John Key ‘may’ be able to understand it?

John Key has recently acted like a jerk to a young mother worried about what climate change is going to mean for her future and that of her child. Essentially he said that she should stick to what she knew.

Bearing in mind the complete lack of understanding that both John Key and his NACT government have been showing on climate change, this seemed like a case of the pot calling the kettle black. For instance, Nick Smith appears to have been incapable of understanding the NZIER report on the costs to NZ of doing too little on climate change in terms of having to buy carbon credits.

But John Key* hasn’t a background in earth science as well as business and computers. So perhaps I shouldn’t be so hard on the pathetic deprived chap. He hasn’t had the benefits of a well-rounded education. Instead he devoted his limited intellect and energies to putting check boxes on his CV. Sort of stamp collecting for accountants.

So perhaps dumbing down some of the climate change down to something closer to his level of scientific illiteracy would help him understand what the scientists have been trying to tell him? Showing a video’s about the near-term political** aspects ‘may’ help John Key’s understanding of climate change consequences. It may be something that his limited range of occupational skills may allow him to understand.

This documentary is from the UNDP report last year and looks at the consequences of climate changes in the developing world. The refugees from drought and flood spilling over borders will be part of the near-term problems that NZ will have to face. For that matter climate changes in NZ have consequences as any farmer caught with stock and no feed in the drought a few years ago can attest.

For more detailed information on climate change in NZ.  Have a look at hot-topic.

* And following in John Key’s patronizing and supercilious example.

** Assuming that he is a politician. Dissing a generation of voters as being too dumb to understand science is pretty stupid for a politician. More so for someone who has no skills in science.

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