The elephant in the room

Written By: - Date published: 10:11 am, August 31st, 2016 - 4 comments
Categories: climate change, global warming - Tags: ,

4 comments on “The elephant in the room ”

  1. Jones 1

    I can remember a time when our rivers weren’t just swimable… they were drinkable.

    • riffer 1.1

      I know. As a teenager I used to swim in the Hutt river daily in the summer. Now, they give warnings that your animals will die if they swim in it due to cyanobacteria. Of course, back then they weren’t taking out a heap of water for Wellington city. I despair. My children are too busy on their computers to care about things like the great outdoors. Our generation are too busy just trying to pay our bills. Sigh…

    • weka 1.2

      Me too. And some still are, we mustn’t forget that.

  2. mosa 2

    Elephants are endangered too and we are heading the same way with climate extinction in the decades ahead.
    I suppose it will take our minds off the polluted rivers for a while.