Scoop on the Hager Rawshark raid case

Here’s something for politics junkies on a Saturday morning – Scoop on the Hager Rawshark raid case:

Inside The Hunt For Rawshark – The Hager Raid Court File

Scoop Independent News has secured access to the court file for the Hager Rawshark Raid Case and today publishes partially redacted versions an initial group of documents released by the High Court.

If wading through affidavits isn’t your thing, try Lyndon Hood’s lighter 19 Things Only Restructured Journalists Will Get.

…and the symbiotic relationship between the Prime Minister and mass media light entertainment is slowly sucking what used to be a democratic function out of the veins of your industry…

Public Interest Journalism – use it or lose it!

Please contribute to Scoop’s latest pledge drive here:

Building a Sustainable Independent News Organisation for the People of New Zealand

The news is broken. As traditional advertising revenues dry up, New Zealand’s major news publishers are dumbing down or distorting the news to keep their businesses alive. The newly-formed Scoop Foundation for Public Interest Journalism is seeking your support for its solution to the news crisis.

In this campaign we’re seeking $50,000 from individual donors and targeting corporate and institutional donors for a further $50,000 in matching funds.

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