Pagani: love that workforce casualisation

Josie Pagani  has this to say about casualisation and the POAL dispute:

On Sean Plunket’s ZB show today. Talking about the ports. ‘Casualisation’ scares us because it sounds like short hand for bad hours, low pay and no annual leave. It sounds like life in the early industrial revolution pre-unions. In some jobs it is. The only reason we have a 40 hr week and weekends is because unions fought for us. But I’ve spent my political life as a working mum, calling for more flexibility. And flexibility has to work both ways. Sad that by the time MUNZ accepted this (why did it take them so long?), the Ports wouldn’t budge. They should have. Lesson from this – if casual labour is the future, we have to work out how to protect the advances made for working people, while accepting that future. Nurses union did it. So did the pilots in the USA.

Too many logical fallacies there to begin to address, but Pagani seems to be doing a cover of Roger Douglas’s Hits of the 80s Songbook classic “If you don’t do it to yourself, they’ll do it to You anyway”.

That’s a bit like saying that if you are at war, the best thing to do is to shoot 1 in every 5 of your troops, that way you’ll be safer and your enemies will then stop trying to kill you.

Good one Pagani. No surprises why Labour’s strategy is incoherent – at least if you assume Labour is supposed to be a voice for workers’ interests. Going by the responses her comments are receiving from Labour activists and at least one MP it seems that thankfully some people in Labour still understand the meaning of the Party’s name.

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