So, what are you going to do?

Over at the Labour MPs’ blog, Red Alert, Brendon Burns has written a piece criticising Agriculture Minister David Carter on the welfare of pigs in sow crates.

But while it’s good to see Labour, or at least a Labour MP, finally take a stand on the sow crate issue (God knows the Tories won’t), I have to agree with Anita in the comments where she asks:

I know it’s churlish to say ‘Labour was in power for the last nine years’, but this is one issue where it’s totally justified. This issue has been well known for decades, it was appalling the whole time, the governments’ inaction has been sickening the whole time.

It’s great you’ve arrived on this one, but what are you actually going to do?

Exactly. As I said in a recent post, it wouldn’t hurt for Labour to take a stand on principle here. And that means more than simply criticising the Nats for political gain, it means fronting up with a commitment to end the suffering of intensively farmed pigs.

Until then, I don’t see how they can expect anyone to take them seriously on this issue.

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