T Day

Posts about the American election have attracted huge attention and very spirited commentary from TS regulars.

My personal view is clear.  Trump is a charlatan and an imbecile and should not be trusted with the keys to Trump Tower, let alone the codes to America’s nuclear arsenal.

Others think differently and believe that Hillary Clinton would have been even worse and would have empowered Wall Street and caused all sorts of wars.  I cannot believe how empowered Wall Street has become however with the roll call of wealth that now forms Trump’s cabinet.  If you want to understand the importance of having a POTUS who is at least sane then read this.

Russell Brown has, in my view, captured the insanity of what we are facing very well in this post.  He summarises the problems.  Increased tensions with China, NATO undermined giving Russia a free hand, and Sweden and other states the heebe geebes, western democracies undermined by fake news sites and cyber attacks, the destruction of international trade, which may not necessarily be a bad thing, and lets not even talk about climate change.

Domestically it does not look good either.  Reduced oversight of what the POTUS, the HR and the Senate are doing, attacks on abortion rights and gay and lesbian rights and different ethnicities and attacks on the media are surely on the way.

It is a sign of how radically things have changed in the world’s order.  A few decades ago it was the US and Western Europe against Russia and China.  Now it seems to be developing to a stage where it will be US and Russia verses China and parts of Western Europe battling for dominance.

And my personal view?  At the very least China has sound rational climate change policies.  Unlike Trump.

Radio New Zealand’s updating timeline on inauguration events is here.



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