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- Date published:
8:52 am, October 21st, 2013 - 66 comments
Categories: local government -
Who says the ‘threatening texts’ in the Brown/Slater/Palino came from Brown’s camp? Didn’t the threatening text push Chuang into the affidavit, after weeks of being pressured by Palino advisor, Wewege? Doesn’t that make those texts awful useful for Slater/Palino? Do you believe Palino knew nothing of the affair, as he claims? If the purpose of the affidavit had been to present it to Brown quietly and get him to resign, wouldn’t that be blackmail?
Exactly, who’s to say that someone like Stephen Cook did not send the messages?
You only have to look at his history to see that he is a disgusting no-morals scumbag who could potentially stoop to such levels.
A sacked and disgraced ex-journalist who was allegedly selling P in the toilets and mates with the Head Hunters – look at the scumbag and disgraced lawyer he hired to represent in him in his employment case, Chris Comeskey, the same one who always rep’d the HH’s.
Look at what he did to Debbie Gerbich, arguably pushing her to suicide.
“The New Zealand Herald revealed the identity of Mrs Gerbich on Sunday 31 March after she gave a rival newspaper access to the videotape made in 2001. The Sunday News had published information revealing the existence of the videotape but did not reveal her identity. Mrs Gerbich was reported by the Sunday News to have been devastated after her name was subsequently published by the New Zealand Herald. Mrs Gerbich claimed to have received intimidating emails from New Zealand Herald journalist Steven Cook after she refused to speak with them. Two emails sent from Steven Cooks email account were presented and read out to a reporter on the New Zealand current affairs program Close Up, one of them stated;
“We can play this one of two ways; either with your co-operation or without. We have made enquiries today into your background and have turned up several interesting leads. And I suggest it’s in your interests to discuss those with me.” “If you think you can continue to hide in the shadows, you’re sadly mistaken.”
I wouldn’t be surprised if Cook has been using threats to leverage Bevan to leak and now to shut up, given that he has came out claiming she was interested in starring in his new porno sites.
” He claims he is “in discussions” with Chuang, who has “taken a very keen interest in it”.
He also claimed to have naked images of Chuang, but would not say if they had been supplied by her or a third party. He was taking legal advice on the use of the images.
Chuang said yesterday Cook had suggested to her that she star in a porn movie “re-enactment” of the Len Brown affair, and offered her $50,000 or $25,000 for “soft porn”.
She said she rejected the offer. She says Cook also suggested she sell her story to a women’s magazine for $5000. “
Nothing new that Cook is a sleaze and it is great that certain bloggers make sure everybody does not forget that (it is called attack the messenger, it is just above smear the victim in the handbook))
But who had the most to loose if all this came out before the election?
Follow the money
Comment by Whaleoil yesterday on Kiwiblog.
(my bold and typos corrected)
Arguably conclusive that it came from his own side of the political fence. Good on you ‘mystery textor’, you tried to warn them.
Hmmm…. so WO is claiming Hamish Price is now “representing” Chuang. He has been discussed in relation to the Palino campaign:
Price critical of Wewege here:
As a rare Kiwibluuurgh! visitor Anne, I was quite taken aback to find various comments labelled “hidden due to low comment rating”, helpfully (grudgingly?) a link to view is provided though. Farrar pretends a degree of bafflement but is really running interference as usual.
Pallino presents as the kind of guy that carries cash around in brown paper bags.
“free to drink martinis and watch the sun rise” as Bob Dylan sang and so many Mayors the world over practice. More to play out on this one yet–Mayor Hulse?
Problem with that analysis, Ray, is that we’re in a zero sum game, in which one side’s loss is the other sides gain. So we might just as well ask “who had the most to gain if all this came out before the election? Follow the money.”
Absent some sort of confession from the person who sent the text (or some technical wizadry that can link the number used to someone’s credit card, or similar), we’re left speculating … and there’s enough “facts” to “confirm” whatever predisposition anyone brings to that task.
Exactly so.
It’s highly unlikely that we’ll ever know, for sure, who sent the texts, so it comes down to a judgement about who was most likely to have doen it. And past behaviour is pretty bloody relevant to making that judgement.
I wonder what Aaron Gilmore would have to say about the sort of messages he was recieving for thsoe few days when he was considereing his options, and writing his valedictory speech.
Anyone can go and read the sorts of things Whale was implying on his blog at the time.
Follow what money? There is no money trail to follow. The Anonymous texts could be from anyone. All that is out there is innuendo and claims of “Browns” people, or “PR” teams, with no substance. What a croc.
I suggest you follow the EVIDENCE. That’s what those of us who have worked within law enforcement use before we can accuse someone of something and before they can be found guilty of anything.
The only evidence so far shows that Bevan was pressured by Palino’s team – ie. the facebook messages from Wewege. These tried to get her to come out before the election was over, these tried to get her to obtain messages from Brown, she stated she texted him repeatedly but he did not contact her back – so again, who has the most to lose – Palino, Wewege & Slater!
Her statement regarding Palino and potential blackmail/releasing the info appears credible when everything else she has said has stacked up, eg. Brown Affair, Wewege Affair.
She then commented for Cook and Slater to stop harassing her. Both of whom have a consistent history of harassing and borderline blackmail.
She may be naive and power hungry, but she doesn’t come across as a liar.
Oh i think you are being far to kind to Ms Chuang, far from calling Her names i have a certain grudging respect for Her and coming from what some might describe as the ‘low’ end of society find that Her actions would fit well among the ‘culture’ of poverty inherent here in the vein of those actions not being totally ‘unusual’,
Having said all of that tho, you can gauge the true character of Ms Chuang by simply disregarding who She chose to share a bed with and look at Her actions surrounding Her employment,
Made redundant from one job Ms Chuang happily and illegally accessed information on the work computer system and passed it on to a third party, having been convicted and fined for such criminal behavior Ms Chuang then went on to apply for another position which She was employed at after failing to disclose Her previous conviction,
Of course when the second employer found out about Her conviction for Her actions with the first, She was sacked for not disclosing that conviction,
Therein lies the true character of Ms Chuang, as i said i quite like Her,(from what can be inferred by all the publicity), in my little movie scenario, thankfully confined to my own mind, i have a visualized scene where Ms Chunag adds a note to Her diary along the lines of ”God the things a girl has to do in this sleaze-ball town just to get a job”…
bad12 …appreciate your character analysis
…however was Auckland always a “sleaze-ball town”? I don’t think so…so what has made it this way?
…..and working class New Zealand women often struggled to get jobs and careers legitimately based on their own education and abilities ( far from sleeping around for favours and acting like a t..t…..and indulging in dubious ‘criminal’ activities to crawl to positions of influence )
….this is what the feminist movement was all about … ie equal pay for equal work; equal opportunity; dignity and economic independence… (despite the Catholic Church trying its best to denying NZ women these simple human rights)
…So do I have a “grudging respect” for Ms Chaung?….nah
Chooky, aha, but me being a bloke and all that i don’t have the baggage of having to run everything through the filter of ‘feminist correctness’ though we can hardly offer the same defence to Ms Chuang,(shame on you girl for letting the sister’s down),
Still in my reality i get along fine with young woman such as Ms Chuang mostly i think because it doesn’t take them long to realize that i know them for what they are at heart, ruthless,
It’s why She has my grudging respect…
I take your point…however i would have more respect for a woman/or man who makes their own way based on their own abilities and fairness for the other contenders for the jobs and not cheating or p…….ting themselves.
btw….I have never been one for “the filter of ‘feminist correctness’ ” just equality and fair play …I am not a prude and realise affairs happen and I make allowances for human frailty and lust….however the further one gets into the details of this the more it stinks imo… (eg the gambling casino convention centre )
Lolz, Ms Chuang would seem to be the ‘perfect’ product of Neo-liberalism where anything goes and the only sin is getting caught…
Yes multi- story brothel in the heart of Auckland does seem to be an apt symbol and monument to Neo-liberalism and Auckland under good Catholic family man Mayor Len Brown
…doesnt do much for ordinary Auckland working women however
….barn farming women?
She seems to have the unfortunate combination of political ambition and stupidity, so it makes total sense that she was a tory candidate for the local body elections 😎
Getting a bit messy for the Tories, so they now need a scapegoat and it looks like Luigi fits the bill. So he’s it. All the Tories are pointing the bone at him now. The rogue loner up to no good. Foreigner who doesn’t get how the game is played over here. Evil manipulator of naïve local Tories with only the best of intentions. But wait, didn’t they …
And more impertinent questions: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11143300
Blubber Boy should just face the fact, He thought He was firing the silver bullet into the heart of the Brown Mayoralty and now has to deal with the fact that all’s that emanated from the barrell of His smoking gun was a little flag that said ‘Bang’,
A mere party joke and as He continues to try and add fuel to a fire which is and will continue to burn the ‘right’, exposing to everyone the deep schisms within National’s rank and file the party joke will fast turn into Blubber Boy himself,
The insertion of the ‘Boag camp’ into this little farce will ensure that as it staggers along with revelation and counter-revelation it is Slippery’s National Government diligently holding it’s collective nasal protuberance in an effort to stay far far in the distance is splashed from within the puddle of s**t in which Blubber Boy and now the ‘Boag camp’ have chosen to wallow…
Who cares, they are all idiots.
Farrago is a good word for this. As I said before we spot a pair of scanty panties and reason flies out the window. Everybody talking about how they didn’t know, but someone else did, and accusations who leaked and what.
Time will settle the dirt, next step is to separate the participants by pouring buckets of water on them, then Len can get some work done, the others can stop mud wrestling. Some bright spark can make a nice amount of money making the first of a series of NZ farces about our goings on, sexual or otherwise. Have a look at French farces for ideas. And we can have one about the French and their petty dejeuner – they sure made a meal of us!We have a rich field of promise for a sharp agile and ironic gaze.
What about the court martial over a sexual liaison between a Navy bigwig and somebody else. Attempts to hide it, lie about it, threats made about it. Possible jail sentence, demotion. What next. Thank goodness some men and women still like each other so we can have some babies to carry on our poor benighted species. There’s hope that we will reach our exalted human potential soon. And there should be more thought about moral hazards. If the rules make something rigidly forbidden with rigid life-changing punishment and that something is not vile or dangerous or against human rights or destructive then there is over-reaction. There should be a consequence that is not harsh.
But for things that are vile or dangerous or against human rights or destructive, we are moving closer to needing a return to the death penalty And one thing that will bring such opprobrium will be firebugs. We cannot afford the lives, time, resources we invest in our lives and property to be put wiped out by people who are internally and externally destructive. They are factually out of their mind whether they can be diagnosed under present psychological opinion as insane or not. They are destroyers who can’t be allowed to live, in fact can’t be trusted because of the possibility of them renewing their obssession and requiring expensive and extensive surveillance whether in jail or released. It is a false idea that killing anyone judicially is a bad thing for humanity. They must be tried, but past record and behaviour must also be considered before the verdict, and then if found liable for the fires, humanely put down.
Now that will be something serious to argue and worry about, forget about people loving each other, or at least going through the motions. They might come to this in Australia as they face severe crises from natural fires without the madness of firebug behaviour.
What is at the top of the pile?
The small stuff which snowballs or the ugly stuff which has snowballed?
This gave me my biggest chuckle of the day. What a hoot.
“I suggest you follow the EVIDENCE. That’s what those of us who have worked within law enforcement use before we can accuse someone of something and before they can be found guilty of anything.”
in addition this past week has shown us that while social media like blogs get the scoopy other media are still better at digging behind and below the story.
I always suspected that right wingers eat their own.
palino says hes honest cos hes an entrepreneur and tv presenter. In my book two reasons to consider him entirely motivated by self interest and ego. Meeting in a car park ffs.
i still haven’t even seen the issue addressed..
..of whether the fact of sky-city casino providing free/on-call fuck-rooms for brown + lover..
..and the fact of the casino knowing of/easily able to prove browns’ ongoing/past indiscretions..
..if these two facts had any part to play in browns’ wholesale endorsement of the sky-city-casino pokie-deal..?
..on the surface..brown appears to have been (literally) in bed with sky-city…
..and that fact has a kinda stench about it..
..and hints of brown being ‘owned’ by sky-city..
..phillip ure..
“..of whether the fact of sky-city casino providing free/on-call fuck-rooms for brown + lover..
..and the fact of the casino knowing of/easily able to prove browns’ ongoing/past indiscretions..”
If you’ve got any references for them, I’d like to see them.
As far as I have heard, Len Brown personally paid for all expenses during his affair; he didn’t take gifts and he didn’t use council money.
..there are reports of chuang referring to this ‘norm’..
..phillip ure..
Not that long ago, Hillary Clinton tried to invent a RESET button.
Didn’t seem to work that well. I’m thinking that piece of blubber and definition of ‘ugly’ is a desperately seeking Susan in search of a RESET right about now. (Elsewhere – it’s known as a slug, or even a Slator)
Oh dear! How sad!,
If I were them, I’d try pushing it harder. The alternatives for the gnats really aren’t that pretty. (not that it’s going to work – but it’d be nice if they actually made an effort, although I’m picking an amply laden arse going by the name of Judith, and plied with Bellamy’s best offerings, is busy sitting on it).
Kinda not really the point Lanth. As they say, knowledge is power so Skycity knowing that the mayor may or may not have entertained one or more sexual partners in their hotel would certainly be of use to a less scrupulous operator – irrespective of whether the room was comped or not.
Sure, I take the point, I’m just asking for evidence on the two statements phillip made. One is that the rooms were comped, and the second that SkyCity knew what was going on.
Random question.
Banks faced the police, but on the old local government law, because even though Auckland is a huge billion dollar entity, it still under the same laws as a small west coast council. and that’s the rib, Banks was running for Mayor not for Parliament.
So that got me thinking, Browns not the first Mayor to have a mistress? Get up to questionable practices, he just happens to be Mayor of Auckland rather than say Laws or Parker who would not be such high profile.
For to suggest that a Mayor got a freebie with his Mistress would not be a crime take to court anywhere else. It would have been seen for what it is, the outing itself would be punishment enough to the career.
Now the hilarious, first I thought Slater was a moron, outing this right after an election when nobody wanted to spend up for a new one. But it turns out that NZ law is so fracked that instead of the wife taking up the seat vacated by the disgraced or dead Mayor, the second place contender is. Who thought that up, are they trying to destabilize government? If there is an incentive to knock the Mayor off, low life people invariable attempt to. It would have been astonishing had Brown stood down and the Americian take charge, the outrage could have possibly knocked any chance Key had of re-election, which isn’t much I gather.
Is it the case the second-place winner takes the job, because I haven’t seen that anywhere?
Wouldn’t it be the deputy mayor, as least temporarily until a new election was called?
Furthermore, remember that Parliament is sovereign, and in an unusual case such as this, could easily pass legislation for new elections, regardless of what existing law said, to avoid an unpalatable outcome such as the 2nd-place winner getting the job.
They seriously considered this possible on Q&A, starting with Boag on the panel. sorry, if they are wrong it would not suprise me, it is after all a rightwing biased TV political show.
Yes, it could be the deputy… …but wait… …doesn’t the deputy get elected by the council when it sits? As for the wife, in the US the spouse of a congress person takes their seat.
Only a dumb law would incentivize the ousting of a duly elected winner.
Len hasn’t actually been sworn in yet, which might be where this potential “runner-up wins the race” stuff is coming from.
For example, if the winner of a mayoral election were to die before being sworn in, going with the runner-up might be a reasonable action to take.
Graeme Edgeler has said such things trigger a by election.
No, I don’t agree, if the runner up gets a quarter of the votes while the winner takes over 50%, then they don’t have a mandate and the way the auckland council is, the obvious solution would be for the council to elect an acting Mayor from their number and not have the second place even in the building (EVER). Since the winner must win the majority of the votes.
Boag got it wrong.
I read a post from Graeme Edgler (sp) that said if the mayor elect cannot take up office before the swearing in that a new election must be held.
I will try to find the link and post shortly
Re Mayoral resignations
Boag should resign from the panel, aka shit in shit out.
Boag also said on Q & A that all gifts have to be declared e.g. gift of a room compliments of Sky City.
Yes, and Len would have known this, hence why he would have paid for everything himself.
It has been reported that at times the room was free.
I heard what Brown said earlier in the day that he paid.
Two versions which one is right?
Skycity would probably back Brown and not Chuang because Skycity have the most to gain. (They would want Brown on their side).
Were Brown smart he would not have used a room at Skycity, because then they would have something over him. Possibly thought that he would not be detected in a busy hotel.
It has got to the stage where so much is being said (he said, she said and alliances) that it is hard to know who is telling the actual truth.
As I said the other day, had Chuang been elected, those trying to out Brown would also out Chuang. I have a lot of understanding for her as she has been manipulated the most.
well, I guess that’s what an investigation is for.
I really do not think that an investigation is going to cut it, unless it is backed up with evidence.
Looked for an article on the use of hotel rooms, who tells the best spin wins.
Three different hotels are named, but I still stand by saying “Were Brown smart he would not have used a room at Skycity,…”
Yes, that is what distinguishes an investigation from bulldust.
For example, they might ask Brown to sign a release for the private info re:billing from the relevant hotels, if that were an issue. Not something I would expect to be on public record (although the junior slater wouldn’t be above forging one to make brown look bad, in my opinion).
What exactly is the source for this? Because I have not seen any credible information that this is the case, and it mainly seems to be something being spread by nutty right wing bloggers and commenters.
Both Bevan Chuang and Len Brown have stated the the rooms were paid for.
The link you have supplied is the link I supplied. Problem with the link from me.
Paragraph 2
“However she believed that some of the rooms he booked for the pair were offered free of charge by hotel managers.”
To clear this up verification will need to be provided.
Paragraph 5
“A spokes woman for the Hilton said the hotel would not give complimentary rooms to Mr Brown, while spokes woman for SkyCity and the Langham hotels would not comment on guests for privacy reasons.”
It just takes one room to be a gift which has not been declared to be misleading.
The thing that I am most interested in is what was said in July this year, the only time Chuang and Brown were intimate this year and the relationship had soured by this time.
Was some sort of deal struck between them?
You can “spin” it however you like, but it will not deflect away from the FACT – loser Len has been running one up a staff member for the past 2 years (and she won’t be the only one – it will all come out eventually). Conflict of interest – job promotion for jollies. He’s nothing but a dirty little, lying piece of scum. I feel so sorry for his wife and daughters – what an embarrasing humiliation for his family. If he had once ounce of dignity he would resign immediately.
Sorry to burst your bubble there Shatwest but Ms Chuang was not a Council employee for two years, Len Brown won the Mayoralty and is going no place and even should He resign the ‘polls’ show that He would simply be elected by the people of Auckland again,
Far from loser Len as you put it, more like Landslide Len as far as the wing-nuts in Auckland are concerned,
Your slander of Brown by insinuating that He has been involved in other relationships while the Mayor is noted, if you have no proof of such you should shut your hole…
How come you can in one breath call Len Brown “He’s nothing but a dirty little, lying piece of scum”
In the next breath you are ” I feel so sorry for his wife and daughters – what an embarrasing humiliation for his family.”
How do you justify your ranting which is definitely rubbing the salt in the wounds of Len’s family.
Surely if you felt sorry for someone you would go out of your way to keep schtum instead of repeating the vitriole
“How come you can in one breath…”
Answer: Natwest is wingnut trash? Just a wild guess.
i am also confused by contending experts..
..mccarten on telly yesterday morn claimed the timing of this was because if brown could be forced to resign in the week before election and swearing in..
..that palino would get the gong…
..(seems to make sense..eh..?..and fits the conspiracy-theories like a glove..
..yet hooten on nat-rad..(backed by williams..)..
..said mccarten has got it wrong..and that that section of the law only applies to councillors..should one drop off the twig/whatever during that gap..
..if it is a mayor..this law does not apply…a bye-election is held..
..and of the two..hootens’ take hangs together best for me..
..as it would seem mccarten possibly only read half of the law..
..and hooten raises the hilarious possibility…
..that the/any rightwing conspirators made that same law miss-reading mistake mccarten clearly did..
..and that their whole plan (if you believe chuangs’ relating of palinos’ timing-urgings to her in that car-park..late that nite..and why wouldn’t we/you..?..)
..their whole plan was a total monumental-clusterfuck/screw-up..
..from day/square one..
..all predicated on someones’ miss-reading of a law..
..and i hafta confess..
..i find that possiblity fucken hilarious..
..and i so so hope that is the way it is..
..the humour to be wrung from this..
..would give us all a well-needed feelgood-shot..
..(well..most of us..anyway..)
..and if so…
..plse plse tell us who the face-palming idiot was who came up with this wheeze of an idea/plan..?
..in the first place..?
..and no..the idiots who played along..get no credit..
..we need to know who to direct our laughs at..
..phillip ure..
Russell Brown has seen the Chuang affidavit the Herald has been basing its stories on:
To me Ad’s recent post is of concern
…… ie why are so many highly placed executives of the Auckland Council resigning, resigned or possibly resigning….surely this indicates poor top governance, management or morale.
(See post below)
Ad 19
20 October 2013 at 7:22 am
……..We need to get back to debating the agenda of the Council. At the moment, the Council will lose its Chief Executive within months, has lost its Head of Communications, head of Legal, and (if a successful CE candidate) their Chief Financial Officer. It is highly likely to lose more. Like it or not, the staff at Council are a whole lot more powerful than these politicians who meet very occasionally.
We also currently have a Council with no Committee structure, no Committee delegations, and no functioning democracy at all. Five of the new Council are brand new and either have no Council experience or none playing at this level.
This is for steering an entity far larger in its assets than Fonterra.
We have a Unitary Plan preparing for public hearings which the Government has determining it will select the Commissioners for.
We have Cabinet decisions coming down the pipeline that will currently greatly expand motorway investment and do very little for public transport.
You people are obsessed with the media when the policy content and all the other players underneath the Council that will make it happen are far more at risk. Change your viewfinder quickly.
wailoil scumblog slater is just jealous that len got to hide the sausage while he has to pay for it and even then they insist that the lights be turned off.
‘Excusers” and hypoctites to boot. Excussing Browns behaviour just endorses to him that it’s okay to abuse his position of office. Ironic how the left bayed for Worth and Gilmores blood when they stepped out of line, but it’s different when one of its own is in the firing line.
OK – this one has been dealt with already but
1) point out where people are saying its fine len had an affair
2) In richard worths case there was actual legal processes underway – as opposed to a bunch of media stories
so far from what you paint it as – thats two comments in this one thread where youve thrown your weight around and generally put across the impression that your not that smart. Care to prove the perception incorrect?
You do realise that lens affiar and the subsequent goings on are actually two distinct things and as such can be talked about separately dont you?
Six wrongs in three sentences. Well done.
Reading homework – the case of Richard Worth, the left’s view of Brown, the definition of “abuse”, etc, etc. Enjoy.
Shitnest, having an affair is not an abuse of office, we have moved on from Victorian era moral rigor and most of us consider what goes on in the bed of any particular politician highly un-note-worthy from a moral position,(although the comic dimensions of such may reach epic proportions)…
Poor wickle Natwest, the nasty smear campaign isn’t turning out the way they wanted.
Apart from the table, a couple of walls and a couch in the office being ábused’ I don”t think he held a gun to her head to get into her panties . Yes he was a stupid dickhead but by no means the first or the last politician to cheat on his wife with a younger model. And when I listen to the likes of Rodney Hide lecturing everyone on morality I just feel an urge to barf.
This is quite funny … journo tries to keep story going, Twitter says “please shut up now”:
Same on Radio Live – Grubby Garner says “Issues! Issues!”, and everyone else says “give it up, it’s over”. It’s not been Duncan’s finest hour, channeling Slater and Cook last week, giving them free hits, and now he looks pretty stupid. Shame.
Garner is a disgrace.
Why on earth has no one asked what the cellphone number of the anonymous text is.
Even if it was a throw away phone having the number would be interesting especially if its still hot.
Reporter after reporter make big of the so called anonymous texts but never ask what the cell number is. Get the number put it out to the people and who knows we might just be able to track it.
Is this just inability of our media journalists to think or do they have a reason fro not wanting us to know
It was published in the Herald.
Can’t we get JK and the GCSB, SIS, NSA, onto this and fill in the gaps in the story?