Policy Free Zone?

Written By: - Date published: 11:00 am, August 21st, 2014 - 26 comments
Categories: john key, labour, national - Tags:

Cut Your Hair has some great graphs giving the lie to John Key’s latest spin:

“the left have given up on the policy argument. They don’t think they can beat the National Government on the issues … so what they’ve decided is they’ll play the man, not the ball … but we’re going to keep talking about the ball.”

And how does that look:



Yes, National have a fraction of the policy that the Internet Party have after a few months.

The left are always desperate to talk policy – that’s their strong point. So bring it on John!

h/t Polity, and I’d recommend Cut Your Hair’s full post.

26 comments on “Policy Free Zone? ”

  1. disturbed 1

    The National Party only survived by misrepresenting the truth,(kind (reference) and now this excellent graph proves what the Nat’s were saying was yet just another lie.

  2. Tracey 2

    Welcome to NZ. The liar in chief will be with you shortly, if he can see any benefit to himself.

  3. Tom Gould 3

    It’s a classic Key tactic get in first and accuse his opponent of his own failing, or to call them names. He is an absolute master at dissembling and diversion. Which is why our lazy and dim-witted media cannot catch him.

    • Draco T Bastard 3.1


    • One Anonymous Bloke 3.2

      “I can categorically tell you I was not involved in that process prior to it being released.”

      He can tell them that because there is no paper trail of his involvement.

      A very well crafted form of words.

    • Chris 3.3

      And why hasn’t MSM jumped on this story? Lazy.

  4. Jim47 4

    Wait until sunday for policy.

  5. philj 5

    Can’t wait for National’s Justice Policy, or its broadcasting policy.

  6. Caleb 6

    I’ve updated the blog acknowledging that they’ve now uploaded policy (see also new graph and comments down the bottom)

    [lprent: Thanks for the good work. I was trying to think about how I could express the difference between the pile of backed up policy statements in my mail box and the paucity that I could see from the Nats. You saved me a pile of work.. ]

    • Bunji 6.1

      I think your original graph is most relevant as that’s what it was like when Key was making the comments.

      they may be catching up on policy, but that’s now, not when he was making the claim.

      • Bunji 6.1.1

        That said – thanks for updating the graph – and making the original – that’s some great work right there!

  7. aerobubble 7

    The new Nat ad, shows only two boats, one well oiled and seamlessly efficient racing ahead of a rowing boat. Now sure this has been Nat’s strategy for some time, claim victory, claim brilliance, claim to be the people to back. All style, no substance. Because substance would be a third boat with Slater mooning the race, and National boat wobbling from Crusher while numerous crew jump ship or are pushed, and the boat racing in the wrong direction, away from the finish line.

  8. TheContrarian 8

    Something I learned in uni was that word count doesn’t mean shit.

    • McFlock 8.1

      still gets more marks than failing to hand in the assignment.

      • TheContrarian 8.1.1

        True dat though I still think it is reaching to debate policy based on word count

        • McFlock

          Well, if you want a policy debate there needs to be policy to debate.

          I mean, seriously: here’s the lis of Labour policies announced so far, and here’s national’s policy list. And who’s saying that whom has no policy to speak of?

        • One Anonymous Bloke

          Yeah, loving your necklace of dead Slaters. Did you weave it yourself?

          • TheContrarian

            Errr, sure….?

            • One Anonymous Bloke

              Yes, you are tainted by even your feeble, equivocal association with the National Party, that you accord such equal weight in your ‘balanced’ view.

              • TheContrarian

                Uhhh yeah..?

                • One Anonymous Bloke

                  In a feeble, equivocal way. English comprehension issues?

                  • TheContrarian

                    Sorry, I edited my comment, to read “uhhh yeah”..? because I was quite baffled.

                    The original comment said:

                    “In what way am I associated with the National Party?”

                    And your answer above actually casts no further light on your weird assumption that I, who stated quite openly to be voting Green in this upcoming election, am somehow associated with the National party.

                    So what the fuck are you talking about?

                    • One Anonymous Bloke

                      Uh, yeah, I responded before your edit.

                      I’m happy you’re party voting Green. Your electorate vote is going to the local _____ candidate? Fill in the blank, or not, as you please. Will you be voting for a Lusk Party candidate?

                      Forgive me for taking your previously expressed sympathy for the Oravida/Slater Party as a measure of your character.

                    • TheContrarian

                      Grant Robertson – Wgtn Central.

                      But the fact you have to ask party allegiance or have someone declare their vote so you can judge the measure of their character speaks volumes of your own character.

                      Change your name back to knucklehead. It’s fitting