“Reds under the Bed”.

Everyone has recently had an education on  “Socialism” working in practice.

“The sound you are hearing is”

Economic ideas being shredded.

And a graphic illustration of the shortcomings, of under regulated “Free market” Capitalism, Globalism, tax cuts for the rich, and the mania for monetising everything in sight, and “running it like a business”.

The inadequacy of our run down health system. Deliberately run down to bring in privatised health, is only one example. Luckily for the culprits, our societies success in “flattening the curve” if not “eliminating” Covid has staved off demand for their “heads on a plate”.

Businesses queuing up for State support through Covid have voted with their feet for “Socialist” State help and subsidies. The only argument is from those who think it is not enough, or may be applied differently. Even the inaptly named “Tax payers Union” has abandoned their principles and accepted “handouts” from the “Socialists”.

Small businesses Small business poll realise that customers with money, and Government help, are good for their businesses, especially when things go wrong. They see first hand, along with the rest of us, something that genuine  businesspeople, not capital gains tax farmers and rentiers,  knew already,  that Capitalism needs a good dose of “Socialism” to work long term. Without State infrastructure, the rule of law, prosperous customers and a functional society, no business succeeds.

Portugal, New Zealand in the last few months, and a few other countries have “shown the power of a” democratic socialist State “to do good”. The USA, Russia, UK and Brazil, to name a few have, at the same time, graphically illustrated the failings of States run by the rich, for the rich.

The wealthy have always supported socialism. So long as it is to their benefit. And someone else pays for it. Queen Street farmers with their hands out, have been a constant local example.  The worlds largest State controlled, and tax funded enterprise, the US military, exists to channel money to their billionaires.  That it  acts as an employer,  of those who would otherwise rebel against their grossly unequal society, is a bonus. Without that huge State employer their “Free market” society will collapse.

Now that it has become obvious that “Socialism” works, with our recent education from the economic and social response to Covid, the right wing have had to introduce a new scare word, to try and  associate Socialism  with totalitarian bogey men. Instead of “Socialist” they now use “Marxist”. Hoping that the majority have the same lack of comprehension of what it really means, as they do.  The “Reds under the bed” scare mongering, is a kick back by those who benefited from destroying our society, to keep the pre virus Neo-liberal settings.

I’ll leave the final paragraph to Harry Truman.

Socialism is a scareword they have hurled at every advance the people have made in the last 20 years. Socialism is what they called public power. Socialism is what they called social security. Socialism is what they called farm price supports. Socialism is what they called bank deposit insurance. Socialism is what they called the growth of free and independent labor organizations. Socialism is their name for almost anything that helps all the people.

HARRY S. TRUMAN, speech, Oct. 10, 1952

Note. I will be moderating comments. Usually I  let fools out themselves. But this time I want to keep on topic.

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