Written By: - Date published: 7:41 am, December 23rd, 2015 - 61 comments
There’s still a few MPs “on duty”. Their function is to maintain the semblance of active government and to roll out a bunch of announcements they hope will escape full scrutiny.
Written By: - Date published: 9:14 am, November 19th, 2014 - 101 comments
I have no real opinion about the details of the complaint against Roger Sutton, there simply isn’t enough information in the context. That would require seeing the report. However I do have strong opinion about someone who breaks the confidentiality clauses of any agreement. Throw the book at them
Written By: - Date published: 10:38 am, April 5th, 2013 - 87 comments
Key & a government source responded to Ferguson’s criticisms by attacking Labour & Ferguson. They claimed Fletcher was the best person to “change manage” the GCSB. Yet, in Queensland Fletcher was publicly criticised for the management of his department. [Updated]
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