Written By:
notices and features - Date published:
2:44 pm, October 22nd, 2014 - 68 comments
Categories: Abuse of power, accountability, john key -
Tags: #dirtypolitics, DIrty John
Question time this year isn’t going to be much fun for Dirty John. Here’s today’s Question 3 as told by Twitter:
#nzqt NORMAN to PM: How many times since November 2008 has he spoken with Cameron Slater on the phone & how many times has he texted him?
— Parliament Today (@ParliamentNZ) October 22, 2014
John Key refuses to say how many times he's talked to Cameron Slater.
— Idiot/Savant (@norightturnnz) October 22, 2014
how many times has Key phoned/texted Cameron Slater since 2008, Norman asks. "None in my capacity as prime minister." #nzqt
— Toby Manhire (@toby_etc) October 22, 2014
@toby_etc can we table this: http://t.co/jnuj8nobXE
— Giovanni Tiso (@gtiso) October 22, 2014
Disappointingly, no follow-up question on whether PM has ever contacted Cameron Slater in his capacity as the prime minister's office. #rpt
— Toby Manhire (@toby_etc) October 22, 2014
(Key only holds official information while wearign his PM hat. If he discloses it while not wearing that hat, then its corrupt use)
— Idiot/Savant (@norightturnnz) October 22, 2014
John Key claims he never phoned Cameron Slater "in his capacity as PM". He phoned him at night, in his capacity as Batman.
— Giovanni Tiso (@gtiso) October 22, 2014
So Key is saying "we talk to bloggers all the time, except for Slater, who we never talk to in an official capacity"
— Idiot/Savant (@norightturnnz) October 22, 2014
Did Cameron Slater ring John Key because he was a friend, or because he was the Prime Minister? #nzqt
— David Clark (@DavidClarkNZ) October 22, 2014
Here's a media report in which @johnkeypm is recorded as saying the opposite of what he just told Parliament. http://t.co/jnuj8nobXE
— Giovanni Tiso (@gtiso) October 22, 2014
PM tries to avoid Parl ques re his relationship with Slater by claiming he didn't call Slater as PM. Govt poisoned from the top #nzqt
— Russel Norman (@RusselNorman) October 22, 2014
.@secondzeit @johnkeypm I think you mean it's day one of another three years of this. pic.twitter.com/qcgKWgCqW1
— Giovanni Tiso (@gtiso) October 22, 2014
The Clayton’s Prime Minister.
The PM we have when we don’t have one?
Watch the Prime Liar at work on the first day – how many ways to tell lies:
it was a lively hour..that first q-time..
“..(ed:..the first impression is one of (a disturbing) familiarity..after all that extended furore..so little seems to have changed..
..rightwinger-labourite-nash turned up..oh..joy..!..joy..!..
..wearing one of those wide-boy/spiv/80′s property-developer-suits..”
(and yes..!..there was a judith-sighting..!..and..all i can say is..
Good on Russel Norman for raising the matter.
Good work by Hipkins for his follow up.
Unimpressed by New Zealanders who returned this rubbish government into power. How could they be so stupid?
They are either:
a) in the top 10% and don’t care about the rest. I’m alright Jack.
b) in the next 20% and either don’t realise they are next to be struggling or are scared it is them next. Again, another group who don’t care about the rest. They will soon realise what it’s like.
c) in the bottom 70% and either…..
1. Ill informed by the paucity of good new sources in this country
2. Dejected by a system that threw them overboard 30 years ago.
3. Distracted by sport, celebrity, reality T.V.
4. Allow one issue to trump all other issues. So poor pay, no housing, massive power bills, are all trumped by smacking for example.
Whatever, it makes for depressing reading.
That’s why Dirty Politics is all about getting poor people to disengage.
auckland banker swooped in to prove your point paul…. note how he or she refer to themselves in the plural
Yeah, that is a pretty good explanation of the various drivers of those people making irrational choices in this last election, Paul. Pretty impressive.
I was especially pleased to see #3 in your list.
To be distracted by ‘infotainment’ is, to me, an ignorant folly. However so many Kiwi’s seem to care more about their ‘team’ winning some cup or trophy, whats happening on Shortland Street etc, than who leads and how they lead.
Methinks that people live in their own little bubbles and they only get vocal, kick and scream when a decision from the top affects them directly, usually financially. An unfortunate part of human nature… Only do they realize the effect of their chosen disengagement when 3am knocks on the door start happening…
“Dejected by a system that threw them overboard 30 years ago”.
Pretty much correct.
More likely this:
We weren’t that stupid. Our alternative was a Labour party who can’t organise their own caucus let alone the country. Not only that – our alternative was a dysfunctional labour party + internet mana + Winston + greenies…scary stuff.
Does the left not remember that not that long ago, issues surrounding Dirty Politics played very little part in the public’s vote….you can waste question time on this issue, but the public are over it.
I think you just backed up blue leopard’s very point…
blah blah blah … not listening …. nyah nyah nyah …. not listening …… we voted for key to disprove all of that nonsense ……. nyah nyah nyah ….. we won so you must be wrong … nyah nyah nyah ….. not listening
dumbest vote ever seen
Bit sensitive vto? Given the brutal back stabbing and internal fighting that has since unfolded in the labour party, I’d say a few undecided voters who, on election day, decided to go with the Nats will be breathing a sigh of relief.
“we won so you must be wrong”…..nope – just responding to blue’s assertion that “we lost, but voters are stupid…”
Well I agree with you that the behaviour of the Labour caucus since election night has left much to be desired.
However, why should feeding kids at school, capping power bills and building more state houses be “scary” to the capitalist class? There are some other values in life you know, other than hoarding electronic numbers in spreadsheet entries on someone else’s servers.
he didnt flee southern africa to share…
Exactly I’m always wary of south African s who ditched there country once they didn’t hold all the cards
+1 vto
..’..over it..?’..
..you wish..!..akl banker..you wish..!
I think it is far scarier to have my fellow NZers vote in a government who are not at all principled in their behaviour and being blatant about it. I seriously wonder where NZers heads were at.
You cite the main propaganda messages of the right for your choice, yet don’t mention any of the issues that New Zealanders face, nor how each block proposed to address those issues.
It scares me that the rightwing spin doctors have so much control over the way people like you think and decide. It is as if a large number of New Zealanders have no volition of their own. That isn’t a state of ‘freedom’. This is scary stuff and if you thought about it for a moment it would scare you too – and far more than the smoke and mirror like offerings from right-wing spin doctors that so clearly you absorbed because you cited it verbatim in your comment,
It might seem like a joke to you when Mr John Key slides out of answering questions, yet the parliament requires a level of accountability to function healthily.
The way Mr Key dismisses any opposition to his poorly thought-out plans as ‘deluded’ or ‘paid to protest’ is not only incredibly dull-minded propaganda, it signals no respect for the strengths of the system we have. It worries me that my fellow compatriots fall for these tactics.
The left were offering excellent policies that would address contemporary problems that need addressing, while National were offering nothing but ‘trust us, we know what we are doing’ while proof was being publicly disclosed that they were anything but trustworthy.
‘Oh but such proof was just left-wing conspiracy theory’ someone might respond, never-minding they are simply citing more propaganda.
Where did I miss out on this new religion? What is is called? “Just believe and you’ll be ‘free'”? and don’t question what freedom means because you might just work out it means ‘vacant’. “Just don’t think and she’ll be right, aye”?
While the behaviour of Labour currently does let the consciences of voters of National off the hook somewhat in hindsight, I am in no doubt that Labour would not be falling to pieces, had they got elected, and the set of politicians in Labour right now are far more capable of running this country soundly – i.e. so that positive results are created – than this current bunch of hollow-worded people in National will ever be.
Trouble is, it will take time to show just how much of a bloody awful mess National actually are making and it will be the left-wing, as it always is, that have to pick up the pieces and make structural improvements. It is so predictable its not funny anymore.
What a dim-witted nation we have become.
I was born/raised and spent most of my life in southern Africa, in a country that was once the bread basket of Africa, but is now the basket case of Africa. This was all down to a single man…so trust me I think for myself when I cast my vote.
This country is paradise. A Prime Minister talking to a blogger doesn’t keep me awake at night.
NZ is often cited as a country of minimal corruption, a high standard of living etc. I think your “doomsday” view is being overly dramatic.
Probably the best response you got there, Tracy (or 🙄 )
Akl Banker
Hmm I have had a South African in real life take an uncannily similar line to you. Is that the attitude you are taught in your country or simply what you are told to say once reaching our borders?
Are South Africans generally right wing?
Or on moving here did you think about changing your political stance, given you were in a new country?
How do I know you aren’t voting in a manner that will create similar problems in New Zealand as Africa has eventually?
It isn’t good enough to compare NZ to your fucked up country and then vote for the worst option, “considering it isn’t as bad as Africa”. You have to get to know our context and our problems and be sensitive to them otherwise you will end up being a person who shares the messed up attitudes of where you ran away from with people here and spread the problem.
Your reasoning is unbelievable, really, but I guess it would be fairly impossible to provide sound reasoning for voting for the current National pack of wallies. lol
I don’t think coming from Zimbabwe qualifies anyone for any greater knowledge or insight into human behaviour and politics. If anything it has probably warped your assessment abilities, such is the grotesque nature of what has occurred there.
And a bit further … you say this “This country is paradise. A Prime Minister talking to a blogger doesn’t keep me awake at night.”
Zimbabwe was paradise too. I remember too yes having been there some many moons ago. It was a true paradise (well for certain sectors of society). So what unravelled it? The actions of a single man you say? Actions that you consider no doubt illegal, or unconstitutional, or deceitful and simply wrong perhaps?
You would do well to consider those actions and compare them to Key’s actions. Keys actions have also been illegal, unconstitutional, deceitful (he is an outright liar) and simply wrong. Could paradise here be lost too then AklBanker? Same actions, same result (make an adjustment for the African way).
Wake up man, you have again undone your own views ….
yup, black folks were thriving in rhodesia, mugabe sprung from nowhere…
So you supported apartheid and left when it was removed.
Another moaning whenwe. Yawn. Aotearoa has a chance of becoming a paradise as long as we don’t let people like you and Key anywhere the levers of power. Oops……….
Hang on a minute, is he talking about Mugabe or Mandela?
“a country that was once the bread basket of Africa, but is now the basket case of Africa. This was all down to a single man…”
… the worthless, evil cretin, Ian Smith. May his memory be trodden into the dirt and his remains fed to vultures.
yes blue leopard. In my capacity as a left wing person who really, really, cares about this country, I completely agree with you.
Really – if you are over it then you are agreeing with corruption. That’s very arrogant.
Hi blue leopard,
agreed, here’s emerson’s answer……..
lol good one.
(I noticed myself falling asleep anytime Key was answering questions (especially in those debates) prior to the election and started wondering whether that was one of his tactics, drone on so much that people simply switch off, so the cartoon has a double meaning for me!)
blue leopard +100 …yes good on Norman!…the Greens are again at the forefront of the opposition!
and re “Unimpressed by New Zealanders who returned this rubbish government into power. How could they be so stupid?”
…imo apart from the dirty politics ….New Zealanders were hoodwinked and indoctrinated by a lazy msm …who can not be bothered asking the critical questions…but who are lulled by the bullshit and barbeques of right wing PR manipulators..public service and truth for NZers is far from their minds
the msm must feel like a used/discarded condom..
..when they realise how much key has screwed with them..
..how they have been so so ‘played’…
..dutiful little repeaters of his serial-lies..
i dont know about that…i dont think they feel guilt.. yet…lets hope the honeymoon is over for the msm as well…they should be held to account!…
I would go further to suggest that the proverbial condom split during one of it’s many thrashings and those who were party to these thrashings (most of MSM) have been wondering what the hell they’ve caught as a result! Those that have produced a public ‘Mea Culpa’ have had the sense to ‘sanitize’ themselves!
~Dirty Politics~
Yes, I do have more reasonable days where I am less furious and more understanding but after witnessing the same old, same old bullshit on today’s first sitting of parliament I am a bit cross and more of the mind to say that it is a pity New Zealanders weren’t so bigoted and such lazy thinkers and they wouldn’t be so bloody gullible to the boring old tropes of the msm in the first place and the msm couldn’t get away with what they do and would have to lift their game because noone would buy their ‘products’ [shite].
i think the only media that are holding this John Key Nact government to account are blog sites like the Standard and individuals like you…so good on you for being furious!
…and note who criticises the Standard … what are the standards of their own NZ political journalism?…pretty poor…. and what are their politics/ fears/ inadequacies that the Standard could get up their noses and under their skin?…dont they like blogs with individuals with the guts to explore the truth of NZ politics and be critical ?
….imo the msm is running scared of John Key and fear for their jobs …eg. look at the dismantling of Maori Television, which was one of the few media sites prepared to explore New Zealand politics and ask the hard questions
I keep thinking that its a bit crooked. Am I just a bit loopy or have National pulled an election scam.
Goff ran a really great line of questioning too re the current warmongering and how JK had been pushing for support for the wars in Libya and Iraq that had turned out to be unmitigated disasters with severe unintended consequences.
A good message about whether JK has learned anything and whether his stance should be trusted when he has so clearly displayed an inability to discern rubbish approaches toward serious life-and-death matters.
read the herald article…. it is very shallow and thats all its readers will ever know about the pm latest lies
Surely that is a blatant lie and misleading the house … If Key spoke with Slater and discussed Dotcom then what other capacity could there be for such a discussion? What other capacity could there be at all?
I would like to see Key in a proper court (none of this highest court in the land bullshit) and try lies like that on in front of a judge.
Key as PM, used the content of at least one discussion with Slater in Parliament and elsewhere to make claims about Peters and others. Therefore, he spoke with Slater in his capacity as PM.
Key is a lying, corrupt cunt as usual.
he spoke to him as a non friend and then hung up…. went into a phone box, came out as super prime minister and knew the info slater gave him.
RJL Please don’t hold back tell us how you really feel about Key
lol…”prick” is the preferred word …as he is a male i think
Norman basically called Key a dick, and Key didn’t deny it.
Bridges then afterward declared how (remember a turd term government) was all peace and light in Nationals reality, virtuous even. Coming just after the speaker denied the debate on Collins resignation….
Nice how politicians have blinkers on, expose themselves, as lying tossers.
I don’t get why I started cringing the more Cunliffe spoke, man, the media has done a job on me.
My office talked to Cameron; I did not.
question time is where key is revealled for his true self. if the media dont harshly report on his duplicity the public never know.
I can only hope that every opposition MP will use every question time to aim some very pointed questions on ethics and accountability at the PM for the duration of this term
Dailey +100
I certainly hope so.
Be a guaranteed election win in 2017.
They’re wasting their time asking him about ethics. The concept of ethics is foreign to him.
I would actually like someone to ask John Key to explain the importance of free speech in a democracy.
I think he would be hard pressed to give an answer which couldn’t be used to thrash him one way or the other: any comment in support of free speech would contradict his actions regarding GCSB etc, and any comment against free speech should** be politically damaging.
(** I say “should” because the election seriously dented my confidence in the judgement of the general public in this country.)
More likely is Farrar has done focus groups for him and this issue wont dent his popularity.
The Prime minister seems confused.
Look – couldn’t someone just ask the Police to ask the SIS to ask the GCSB to ask the NSA to check the metadata and find out how many calls were, when they calls were made, the length of the call and the topics discussed?
The next time Key’s home in Hawaii he could just pop over to Hollywood and Obama can send someone to brief him with the correct information as they discuss Warners, drone strikes, ISIS, ISIL, Islamic State, Daʿesh, TPPA, Ebola or anything else Key needs to be reminded of/programmed for the next time he talks with Mike Hosking/Paul Henry/the lovely folk on Breakfast/Cameron Slater.
Sheesh it’s simple really. Sort it out John.
A weeping and gnashing of impotent teeth as John Key masterfully dismisses the Aussie upstart. I wonder how many more such despairing bleating posts will appear here. No one cares about Q3 today. Get over it. The people trust John Key and the more abuse he gets the more the people trust him. Meanwhile the recovery gets into full steam and we will have another 1000 days and nights of progress and reform.
is that hair gel?
…”we will have another 1000 days and nights of progress and reform.”
At least you’re not claiming a 1000 years.
You do a very good impersonation of a low-effort thinker – so good you could be the real thing. Excellent use of cliche and obvious fiction restated as fact; very good on the unthinking deference to the leader even though he has been proven to be an unprincipled front man for economic and political forces which hold you in as much regard as they would a bug.
Well done and keep up the good work.
Good on Norman for leading on this in his capacity as opposition leader.
Though sadly only 7 people in Timaru watch or care about QT. The masses will never see the smarmy insincere prick that key is in this forum to Tracey’s point above.
Shit It’s like the last 2 months never happened. Same old appalling lack of accountability
keys incapacitated alright. No capacity to tell the truth. No capacity to act with integrity!
and the herald this morning proves our point… they tell people what key said but no references to past statements apparently contradicting him… no… actual journalism
stuff.co.nz doesnt care at all
11% doesnt make you opposition leader
It does if you are the person doing the best job of holding the government to account.
J K: “Hi Cam.”
C S: Yes, Prime Minister.”
J K: “No Cam, Just John here.”
C S: Yes Prime Minister… Um John.”
J K: Um… Cam?”
C S: Yes P… John?
J K: Make that Office.”
C S: “John… Office?”
J K: “Yes Cam, Can you do that for me?”
C S: “Sure John… Office, You da Bossman after all!”
J K: Acsually… Let me reverse that… at the end of the day I think It would be better to be called John. Mark’s (Textor) talking to me here in the Office. He thinks John would be better too.”
C S: “So… you want me to call you John again Office?”
J K: “Yes, Cam.”
C S: “You sure John?”
J K: “No need to get snarky Cam. Need for plausible deniability and all that.”
The Speaker has ruled today that Key should have addressed the question from Dr Norman about whether he referred to the woman whose son died in a car crash on the West Coast as “that fucking feral bitch” who harassed him at every Pike River meeting since obviously he’s encountered her in his capacity as PM.