Written By:
- Date published:
1:34 pm, February 2nd, 2011 - 12 comments
Categories: admin, The Standard -
Darn, we sneaked past the 7000th post without my noticing at the end of last month. We passed 6000 posts on August 25th last year. So we did that thousand in 160 days. It is pretty good considering we had summer in the middle and slightly more than the 153 days for the previous thousand. That is an average of about 6.25 posts per day.
Comments on the 31st stood at about 240 thousand, which means that 48 thousand comments were added so our average comment level per post is steadily rising as well (previous was about 37 comments per post average).
More importantly, the capacity issues that caused the site to fall over rather badly several times early last year have disappeared despite the numbers of page views increasing dramatically over the last part of 2010.
In other news about the site. The iPad and other large format tablets version (like the existing iPhone/smartphone version but bigger and better) for those who have them is running. It is available both on the web page on the tablet by default or it will popup an invitation to run as an ‘app’. It looks like this for me – ideal for moderating in front of the idiot box… (click to expand the images)
A big thank you to everyone involved with The Standard.
kia kaha!
iPad this and iPod that. Some of your readers don’t have enough money for that sort of thing.
Fighting for the poor and downtrodden with your status items. It’s like going on a foodrun in your brand new humvee.
I’m a programmer. Like many of the readers of this site who are also in the burgeoning IT industry, these are the tools of my trade.
There are small but significant numbers of people who read this site using various smartphones and tablets.
You came along when the Left needed you Iprent. Thanks.
You should really thank the maniacs that roped me into this by saying it’d be a simple little exercise.
Heh, heh
Yeah I have had a few of the “It won’t take too long speeches” and ages later you still at it.
Well Done and thanks for all the Hard work.
Thanks for all the work you do in keeping The Standard up and running, and thanks to all the contributors!
Well done
It has been a long haul
Don’t often agree with the positions you all take but that not the point
I often hardly to expect to agree with my fellow authors myself (let alone the commentators). I’m always surprised when I do. I’m even more surprised when they teach my old and crusty mind to look at something a different way and convince me to change my mind. But the political dialog is the point. Better information and different attitudes to consider leads to better results – just like every other area.
Ummm now the 10 month election period has been set, I’d better start monitoring the system more tightly and setting up the proxy server ready to add another box. If it is anything like 2008 the traffic loads are going to start rising markedly.
Hat tip to The Standard – always a good read and I enjoy the analyses that feature graphs and calculations performed for trends on the various threads.
The MSM is so busy having a love-in with Key it never really critiques anything the government does so coming to this site is a welcome relief.
The problem with the MSM having a love affair with Key and not reporting the ugly truth is that the little old ladies who vote for that nice Mr key (BRRK) . Don’t see the ugly truth until it’s too late and he’s back for another 3 pillaging years.