Sunday Reading

My regular Sunday piece of interesting, longer, deeper stories I found during the week. It’s also a chance for you to share what you found this week too. Those stimulating links you wanted to share, but just didn’t fit in anywhere (no linkwhoring).  This week: Billionaire interest groups, sex tapes and romantic love?

Sorry no post last week – the server was down late on the Saturday night when I wanted to write it…

The Guardian has uncovered a vast climate denial network funded by billionaires – as covered by Mother Jones.  They also cover the investigation of FreedomWorks, a billionaire Koch’s funded non-profit that trains hard-right Republican activists, and now having trouble with a video of a fake panda giving a fake Hillary Clinton fake oral sex, which the company deputy CEO starred in…

On a less smutty note, Mother Jones also cover the brain differences between Democrats and Republicans – and how beliefs shape the brain and vice-versa.

In the Guardian the call is for a left answer to ‘compassionate conservatism’, that chimes with the public.  Meanwhile a Guardian columnist has now become a UK Labour by-election candidate, with some interesting (very FPP-centric) comments:

You can’t just be your normal everyday self in democratic politics. You have to put on clothes you wouldn’t normally wear – metaphorically and literally. Lots of us on the left like the idea of not conforming, of each doing our own thing. Another phrase for this is “losing elections”. Is that why the left has not built enough on past victories, because we are more comfortable protesting than governing? Just by having had turns in power the Labour party is seen by many as part of the establishment, and so purists keep themselves untainted by sneering at any party that could win and actually pass legislation.

The New Yorker looks at how a higher minimum wage pretty much always works.

A quick reminder about how the Finnish education system is so much better the US one (and a hint as to which direction we should be heading).

And finally, in Valentine’s week, a viewpoint against romantic love – and a call to stand in love, rather than fall in love.

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