Written By:
Zetetic - Date published:
8:00 am, May 24th, 2009 - 24 comments
Categories: national -
Tags: don brash
Let’s give Brash his inquiry. The poor demented shell of a man thinks there’s some great conspiracy against him. He’s so deluded he even thinks the Police are biased against National. That’s why they couldn’t find who ‘stole’ his emails.
I’ll tell you why no-one can find who ‘stole’ his emails. They weren’t stolen.
Say what you want about lax security at Parliament. There’s no way some dude rocked up past layers of security guards, up flights of stairs, down corridors, through swipe access doors into the Leader of the Opposition’s office, rifled around, and walked out with hundreds of emails, faxes, calendar entries etc without anyone noticing.
There’s also no way some dude hacked his system without leaving some kind of a digital trace. I’ve been told that by someone who used to run the system. Even if there was a hack that only explains emails, not the rest of the inside material Hager used.
There’s only one way to get such a huge amount of varied information. Leaks. Which is what Hager has said happened all along.
So yes. Let’s give old man Brash his inquiry. Let’s see if we can’t find out who the leakers were.
Oh wait. Key and English have already decided there will be no inquiry. Strange. You would think that if there was a chance to find who ‘stole’ the emails they would jump at it. Any thief would be some kind of lefty, they could demonise the lot of us, mostly importantly Hager.
Guess they know there’s no thief. Guess there’s some skeletons they would prefer to stay in their closets.
The absence of an outcome suits the Nats just fine. Brash, Hooton etc get to keep spouting conspiracy nonsense. Key can discredit Hager without evidence. And they don’t have to suffer the embarrassment of the public knowing who the senior National figures that betrayed Brash are.
It is obvious who nicked the material
Brash used to print a hard copy to read didn’t he ?
Clue .. “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”
Yes only a woman can get real low down and sneeky when blinded by revenge. Just look at the male suicide rate.
Smoke the sisterhood and do us all a big favour.
ah. nothing like a bit of rightwing woman hating in the morning. What’s the matter, didn’t mummy give you enough cuddles?
Outofbed is referring to Brash’s EA. Story is he was having an affair with her. Then she found out about the other affair with Foreman. As revenge on triple-dipping Brash, she passed on the papers to Hager.
Problem with that story is Hager says there were several high profile Nats involved.
Still more credible than some ninja hacker breaking in.
The police disagreed. They thought the emails were stolen http://www.police.govt.nz/news/release/3859.html.
They’ve got no evidence of some external person coming and taking the materials (which are not only emails).
In the eyes of the Police an unauthorised leak is a theft isn’t it?
Here’s some interesting speculation on who may have leaked the emails.
It would also explain why we just have a Police review, rather than the Commission of Inquiry Brash wanted.
Why should we take that site seriously when they can’t even spell properly. And really going disgustingly low to smear Stephen Joyce.
The thing that is most interesting about all of this is that there is no appetite from any party for a full investigation.
Release all the papers now and appoint a get a judge appointed. This won’t stop a prosecution if one is really warranted and a judge could in fact recommend that one occurs. Frankly I’m getting sick of Brash and a bunch of other tories running down the Police.
So is Peter Davis.
Quite right take them outside any give em a punch.
It won’t matter if you punch them on camera because another whitewash job will quickly cover it up.
And there’s always the issue of provocation, isn’t there bilbo? As for you serpico, stay on topic and use your detective skills to find out which Nat leaked what…
Nothing will cover up that duck’s ugly mug….. bof bof Mr MP the rules don’t apply to you.
Can we call you to account for your provocation of Brash ducky oh that’s right the sisterhood told you to do it haw haw, where’s that Heineken bottle now.
I think I liked you better when you used to pretend to be a doctor.
Still, this is a bit more honest I guess. Swapping “sisterhood” gags with dad4justice was always really more your style and standard.
Have you been having Peyote for lunch ho ho what a jolly jape.
What do you think you are today lucky cat.
Trevor, I do it as well. In a specific area – their handling of activists and protesters. It appears that some units inside the police act as a law unto themselves. In fact they deliberately misuse the legal structures of the court systems with its delays as an extra-legal punishment.
These days I don’t bother with complaints because it is pretty pointless. It is simpler to ridicule them. I can’t wait until we see the court results from the ‘terrorist’ raids in 2007. There are a few nutters caught in the net. But mainly they seem to have used the pretext as a reason to get search warrants – with little results.
Of course that does bring help in bringing the reputation of the police as a whole down. But in the absence of any channel into the police that is effective, the best way to achieve change inside the police force is for them to realize that they have to control their own.
Like 99% of New Zealanders, I’ve long since stopped paying attention to this story. But if it keeps memories of Don Brash alive and in the public eye, that’s fine by me. 😉
bilbo – All I think when I see immature comments like yours is Gerry Brownlee.
If senior members of the National Party were responsible, I wonder why current senior members are not noisy about getting to the bottom of the who?
Hmmm, same senior members as there were under Brashs leadership?
The Nats are keeping mum on the inquiry. The headless chickens at Kiwib.log run around yelling for an inquiry.
Wires crossed?
Although I do have a theory that most on the aforementioned blog are ACT supporters anyway.
Why dont they call for an inquiry in to who it was that let someone film Brash trying to get in to a go-kart? Just take a before and after photo! the poor prick was almost breaking his bones.
What about the Earthrace boat incident too? Heh, the guy seemed to keep getting into situations beyond his years…