Returns on investments

When John Key was elected to power in 2008, he was estimated to have a personal wealth of about 40-50 million dollars. Since then, he’s collected an annual salary of $400,000 – worth all the more since the tax cuts increased the net figure by an extra $1,000 per week.

And then there are the investments. It’s been a terrible three years for many investors given the state of the national and world economies. But then Key is a clever man when it comes to his own investments, and as Prime Minister he’s been in a uniquely advantageous position to receive the very best market intelligence and, in many cases, have forewarning of significant events that will affect the markets and particular investments. Of course, that knowledge wouldn’t have any impact at all on Key’s share trading, because his investments are apparently all in a blind trust Aldgate. But then again, the mirror trust Whitechapel must make things much easier to manage profitably. Given that, I would have thought that Key’s investments have been doing just fine and returning at least 10%.

Just how much tax has been paid on those profits is anyone’s guess, but I expect Key would have very good advice on how to minimise the contribution.

So my question is how much is John Key worth now?

Your considered estimates would be appreciated.

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