Written By: Anthony R0bins - Date published: 10:25 am, January 16th, 2016 - 43 comments
An excellent piece on poverty by Lizzie Marvelly in The Herald this morning poses a question to which we already know the answer. (Plus some bonus rambling on the media.)
Written By: redfed - Date published: 7:30 am, January 8th, 2016 - 81 comments
Jamie Whyte yesterday wrote an article for the Herald claiming that child poverty does not exist in New Zealand. But he wrote essentially the same article in 2005 about child poverty in Great Britain.
Written By: notices and features - Date published: 7:05 pm, September 20th, 2014 - 11 comments
Who will win Epsom? Will enough people rebel at John Key’s instruction to vote for the ACT candidate or will ACT’s extreme policies and Jaime Whyte’s weirdness mean that the people of Epsom will rebel and vote for Paul Goldsmith? Updated: Early, but the Act guy ahead.
Written By: Stephanie Rodgers - Date published: 12:45 pm, September 8th, 2014 - 112 comments
The choice for NZ voters is becoming clearer in the last days of the 2014 election. The irony is that after John Key’s scaremongering, our options are a three-headed coalition of natural allies versus a five-or-six headed hydra of extremists and sworn enemies.
Written By: mickysavage - Date published: 9:52 am, August 11th, 2014 - 54 comments
Not content with seeking support from the Randian loving Maori bashing incest supporting part of the electorate Jamie Whyte is now targeting those against alcohol by suggesting that Race Relations Commissioner Susan Devoy has a drinking problem.
Written By: mickysavage - Date published: 9:20 am, August 11th, 2014 - 81 comments
A great campaign launch from Labour on the weekend, a couple of bad weeks for National and suddenly there is a chance that David Cunliffe may be our next Prime Minister. But how does he succeed and what can progressives do to help?
Written By: mickysavage - Date published: 12:00 pm, August 5th, 2014 - 81 comments
In a must see interview Native Affairs reporter Mihingarangi Forbes Forbes last night interviewed ACT leader Jamie Whyte with rather startling results.
Written By: notices and features - Date published: 4:38 pm, August 4th, 2014 - 24 comments
To say that ACT’s new company tax policy is complete and utter drivelling crap would be a bit of an understatement.
Written By: mickysavage - Date published: 6:18 pm, August 3rd, 2014 - 53 comments
ACT has announced its corporate tax policy and a cut in the rate from 0.28c to 0.125c in the dollar is promised. There is a slight problem. The figures do not add up.
Written By: notices and features - Date published: 8:30 am, June 13th, 2014 - 20 comments
The ACT Party today released its employment relations policy, which focuses on providing both employees and employers with flexibility in how they arrange their workplaces. “People may think they know how slavery works, but do they really? It’s an idea that has had some bad publicity over the years, but only because the right model hasn’t been tried. We believe we have developed the right model. A model that gives employees genuine choice about whether or not to become slaves.”
Written By: susannact - Date published: 10:30 am, April 7th, 2014 - 7 comments
Tracy Whatshite, Cadet Reporter, attended the “Bellies” (held at Bellamy’s) and found out who the winners were in this year’s competition for the Best Political Song of 2014. She spoke with the judge Frankie Stevens.
“Competition was particularly intense this year and the top entries included some old favourites, but also some surprizing new comers,” he said.
Written By: susannact - Date published: 12:00 pm, March 5th, 2014 - 15 comments
[satire] The Taxpayers Union has hit out at Prince George for wasting taxpayers money by accompanying his parents, The Prince and Princess of Cambridge on their Royal Visit to New Zealand. Jordan Williams lashed out at the Prince saying “We expect that he will cost the New Zealand tax payer approximately $550 in nappies, baby food and sundry expenses while he is here; although since he is an infant, we understand he will not have to pay airfares. Even so, we are astounded at this blatant misuse of taxpayers money ”.
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