I’ve had a great idea on how to save the world. In the wake of the Global Financial Crisis governments around the world bailed out banks and credit companies to the tune of  around eight trillion dollars .  I’ve said this before but I’ll repeat because it’s such an eye wateringly large sum – the equivilant of $2000 for every person on the planet. On the planet!

So the banks get bailed out and recover and are now apparently trading in the black again. I know the BNZ is feeling pretty perky because it just offered me – the person who really shouldn’t be entrusted with a credit card because I am financially illiterate and a spendthrift- to increase my credit limit to $12,000 with a platinum card….because……….. I’m worth it.

Governments, on the other hand, are now broke and introducing  austerity measures from which their societies will take many decades to recover. Camerons’s government in Britain is sacking 500,000 workers!

So here’s my thing: the banks and credit agencies should simply PAY IT BACK!

I’ve been thinking that the Occupy Movement has rather lacked a cohesive message. Well here it is: PAY IT BACK!

I’m not  exactly sure how the mechanics of all would go but I am confident we could work it out; all we need is some left wing politicians with the will to make it happen, some good policy people and maybe an accountant with a calculator.

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