Written By:
Anthony R0bins - Date published:
9:53 am, August 16th, 2017 - 14 comments
Categories: Abuse of power, accountability, child abuse, child welfare, human rights -
Tags: abuse, credit where it's due, investigation, race relations commissioner, state care, susan devoy, un
In news this morning (RNZ):
Devoy asks UN to take action on NZ state care abuse
Race Relations Commissioner Susan Devoy has told the United Nations it must urge the New Zealand government to hold an independent inquiry into the abuse of children and people with disabilities in state care.
Dame Susan also said the UN should insist New Zealand do more to stop the disproportionate representation of Māori on the wrong side of the justice system.
She appeared before a UN committee in Geneva overnight.
She said if the government did not hold an inquiry into historical abuse in state care, it would fail in its duty under the Treaty of Waitangi. …
Why is the govt resisting calls for an inquiry into state care abuse? "That's a good question," Dame Susan says. https://t.co/IjG797R6JT
— Morning Report (@NZMorningReport) August 15, 2017
Susan Devoy: This week I'm telling the UN – NZ govt's inaction on state care abuse is not just wrong, it's immoral https://t.co/QKPXwBrfcM
— The Spinoff (@TheSpinoffTV) August 15, 2017
I think it is time for yet another round of everyone who spoke out against Dame Susan's appointment as RRC saying how wrong they were.
— Felix Geiringer (@BarristerNZ) August 15, 2017
You can add me to that list of apologies. Bravo Dame Susan Devoy!
Dame Susan Devoy has shown herself to be made of sterling stuff and putting herself out to do some good while holding this responsible job. I take back past negative thoughts.
Good on her. I have been pleased with the stances she has taken. I wonder though, I don’t see many Māori standing beside her, backing her up. Maybe I’m missing it. Perhaps it’s just the role.
Sometimes it’s a real pleasure to be corrected.
The current government have a lot to answer for on how they handle current and historic sexual abuse in or out of state care.
There is no shortage of money in the ACC purse. Were I to have it my way I would rewrite the ACC legislation so that sexual abuse survivors got the injury entitlement they deserve.
Why are some people waiting up to 6 months for an appointment to be counseled for sexual abuse?
Just like housing for the most needy no strategic plan. I really feel for those with unresolved trauma due to sexual abuse and living in either a prison or inadequate housing.
K. Davis needs to find out how many people in prison want an inquiry into sexual abuse while in state care?
A few weeks ago on the Hui Tolley put forward the argument that were there to be an inquiry into sexual abuse while in state welfare care this may revictimise people. My response to her is “Do not tell anyone how to feel who has been sexually abused and how to live with or come to terms with the tragic memory of having been violated.
For some NOT having an inquiry is revictimising them.”
S. Devoy is doing a good job with the issues raised by the author.
Must admit that she’s done a hell of a lot better than I expected of her.
Agreed, and although they will never admit it, I wager she is being a lot more of an advocate than those who appointed her hoped she would be too.
Me too!
Not only on this issue, but on many others as well, she has called out for social justice.
Not sure whether I bemoaned her appointment or not, I certainly felt she was wrong for the role at the time.
Reflexive cynicism means it’s always awesome being wrong 🙂
Who or what is the National party protecting that they won’t have an inquiry ?
There is more to this and going by their behaviour in similar sensitive areas i smell a cover up.
Now I am starting to feel bad about the comment I just made about John Key thanks to Susan Devoy doing a stellar job at the moment!
Now,now. Don’t get carried away.
To the best of my knowledge SD was never a Wall Street trader and she does answer questions properly without evasion.
The same cannot be said about JK.
Sometimes people faced with the evidence DO actually change
SD seems to me to be one of them.
I’m not holding my breath tho’ for others (like for eg Chris Finlayson)
Dame Susan has grown-up in the role. I think she has had a very steep learning experience, and her views have broadened. She is a proven fighter (on the squash court) and increasingly for justice and human rights. This could displease her masters. Good on you Susan!
Link to webcast for NZ delegation to UN CERD committee meeting: http://webtv.un.org/meetings-events/human-rights-treaty-bodies/committee-on-the-elimination-of-racial-discrimination