Please, please educate the fuckwits

This morning news revealed an inadvertently humorous story about particularly stupid bigot – Karen Ruskin of the Pilgrim Planet Lodge in Whangarei. After causing a lesbian couple to seek alternative accommodation she made this statement to a reporter….

“This is our home, we are not a big motel,” Mrs Ruskin said. “In our home, where our grandchildren are, where our guests are, we don’t want sodomy.”

Now the meaning of the “sodomy” does mean different things in different countries. In Germany for instance “Sodomie” refers to  specifically to bestiality.  But since that is actually a crime, then one would have to ask why the police haven’t already descended on Karen Ruskin for not reporting it.  Possibly because  in NZ the legal meaning used to be enshrined in the Crimes Act and specifically referred to the anal penetration with a penis and this has been the common usage understanding of the word in the english speaking world for centuries. Well at least until Karen Ruskin managed to spin her own unique meaning on the word…

Problem was that she was talking about a lesbian couple that she’d turned away. They really don’t have the equipment for the act.

What does this idiot think was going on? That one of her guests was about to suddenly sprout a dick and start thrusting it up peoples arses? Does Karen Ruskin also believe in other dangerous absurdities like drowning suspected witches or bleeding people to cure their head colds? Can she be trusted with children in her care?

Of course she might have gained that impression that magical chains of causation and effect would happen  if she’d been listening to the fuckwits, religious or just self-ordained, in the past months. These are those people who appear to be simply obsessed by sexual activities of others without any particular cause that it appears to have addled whatever wits they had.

Religiously they seem to appear in every sect from the staid roman catholics to the  pathetic ranting of the pentecostals, across religious divides to islam and hinduism. Outside of the religious sphere, they seem to reach across class, race, and any other divides to the point that you realise that it just seems to be some systematic defect in the human genome.

I don’t think that I have observed serious objections to the passing of legislative changes to marriage that appeared to actually have taken much time to find out what they were objecting to. Like Karen Ruskin they all appeared to have displayed Coprolalia

Coprolalia is involuntary swearing or the involuntary utterance of obscene words or socially inappropriate and derogatory remarks. Coprolalia comes from the Greek κόπρος (kopros) meaning “feces” and λαλιά (lalia) from lalein, “to talk”.[1] The term is often used as a clinomorphism, with ‘compulsive profanity’ inaccurately referred to as being Tourette syndrome.

In the view of much of the NZ public over recent months, Karen Ruskin and other similar fuckwits have appeared to have have locked in a set of “bad words” in part of their brain and had involuntary ejeculated them inappropiately whenever they were triggered by talk of sex.

It was pretty clear that many had never bothered to look at what they were campaigning against. Because they never seemed to actually marshall any effective arguments against the law changes. Is it any wonder that they were sidelined and ignored.

Certainly as they displayed the symptoms of what appeared to be some kind of  brain defect, they ensured that the support for the bill grew.

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