Public want banks pulled into line

Last week I posted on Finsec’s petition to make job protection a condition of the Government’s bank guarantees. Today Finsec are delivering that petition to Parliament, along with more than 10,000 signatures in support. Great stuff to all of you who signed the sheet and sent it in.

The union’s position is pretty simple. At a time when banks are making combined profits in excess of $2.5 billion and CEOs recieve salary packages of more than $2 million each, there’s no excuse for banks to continue to cut jobs and offshore work while receiving taxpayer assistance.

And New Zealanders agree. A UMR poll released today shows 79% of Kiwis want job protection to become a condition of bank guarantees. No surprise really when you consider that already this year close to 1000 jobs have been offshored.

So now the ball’s in the Government’s court. Will they step in and Kiwi protect jobs, or will they keep propping up foreign banks while allowing them to outsource our jobs to low wage countries?

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