Phasing into phase 4

Heading into phase three, moving into phase four 48 hours later. Here is the video briefing and the quick analysis.

So far I’m loving how controlled our government has been performing. While I’m no expert, I’ve been around the periphery of the civil defense at various times in my career. It was one of the focuses that came up when I was a medic in the Army in my youth. Everything that I’ve ever read through my interest in history has confirmed that training about exactly how dangerous panic and dangerous precipitous too early decisions can be. 

Just think of how many things have to work correctly for a shutdown as required in phase four. Simple things like making sure that the inter-island ferries are deemed as essential services. We don’t want the supply lines cut off. That the power lines, water and sewage systems will be maintained. I haven’t looked at the detail – but I hope that internet is maintained as an essential service as well.

There is a hell of lot to look at. Just for instance, our body corporate service provider Barfoot and Thompson raised a question several days ago. We are required by the act to have a physical meeting for our annual general meeting. Until we have it we cannot set a levy for the essential services for our apartment block – like insurance, water and sewerage. Obviously there is going to be an issue with assembling the owners to approve that.

While it’d be nice for parliament to revise the poor wording of the Unit Titles Act 2010, I don’t think that it will be top of the list for parliament. There is a way around it – as their notice to owners today points out (as they announce their move to working from home)…

What will change?
The only change will be to any face to face meetings, which we are already setting up with our complexes to be held via Google Hangouts.  For any meetings, including AGM’s or committee meetings scheduled, you will receive a link to take you to the Google Hangouts.  You can choose to leave your camera on so everyone can you see you face to face, or turn it off.  There is also the facility to dial in via phone if you do not have a computer, so every member can be fully included and involved.
We do ask, for verification, that for any upcoming general meetings, you still send in a completed postal voting form, so that we can register your votes on each resolution, as well as a proxy vote appointing the account manager.  The postal vote will help us for clarification and in the event of any technical connection glitches, while the proxy form will only be used to establish quorum and ensure the AGM is fully compliant with the UTA 2010.

Multiply that by a *lot* of legislation. For instance selecting candidates for the election that must be held by some time in December. Be innovative – look for similar ways to legally do what needs to be done.

It is good that the mailed fist that underlies health orders and emergency states is now becoming clear. For any dickheads who care to violate the rules of those decrees that will come into for Phase four over the next few days – be warned that the rules of engagement in emergencies are pretty clear.

When push comes to shove the police and military will be clamp down hard and quite strongly on idiots. It really doesn’t matter if you consider that you have ‘rights’ to plunder supermarkets or that you think you might be acting as a moral vigilante. Be nice to the uniformed people protecting essential services and enforcing standards of behaviour, and they will be nice in return.

NZ Army personnel provide support to the Christchurch Earthquake Operation by providing cordons around the city’s CBD.

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