Ralston on National

Written By: - Date published: 7:24 am, October 7th, 2007 - 3 comments
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A good read from Bill Ralston in the Herald today.

He observes what seems to have been a turn in media and public opinion against Key and National, noting:

But, frankly, National has only itself to blame. I wonder if Bill English is not out to deliberately lose the next election in the forlorn hope of one day getting his old job back as leader. What possessed him to start publicly musing about privatisation?

It is John Key’s reputation that is suffering the most. He’s had a long, cosy honeymoon with opinion-makers but this last week they seemed to turn ugly in unison. His Iraq babble could be one of those pivotal moments historians will look back on as the instant he lost the plot and the next election.

In 1976, US President Gerald Ford was doing well in the polls against opponent Jimmy Carter when he declared that Eastern Europe was not under communist influence. From that moment he was dead meat.

Here at The Standard we’ve certainly mused on the English issue and my opinion is that Key’s Iraq comments have more damage to do.


(Cartoon also from The Herald)

3 comments on “Ralston on National ”

  1. Robinson 1

    I just got banned from Kiwiblog for a month (with no warning) for posting a link to the Ralston piece and having a (very) little gloat. Seems DPF’s losing his taste for free speech…

  2. illuminatedtiger 2

    DPF is a loser and judging by the company he keeps his opinions will soon be irrelevant.

  3. Sam Dixon 3

    DPF’s mood has certainly changed with National’s fortunes.. I guess the atmosphere at Nat party HQ isn’t too conducive to a rosy outlook.