where did you get that figure?
“Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death in New Zealand, accounting for around 4300 to 4600 deaths per year”
But hey, by all means take your health advice from an anonymous internet poster who gets his information from Google than 50+ years of research study and hard data
I already told you, from the NZ Herald! It really helps if you read with attention…
Here’s another ‘anonymous’ internet poster for you (except that of course he’s not anonymous).
(I think you’re underestimating how off piste someone gets when they are misdiagnosed because health professionals have their knickers in a knot. Hours at the neurology clinic, unnecessary drugs, a scary pack for ‘stroke patients’, smug anti-smoking nurses phoning at inconventient times, you name it.)
“already told you, from the NZ Herald!”
yes, but can you link to it?
No, or I already would have.. Are you going to bother to read the article I did link to, or is your mind already firmly made up? 🙂
I read the article but indeed, a single article from 1999 does not overturn 50+ years of research.
It’ll take more than that to convince to take up smoking again.
P.S. every other metric puts deaths at 4000 – 5000 per year so the Herald must have it wrong
there is a sucker born every minute
Silly! No one’s asking you to!
All I am asking is that you stop bullying, and feeling superior to, people who smoke.
Alcohol however, is fine and normal it seems. My GP’s nurse counselled me to ‘cut back on my alcohol intake’ when she rang yesterday – and was amazed when I told her that I never drink alcohol. That’s cos everyone drinks alcohol, right? Er no, not everyone drinks…
I drink heavily and used to smoke heavily
(I very rarely smoke now – but I don’t consider myself a “smoker” any more as I have broken the addiction part).
I have never bullied or felt superior to smokers.
Or where they live! An ex-b/f has just been diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma, related to the lovely asbestos ceiling in his childhood home. He’s always been an anti-smoking fanatic, how ironic. He’s the only person I’ve ever known with lung cancer.
Thanks for all that info! 🙂
Yeah you are SO right there, i could and maybe should have put in fact (8), 1% of those who develop lung cancer will do so as a result of radon in the soil,usually where they reside.
I didnt think that one was of that much importance seeing as it’s only 1% of lung cancers and i didn’t want to give you all info overload,
The Google for all that is ”why don’t all smokers get cancer” and 1 through to 8 were gleaned off of the first 2 pages…
Posted this on the privatisation page but thought it might get a hit here:
So I have a couple questions maybe someone can help me with. There’s alot of Rhetoric thrown around on the asset sales and I am fundamentally against transferring our dividend flow into the 10% of kiwi’s investing in the stock exchange. However I feel like there has been alot of seemingly unfactual statements from the blogs I read. Power prices will jump, we will lose infrastructure etc.
It is my understanding that power prices should remain competitive in the mixed model, even in the private model (I know that’s based on a larger market in the USA though). Also the infrastructure for our grid is owned and maintained by Transpower, correct?, on the right they claim that power has increased 7% a year for however long failing to mention that the increase is “apparently” due to Transpower upgrading the Grid due to be complete in 2015. I’m guessing that power prices won’t fall back 7% after 2015 and this will lead to increases in the MOM’s profits as Transpowers charges decrease. So I can’t assume that prices will rise, but more transpowers charges will drop and the Government won’t be able to be held accountable for no drop in power rates as they would have been.
Lastly on Cambell Live, Key mentions that our Kiwisaver and Super are heavily invested in Aussi Stocks. Is it not prudent to move them into our markets. It has been said that this is in essence a NZX bailout, but economically doesn’t it make sense to grow this exchange when Aussi growth is about to plummet on the back of China’s financial elephant in the room later this year?
Also worth noting, nowhere in the SOE law does it mention that these companies are owned for the good of the people. They are stated to be run as profitable as possible and AirNZ seems to show that their model has been much more profitable than the previous model.
I welcome these comments getting pulled the F*** apart. As these are just a collection of points I can’t decide on
To answer the part about whether SOEs are for the good of the people or not:
Originally, the state often used the organisations they owned to control unemployment or address health issues – a social security initiative, if you like. For example, our current ACC has its birth around the turn of the twentieth century in the Workers Compensation Act. By 1972 it had developed into no-fault cover in place of people suing their employers for personal damages and became the Accident Compensation Act. Then in 1987 Rogernomics came along and decided everything had to make a profit and that resulted in staff cuts and claim restrictions – a contradiction of its purpose.
Air NZ, too, was once called Tasman Empire Airways Limited. Established in 1939, the UK government withdrew in 1953 and Australia pulled out by 1961. In 1965 it was under full NZ government ownership and was renamed Air NZ. There is also a company called Kordia, that sixty years ago was the transmission and operations of what is now known as TVNZ.
This is to say that the history of what we now know as profit driven corporate companies had their genesis and development in the collective efforts of NZders looking out for and supporting NZders in business, private life and especially health. They just didn’t magically appear on April 1st 1987, which is where the idea of profit, above all, was first stamped on them.
This is why people like Phil Goff said (yes, somewhat ironically) in last election’s debates (and I’m paraphrasing here), “John, you don’t own these things”. No individual owns our SOEs and no individual or small group has the right to sell them. Unless John key and friends are over one hundred years old, and started these companies withth eir own money and efforts, or worked them with their own hands, they are really just opportunist corporate raiders. I doubt that surprises anyone. Changing the name on a historic company, or restructuring it, or part owning it, doesn’t eliminate the original purpose – as much as pollies of all colour have tried. Even deciding to turn them to tools of profit was a gross conceit. Modern media doesn’t examine where these companies came from and people generally don’t ask.
Cheers man, as a 24 yr old with no background in political studies I have very little knowledge of our countries history prior Helen Clark really. I have read a enough recently to have learnt the greatness of Savage, and essentially that most of our countries greatest policies/achievements that we claim to be proud of seem to come from Labour governments.
I don’t really understand what they were doing in the 80’s though.
I definetly think selling them is a crazy no-win situation, but I do think there is alot of off topic or irrelevant banter thrown in. “We will pay more for power” can easily be ignored by the general public as tarrot-reading. 120 million for the sale and the loss of 150 million in dividends a year is abit harder to ignore. Or atleast if found that in discussion.
I think it’s worth remembering, National got in because of peoples fear of the economy to a degree. And even though alot of people are against the sales alot of them are still afraid and really believe National have the best economic record. Whether or not this is true, bashing them with idealogical left rhetoric is not going to get them on your side long term, they are still right and they still think wealth trickles down.
National got in because of amnesia. It only took from 1999 to 2005 for a large proportion of the electorate to lose its memory and forget exactly what the National Party is.
We only escaped their incompetence in 2005 because Brash is so phenomenally incompetent it couldn’t be ignored, but Bill English’s incompetence is at least a match for Brash’s.
Now the chisellers have their wallets open, shovelling tax-payer dollars in as fast as they can, for the next two years. And the electorate is reminded what the National Party is.
National got in because the left ran a completely weak and ineffective anti asset sales campaign prior to the election and failed miserably to engage the voting public who stayed away from the polling booths in their tens of thousands.
Consequently I have no sympathy for the left who are whining on about the Nats not having a mandate when clearly they only have themselves to blame for their own laziness and poor performance on polling day.
That’s hardly surprising. You don’t strike me as someone to whom sympathy comes easily.
I’m not talking about the left however, I’m talking about the electorates ability to forget what the National Party is.
As a young member of society, you can’t expect young New Zealanders to know the finer details of previous National or Labour governments. We aren’t taught this at school and our Parents will only speak of their own beliefs. As someone who wasn’t able to vote until Clarke’s last term I have only recently learnt more about our political history, and find it a crock to claim amnesia against the whole voting public.
This only really applies to the younger of us really, the majority should have known.
“If you end up with a boring miserable life because you listened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest, or some guy on television telling you how to do your shit, then you deserve it.”
― Frank Zappa
If you take it too literally I guess the amnesia analogy falls over, but consider the fact that the same set of people (plus one parachuted-in smiley-wavy guy with no previous form) that were turfed out in 1999 were able to form a government in 2008. They’re displaying exactly the same bleedin’ useless incompetence as last time. If you can think of a better term than electoral amnesia let’s hear it.
The National Party has recessions when the rest of the world is fine. Amnesia.
That’s a great quote from a legend and true. That’s why i’m here, if I followed my parents views I’d be at the NZHerald site. But past political history is a huge amount of information to handle and not part of my working or social life, so you’ll have to forgive my ignorance. I for one didn’t know that the 1999 National members are still the main crew behind Key.
I would publicly state that I think National has gone off the rails the last 7 months on nearly ever issue.
But Cunliffe is saying some great things. I am hopeful that the country isn’t going to be to bad by 2014.
Give or take a few they are essentially the same crowd – and frankly most of the time it’s only the faces that change anyway – the apparent innumeracy and grasping sense of born-to-rule entitlement mixed with hatred and suspicion of the “other” abides.
Any book dealing with NZ politics could easily carry the subtitle: “Cleaning Up After The National Party.”
Yeah because the fourth labour government didn’t drop the ball or anything and its not like any of that term are still hanging around (there really needs to be a sarcasm emoticon)
A history lesson for the young or obnoxious
In the seventies global oil supplies were at risk, there were carless days and no-petrol weekends, inflation was 15-20%, wildcat strikes were commonplace, consumer goods & travel cost a lot more, houses cost a lot less
National PM Muldoon ran up huge foreign debts with Think Big projects, froze wages and prices, and stayed on friendly terms with apartheid era South Africa. This ruined the 1976 Olympics and the led to the infamous 1981 Springbok tour protests.
Muldoon also cancelled a retirement savings scheme introduced by Labour that would be worth tens of billions today, and would have eliminated any reason to sell state assets.
Labour was open to desperate measures when the coutry was in crisis in 1984, and mad idealogues like (ACT party founders) Roger Douglas and Richard Prebble went overboard with deregulation, destroying our productive industrial base, and selling assets off cheap to dodgy asset strippers like Fay, Richwhite (Jones, Fletcher also did well)
This nearly destroyed the LP but the National government that followed (1990) was even worse, so Helen Clark was elected in 1999 on a far more moderate platform, akin to Blair’s Third Way. And now at last the LP seems to have figured out that, in economic and social terms it was all bullshit and a return to egalitarian Kiwi values is the way of the future.
(Ironically if we had kept the Think Big projects in state ownership they would have paid for themselves by now and would be a great income stream for NZ)
urban rascal Why does your handle link go to a commercial IT service?
sorry, I don’t know. First time posting, that has been sitting in the website caption all day. Thought it was default haha.
and earlier you asked what happened in the 80’s?
treasury lied to Labour, who had been hijacked by neolibs who decided to sell a bunch of stuff that didn’t have to be sold to pay debts that didn’t really exist. Lots of people up and down the isles stayed very very drunk and took a lot of very interesting drugs for a few years and everything basically went to crap according to a well scripted plan that resulted in workers being reduced to serfs, any nz business worth a dime forced out so imports could increase and economists were elevated to demi-god status regardless of whether they could actually count.
We also made some great films, music, art, folk tried to play sport in strange places and we managed to tell the USA to shove their bombs anywhere but here
remiss of me not to mention property market insanity, the taciturn allocution of land disputes and realisation that a language which should always have been there was finally allowed into NZ schools.
all in all a hell of decade
can’t help but feel this decade is shaping up to be a slightly different beastie.
Also in the Eighties
* half the world boycotted the Moscow Olympics because of a war in Afghanistan
* 1981 Springbok Tour ripped the nation in two
* Rainbow Warrior sabotaged by France because of greenpeace nuke protests
* School Certificate/UE replaced by incomprehensible NCEA system
Urban rascal Media(murdoched) and money was the reason the left didn’t get in if not for the cup of tea National would have coasted in.
If people had known that this election was going to be so close more would have turned out and trickle down would have become trickle up.
Ah but the teacup was important so National has a far-right partner to “blame” for charter schools and asset sale. Hence John Banks still not called on his obvious law breaking across the board. But are you saying the cup of Tea brought their vote down. I don’t think so.
The cup of tea was a media blowout to right supporters that I know. The effect of the tea-tape seems to be a higher level of scrutiny on the Governments subsequent gaffs. I think these were probably always there last term, just not picked up by mainstream media.
I personally think we were under some psych conditioning through media reporting (biased landline polls etc). If you tell the public for three years that John Key and National are preferred leaders by huge margins, you can’t help but think this effects the less intelligent of us valuing the power of their vote. Hence, low turnout.
My question would be, what changed? What did National do to seriously upset the media enough to make their last 7 months hell?
We aren’t under psych conditioning, the average voter is confused and bored by policies and economics.
Like newspapers, an election campaign has to be pitched at 8 year old comprehension levels.
And you can’t beat a high profile, smiling personality that people think they can trust.
A Con man ropata
well yes. 🙁
Maybe pysch is a loaded word, but I would say that an 8 year old would be heavily swayed by loaded polls in the media in the lead up wouldn’t you?
yes many people view politics the same as sport and want to back a winner, and not “waste” their vote
aka. “Idiotocracy“
Well for starters the power price increases weren’t all due to Transpower charges and they won’t reduce those later either, those increases are fixed. Transpower has invested more money in infrastructure, the higher charges reflect what they require to get a return from the investment.
Secondly the AirNZ ‘model’ was a taxpayer bailout of a private business, there isn’t a shred of evidence to suggest that AirNZ is in any way advantaged by the minority private shareholding. It shows only that the state runs an airline better and more profitably than the private sector does. References to AirNZ by Key & co are downright dishonest.
Thirdly Kiwisaver providers invest in whatever markets give them best returns for least risk. There are no guarantees that the NZX will provide that even with the SOEs listed. The Kiwisaver providers may buy the shares now & then sell again later. If the NZX isn’t performing then it has some fundamental faults and artificially boosting it with a taxpayer bailout won’t solve the underlying problems will it. We gave the NZX a whole bunch of our assets previously, why would a few more make a difference when the first tranches didn’t?
And etc etc.. none of the arguments for hold up to scrutiny.
So essentially, they are empty promises that aren’t binding or infact relevant to the argument National are making.
AirNZ seems to me like they are a much more well run company now to me though. Consistently regarded as one of the better airlines in the world etc. Surely this a benefit to the 51% stake the government holds?
I don’t agree in throwing the NZX a bone, but wouldn’t these 4 companies listing on the NZX boost our domestic economy with the transactions going through them? Wouldn’t that be a good thing with our two biggest markets grinding to a halt?
The Govts argument about AirNZ is that the private shareholding has contributed towards it’s success since it was bailed out by the taxpayer. That, if it were true, would add weight to the argument that we should give the private sector a shareholding in the SOEs. I’d give them 10 points for gall but it’s pure spin because there simply is no evidence that the private shareholding has advantaged AirNZ in any shape or form. They’re just bullshitting.
AirNZ is well run now because the state put up cash to take it over and brought in better management practices. It doesn’t follow that a minority private shareholding is beneficial.
How would it boost the economy? I’m pretty certain that trading in shares doesn’t contribute to GDP and that’s just gambling anyway, we’ve already got casinos & horse racing & lotto & TAB why do we need more? We already get the dividends from the SOEs so I can’t see how transferring some of the dividends to the NZX will benefit the economy. The SOEs pay tax already so there’s no gains there. Where are the benefits?
You are correct. That’s all I can say.
I was under the belief that shares effected the economy directly by effecting the amount of $ coming through the country. In essence like how the USA manage to hold their economy together by having oil purchases done in $US around the world. But the benefits of holding onto them by far outweigh the gamble that the NZX is, thanks for your rational response.
One of the arguments does warrant a reasonable inspection, that of increasing the amount of people investing in shares. The argument from Key is that getting more people involved in the sharemarket will bring more interest in shares and boost demand for the likes of rights issues and IPOs. That does benefit the economy.
The core role of the sharemarket is to act as a vehicle for private business to raise capital and the NZX has been an abject failure at that. Actual share trading doesn’t really benefit a business much at all, they’re not getting any capital out of it that’s just gambling by share traders. The SOEs get nothing from this float. An increase in its share price enables a business to borrow more but that’s not necessarily good for the economy.
It’s hard to accept that argument however because previous history doesn’t support it. We’ve already been down the road of floating SOEs on the sharemarket and it didn’t lead to the conclusion Key & co say this will lead to. If anything it will just starve the NZX of capital, it’s going to soak up a good few $billion of capital much of which might have been invested in shares anyway.
I agree that some of the arguments against are also wrong but IMO the weight of evidence is very much on the side of those opposing the sales.
The share-market is supposed to be a way for businesses to raise needed cash. Neither the SoEs nor the government are in such a position. The SoEs are doing quite well thank you and the government never needs to borrow – it can just print the cash and/or raise taxes.
What the share-market has become is a gambling arena where people speculate on the prices of the shares and nothing else. Basically, betting for untaxed capital gains.
(a plagiarised comment)
The stock market is [supposed] to facilitate the trading of securities. The societal good of that is that it frees up and allocates money to companies that are producing more value , or doing it more efficiently. This is a way to reward smart companies and incentivize new technologies.
This [high frequency trading] shit has nothing to do with any of that. They’re gaming the system for a purpose to which it was never meant to be put and further, they’re endangering everyone else while they’re at it. Those are just the facts.. Greed has located a positive feedback loop and is exploiting it in a predictably greedy fashion.
The thing is, this is obviously reckless and has nothing to do with free markets. It’s as if we threw away any concept of a social good except the servicing of the impulses of richest greediest people our society can produce.
Greed is an innate flaw in human thinking under most circumstances. It’s not some magic rocket fuel that impels society towards greater wealth and innovation. That’s a bullshit narrative told to you by drug addicts who don’t want to be separated from their drug . And nothing more.
The thing is, the fanaticism on the right is also in a positive feedback loop with the right wing noise machine. Even though their economic deregulatory policies cratered the economy, they are taught how to deny that fact by the right wing noise machine. This clears them to vote more of the same into office.
We’ve effectively turned our economy over to people with a a group of compulsive gamblers and risk junkies. This is a completely different thing than supporting risk taking entrepreneurs.
Societies live, grow and die. They die because they become captive to an entrenched minority who games the social cultural political system and secures for itself some positive feedback loop that reinforces their power and permits them to write the rules of society to their personal, narrow advantage. Thenceforward, at every decision point, their local, short terms needs are serviced first and in our case, almost exclusively.
We may be living in a dying society that will catastrophically implode . Our refusal to address global warming in more of the same dynamic with the oil and coal companies finding a positive feedback loop in their campaign contributions and right wing noise machine.
You have to understand that rational thinking and reasoning about even the basic, obvious facts of the world does NOT come naturally to people. As proof of this I offer a recent story about an ongoing cause for mass murder in Africa- Penis Shrinkage Through Sorcery.
I ‘ll link to the Reuters story because otherwise you might suppose I am accidentally reporting satire.
As Warren Bufett says “should he consider buying into any airline please dial 111”.
Whilst I like to fly AirNZ I would not touch them as an investment, but the Energy companies for a long term investment – bring it on.
If I wasn’t saving to leave the country I would be spending the $1000 to get some shares in Might River. Sounds like a very low risk investment.
Say what you will about a 24yr old graduate having to leave the country to substantially pay off my loan. National haven’t come to the table on that one.
Urban rascal
Good luck with your overseas plans or hopes. Hope when you come back something good will have come from all this thinking and blogging politically.
one can only hope.
ur yes they did you got a huge tax cut /sarc
I think you’re mad. Having five identical power companies on the NZX is a recipe for disaster in the longer term. We’ll end up with some getting into serious financial strife & some expanding and we won’t know which until it starts happening.
Seriously, surely no-one can expect the share price of each company to follow exactly the same path. All it takes is for one megalomaniac CEO who wants to make a name for him/herself and all bets are off.
Personally I’d probably buy NZX shares if I was going to buy any, they’re the ones who look to benefit the most with all the ticket clipping.
footrot with out AirNZ air travel would be dearer tourism would decline and the main reason Dr Cullen bought the airline was high value exports.AirNZ by far has the biggest cargo carrying capacity.
Other progressive govts like Singapore also realise the long term advantages.
Once again the invisible hand of the Market definitely doesn’t Know best
Urban Rascal at 10.40 am.
Hit that enter button and put one or better two paragraphs in this length comment. It’s a brick to swallow as it is.
can’t edit it for some reason…
Anyone read Bob Jones’s column in the Herald. It’s curious timing in light of the youtube hit about the overweight US woman on the school bus being taunted by a bunch of kids…
“Roll up, roll up – see the skinny freak”
I remember the overweight kids at school. I can also remember the bullies who picked on them and I know which of the two I see in that article. Seems money & knighthood don’t a gentleman make.
I read Sir Bob Jones’ narcissistic misogynistic rant about overweight female civil servants in Wellington’s CBD yesterday and it confirmed for me that anything this man comments on is vacuous tripe from an old codger who spends his money on pretty young girls from Bulgaria.
no wonder his daughter went off the rails.
i like big butts and i cannot lie
skinny does not always mean healthy, in many cases it is quite the opposite.
look at the All Blacks and Silver Ferns. big strong Kiwis beating the world.
Absolutely true… I would love to gain about 5kg, I simply can’t, and it’s not for want of trying… 🙁
If you stop smoking you’ll gain some weight Vicky32.
Boy that article by the old crook Bob Jones is a complete disgrace! He comes across as a dirty old man slavering over a young Bulgarian girl and stigmatizing people with weight problems because he’s dissatisfied with his shriveled up old impotent white body. Yuck!
Jones fails to understand that insulting fat people will only make them look for further comfort in food. The main problem is the subsidized processed and fast food industries, whereby people are brainwashed into buying food that is unhealthy for them.
Of course Jones fails to mention this at all because it goes against his capitalist running dog belief system. The sooner he pops his clogs the better.
Easier said than done, but we’ll see! 🙂
The following was sent to Herald by Eden – I will keep you posted on the response.
Dear Editor,
I am writing to complain about Sir Bob Jones’ article ‘Roll up, roll up – see the skinny freak’.
Weight-based discrimination is a significant social problem and a human rights issue in Aotearoa New Zealand bringing distress to the lives of many hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders. We see this first hand with the resulting difficult and disordered relationships with food, eating and body image amongst those who face discrimination.
Sir Bob Jones fails to get the important health promotion message through that we all need to live actively and eat a range of nutrition regardless of shape and size and that we need to be using a far wider range of determinants of health, rather than just weight or for that matter relying solely on Sir Bob Jones’ personal aesthetic preferences!
In a country which already struggles with high levels of size discrimination and appearance bullying, publishing an article like this is irresponsible. This is an issue at a grass root level and at a public policy level. The Youth ’07 Survey found that that appearance bullying is the most prevalent type of bullying in New Zealand schools, alongside sexuality. In addition, our Human Rights Act allows for protection of many forms of discrimination, but for those who discriminated based on size, shape or weight, there is no protection under the law.
The outrageously fat phobic comments in the article are shaming and scientifically incorrect. The implication that all those people who have a BMI which sits in the ‘over weight’ or ‘obese’ categories are unhealthy is unfounded. In fact the members of our All Blacks team, held up as the epitome of health and fitness, all fit into these BMI categories.
Sir Bob Jones’ assertion that “ridicule may inspire them to unmake their degrading” is completely contrary to the research which shows that bullying has a negative impact on body image and on the uptake of physical activity. In fact, the better someone’s body image is, the more likely they are to partake in physical activity, regardless of shape of size. Sir Bob Jones would be better of focusing on boosting body image, rather than promoting hatred and discrimination.
Eden – Specialist in Eating Issues and Body Image since 1990
Just saw this headline on Stuff: ‘Whales need to sleep around’. Well, I’ll beef hooked!
TRP funniest joke today
If this company can’t finally get its act together and fulfil its potential, it would be better to break it up and let the ambitious farmers move ahead at the required speed.
— Yes Fran, sell it all!
muzza so we can be all peasant farmers like the third world.
Peasant farmers are a dying breed in the “third world” as the big corporations are a) buying up all the farming land and b) flooding the market with cheap food driving the remaining farmers into poverty forcing them to sell. Charity doesn’t help on that latter point either.
And the developed world is also heading in that direction as well, as we loose control of our land and assets under the WTO, IMF, and World Bank agendas of the Globalisation of Poverty. (But you know that already Draco. 🙂 )
Question being asked in the House about the legitimacy of the Asset vote. Just caught the end of the debate but it seemed that there were questions about the rightness of Dunne’s vote being given by proxy. Lockwood has closed it down but…. Mmmmm?
Here is the link to the full discussion/video today on this –
Last night Andrew Williams (NZF) tried to get the Assoc Speaker (Eric Roy) to agree to a personal vote on the MOM legislation after the final vote at 61/60. He requested a personal vote under Standing Order 141 which apparently provides for a personal vote when a party vote is very close. Roy turned down his request, but Williams then today asked Lockwood Smith as Speaker to give an opinion etc on the possibility.
There was a interesting discussion on this with National obviously opposing, but the course of the discussion included reference to having to have 25% of Members of a party being physically within the precinct of Parliament at the time of the vote in order to allow all votes by that party to be counted. By implication rather than direct speak, what was being referred to was the exercising and counting of votes by the one man band parties (ACT and UF) when neither Banks or Dunne were in the House at the time of the MOM votes. Who knows where Banks was but we do know that Dunne was not presumably in the precincts of Parliament at the time but at a funeral (mother of Dunne’s son’s girlfriend according to Stuff). Pretty sure Favell was actually in the House at the time of last night’s votes, so MP’s negative votes were OK.
I was interrupted towards the end of today’s discussion but think Winston raised a theoretical situation of some sort and asked Smith to provide a later opinion on that, but happy to be corrected. Don’t have time right now to rewatch.
Anyone want to comment on the latest Roy Morgan poll?
I’m sure someone will spin as great news for the left
In National’s probable populist favour is:
– the car crushing
– coming down harder on beneficiaries
– reversing decision on school teacher numbers
– getting tough with the ACC Board
– continuing dominance of the political discourse
In Labour’s probable favour is:
– base supported with Cunliffe’s 2 speeches within the poll
– Shearer tracking better and sounding a little smoother
A little surprised at NZ First, since they had their conference in that time, and Greens have profiled well on Asset Sale story.
Labour have such a long, long way to go up after their utter shellacking last time. But (sigh) at least they are gonig up. Labour won’t beat them in 2014 unless they have a champoin who goes toe to toe with Key, every major time, and also develop a superior populist gene to National.
Red Alert now has David Cunliffe’s Titirangi speech published.
This speech is the first time I have seen a real intersection between Labour and the Greens. Can anyone recall a more thorough, more grounded speech from a New Zealand elected politician?
It doesn’t actually mention the Green party, but it nails their political economy namely: that there is no return to the way of life that we are in, we must change, and it still won’t be enough.
Surely it is time for Shearer to admit that the Greens are Labour’s most likely coalition partners, and start using this as a philosophical basis for a coalition discussion.
There are plenty of smaller parties to eat, rather than each other.
Hope everyone has posted a scathing remark here..
Are you for or against partial sales of state assets?
Well the private finance initiatives (PFIs) in the UK to build health infrastructure are all turning to custard (that is, if providing cheaper health services, rather than transferring wealth, was the aim).
And this is not the only NHS trust in trouble due to PFIs. Not that our government will pause for thought before using PFIs for schools.
QT today in The House. Winston to Paula Bennett (on behalf of her Associate Minister Turia – a concept Bennet seemed to struggle with at times). He did her over like a dog’s dinner.
And didn’t Paula look peeved. Collins and Bennett are often spiteful during question time and it was OK with me to see Paula looking defensive and a bit out of her depth for a change.
MY head hurts, can some one please explain in simple language why this happened given that Peter Dunne Proxy vote carried the Asset Stripping Bill ????
A formula is used to determine the number of proxy votes a party can have.
Conveniently for NACT UF Sharples couldnt cast a proxy.
California city of Stockton, pop 291,000, set to go bankrupt
Yep. When the debt based financialisation of the real world economy pops, this is what you get.