Open mike 28/06/2013

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, June 28th, 2013 - 125 comments
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125 comments on “Open mike 28/06/2013 ”

  1. Jane 1

    7.20 and all quiet on Open Mike, has everyone slept in? 🙂

    • karol 1.1

      Have cold, couldn’t get to sleep, watched tennis in the early hours, finally got a few hours sleep…. now…. blurgh!

    • Tim 1.2

      ….and 0820, and there’s hardly any traffic on the road in wgtn city

      • Alanz 1.2.1

        I was up at 5:01am but decided the shorter daylight hours justified my going back to bed.

    • fender 1.3

      Jenny copped a one week ban, and PG has been sulking for months.

      • weka 1.3.1

        Morrissey then?

        • fender

          Still undertaking the eenie meenie miney mo to ascertain todays “lairs of our time”.

          • Rogue Trooper

            catch a tiger by the toe

            • fender

              …when it bites ya head off… you’re bound to let go…

              • Rogue Trooper

                all good things must come to an end, and start all over again.(carry on stringing along fender, had Insomnia and only half-way through today’s shift).

          • Tim

            I’m about to give the nicest man on Earth another chance. Counting down – 25 minutes to Mora

            • Morrissey

              I’m about to give the nicest man on Earth another chance. Counting down – 25 minutes to Mora

              He wasn’t too nice this afternoon. He repeated the most flippant putdowns of Edward Snowdon, very like a loyal and dependable Soviet commissar deriding one of those dastardly Jewish doctors in the late 1930s.

              • Tim

                Yep – I had to give up M. I tried – even got past some reasonable music (disappointed tho’ – I was hoping for a bit of Sympathy for the Devil).
                The guy would be the best advertisement for whoever manufactures Valium I’ve ever come across.
                The (70’s drugged up housewife’s) choice, and definitely the nicest man on Earth.
                I think I can safely give the guy a miss for another few months.

          • Morrissey

            LAIRS OF OUR TIME
            No. 1: Dr. Evil’s Secret Underground Lair


      • Jane 1.3.2

        Jenny copped a one week ban, and PG has been sulking for months.

        That explains it! Usually my first challenge of the day is to see if I can make it through one of her posts!

  2. logie97 2

    Really? Peter Dunne is in private discussions with just a political party over questions of security?
    Surely every word that man is saying about security “negotiations” should be on the public record.
    This issue is not about doing deals.

    As for Key’s pushing another TINA*, he just happens to be a party leader who is in the position of Prime Minister at a given moment in time. What makes him think he is the authority?
    And trust him? He couldn’t even remember how many Tranzrail shares he had.

    This is not a party political issue that is being discussed. The security services belong to all Enzeders.

    * (TINA was Thatcher’s name – There Is No Alternative.)

    • Veutoviper 2.1

      I agree, Logie97, that the security services – and their rights or not to spy on NZers – are, or should be, of interest to all NZers.

      I find Dunne now being in private discussions with Key etc over his position on the GCSB Bill incongruous with his stated position just a few days ago. Do they have more that they are holding over Dunne – or is he just out to preserve his job regardless of principles etc? Both are also possible.

      Thanks to NRT*, I have also just read this Stuff article re Henry having access to Vance’s movements in and out of Parliament from her security card records the day before her article.

      “The journalist who was leaked a sensitive report on the nation’s foreign spy network had her movements tracked by a government inquiry.

      The MP forced to resign over the leak, Peter Dunne, said inquiry head David Henry detailed to him the movements of Fairfax journalist Andrea Vance in and out of the parliamentary precinct. …”

      All very confusing – this issue is not over yet. The dots are just not connecting …


    • Rogue Trooper 2.2

      the turning worm.
      Watched Dunne trying to get his points across in the debate on the Psychoactive Substances Bill, while being baited by Banks. When did Banks become a friend to man’s best friend? A Beagle Boy indeed. Did you know SAFE were denied the opportunity to make submissions, and the committee is unlikely to adopt Mathers’ SOP, which Banks supports; LDSO tests are obviously not excluded under the legal regimes in South East Asian countries where these substances are likely to be tested.

    • Draco T Bastard 2.3

      The security services belong to all Enzeders.

      All the political parties seem to forget that the entire political system belongs to all NZers and not to the political parties.

  3. Winston Smith 4

    Shouldn’t really find amusement in Labours woes…but its just so funny

  4. Tim 5

    Just a prediction:
    That bastion of the 4th Estate (‘Stuff’ – an appropriate name if ever there was) reports the media is being drawn into David Bain blame game
    I’m now even more uncertain as to his guilt, and I’m not even sure that is the point. I’m waiting for this to become even more politicised to the extent that various counsel and supporters will soon find they are denigrated publicly – probably even including by the junta.

    • Rogue Trooper 5.1

      Yes, “the media are being played”.
      According to Asst. Police Commissioner Malcolm Burgess, this new theory is only one in “isolation from a vast body of evidence”,” which one piece of circumstantial evidence does not outweigh”.
      Unfortunate the entire matter sadly.

  5. Lanthanide 6

    Looks like Shearer’s heading for the knackers:

    • Alanz 6.1

      Yes, the Shearer installation has been playing well for John Key and Nats.

      Moving into the next phase now where Shearer The Awful can occupy the news for another two months.

      What a bloody waste of all these months (plus another two months) with the majority of Labour caucus farking around with a hopeless seat warmer.

      Arise, Mr Robertson. Pause no longer. Seek thy prize that now lies within thy grasp.

      • Mr Burns 6.1.1

        Robertson is half the problem. He backed and supported Shearer so that Cunliffe would not become leader. It was clear from the start that Shearer was a lame duck and not up to the job. As soon as Farrar and Hooton and Slater started supporting Shearer the alarm bells should have gone off.

        Robertson played the factional game at the time even though he knew that Shearer would fail. Besides do you think that he has what it takes to win an election? He lost the party vote to the Greens in his electorate ffs.

        For his careerism and because of his inability to do the job he should never be leader.

        Time to start afresh. Cunliffe is the only one who can do the job. If MPs are going to stand in the way they should have their career path drastically altered. Anyone, repeat anyone, who makes a decision based on personal interest should go.

        • David H


        • Craig Glen viper

          Totally agree Mr Burns Robertson and those who actively supported Shearer in my view.
          Firstly if they backed Shearer because they thought Shearer was going to be an amazing leader they clearly have no idea what qualities a leader should have and two after being given a chance Shearer has failed to connect with voters and thats his job.

          Thirdly by voting for Shearer over Cunliffe, Shearers voters totally disregarded grass roots members opinions during the membership contest.That being the case those Mp’s who voted against their LECs wishes and those who bullied members need to go. Those MPs have no credibility to work in the best interest of the Party or to represent its members.

          Its time for a big clean out in Labour and sorry wont cut it.

          • Anne

            The over-riding factor should be:

            Who is the most gifted member of caucus and who is the best match for Key. There is only one answer. There only ever was one answer. That is why Farrar, Slater, Hooton and Boag were running up flags for Shearer in such an overt way. They had their own ABC club.

            They threw Shearer in at the deep end on his back story and it was never going to be enough. To expect someone to walk in to that job with virtually no apprenticeship was crazy. It would be like arranging for a builder to build your house without any proper training and experience. To my way of thinking they did Shearer as much a dis-service as they did Cunliffe. Shows they weren’t really thinking of either the party or the country.

            • insider

              What it really shows, if your theory is right, is that the decision makers in labour are completely dim, and can be outwitted by Nat spin doctors. Why would anyone want to put such numpties in charge of a country?

              • felix

                Yes insider, that’s exactly the point. It’s exactly what many of us have been saying all along.

            • McFlock


              If cunliffe had won, they’d still be concern-tr0lling about challenges from shearer or robertson or mallard. And Key would still be saying cunliffe is in trouble and might be facing a challenge before the end of the year.

              • Just do It

                McFlock, the difference would be that Cunliffe would accept that the blogosphere is a legitimate part of the Labour consensus. He is an inclusive person. Perhaps that comes from his upbringing in vicarages around the country.

                Imagine! A Labour leader in the 21st Century who actually recognises that the blogs are part of the wider democratic process and who does not fear their power!

                I look forward to a Labour leader and a Labour Prime Minister who can look both the membership and the public in the eye comfortably, whether in TV debate or on The Standard. Cunliffe has the balls and the ability to argue, (and/or charm), with whomsoever. Cunliffe will move us to a plane higher and firmer than the current swamp.

                Unfortunately the member for Wellington Central, (3rd to the Greens), has driven in the wedges that divide the Labour Party. He’s pulling Shearer’s strings like something from Machievelli’s ‘The Prince”, but unfortunately for the Party he has only read the Reader’s Digest version. He lacks the skill and subtlety of a real player and cannot help but reveal his control freak behaviour in the clumsy way he operates. We only have to look at the failure of Red Alert to see that in action.

                • McFlock

                  Cunliffe is not the man you think he is:

                  Cunliffe will move us to a plane higher and firmer than the current swamp

                  What rot. This is the sort of messianic drivel that just sets “the faithful” up for more heartbreak.

                  • Anne

                    This is the sort of messianic drivel that just sets “the faithful” up for more heartbreak.

                    Rubbish. You have taken a quote out of context to the rest of the comment and tried to set it up as some sort of religious revival claptrap. Because Just do it’s views don’t fit in with yours… you discredit and belittle them. It’s a trait of yours and it’s not smart. Grow up!

                    • McFlock

                      My wariness at such imagery is from hearing people say similar things about Jim Anderton (among others). The person never matches the unreal expectations. If people don’t like me calling them on it, they can get stuffed.

          • Retired Engineer

            You are right, CGV.
            Cunliffe will unite the party again. Cunliffe has a majority in the Caucus, when you remove the four imbiciles who took graft from Skycity. Those four are politically dead. And Cunliffe always had the most members and Unions.
            We can have a leader who never sold out and who talks properly to your mother or to your companys managing director. That should be the basic standard for a Leader. We should not be entertaining a fellow that asks us to pay for hs elecution seasons.

        • Karen

          I totally agree with your summation Mr Burns.

          When Shearer got the job as leader he promised to stand aside if he didn’t make a go of it… now’s the time for him to honour that promise.

        • karol

          Mr Burns – you seem to have had a personality change. No sarcasm, no support for the right. For once I agree with you.

          • Mr Burns

            Why thank you. Beneath the surface of every cantankerous cynical Nuclear Power Station owner lies the heart of a leftie environmentalist just dying for Labour to get its stuff together.

          • Lanthanide

            I think it’s just another side to his very complex personality, which has been hinting through in his past posts as well.

        • David H

          But it could be one hell of a sabotage job. Started by the ABC faction and Paddy Gower, and kept up by Hooten Farrar and Slater. Labour ended up with a lame duck and has LOST a year due to this distraction. One can only imagine what could have happened if the ABC faction were shown he door after the last debacle of an election. But they weren’t they just stayed on sucking the life out of the Labour Party. The treatment of Cunliffe was despicable and it drove me from being a life time Labour supporter, to voting Green, and unless something radical is done to A: Get some good policy out that they will support. I was dismayed when Robertson said they were only going to do the power company and everyone else was safe to continue the pillaging. Chris Trotter said it better.

          “Grant Robertson’s statement of 24 April made everything much clearer. According to Grant the energy policy was a one-off, and the business community could rest easy that far from being the harbinger of Labour’s wholesale repudiation of neoliberal ideology, the energy policy was an aberration. No other deviations from the norm were planned, purred Robertson:”

          B: Listen to the membership they paid their fees, they walk, hammer, post,phone, etc etc every election. Yet they are still being treated like shit, and they are leaving too.

          C: Get some new blood Labour is supposed to be a left party, but it is being ruin by dinosaurs with out dated thinking and even more out dated fuckups, I mean if you wanted to go to the Rugby. Well you are paid enough, (so as you don’t need to visit the ‘Enemies’ box.) Buy your own Tickets.

          D: Just show some common sense. Shearer is not working, and Labour is on track for a bigger beating than last time. And NZ cannot afford 3 more years of Keys megalomania, and sell it all attitude. And I notice they are after the councils to start selling their assets like the port and Airport shares to pay for covered stadiums and the rail loop. That tells me they must have people just slavering at the thought of all these shares being gifted to them by a compliant government.

          • Ad

            TV3’s Paddy Gower was explicitly clear that the detailed notes he took from a Labour caucus member were well outside the “Cunliffe camp” as he put it.

            Despite the constitutional rule changes, the membership do not count. Either the media or the caucus need to call clearly for change of leaderhship. Hasn’t happened yet.

            In fact caucus show all the signs of just doing another Goff and simply strapping themselves to ride the bomb straight into the ground. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-Haaaa!

          • phillip ure

            robertson..?..really..? reckon he is the best hope that labour has got..?

            ..(as noted above..)..did you miss his craven promise to the elites/current-power-paradigm that ‘electricity’ would be the only reform that a labour govt would do..?

            ..f.f.s..!..isn’t just that a neon-sign/loudhailer telling you that robertson is part of the problem..?

            ..and i hafta say..having done commentaries on q-time @ parliament for some years now..

            ..i have probably seen more of robertson in action than most..

            ..and in that forum..he has generally not impressed..

            ..(up against ryall in health he was particularly hapless/ineffectual..)

            ..and using impressions taken from that same window into parliament..

            ..the only one from labour that makes national/the right sit up straight and pay attention..


            ..they are particularly nervous about his follow-up questions..and his ability to instantly pounce on any contradictions in their answers to his interrogations..

            ..because ‘interrogations’ are what they are..

            ..and this is a skill that cunnliffe has..

            ..and that neither shearer nor robertson have..

            (n.b..i have never met cunnliffe..and have been snarky about him in the past @ whoar..and i have not voted for labour since the rightwing revolution..

   i have no party-faction-agenda/barrow..tho’ i do yearn for a labour that returns to its’ roots..

            ..and does what it was set up originally to

            ..robertson is just a leader of those in labour who have still lost their way…

            ..and making him shearers’ successor will likely guarantee a defeat for the left in just over one year from now..

            ..much as continuing to cling to the wreck that is shearer will do…

            ..a labour party/govt led by the nose by the rightwing faction in labour..(who ‘nudge-nudge’/wink!-wink!’ robertson leads)..

            ..will be as big a disaster for those suffering the most..

   was the last clark/labour-led govt..

            ..that bow/promise to the elites to do nothing to rock their boats from robertson –

            – was the magazine loading marks on his thumb..

            ..(is it too soon..?..)

            phillip ure..

            • Tim

              +2 three meke.
              I’ve never really understood why Helen decided to have a cuppa and a lay down in the third term and do absolutely sfa – when there was a golden opportunity to further roll back a bit more of the damage that the Nats had done during the 90s.

              • Lanthanide

                ’cause she wanted a 4th, obviously.

                • Draco T Bastard

                  Would have been better if she’d gone all out but I don’t think she would have done so – still too tied to the neo-liberal dogma.

                  • Tim

                    Yep – you’re probably correct DtB. I must have been blinded by devotion and admiration of her intellect not to have realised earlier.
                    That last (3rd) term was a shocker – in terms of laziness, stagnation, complacency and unwillingness to seize the opportunity to reverse the effects of that Ruthenasia era. Seems to me the current Labour scene queens are still in that mode.

              • It is what happens when you rely on Winston Peters for confidence. You can’t do left wing stuff any more.

                • Colonial Viper

                  Do you reckon MS?

                  I think Peters would have supported a large nation building infrastructure and public transport building programme. He would have supported enhanced healthcare for the elderly and for children. He certainly would have supported massive additions to trade training and skills for young people. And improvements to state provided low cost pensioner housing – a no brainer for Winston to claim credit for.

          • JK

            Just what I was thinking, David H. As a longtime Labour activist I’ve just about given up !
            Hate what Key is doing to our country, but cannot bear the thought of voting Labour to get those old hack neo-libs back into power. What’s the alternative ? Greens perhaps !

          • Draco T Bastard

            That tells me they must have people just slavering at the thought of all these shares being gifted to them by a compliant government.

            Yep, National are determined to turn us back into a rentier society where most of the people are dependent upon the rich for their well being, i.e, if you don’t please a rich person then your life will be a life of poverty. We saw this in the 19th century but the time most applicable is the time of feudalism.

            National are busy taking us backwards several centuries.

        • yeshe

          +1 too.

        • Saarbo


    • Draco T Bastard 6.2

      So, the journos wrote and published an entire story about one party leader on what an opposing party leader thinks is going to happen to the other?

    • McFlock 6.3

      Because key says so? Just before a by-election?

      I mean, come on.

  6. Jimmie 7

    I have to ask Labourites a question.

    Are you all still happy with the new leader election rules of Labour?

    Not so much for the process of electing a new leader, rather the unintended consequence of the reluctance to dump an incompetent leader (aka Shearer) due to the uncertainty of who will replace him?

    Does this turn the Labour caucus into a bunch of cowards?

    Do the rules need to be modified so that the party membership and affiliates can initiate a leadership challenge?

    Because from how I see it from the outside, Shearer is an incompetent leader who has very little support apart from the ABC crowd in caucus who are just enough in number to block a leadership challenge.

    So you have the membership & unions and reasonable chunk of caucus who want a change but it can’t happen because of a sizable minority of has beens holding up the renewal process and no automatic leadership vote until after 2014?

    • Mr Burns 7.1

      But I thought that all righties all agreed that Shearer would be a wonderful leader. After all he did give a mango skin to some poor kids once and he did think that it was unfair that a guy painting his roof was receiving ACC. I mean even if the guy did not actually exist being willing to bash an imaginary benefit bludger would be the sort of thing the right would really approve of.

      • Winston Smith 7.1.1

        Shearer is a wonderful leader of labour :), don’t even think of replacing him

    • Draco T Bastard 7.2

      Why is it that righties are suddenly so interested in Labour’s leadership? From the PM down it seems.

  7. Allyson 8

    Just give your party back to the workers. All will come right after that.

  8. Rose 9

    443,000 more people voted for National than Labour at the last election. Who are these people? The rich, some middle classes and aspiring blue collar workers. I wonder how many enrolled non-voters there were at the 2011 election.

    • Draco T Bastard 9.1

      I wonder how many enrolled non-voters there were at the 2011 election.


      • Rose 9.1.1

        That’s a lot of people. I wish they would start to feel angry rather than disinterested in what is happening. If they think not voting is a protest then I wish we could send them the message that voting is a more powerful protest.

        • felix

          “I wish they would start to feel angry rather than disinterested in what is happening.”

          You make it sound like they woke up one morning a couple of years ago and decided not to care about politics any more. They didn’t.

          They were taught, meticulously and repetitively, by several generations of politicians, that no-one in a position of power, whether left or right wing, gives a stuff about them.

          And btw they’re not going to wake up tomorrow morning and unlearn it just because Labour’s middle-of-the-road fan club have decided they like John Key better.

          • Colonial Viper


          • Draco T Bastard


            We need a party that gives them a reason to vote and we just don’t have one of those.

          • Morrissey

            You make it sound like they woke up one morning a couple of years ago and decided not to care about politics any more. They didn’t.

            They were taught, meticulously and repetitively, by several generations of politicians, that no-one in a position of power, whether left or right wing, gives a stuff about them.

            Hear, hear!

            • phillip ure

              and a clearer demonstration of that indifference/neglect from labour had to be their promise at the last election to bring sole-parents into the families tax-break/subsidy working parents get..

              ..(and here is the kicker/nose-grind..) 2018..

              ..(i kid you not..this was their election promise to those they have ignored for so long..and who now ignore them..this was the lure to get them back..what were they thinking..?

              ..and here is the bit to make you sob/despair..shearer/robertson dominated labour have since ditched this policy – as being ‘too radical’..

              ..’we are still a long way from home will..a long way from home..’.)

     really..rolling shearer has to be a package-deal..

              ..make it a twofer…

              ..bundle up robertson at the same time..

              ..he also has had long enough to prove he isn’t growing into the job..

              ..phillip ure..

    • Rogue Trooper 10.1

      “truth, like decency, is no longer part of our political currency it seems”.-Anne Summers.
      (Greens support for the ALP expires in September anyway).

      • Tim 10.1.1

        “truth, like decency, is no longer part of our political currency it seems”.-Anne Summers.

        … nor, it seems is it a part of the Police agenda, or the judicial process (in relation to our Bain thoughts above)

  9. Maureen 11

    From the very moment he was appointed I knew that David Shearer lacked the qualities needed by a political leader. David Cunliffe has some of those qualities but if his colleagues don’t like or trust him, how can he be leader? At the moment anyway.

    What about David Parker or Andrew Little?

    And Shearer seems to be confident about only one thing: that he will lead the party into the 2014 election. Does he know something Patrick Gower doesn’t or is that pure spindoctoring?

    BTW, for a fabulous insight into the nature of leadership and the skulduggery of politics I recommend the Danish TV series Borgen, available on DVD. It’s very relevant to Australian and New Zealand politics.

    • Lanthanide 11.1

      Little maybe, but probably too soon. Parker no. Robertson no.

      • Colonial Viper 11.1.1

        If you put Little up now, before he is properly blooded, you’ll be wasting what could be an awesome future talent.

        • Olwyn

          On TV 3 tonight, Gower cited Cunliffe, Robertson and Little as the ones to watch. Nothing he said indicated whether he was speculating or repeating what he was told, but it left me thinking that if a leadership challenge really is in the pipeline, Robertson might well try to persuade more than one left wing favourite to put their name forward, with a view to splitting the vote.

          • karol

            The 3 Gower mentioned, had me musing on who the “anonymous” source of the “flat” caucus might be.

            I’d have thought Jacinda Ardern would be in the frame as much as Little?

            • Olwyn

              She may be considered a bit young to bear that level of authority. As CV said of Little, you can wreck people’s future careers by overburdening them too soon – some people think that is the case with Shearer, with regard to parliamentary experience.

    • Retired Engineer 11.2

      Hi Maureen, it has nothing to do with liking and trust. It has everything to do with job security. If you look at who supported Shearer they are all people who had never won a seat properly. They had been given list positions or been given easy seats like mount Albert. Cunliffe has the mana of taking a seat from the Natz.
      Cunliffe is respected and a real Trust comes put of that. Parker is not a winner ever. Little has not won a seat. They have not earned a possie on the stage.

  10. Rogue Trooper 12


  11. yeshe 13

    Fracking ? See for extended interview with documentary maker Josh Fox on his “Gasland Part Two” for HBO. See people being able to ignite the water coming from their wells in USA heartland …

  12. Rogue Trooper 14

    So, today’s the day (tonight’s the night) when Christchurch City Council learn whether IANZ remove their permitting accreditation.

    And the RB fear that the raising of interest rates will damage the ‘economic recovery’; what fragile coffers they must see.

  13. yeshe 15

    Please watch this and be energised.

    Thousands gathered to support Wendy Davis in Austin on Thursday night’s filibuster — this marvelous coverage warmed my heart, reminding me of how we used to be willing to do battle here .. the Repubs are such bullies; their skulduggery has to be seen to be believed, even to changing the electronic clock … wonderful reporting by the great Rachel Maddow … prepare to be ready to cheer for these brave and determined ones…. democracy alive in Texas …

    But Rick Perry will be back again in a few weeks to try again … watch the interview that follows on the above report and believe the possibility of sea-change in Texas.

    • joe90 15.1

      Democracy, sea-change, nah, wishful thinking.

      Because of yesterday’s day of jubilee, the other, less evolved primates in the Texas legislature are now free to redistrict an end to Davis’s meddlesome political career.

      • yeshe 15.1.1

        Thx for link Joe90 — they will get this strong woman to run for governor on the back of all this .. did you read the comments section ? Let’s see .. the people are awake and sea change can follow … ripples are the promises the waves make to the flood, and all that ! Wishful thinking ? nah.

  14. infused 16

    Would there actually be any point changing leadership now?

    We’re still a far way out, but I think you’d end up like Labour in aussie at the moment. Might as well ride it out with Shearer, wreak him, change leaders?

    • yeshe 16.1

      Yes, there has to be a point to it. Labour will lose under Shearer, almost no doubt about it. He can’t cut it. Cunliffe would be fresh, extremely capable and a brilliant and articulate communicator, likely the best in the House. The diff ‘twixt here and Oz ? We would not be re-selecting a previously-used leader. I dread the future for us all if Gnats get a third term; I seriously doubt we could ever recover from their massive harms.

      • Tim 16.1.1

        I have to agree with you yeshe – if Labour do not win the next election, I fear it’ll be one seriously munted and irrelevant political party.

        • Chris

          Bugger the Labour Party… there will be significantly more munted and irrelevant people in NZ if we have another 3 years of Pinokeyo, the fat controller et al.

      • Anne 16.1.2

        Don’t worry yeshe, infused is getting a bit worried Cunliffe might become leader and biff it to his/her beloved NActs.

        • Colonial Viper

          Would Cunliffe improve Labour’s prospects next year? Possibly. But the heart of the problem is that the Labour Party as a caucus and as an organisation, remains too far away from understanding what NZ needs. Which IMO I will put this way: 12 strong years which will rework the entire economy and set NZ right on track for thriving through peak oil and climate change.

    • Just do It 16.2

      Ride it out….like we did under Goff
      Ride it out and let Nats in for another Term.
      Ride it out and see our supporters go to e Greens and Mana and even NZ First.
      Ride it out is not an option
      Ride it out is not an option
      Ride it out is not an option
      Yeah, let us repeat the same mistakes.
      Go Infusion. You are INSPIRED

  15. Rosetinted 17

    Something good to report today.
    Old films in NZ to be archived and cared for.

    • jaymam 17.1

      Am I to understand from that link that they took thousands of reels of acetate and nitrate old films on a plane?
      One reel in a car (or your house) would be highly dangerous.

  16. Rogue Trooper 18

    Coleman shines a lamp on the poor record of safety in the NZDF and launches a “wide-ranging enquiry”.

  17. Rogue Trooper 19

    Risk to the financial system, general price stability, due to the housing market may be greater than in the lead-up to the GFC
    “significant financial and economic damage could result”.

    Auckland housing sprawls across prime, productive agricultural land sigh.

  18. Rogue Trooper 21

    The Nats Auckland Transport announcement;
    -AMETI (east-west link)
    -another harbour crossing- twin tunnels; 2025-2030
    Despite pressure coming on from the council, and the Greens, total rail trips have to increase from 11M currently, to 20M per annum to have CRL brought forward from 2020 considered.

    • Molly 21.1

      Not surprised the CRL announcement from National turns out to be a trojan horse.

      Did anyone really expect much more?

      • Janice 21.1.1

        Along with the proposed double harbour tunnel. Key said that the Christchurch spend was all signed and sealed – unbreakable, but note nothing has been written in concrete about the CRL or the tunnel.

      • Rosetinted 21.1.2

        Don’t know about a horse. I hoped santa would bring us a bridge – isn’t a tunnel in the shaky isles a bit of a pipedream?

  19. Off topic I guess, but well done to steven adams for getting pick by the thunder at no12 in the draft.

  20. FYI

    “An amateur litigant who has a court case against MP John Banks under way and plans one against MP Peter Dunne is now advancing the process against Prime Minister John Key.”

    (Only found about this today).

    It’s potentially quite a big deal.

    I mean – whoever expected the DEFENDANT John Banks to end up in the dock, at the Auckland District Court?

    A sitting MP, being held accountable in a Court of LAW, to the RULE OF LAW?

    Far out!

    Whoever may be next………………?

    GREAT work Private Prosecutor Graham McCready!

    ” Litigant launches more cases

    Last updated 17:08 26/06/2013

    An amateur litigant who has a court case against MP John Banks under way and plans one against MP Peter Dunne is now advancing the process against Prime Minister John Key.

    Graham McCready, a retired accountant, of Wellington, has filed informations with the Wellington District Court against Key alleging that he broke the Crimes Act by using or authorising illegal surveillance on internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom.

    He has submitted the same informations against Government Communications Security Bureau head Ian Fletcher.

    Deputy registrar Kevin Conroy has acknowledged the informations.

    “I now have to consider the matter of the issue of summonses under the provisions of the Summary Procedures Act 1957,” he said.

    He said he must be satisfied that the informations and summons disclosed an offence and there was sufficient information to fairly inform the defendants.

    McCready is asked to provide a full written summary of the facts.

    His case involves a section of the Crimes Act that prohibits the use of interception devices and says “everyone is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years who intentionally intercepts any private communication by means of an interception device”.

    Key’s office had no comment.

    McCready has previously taken private prosecutions against MPs Trevor Mallard and Banks. The prosecution against Mallard alleged assault, but the Labour MP later pleaded guilty to fighting in a public place in 2007.

    In May, Banks pleaded not guilty to a charge alleging he filed a false electoral return in the Auckland mayoralty race three years ago. ”

    More information (copies of the actual ‘informations’) will be available soon – so you can read them for yourselves.

    Kind regards,

    Penny Bright
    ‘Anti-corruption / anti-privatisation’ campaigner

    2013 Auckland Mayoral candidate

  21. Winston Smith 25

    Graham McCready: Convicted tax fraudster and blackmailer

    • Yes. Invaluable qualifications for spotting others who also have corrupted characters.

    • RedBaronCV 25.2

      And as Judge Mills pointed out in the Wellington District Court at law, allegations stand or fall on their own merit, not on the character of the person making the allegations. An upstanding person may totally believe a wrong allegation Burglars don’t not necessarily commit treason.

      Why is the system leaving it to a private individual to get John Banks into the dock?

      This must leave you with a problem WRT John Key. Does he have an upstanding character with dreadful actions or vice versa.

  22. Morrissey 26

    “Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! He’s living in Limbo!”
    Another depraved few minutes on the Panel preshow.

    Radio NZ National, Friday 28 June 2013
    Jim Mora, Duncan Webb, Sally Wenley

    If Red China during the very worst excesses of its crackdowns against “rightists”, “revisionists” and “capitalist running dogs” had had talk radio, this is what it would have sounded like….

    JIM MORA: It’s a quarter to four, and it’s time for Susan Baldacci and what the wooooooooorld’s talking about!
    SUSAN BALDACCI: Well today the world is talking about Las Vegas, Nevada, which is getting ready for the hottest temperature ever recorded in the world.
    MORA: What, on Planet Earth?
    SUSAN BALDACCI: They are expecting a temperature of—
    MORA: The hottest temperature on Planet Earth?
    SUSAN BALDACCI: Yep. It’s 142 Fahrenheit, or 56.7 celsius.
    MORA: We were talking about the Indian floods but this is a real crisis too isn’t it.
    SUSAN BALDACCI: It certainly is. The big worry would be if the power went out!
    MORA:Where was the previous highest temperature?
    SUSAN BALDACCI: In Australia, I think.
    MORA: Was it in Australia?
    SUSAN BALDACCI: Y-y-y-y-yes.
    MORA: I’ve been in 42 degrees once. But fifty-SIX degrees. That’s amazing!
    SALLY WENLEY: Oh yes. Amazing!

    ….[Long, vacuous pause]….

    MORA: What’s Mr Snowden been up to?
    SUSAN BALDACCI: Arrrrrggghhhh. He’s not going anywhere!
    MORA Ha ha ha!
    SUSAN BALDACCI: He’s still in that transit lounge in Russia!
    MORA: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! He’s living in Limbo!
    SALLY WENLEY: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
    SUSAN BALDACCI: It looks like he could be going to Ecuador.
    MORA: Hmmmmm. Ecuador is being extremely aggressive, isn’t it!
    SUSAN BALDACCI: Yes, they are threatening to CANCEL the trade agreement they have with the United States!
    MORA: Why?
    SUSAN BALDACCI: Well, they are going to preemptively reject millions in trade benefits that it could lose by taking in this guy from his limbo in the Moscow airport. They say they are not going to be “blackmailed” by the United States. They want to show their “independence”.
    MORA: Huh!
    SUSAN BALDACCI: But President Obama has said they are not going to beg anyone to help them get this guy.
    MORA: Yeah, exactly.
    SALLY WENLEY: Exactly.
    MORA: And they said something about how they are offering to give the United States $23 million a year for “human rights training”.
    SUSAN BALDACCI: Yep, a government spokesman said :”Ecuador will not accept pressures or threats from anyone, and it does not traffic in its values or allow them to be subjugated to mercantile interests.”
    MORA: Ha ha ha ha ha! Good Lord! Ha ha ha!
    SALLY WENLEY: Ha ha ha ha ha!

    …et cetera, et cetera, ad absurdum, ad nauseam…

  23. Morrissey 27

    No. 24: John Key

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    “…at the end of the day I, like most New Zealanders, value the role of the fourth estate…”

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    —New Zealand prime minister John Key, pretending to be “disappointed” that parliamentary staff passed on information about a journalist’s movements as part of an inquiry into the leak of sensitive information.

    See also….
    No. 23 Jay Carney: “…expel Mr Snowden back to the U.S. to face justice…”
    No. 22 Mike Bush: “Bruce Hutton had integrity beyond reproach.”
    No. 21 Tim Groser: “I think the relationship is genuinely in outstanding form.”
    No. 20 John Key: “But if the question is do we use the United States or one of our other partners to circumvent New Zealand law then the answer is categorically no.”
    No. 19 Matthew Hooton: “It is ridiculous to say that unions deliver higher wages! They DON’T!”
    No. 18 Ant Strachan: “The All Blacks won the RWC 2011 because of outstanding defence!”
    No. 17 Stephen Franks: “Peter has been such a level-headed, safe pair of hands.”
    No. 16 Phil Kafcaloudes: “Tony Abbott…hasn’t made any mistakes over the past eighteen months.”
    No. 15 Donald Rumsfeld: “I did not lie… Colin Powell did not lie.”
    No. 14 Colin Powell: “a post-9/11 nexus between Iraq and terrorist organizations…connections are now emerging…”
    No.13 Barack Obama: “Simply put, these strikes have saved lives.”
    No. 12 U.K. Ministry of Defence: “Protecting the Afghan civilian population is one of ISAF and the UK’s top priorities.”
    No. 11 Brendan O’Connor: “Australia’s approach to refugees is compassionate and generous.”
    No. 10 Boris Johnson: “Londoners have… the best police in the world to look after us and keep us safe.”
    No. 9 NewstalkZB PR dept: “News you NEED! Fast, fair, accurate!”
    No. 8 Simon Bridges: “I don’t mean to duck the question….”
    No. 7 Nigel Morrison: “Quite frankly, they’ve been VERY tough.”
No. 6 NZ Herald PR dept: “Congratulations—you’re reading New Zealand’s best newspaper.”

No. 5 Rawdon Christie: “…a FORMIDABLE replacement, it seems, is Claudette Hauiti.”

    No. 4 Willie and J.T.: “The X-Factor. Nah, nah, there’s some GREAT talent there!”

    No. 3 John Key: “Yeah we hold MPs to a higher standard.”
No. 2 Colin Craig: “Oh, I have a GREAT sense of humour.”
No. 1 Barack Obama: “Margaret Thatcher was one of the great champions of freedom and liberty.”

  24. Morrissey 28

    Humbug Corner

    No. 5: JOHN KEY

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    “Yeah well the Greens’ answer to everything is rail, isn’t it.”

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    —John Key, Radio NZ National Checkpoint, 5:20p.m., Friday 28 June 2013. Host Mary Wilson let him get away with that unchallenged as usual.

    Humbug Corner is dedicated to gathering, and highlighting, the most striking examples of faux solicitude, insincere apologies, and particularly stupid recycling of official canards. It is produced by the Insincerity ProjectÂŽ, a division of Daisycutter Sports Inc.

    More appalling humbug….
    No. 4 Mike Bush: “Bruce Hutton’s… integrity beyond reproach…such great character…”
No. 3 Dean Lonergan: “Y’ know what? The only people who will mock them are people who are dwarfists.”

    No. 2 Peter Dunne: “What a load of drivel and sanctimonious humbug…”

No.1 Dominic Bowden: “It’s okay to be speechless.”

  25. Rogue Trooper 29

    The Black Hole, of Kolkata :India to surpass China importing coal to meet energy shortages.

    IMF (Lagarde) on “Green Economies that respond to Climate Change will create jobs”

    France officially in recession and heading towards 11% jobless rate

  26. Huginn 30

    The sound of the other shoe dropping . . .

    How much are the NSA and the CIA front running markets?!/entry/how-much-are-the-nsa-and-cia-front-running-markets,51cd441687443d6c8e580489/1

  27. r0b 31

    Given the embargo on promoting any candidate on election day, please do NOT make any comments relating to the by election anywhere on The Standard from midnight until after 7pm on Saturday. Thanks…