Sucking up to Banksie

I know that The Herald likes to campaign for the Right, but surely this overdose of sucking up to “Banksie” sets new records?

On the (online) version of The Herald’s National news page, at time of writing, we have five count them five puff pieces on “Banksie” in a row. That Banksie eh – what a swell guy!

If you hunt around you can find a mention of Len Brown too, and the tiny little detail that he intends to restore some measure of local democracy in Auckland. You know – something that actually matters. It’s there if you hunt for it, so I guess that’s “fair and balanced”.

And just so this post isn’t a complete and utter whinge, let’s talk about a different Banksy for a moment. This Banksy here. If you have nothing better to do on a damp Saturday morning you could go check out some of his work for an interesting take on the world…

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