Some free advice for Mr Fixit

Steven Joyce, as one of the few apparently competent Nats, is called by some “Mr Fixit”. He’s about to severely tarnish that reputation by making the wrong decision about Novopay:

Joyce: Novopay likely to stay

Teachers and school staff look likely to be stuck with the problem-prone payroll system Novopay.

The minister tasked with fixing the mess, Steven Joyce, has today revealed he is leaning toward keeping the system.

My advice to Mr Joyce is to seek advice from independent programmers / software engineers before making a final decision (not politicians, not managers, not the company concerned – talk to independent working programmers).

Fixing software is not like fixing other things. You can’t shout at it, you can’t motivate it, fixes are hard, and adding resource often makes it worse not better.

I don’t know anything about the details of Novopay, but I do know this, from the outside it has all the hallmarks of a fatally flawed software project that needs to be scrapped. From the outside my advice would be – start over.

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