Should Joe Biden do an Andrew Little?

Jo Biden’s recent debate with Donald Trump did not go well.

Donald Trump was unhinged and light control of the debate let him say numberous lies. Such as:

But Biden was pretty awful. He appeared confused, somewhat frail and lacking in energy.

John Stewart speaks for billions of us in the world.

There is talk about major levels of panic in Democrat ranks. I can understand why. Even though the thought of the unhinged orange buffoon getting back into the White House should send shivers up the backs of all Americans there is a sufficient number of them prepared to do the unthinkable to make his return a distinct possibility.

Biden has responded with this mea culpa.

The person who is no doubt really happy is RF Kennedy Jr. There is opening the possibility that he could secure a significant number of votes from disillusioned Americans.

And claims that Biden would be pumped full of Adderall were clearly wrong. The only one who showed any evidence of artificial stimulation was Trump.

Maybe Biden should do what Andrew Little did in 2017 and stand down for a younger candidate.

As Stewart said “this cannot be real life”.

Stay tuned.

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