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- Date published:
11:47 am, June 19th, 2012 - 11 comments
Categories: debt / deficit, economy, national -
So National are shelving their plan to get out of deficit by 2014/15. Which was their only goal left.
They’d shelved stopping the exodus to Australia, stopping high unemployment, getting better public services, fixing our current account deficit, returning to growth, proper ECE funding (and Adult and Community Education at all), better training for teachers, keeping ACC fair, not cutting frontline staff, promises to not raise GST and more, all on the altar of surplus in 2014/15.
It may not have been good for the country, but that was what they stood for.
Now, not so much.
And with them rowing back on their education changes as they realise that parents actually like having their children interact with their teacher occasionally, and laying the groundwork on selling fewer assets as they realise that’s too toxic, we’re left wondering what National do stand for? What is their vision?
About the only thing they’re left with is tax cuts for the rich and white elephant motorways…
Is anybody so blind as to connect National with the concept of “vision”? (Reluctantly, I must concede that such people do exist).
NACTs policy is to rip, shit and bust until they get ripped, shit on and busted.
Zero-sum policy
The oppositions policy is to rip politely, shit in moderation and bust equitably.
..shit in moderation and bust equitably.
I wouldn’t mind quite so much if this were true. For those at the bottom there doesn’t seem much difference at all between Nat and Lab other than the tone of the discourse. When I read the title of this post I jumped to the conclusion it was about the Labour Party, until I read the actual post.
I was being a bit sarcastic as if being polite, moderate and equitable means anything more than bullshit under capitalism.
That’s because there isn’t.
white elephant motorways
They’ve pushed a lot of these right out too.
They stand for the government doing nothing. Which is why the few things they do are about reducing government influence. Which is a valid ideological position in its own right. They’re just not honest about that,
You’ve just described a traditional national party government….. plunder while you can…. use the news media to broadcast the blaming of the labour party for everything when they inevitably get landed with the mess to clean up….
it’s a perfect symbiosis…
Doesn’t say much for the intelligence of the average kiwi……..
Don’t forget drilling and mining?
not yet….. we still have a ways to degenerate economically before that can be re-introduced as our saving grace….and get acceptance….. albeit grudging acceptance….
Is the holiday highway about getting ore from Northland to Auckland? They seem emotionally attached to both roads and mining, so this would give them wet dreams. Plus they can sell Northland as being full of lazy Maori dope smoking dole bludgers who need a few open cast mines to bring them into the 21st century, while their Tory developer mates sip pink gins in their Bay of Islands yacht clubs. To me, it’s obvious they stand for something, that something being the open plunder of the country and further entenchment of our banana republic status. Labour seem to stand for much the same thing, but with a few soup kitchens thrown in. The Greens seem to be hanging onto some dream of environmentally friendly capitalism, while Mana is at least prepared to build opposition on the streets. UF stand for nothing and NZF can’t help letting their bigotry out for a walk every now and then. Something needs to change radically.
Ah yes Slippery show us all the money,surplus by 2014/2015 and the sound management of the New Zealand economy being both National and Slippery’s main election plan after the theft and fencing off of the best of the assets we all own that is,
That little piece of BULLSHIT relentlessly trotted out and unquestioned by the tame news media has helped con the voters of New Zealand into allowing what appears from here to be a collection of every village idiot from half the towns of this country a second term as the Government,
I can enumerate what the 2008 piece of BULLSHIT, ”National will not be raising GST” from the Slippery Prime Minister has cost those who rely on low and fixed incomes to survive, but, in the long term as the borrowing from the National Government goes on unabated and is obviously now going to continue into and after 2014/2015, i would dare suggest that the ongoing cost to those surviving upon low incomes of the 2011 lies ”surplus in 2014/2015”, will far out-weigh the damage caused by the Slippery tax changes and raising of GST,
Destroying the entitlements of the most vulnerable in our society will be left by the Slippery Prime Minister up to the whim of the IMF who by the time the village idiots in the form of this National Government have finished with the New Zealand economy will have created with deliberation an economy staggering under such a load of Government debt further borrowing will be impossible…