Test embeds in comments.

As some of you may have noticed, I’ve started testing some embeds in comments in OpenMike today.

This is a test to see what is possible in posts that can worthwhile be carried over to the comments. Previously the only thing that has been allowed has been youtube and audio tracks. Now there are a range of possibilities.

I’ll show some tested ones below, and a list of some others that I will probably enable a click blocks, often more for the authors than commenters.

If you want to add more on this post as ones you’d like to test or try, then feel free. For instance, I’m interested in adding Quora and Stack Overflow – sites that I always find useful and which I could answer questions. Other sites that I am liable to add are NZ Herald, Stuff and some of the other local media. Then of course there is The Economist, a few overseas papers and a few sciences site that I read often.

Just add a URL to the comment, state the usual guff which gives other commenters a reason to read the link and see if it displays. If I’m interested or think that a reasonable number of others will be, then I may exert myself and allow it to work for comments if that is possible.

I’ll probably let this testing to run over the weekend before I start deciding what needs pruning out. As usual because I’m pretty good at detecting complete bullshit, I’ll be personally judging the quality of the links provided to decide what sites are allowed on the commenter areas. Post Authors of course will probably get whatever they want to work with.

The following currently (at the the time of writing) all work in comments in addition to the youtube and some audio..


This is Mort, our new kitten, attempting to destroy my sandals. He is already showing his rapacious carnivorous ambush predator nature while only weighing 115g. So about the time we microchip him I’m also going to get him a growth-release prey warning collar.


Just because this amuses me.




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