Submit on the Unitary Plan now!

Written By: - Date published: 4:00 pm, May 29th, 2013 - 11 comments
Categories: auckland supercity, C&R, Environment, local government, public transport, transport - Tags:

The draft unitary plan, while not perfect, is a key part of making Auckland the most livable city.

The plan is a progressive document: we know urban sprawl hurts the poor and creates worse health, social and economic outcomes.

Generation Zero have put together an easy quick feedback tool so that you can submit on the plan.

It is essential you do. The misinformation (or another analysis here) and inaccurate reporting means every submission that supports the intent of the plan to create a quality compact city is needed.

The form is at the base of the following frame – scroll down to it. The closing date for submissions is at the end of the month.

11 comments on “Submit on the Unitary Plan now! ”

  1. Bunji 1

    Already done – Great stuff!

  2. Olwyn 2

    Did it. Thanks for putting it up.

  3. Rich the other 3

    More crap, lens getting desperate.

    Nobody wants to live beneath a high rise apartment building and family’s with children won’t want to live in them , though they may be forced to.

    I can see it now ,south Auckland moves to your central suburb.
    Many of these buildings will quickly qualify for slum status, intensifed housing will see an increase in the usual problems, crime, drugs etc , do you want this next to you , in bulk??

    The key is word being ” quality”, that’s one thing it won’t be.

    • Paul 3.1

      Trolling again, I see.
      Who pays you to write this stuff?

    • karol 3.2

      Well down, Rto. You’ve got all the right wing scaremongering lines off pat.

      Definitely a lack of quality in some of these spin lines. Did you click on the links about the misinformation

      Like the public address link which includes this:

      The Terraced and Apartment Housing zone, roughly calculated (very roughly in some cases) as being 250m from a town centre, is limited to four storeys and all developments will have to be resource-consented and meet a range of new rules, including those around privacy and distance between buildings. They’ll also be urged to use the new Urban Design Guidelines. In some areas, it all represents a strengthening of controls over what the current district plan requires.

      …. and so much more that shows up your misinformation.

      Or do you prefer to stay misinformed?

      Or is it that you are trying to spread misinformation?

      There’s room for improvement on the plan, and everyone can have a say if they want to as suggested in the post.

  4. lprent 4

    I do. You have to remember that about a third of all households consist only of one or two adults. And there aren’t enough suitable houses/flats/apartments for them. So they sit in oversized houses preventing families from moving into them..

  5. Russell Brown also has a good analysis where he essentially says that what is proposed is what is happening already. And, shock horror, one of the loudest voices against the thought of three story homes, Guy Middleton, has, repeat shock horror, a three story home.

    The post is at

    The thought behind the plan is either we consolidate with all the environmental and social benefits or we sprawl. Urban sprawl has a number of adverse effects. Overseas there are many cities that function well with less land.

    The debate is important but the scaremongering from the right is pitiful …

  6. ratesarerevolting 6

    [RL: Deleted. Pointless abuse.]

  7. At the Northcote meeting (Sunday 26 May 2013) on the ‘Auckland Daft Lunatic’ Plan – I promised that I would initiate a Parliamentary petition to help throw a spanner in the works.

    On Monday, 27 May 2013, I got the petition wording checked at the Parliamentary Table Office, and collected signatures, mainly at the Auckland Grey Power AGM on Tuesday 28 May.

    The wording of this petition is:

    “That Parliament declines to proceed with the Housing Accords and Special Housing Areas Bill until the lawfulness of the reliance of Auckland Council on the New Zealand Department of Statistics ‘high’ population growth projections, instead of their ‘medium’ population growth projections for the Auckland Spatial Plan, has been properly and independently investigated – taking into consideration that both Auckland Transport and Watercare Services Ltd, have relied upon ‘medium’ population growth projections for their infrastructural asset management plans.”

    Holly Walker, Green Party Housing Spokesperson, will be the MP who has agreed to present this petition at the earliest available opportunity – hopefully tomorrow – Thursday 30 May (I couriered the petition today).

    For more background information on FACTS and EVIDENCE gathered on this matter, and correspondence sent and received –


    Penny Bright
    ‘Anti-corruption /anti-privatisation’ campaigner.

    2013 Auckland Mayoral candidate

  8. Tuna 8

    So, are the councillors and governing people going to give up their nice suburban homes and walk the talk, along with the rest of the people expected to live in a high rise box.

    Urban sprawl creates poverty, but so do urban ghetto high rises. England is razing theirs. That is something NZ should take a look at. Because the elite won’t live in them, they do not have to.

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