The Internet Party

Written By: - Date published: 3:01 pm, January 15th, 2014 - 304 comments
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Internet partyI was not going to post today but …

Kim Dotcom is holding a party.  Originally numbers were estimated at 2,000 but following an overwhelming response it has been moved to Vector Arena.  It is widely rumoured that Dotcom will formally announce the formation of his new political party at this time.

Cameron Slater has blogged about it.  While anything he says should be taken with a grain of salt and verified if what he has said is true then  Dotcom means business.  It is alleged that he has sought help from internet heavyweights Martyn Bradbury, Graeme Edgeler and Alistair Thompson.

Slater criticises them for being paid to provide advice but coming from Slater that is really rich, particularly with regard to Martyn Bradbury who has always been totally up front about his activism and his media.  If only Cameron would let us know how his site is funded.

Bradbury has replied.  He says the paper was an early draft of a proposal tabled at a meeting with a whole bunch of other ideas late last year, that he ended consulting with Mana last year and that the idea of his being the Auckland Central candidate was more to kick around ideas.

Meanwhile the implications of the Internet Party will cause all of the other parties to take stock.

Bradbury thinks that National has the most to lose:

I think all those urban professional male Gen X National Party voters who don’t derive an income from the Dairy Industry will find Kim Dotcom’s economic vision a genuine way forward and they will find it difficult not to vote for him.

Urban professional male Gen X National Party voters vote National out of default, appeal to their logical sensibilities and watch them change that vote. Many would feel their cosmopolitan skin crawl at the idea Key will cut a deal with a religious social conservative like Colin Craig and while that disgust isn’t enough to make them vote Labour or Greens (and they aren’t crazy enough to vote NZ First), Dotcom’s Party could very well be their protest vote in 2014.

And Chris Trotter thinks that Auckland Central could be the place where the Internet Party focusses its efforts.

I suspect this story could be one of the more interesting ones for election year.

Update:  Alistair Thompson has resigned from Scoop.  Is he the senior journalist rumoured to be ready to stand for the party? H/t Karol.

304 comments on “The Internet Party ”

  1. karol 1

    It would be fun to watch KDC’s candidate versus Paula in Upper Harbour.

    WO own goal – giving oxygen to the Internet Party.

    • mickysavage 1.1

      Agreed Karol. Almost like it is a cunning plan …

    • lprent 1.2

      In Auckland Central the 4-way split would be quite interesting. I don’t think that a KDC party would go through. But it’d certainly completely change the nature of the campaign there. That is because it’d come down to who can retain the people that usually vote for them.

      It is a pain of an electorate for Labour with the probable boundaries. But Nikki Kays support is pretty damn soft. The biggest party vote in the new electorate area has traditionally been the apathy of not voting.

  2. Anne 2

    Aha! National seems to be in full panic mode at present… holding private meetings with potential candidates from the small right-wing parties. We already know about Colin Craig and their attempt to lure Rodney Hide back into the political fold. You can bet your life they’re not the only pollies or ex-pollies they’ve been chatting up.

    I’m not sure where Dotcom lies on the political spectrum so plan to reserve judgement until we see his party policies, but he sure has upset the political apple-cart!! At this point I’m loving it.

    • Colonial Viper 2.1

      Yep, so much fun, I reckon the NAT internal polling is telling them things that they are not liking.

    • the pigman 2.2

      Anne, you must listen to the Checkpoint interview of John Boscawen regarding his decision to seek nomination for ACT in Epsom (a reversal of his previous position that he wouldn’t run in Epsom). It aired tonight (16 January).

      He was asked directly whether National had asked him to run in Epsom, which was followed by the longest “dead air”/radio silence I have heard in a long time (long enough for me to stop ironing and check whether the webstream on my PC had screwed up), before he sort of squeaked “a lot of people have asked me to run“.

      • Anne 2.2.1

        Aha… thanks pigman. When I saw the TV1 item tonight I thought… Stephen Joyce is getting desperate if he’s now running to Boscawen!

        See my 18.1 on today’s Open Mike for a rundown on Boscawen. Knew him once. (sorry, don’t know how to link to Standard comments)

        • lprent

          Basic version…

          Right click on the date/time of the comment. Copy the link. Right click on your comment. Paste….


          • Anne

            Sorry Iprent but I just get the
            Reload box. etc.

            I presume you’re referring to the date and time above comment. Oh dear.

            • Arfamo

              Here’s your comment, Anne. Quite good, I reckon.


              • Anne

                Thanks Arfamo. 🙂

                What am I doing wrong?

                • Arfamo

                  Nothing. I think the more you can tell us about Roscoe P Boscowen the better. 🙂

                  Re linking, I dunno Anne. Might depend what browser you’re using and the copy options it gives you. On “chrome” all I did was select the date and time of your comment, right click, select “copy link address address”, then paste it into my reply, which is what lprent was telling you to do.

                • the pigman

                  Thanks both, informative post Anne. It was fairly plain from the checkpoint interview that he is a charisma-free zone, the only thing he’s got going for him is that he has previously served as an MP and his name is neither David Garrett nor John Banks.

                  My guess is that whether Keys finds time in his schedule for a cup of tea with Boscawen will depend on exhaustive polling by National of its voters in Epsom. If there is a sense they are likely to comply (and let’s face it, they’d probably elect a slow loris as their MP if Keys went on a date with it), then I wouldn’t write him off just yet.

                  • Anne

                    Yep the pigman. The pause on that check-point interview could best be described as “pregnant”.

                    What else do I know about Boscawen Arfamo?

                    Ummm… may need to be careful here. Let’s say that he appears to have been the original architect of the clever little ruse that both ACT and National used prior to the Exclusive Brethren revelations – the one that now has John Banks facing a possible prison sentence. ACT was using the splitting of donations up into lots of smaller denominations (thus avoiding having to declare them) from the mid 1990s onwards. Boscawen was their financial adviser and was responsible for seeking and processing all donations to the Party. Many were channelled through a trust but cannot recall the name. There were numerous high profile busnessmen and others who were contributing to ACT in one form or another, but wanted their involvement to remain a secret.

                    I don’t know much about his personal life except to say he came across to me as an obsessive/compulsive individual who would go to any length to get his way.

            • lprent

              Yes. Odd – which browser are you using?

              • Anne

                Mozilla – Firefox. Does that sound right?

                Also a friend downloaded Google chrome for me but wouldn’t have a clue how that fits in with the Firefox browser.

                I’m a total PC ignoramus.

                • Arfamo

                  I’m in firefox now. Next time, if you right click on the date and time of your comment and choose “Copy Link Location”, then paste it into your reply/comment, that should do it.

                • lprent

                  Firefox should be fine. When I right click (ie use the right button on the mouse) on the date below your name on that comment. I get a context menu under the mouse with lines (varies with version) like…

                  “Open link in new tab”
                  “Open link in new window”
                  “Book mark this link”
                  “Save link as”
                  “Copy link location” <======= that is the one you want... Left clicking on that item will copy the link to the clipboard.

                  • Anne

                    Ahhh got it Iprent and Arfamo. Thanks. I was looking for the simple copy/paste box. That’s me sorted. You can move on now.

    • Port Hills Pete 2.3

      How would you find out?? The Internet Party has no website!!

  3. SHG (not Colonial Viper) 3

    This is the best news National has had all year, and let’s be honest the way the economy is going there’s a lot of good news going around.

    This isn’t a party that will hurt National – it’s a party for people who want to hurt National. People who want to hurt National don’t tend to vote for it, thus it will be a party for people who don’t vote for National. All this does is divide attention, resources, and votes by one more player on the Left.

    • BM 3.1


      The party who should be really worried is the Greens, the internet party isn’t going to effect National one bit.

      If anything it will shift and motivate people towards voting National, who in there right mind would want Labour, Greens,Mana,Internet party as government.

      Country would go completely down the shitter within months of that gang of fuckwits gaining control.

      All those urban professional males would then be out of work, yeah nah to a vote for the internet party.

      • One Anonymous Knucklehead 3.1.1

        You have nothing to worry about then.

        • BM

          I’m not, be fun seeing all the lefties freaking out though, especially the greens as their vote gets hammered.

          I’d say the Greens vote at the next election will be down to around 6-7%.

          • Lanthanide


          • dave

            BM your wrong the greens have a rock solid 9-10 percent core vote and that wont change and bm we only need a 2 percent swing and the love of your life john donkey is gone.

            • BM

              Not a chance of that happening.

              With yet another left party entering the fight, the chances of an out right majority for National vastly increases.

              How’d you like that Dave, out right majority for National at the next election, stuff of nightmares?


              • mickysavage

                So a rich right wing industrialist who has dominated money to right wing candidates in the past enters the political competition and you call his party left wing??

                • BM

                  Is he going to side with National?, I’d bet the house that would be a big NO.

                  That makes him a left wing party.

                  • Pascal's bookie

                    lol, that reasoning makes you a rightwing idiot.

                  • BM

                    In a MMP environment he’s a left wing party.

                  • bad12

                    Please, keep talking BM, this series of comments from you simply exposes you as the village idiot of the internet,

                    Claiming that a party that does not support National is therefor left-wing has to be the dunces statement of the decade, akin to saying that as the Maori Party supports National as the Government they are a right-wing political party,

                    Voting in the House would point the Maori Party out as a left-wing Party not supporting National on most issues…

                • Alexis99

                  Why is Martyn Bradbury writing strategy and policy for him then? Surely he’s a class traitor! He wants 96k a year for consultant fees! This commenter on minimium wage threw up in his mouth a bit.

                  • bad12

                    A good question Alexis99, one which at present i will hold off on commenting on, i am sure tho that in the coming months Bradbury will come under some measure of scrutiny where His motives are dissected minutely,

                    The left, thankfully not the Green Party thus far, has the tragic history of fracturing especially where easy money becomes the impetus…

                  • One Anonymous Knucklehead

                    If The IP is going to take votes off National (or energise the non-vote), Martyn Bradbury will have done the Left a favour. It’s a wait-and-see until we get a look at policies and candidates.

              • LOL yeah, not many self-respecting IT lefties will vote for this party. The people I know who *might* be interested are all nats or “libertarians” who lament about the demise of the “real” ACT party… really the Green Party has a much more sensible software policy in general, even if they don’t have a heavyweight MP in the area, they’ve consulted properly on how to make a good difference in that area.

                • mickysavage

                  Agreed. Where KDC could cause a huge amount of mischief is to come out and say that Chorus is going to be broken up and the copper tax not proceeded with. Matthew Hooton would then be knocking on his door asking what he can do to help …

                  • Tim

                    Matthew Hooton would then be knocking on his door asking what he can do to help …
                    Just as he enters his mid-life crisis years as well!

                    I’ll have to listen to the regular, work-life-balanced gal in more depth this year on that “from the Right – MR xxx, and from the right – mike williams” because I expect to hear a few hissy fits and a Hooten saying “I slut for no man! (damn it!)”

      • bad12 3.1.2

        BM, another foolish assumption without a shred of even opinion to justify your publishing of it let alone some form of evidence to show us how you come to the assumption that Dotcom’s Internet Party will ‘hurt’ the Green Party,

        There are two broad and intertwined ‘churches’ that will see the Green Party Vote rise to 13-14% of the Party Vote in November, (1) being the traditional Green issues and (2) being issues of social justice,

        While computers in your small world view may be of the utmost importance to the Green Movement and the Party by extension this is not necessarily in any way true, the use of computers by the Party is simply a savvy means of mass communication with it’s members requiring the least imput of finance to maintain,

        Your comment of utter stupidity in fact defies reality, it is National who fear the Green Party the most and with good reason,

        Check out the Auckland City electorates in the years 2008 and 2011 and you will find that in most of the National held Auckland City electorates the Green Party doubled it’s party vote,

        Yes Ouchy big time for National and it’s easy to see why Slippery the Prime Minister took to fear-mongering with His ‘Green Taliban’ message late last year as it is conceivable that should the Green Party double it’s party vote again in those National held Auckland City electorates at this years election that this will be enough to topple National from power…

        • BM

          Lots of young naive people vote green,

          Bit of competition now for the dunce vote, going to be tough for the Greens competing with free porn and movies.

          • bad12

            Got any evidence of these ‘lots of young naive people voting Green’ BM, or is this just more of your puerile insults directed at the Green Party out of FEAR,

            Checked out those National held Auckland electorates yet have you, again just so as you GET the message, in those National held Auckland City electorates at the 2008 and 2011 elections the Green Party doubled it’s party votes,

            i have no evidence of the Green Parties ability to again double it’s party votes in those National held Auckland City electorates at the 2014 election but the ‘upward trajectory’ of the Green Parties vote since its formation suggests strongly that it will,

            In such a case a shit head such as what you obviously are BM can become a contortionist and kiss this scum National Governments chances of a third term good-bye, and don’t forget to be at the airport with lace-hanky at the ready as your hero Slippery does the expected bunk…

            • Bob

              “Got any evidence of these ‘lots of young naive people voting Green’” Yip, me and all of my friends from school/Uni voted Greens for the first two election I could vote. The main reason for voting Greens was because Nandor Tanczos had dreads, and my friends wanted Marijuana to be legalised. I don’t keep in contact with a number of these friends, but the ones I do keep in contact with definitely do not vote Green’s now.

              I see the Internet Party being a bad thing for the left also, but I am not going to complain about it one bit.

              One thing for you to think about, who did KDC donate money to in the Auckland Mayoralty election? Do you really think he is a good fit with the ‘Left’?

              • bad12

                Good to see You labeling You and Your friends as a bunch of brainless idiots, i dare say your quota of intelligence doesn’t seem to have grown by any measurable amount between elections,

                Your whole comment, unless backed up by testimonials from ‘all your friends’ smacks of the usual wing-nuts ‘i voted such and such but never again’ type comment, and what leads me to such a conclusion is the FACT that despite your insinuation of a mass defection from the Green Party after the ‘bromance’ with Nandor had run it’s course no such defection is evident in the voting numbers of the Green Party which in case your particular affliction of brainlessness hasn’t allowed you to notice has continued to go UP each subsequent election,

                Your last little paragraph simply adds the proof of your stupidity, where anywhere have you seen myself for one avowed ‘leftist’ showing the slightest iota of support for Dotcom???….

                • Descendant Of Sssmith

                  I understand that there were lots of young people saying “F*** John Key” in unison and quite loudly for a period of time at Rhythm and Vines in Gisborne when Kim Dot-Com appeared.

                  They are obviously quite intelligent this younger generation.

              • The plural of anecdote is not data.

                Also there are far worse reasons for voting for a party than that you agree with their drugs policy. Hell, I’d say it’s an achievement winning the youth vote based on policy in general, as the only youth votes the Nats get are for dumb reasons like “that’s what my parents vote” and “I liked him on that one TV show”.

          • dave

            bm wrong again there not naive they have a different set of values than you .dont get personal BM your only makeing a fool of yourself .or should we call you cameron slater

      • Vagabundo 3.1.3

        To be honest, I suspect the party will struggle to even break 1 percent in the polls on voting day. Let us also not forget that it’s being set up by a guy who donated to known ratbag John Banks’ mayoral campaign in 2010, and went along with Banks’ scheme to keep it an anonymous donation.

        • Jackal

          You mean a donor paid a donation in a format that the benefactor requested? There’s nothing really untoward about that Vagabundo apart from John Banks’ motivation in making such a request. It certainly wasn’t to protect Dotcom as Banks claimed at the time.

          I very much doubt that Dotcom was aware that the defunct Act party leader was planning to break the law in trying to hide such a donation. He was simply offended that Banks didn’t want people to know who the donation was from, not complicit in Banks’ illegal scheme.

          • Vagabundo

            I would find it odd, if I were in Dotcom’s position at the time, that he’s requesting the donation to be split into two. But then again, I’ve never had the finances to donate $50K to a right-wing douchebag politician like Banks so there’s that.

            I’d also wager that Dotcom would have been very aware of Banks’ political views and positions at the time, and complicit or not, I’d be rather reticent to pretend like he’s an advocate for the left.

            • Jackal

              Saying that somebody is complicit in a crime when they’re clearly not is pretty retarded Vagabundo. Saying that Dotcom isn’t an advocate for left wing ideals when The Internet Party hasn’t released any policy yet is a bit presumptuous. It appears that you’re jumping to conclusions without knowing the facts.

              • Vagabundo

                He’s got Martyn Bradbury and Chris Trotter involved, yet donated a not insignificant amount of money to John Banks. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions from that.

                Maybe he wasn’t complicit in Banks’ attempt at hiding the sources of his donation, but the guy is a convicted fraud and embezzler. I would take any protestations of innocence from him with a grain of salt. And I would note that he didn’t seem to mind too much about Banks covering up where the Dotcom donations came from until his house got raided.

                • Jackal

                  You must be another witness to the discussions concerning Dotcom donating money to John Banks then Vagabundo? Why exactly didn’t you give evidence at the trial to counter Wayne Tempero’s sworn statement that Kim Dotcom didn’t take kindly to Banks’ dodgy request to split the donation? Trying to rewrite history to besmirch somebody else is all a bit venal really.

                  I find it somewhat amusing that under the law donations of $25,000 still need to be registered. Not only was the defunct Act party leader trying to usurp the law by premeditating the crime of not registering who the donation was from, he appears to have been completely naive about what the law actually states. What a complete idiot!

                  Furthermore, wealthy people and businesses donate money to politicians all the time. Trying to say that Dotcom was cementing his policy direction because of those donations back in 2010 or had a vested interest in making such donations is rather silly! Without donations our political system would likely collapse.

                  I suggest that if people want more transparency surrounding donations they should vote for some of the smaller political parties who’ve been pushing for much needed change. They should definitely not vote for a political party that has a leader who has flouted the law.

                  The only conclusion I can make to Dotcom employing the services of Martyn Bradbury, Graeme Edgeler and Alisdair Thompson is that he means business.

                  • Jackal

                    Sorry, that should be Martyn Bradbury and Chris Trotter, not Graeme Edgeler and Alisdair Thompson 🙂

                  • Vagabundo

                    I see you still haven’t really provided a compelling alternative reason as to why Dotcom would donate to John Banks beyond “shared political views and ideologies.” “He donated to Banks because reasons” isn’t really much of anything.

                    • Jackal

                      I suspect Dotcom believed at the time that Banks was his friend and that’s why he made the donation. I never said Dotcom and Banks had “shared political views and ideologies” Vagabundo. In fact with Act supporting the controversial GCSB bill and Dotcom strongly opposing it, such an argument is clearly delusional!

      • phillip ure 3.1.4

        @ bm..

        thoroughly modern (nervous) green.. panic-mode..


        phillip ure..

    • tinfoilhat 3.2

      yep pretty much agree.

    • fisiani 3.3

      National loves the idea of an Internet Party that gains 4% of the vote. Not only are those votes wasted they are distributed to the parties that gained more than 5%. Thus National would gain another 1.9% Most National voters are sensible people. That is why they vote National thus a slippage of say 1% would result in a net gain of 1.9% and not affect the proportianality of parliament. They would also suck votes from NZF probably meaning another lot of wasted and redistributed votes.

      • Jackal 3.3.1

        Most National voters aren’t sensible people fisiani ie they vote National. In most cases they’re ignorant about the societal and financial detriment National has and is causing New Zealand. The rest are simply voting Nats for selfish reasons. I wouldn’t presume that The Internet Party will fail to get past the threshold or that their voter base is particularly left or right wing.

  4. “Urban professional male Gen X National Party voters”

    bomber may well be right but not many of that type down here where I live – is this a bit of an Auckland thingy? Genuine question.

  5. Danyl 5

    It is alleged that he has sought help from internet heavyweights Martyn Bradbury, Graeme Edgeler and Alisdair Thompson.

    All the kids will be voting for the Internet Party now that Edge, Bomber and Alisdair Thompson from Scoop are involved!

    • Naki Man 5.1

      The kids wont know who these clowns are.
      National voters hate Dotcon and do Labour voters really like mega rich pricks?.

      • Think non-voters and occassional squishy National, and perhaps Act and maaaaaybe perhaps the odd squishy Green or Labour voter, all who may just not bother to show up most years because they don’t really feel like their generation is understood or represented on any level.

    • bad12 5.2

      i doubt it, that’s just a broad brush supposition of what young people as a mass will support electorally without a shred of ‘fact’ to back up that supposition,

      Like BM above you seem to think that such young voters are going to decamp a Party such as the Green Party where they and their youthful ideals are completely comfortable to vote for what???

      i see that attitude as totally disparaging of politically committed young people, especially those i have met who have more of a belief in Green issues than even the likes of me,

      Sure i can see a small schism of people young and old finding some solace for their vote in a party till you drop political movement but in reality DotComs political vehicle will probably have all of the electoral appeal of McGillicuddy Serious and i am pretty sure the latter were promising free beer at one stage…

    • mickysavage 5.3

      I don’t think that KDC should hold his breath Danyl. But Bomber’s and Thompson’s continuing involvement will mean that he has some savvy social media advice on hand.

  6. QoT 6

    Martyn Bradbury who has always been totally up front about his activism and his media

    Not so much. There’s a big difference between saying “yes I occasionally provide paid political advice” and “yes I am currently being directly employed by MANA while also publishing multiple favourable posts about MANA on The Daily Blog without acknowledging it.”

    Or in this case, between “yes I occasionally provide paid political advice” and “yes, I am currently making very favourable posts about a party I am tendering to be employed by.”

    • Ennui 6.1

      Q, I see you have dropped off TBDs bloggers, are you and Bomber having a contretemps?

      • QoT 6.1.1

        Happened months ago, mate. The sordid details are on various people’s blogs including my own.

      • Not that this detracts from her point in any way, putting conflict of interest statements at the end or beginning of pieces is a reasonable thing to do, especially on a blog where there’s not the same space premium as in a newspaper.

        • freedom

          ” putting conflict of interest statements at the end or beginning of pieces is a reasonable thing to do”
          for most Government press releases it should be mandatory
          and in thirty foot high flaming neon 🙂

          -moderation again ? ?

    • SHG (not Colonial Viper) 6.2

      Martyn Bradbury who has always been totally up front about his activism and his media

      After he’s caught.

      He hid the fact that he was on the parliamentary payroll for Mana for nearly two years while writing about Mana online. Even then, it was Mana who confirmed it after questioning by a journalist – Bradbury “was not available for comment”.

      And who can forget the revelation that Bomber was taking money from Exceltium to give negative coverage to Labtests on behalf of client Diagnostic Medlab. Without disclosing it of course.

      • Tim 6.2.1

        I’d be interested to learn more about these accusations SHG – i.e. some proof of your assertion. And NOT because I’m any friend of Bradbury (don’t actually know him from a bar of soap) and have no positive or negative feelings. Just that I was interested in that whole bullshit Labtest/Diag Medlab debacle for one thing, and naturally cynical of any, and everyone involved in political and media whoring.

  7. Olwyn 7

    I notice his logo is in the Orcon shade of purple, and his face features on the Orcon broadband homepage as well. The Orcon guy was one of the anti-GCSB speakers and may well be a supporter of the new party, given the internet focus.

    In common with most other people I have no idea what his policies will be, beyond opposition to spying and to constraints on internet providers. However, at the time of the GCSB meetings, he seemed genuinely taken aback by NZ’s causal cronyism and subservient attitude to the US. He is not part of any NZ old boys’ club and comes across as his own man. So he at least ought to prove a refreshing presence on the political scene. It is to early to tell who he will harm or help among the more established parties.

    • Naki Man 7.1

      Don’t be naïve, dotcom is an internet pirate. He has criminal convictions and only serves himself
      He like Bomber is an attention seeker and he will get bugger all votes

      • Olwyn 7.1.1

        He seemed straightforward and forthright at those meetings. As to how many votes he will get, only time will tell. Calling someone a criminal does not have the force it would have if we were not so wearily accustomed to the duplicity and mendacity of NZ’s right wingers.

      • Colonial Viper 7.1.2

        Dotcom is a champion of internet freedom. He is a champion of the encryption tech which is one of the few ways we have of pushing back against massive warrantless state surveilliance.

        And anyways, you shouldn’t be jealous of his wealth or his huge mansion, envy is not good for you.

      • SHG (not Colonial Viper) 7.1.3

        I don’t care that he’s a convicted criminal, I care that he used an aimbot in RA2 matches on public servers. Some things can not be forgiven.

      • Dotcom is a pirate in the sense he’s a businessman. It would be very incorrect to say that his site was responsible directly for piracy, all he did was not be sufficiently against it for the tastes of big US media companies. To be fair he was complying with copyright takedown requests as much as he was legally required to do, it was just that the media companies couldn’t keep up with finding examples to take down.

    • Anne 7.2

      That’s the way I see it Olwyn but if Dotcom’s actions and words to date are anything to go by then the advent of a Dotcom led party isn’t likely to be good news for National. National seem a worried bunch these days. Hence the vicious assaults on sections of the NZ community. They are bashing bennies, unions, teachers, academics, ordinary public servants… who is next on the list? Left wing bloggers and commentators?

      • Olwyn 7.2.1

        Yes, he appears to believe he has something up his sleeve that could prove Key’s undoing, which cannot be good news for National. Furthermore, he will see no need whatsoever to kowtow to the status quo, which will also make National very uneasy. At the same time, I am not sure who he will take votes from, or where he will place his support if he gets any real traction.

        As to what National are doing, I read the post about Bill English’s tax switch and how he rationalised it, and I thought no one should be surprised. “We are living beyond our means” in this financialised economy simply means, “throw everyone overboard who is not of immediate use to us,” while the primacy of the shareholder means “give as many resources as we can to our rich mates.” Since people do not readily agree to be thrown overboard, some rationale is needed.

        This year, a few middle class kids will be taken on board for the sake of votes, with the price extracted from the poor, and the teachers, the unions and the other groups you list. It would be so nice if Dotcom’s presence were to throw a spanner into their rotten works. National’s New Zealand – the mediocre man’s pretend-Monaco.

        • Anne

          It would be so nice if Dotcom’s presence were to throw a spanner into their rotten works. National’s New Zealand – the mediocre man’s pretend-Monaco.

          Brilliantly put Olwyn

          Given ‘Colonial Viper’ was apparently approached last year (see that is a good sign.

  8. Tracey 8

    So slater happily reveals what others are being and for what but nothing about himself and his site. Something to hide??

  9. Tigger 10

    It certainly looks to skew young, white, heterosexual male. I don’t see it as necessarily only inner-urban, I think you’ll find their policy appeals to plenty of men from all parts of the country. Men who would traditionally vote right of Labour.

    This party is very good news for the left. It will soak up soft libertarians who normally tick National or ACT.

    With this, Conservatives and ACT trying to come back the right vote will hopefully fragment.

    • karol 10.1

      Why do so many people consider the IntP would appeal mostly to males? No young professional libertarian females likely to b interested?

      • Colonial Viper 10.1.1

        That’s an interesting question, actually. In terms of “professional” libertarians, is there anything known about the gender split?

        • Draco T Bastard

          I did read something awhile back about gender split in politics. IIRC, Libertarians tend to be males with very few females involved as the females tend to be more of a left leaning group.

          • karol

            Interesting. I did suspect that, but have no evidence other than the tone and the people I’ve seen promoting libertarian ideas. Would be interested in some solid evidence.

        • felix

          The libertarian gender split. Hmmm.

          I’m sure libertarian women exist but I doubt very much that they would want anything to do with any of the libertarian men I’ve encountered.

          • karol

            LOL. So such women keep a low profile? I have known one liberal, US, Democrat voting. kinda leftish/centrist libertarian.

            • felix

              It occurs to me that there’s something inherently male about loudly demanding that everyone respect rights that you just made up to suit yourself and that no-one was really infringing upon anyway.

            • Puddleglum

              At least according to this blogger, the issue of the lack of young, women libertarians is an issue for the libertarian movement itself, so there may well be very few women involved.

              This link provides similar commentary on the same issue.

              Ayn Rand was, of course, a woman so it’s odd that she – and her writing – apparently did not attract many women to the cause.

              • karol

                Thanks. The first link had me LMAO at most of the theories suggested.

                It focuses a lot on the idea that women generally don’t align themselves with radical ideologies, or maybe that’s socially marginally/unacceptable ideologies – so they go for pro-abortion feminist politics instead – which apparently is the default position of MOR, acceptable politics for young women who are risk averse.

                Now, they don’t seem to realise that there are more women involved in socialist politics, etc, than there seems to be libertarian women. So what kind of world do these people live in?

                Anyway, in the midst of all this fantasy stuff, is this reference to an actual bit of research:

                Perhaps unsurprisingly to those of us who are or know a libertarian, the study showed that members of this group exhibited three major characteristics: 1) an emphasis on individual liberty as the North star of their moral compass, 2) an analytic, rather than empathetic or emotional, cognitive style, and 3) lower levels of “social relatedness” as compared to liberals or conservatives.While Haidt notes that women traditionally score higher along the dimensions of empathy and use of emotional intellectual style, the responses of libertarian women remarkably showed little difference from those of libertarian men.

                Rather than then focusing on libertarians lack of empathy or ability to get on with others, the post goes on to discuss at length why women are generally risk averse, and thus not into radical politics.

      • McFlock 10.1.2

        gamers’ stereotype?
        (one that seems to be far behind the times, btw)

      • In my experience young women who consider themselves right-wing (usually for financial/economic policy reasons) vote National and don’t identify as libertarians, but that’s suuuuper anecdotal.

    • Naki Man 10.2

      You are dreaming, he wont get many labour or any National votes.
      Maybe a few Winstone First votes

  10. Tracey 11

    ” Bit of competition now for the dunce vote, ” BM

    I thought national were a shoe I on this front.

  11. Pascal's bookie 12

    Two words.

    Beppe Grillo

  12. Tracey 13

    ” He has criminal convictions and only serves himself”
    Like sir doug graham.

  13. chris73 14

    This is good news for National as those that would vote for National arn’t likely to vote for someone like KDC so any votes he gets are most likely to come from the Greens with maybe some small amount from Labour plus he’ll soak up more media coverage meaning theres less for Labour and the Greens

    So all in all not so bad for National and not so good for Labour

    • McFlock 14.1

      chris, national supporters voted for john banks.

      • chris73 14.1.1

        And KDC supported Banks, whats your point?

        • McFlock

          just trying to figure out your criteria of whom you think nat supporters aren’t likely to vote for.

          I suspect you’re just making shit up again.

    • Pascal's bookie 14.2

      “those that would vote for National arn’t likely to vote for someone like KDC ”

      Yeah, they are pretty racist.

      • chris73 14.2.1

        How do you figure that?

        • Draco T Bastard

          All the comments by RWNJs that KDC doesn’t care for NZ.

          • chris73

            He doesn’t but thats not based on him being German thats based on him being a con-man

            • Pascal's bookie

              That’s why y’all keep talking about him being German right?

              • chris73

                Well I don’t speak for everybody else but my dislike for him is that hes using NZ, hes a con-man and he should bugger off to the USA to face the charges (which is probably a large part of why hes starting a political party) its nothing to do with the fact hes white

                • Pascal's bookie

                  In what way is he using NZ? That kind of implies a negative view of him based on the fact that he’s, you know, ‘foreign’.

                  He was resident here when the US filed charges, and the US and NZ governments fucked it up royally. He is exercising his rights under our legal system. Do you object to that? If so, why?

                  An awful lot of the right wing commentary about him goes on about him being German. It’s pretty odd.

                  And too, he started out pretty deepish in the hacking community, those types feel pretty strongly about the internet so it’s no real surprise that he might have strong feelings about the various issues that have come to the fore lately.

                  WO has his outlandish conspiracy theories about how he is trying to ‘hijack’ the election (by running party to get votes OMG) to avoid extradition, but that will be decided in court, not parliament. So unless you can come up with something better, it’s starting to look like y’all just hate him coz he made key look bad. WO liked him well enough for a while, but now it’s all sausage eating this and kraut that. yawn.

                  • Arfamo

                    hes using NZ, hes a con-man and he should bugger off to the USA

                    I think you’re possibly mixing up Dotcom and Key here, Chris. It’s an easy thing to do though. They have developed quite a close relationship, sort of.

            • PapaMike

              Dotcom is also a Finnish citizen – he was born there I believe.

              • veutoviper

                He was born in Kiel, Germany, but his mother is Finnish and KDC has dual citizenship (German/Finnish). His father was apparently an alcoholic, who physically assaulted his wife and children. Parents separated when KDC was about 8 years old, and KDC, his mother and older brother and sister moved to Munich. According to KDC, he has not seen his father since then and wants nothing to do with him. His mother has been to NZ at least once.

    • bad12 14.3

      Yawn you and BM singing from the same stuck record, why would anyone committed to the Green movement and therefor likely to vote for the Green Party vote for a one issue party simply based around internet usage,

      The internet to most ‘Greens’ is simply a tool, an extremely efficient means of mass communication and an extremely effective research engine but as an ‘issue’ hardly anything that committed Party members or even those thinking of voting Green would consider a ‘vote changer’,

      DotCom is easily sidelined on ‘internet issues’ anyway by way of parties of the left simply aligning their ‘internet policy’ to match His leading into the election,

      National have more to fear from having the ‘young Nats’ cast a vote for the ‘Internet Party’ especially in the Auckland City electorates, and, as i point out to your fellow stuck record BM above, National cannot afford even small negative movements in its % of the Party vote especially in the Auckland City electorates,

      For some joyful reading i suggest you compare the Green Party vote in those Auckland City electorates held by National where in most of them the Green Party doubled their share of the Party Vote between elections 2008 and 2011,

      The gut busting laugh of this is that the young Nats in these electorates appear to be happy to electorate vote for National candidates while exhibiting an extremely deep, wide, and, GROWING Green streak,

      Should such a ‘growth trajectory’ continue for the Green Party in those National held Auckland city electorates into the 2014 election then i gotta say ”really really sorry honest”, look forward to a National Party opposition as the election result…

      • chris73 14.3.1

        Bob Jones got a lot of protest votes against a deeply unpopular PM, John Key is not deeply unpopular John Key is in fact popular and has been for a number of years

        Why would National voters vote against John Key when John Key is doing well in everything that National voters care about.

        So who will vote for KDC?

        • McFlock

          Why would National voters vote against John Key when John Key is doing well in everything that National voters care about.
          Because national voters care mostly about themselves, so if they’re not doing so well…

          • chris73

            There is no… NZ is doing well, business confidence is up, the economy is getting better, theres oil and gas exploration and so much good news in the media theres no reason for a mass exodus of National voters to vote for this guy

            At least thats the opinion of one right-wing voter

            I’d assume he’d get more votes from the Greens and maybe some from Labour but I could well be wrong

            • McFlock

              probably a perspective issue.

              From what I see, richNZ are doing well (the rest ain’t), business confidence is up (but that doesn’t translate to food on the table, in the last few years), oil/gas is a two-edged sword, and the media has been pumping good news for 5 years and it’s still resulted in fuck all for most.

              But I think we are both hoping rather than having any basis for knowing that hordes of disaffected from the other’s side will vote for KDC.

              • chris73

                “But I think we are both hoping rather than having any basis for knowing that hordes of disaffected from the other’s side will vote for KDC.”

                – True

            • Rodel

              Chris 73…. I tend to agree with you (unhappily). Your right wing mates might be ethically deficient but they aren’t stupid.
              KDC an obese Deutschlander (Yes he is a rather ridiculous figure), is I believe wanted by authorities in a number of countries; is not a New Zealand citizen; donated money to a clown politician who is currently up before the courts and called anyone left of him, including Helen Clark, communists, on Radio Retard when he was a talkback host; founds a political party in New Zealand called “internet Party. What on earth does that mean?
              I will vote Labour, take my vote seriously and I while I was able to laugh at the McGillicuddy serious party I don’t want a bunch of clowns treating the governance of our country as a marketing circus for their own self centred public wanking. ( Thought seriously about the right word here and include Bradbury in that definition).

        • bad12

          Face the FACTS chris73, it is not DotCom who Slippery the Prime Minister has to fear, while possibly a mile off topic as i point out to you, just for once in your miserable history of commenting utter bullshit here at the Standard look dispassionately at the FACTS,

          Again, look at the results of the Green Party in the safe National held seats in Auckland City at elections 2008 and 2011, yep your dear wee blue rinser’s voted solidly for Slippery,

          But, in the party vote between the two elections the Green Party doubled its vote in these safe National seats, even doing so in the far right Epsom electorate held by ACT,

          Should the Green Party again double its party vote in these electorates, all safe National held seats,at the 2014 election then for you it’s time for the little lace hanky to come out of the closet because the tears will clearly, for you, have cause to fall,

          Who will vote for DotCom??? i would suggest less than 1% of those not particularly committed to anything, flakes in other words, are likely to vote DotCom…

          • chris73

            Wanting to something to be true and something being true are two completely different things.

            Heres the facts for you:

            The media is reporting more good news about the economy and how it relates to Nationals governing (positively) then it has over the last couple of months and will only continue once NZ goes back into surplus (like English said we would)

            John Key is still very popular

            Cunliffe is only as popular as Shearer ever was (maybe even less so) and Labour are only holding static even after Cunliffe got the top job

            Based on the above and the unlikely chance of another cup of tea fiasco my prediction is National will win a third term (albeit closely and will need CC)

            • McFlock

              lol I think that’s the best outcome the nats can hope for, too.

              More likely, in my opinion and based on the polls, is that there’ll be a solid win for labour/greens/mana

              • chris73

                Fair enough, I wonder if anyone will be brave enough to post their predictions?

              • BM

                Hone the racist mofo holding the balance of power, yeah no ones got a problem with that.
                Easy victory for the left.

                • bad12

                  Is that anything like Richard Prosser a writer of anti-arabic racism being part of a party that could hold the balance of power…

                • If you’re committed to one side or at least against the other, I’m not sure it’s entirely accurate to say you’re holding the balance of power.

            • bad12

              Thats what we want to hear from our wing-nuts, eternal optimism burning brightly in their breasts,

              Your really lost on cloud 9 aren’t you Chris73, full of what you claim are facts which in reality are mere spin, bullshit in other words,

              i will say it again to you in the hope that it sinks in, between elections 2008 and 2011, despite all the media spin of National Governing alone,(and didn’t that turn out to be one hell of a hoot), the Green Party, despite Slippery being the most popular PM ever blah blah blah, managed to double its Party Vote in most of the National held electorates in Auckland City,

              That’s FACTS Chris73, not spin, what this shows is that in these National held elections those born to vote National, i am presuming young Nat voters here, are prepared to and do vote National in their electorates and vote Green as a Party vote,

              That vote in those National held elections doubled for the Green Party btween elections 2008 and 2011, IF that vote doubles again for the Green Party in those National held electorates at election 2014 Slippery will no longer be the Prime minister and National no longer the Government…

              • chris73

                Well bad12 I’ve predicted a National win, who’re you predicting?

                • bad12

                  Pffft, how could you not, your the quintessential wing-nut, as thick as too many planks that can be counted without the aid of a device,

                  Here’s mine, someone left or right is going to end up with a 1 seat majority, i believe that it will be that close an election,

                  The variables surrounding a number of seats, Epsom,Ohariu and Waiariki being foremost in my mind make an actual call on ‘the winner’ in all reality nothing more than ones personal political bent until the votes are counted,

                  One constant that should be kept in mind is the inroads made by the Green Party in the National held Auckland City electorates between elections 2008 and 2011,

                  Should that rising Green vote in these National electorates in Auckland City continue to be vote splitting by National constituency voters giving their party votes to the Greens then this might well spell the death of a third term for National,

                  There are of course the provincial cities to also consider when looking at such vote splitting, should the trend from National constituency voters in Auckland City of splitting their votes, constituency to National, Party to the Greens, continue it’s spread into the National held provincial city seats then National are in big trouble,

                  My pick is if the Green Party can mount the sort of effective campaign seen in Auckland 2011 within the provincial cities as well in 2014 National are going to be gutted from within by those younger born to vote National voters doing just that but splitting off their party vote to the Greens in favor of conservation/ecological issues…

        • Delia

          Maybe no one…still my husband who is over 60 got kind of excited when he heard. He did a terrific imitation of Dotcom talking as well. Had me in stitches. Never know where the support will go – all over the show I suspect.

          • dave

            we not talking huge margins here 2 percent that’s all that’s in it 2 percent and will I point out with the arrival of cunliffe labour no longer looks weak and a 75 percent increase in membership that’s a lot feet on the ground. I know labour is eating into the green vote but I still think the greens have a solid 10 percent. and 10 percent is shit load better than crazy Colin or soon to be jailed banks and act

      • Sigmund 14.3.2

        You assume so many people are “committed to the Green movement”. Yet the Green’s consistently perform worse than pre-election polling.

        And, well, let’s face it, people usually only care about “green” issues (the arrogance of a party to claim an entire colour, especially when they continue with policies promoting so much waste) when times are good and they can afford to (pretend to) care.

        Internet Party is bad news for the left – hoover up protest vote, probably 0.5-1.5%, meaning a greater proportion of wasted vote, meaning a lower bar for the right and a higher bar for the left to take power. Bummer.

        • bad12

          Ahhhh Derrr, in which election have the Green Party not raised it’s share of the Party Vote???, we all know that ‘polls’ usually get the Green % of the party vote wrong, however, that has not stopped it rising at every election,

          Given the actual trajectory of actual votes over past elections it is therefor not wayward in any way to expect the Green share of the Party Vote to reach anywhere from 12 to 15% at the 2014 election,

          Can we please have a far more factually accurate class of wing-nut commenting please, from the comments so far posted that i have had the misfortune to read there seems to be a general lack of intelligence and sadly to say some evidence of mass brain trauma of some form among the present wing-nut commenters…

        • Colonial Viper

          Hey Sigmund. The “arrogant” Greens have no hope right? Any particular reason that you’ve been asked to focus time and energy on them then?

      • Molly 14.3.3

        My nephew is a Young Nat, and enamored with KDC.

        Why? Who knows? Even his father – a staunch Nat supporter was thinking of coming along to the GCSB lectures in order to hear him talk. ?!? Forget civil liberties.

        IMO he has strong appeal to some National supporters because he has made a lot of money.

        And despite the howls of protest that may arise from the right wingers online here, for some that is good enough.

        After all it is the raison d’être trotted out for why John Key as PM is good for the economy – despite the lack of evidence that shows how his money making skills is of benefit for the community, and despite suspicions regarding his involvement in the attack on the Kiwi dollar.

        So, if Young Nats think John Key is going to romp home, then some of those votes may transfer to KDC’s Internet party, because while they don’t all aspire to be PM, a lot of National supporters do aspire to a multi-millionaire dollar mansion in Coatesville, and helicopter rides that “friends” forget about.

        • bad12

          Molly, a reasonable analysis of where some % of support for this Internet Party may come from,

          National of course, with the Green Party scoring heavily of the party vote in some National safe electorates,(especially the Auckalnd City one’s),simply cannot afford a loose card in the form of DotCom as the Joker being dealt from the electoral pack,

          To bring His highness of the bizaare and outright lunacy, Colin Craig, into the Parliament will obviously require a finally balanced loss of National Party vote to the Conservatives and the joker in the pack sneaking in and pinching even half a % of that party vote in the form of DotCom might be enough to topple Slippery as the Prime Minister and send National back to the opposition benches where we all believe they have a true and deserved home…

          • Arfamo

            National’s true and deserved home is somewhere in Africa.

            • bad12

              Lolz, leave them Africans alone they have enough problems at the moment without inflicting another disease upon them,

              The Auckland Islands are free at the moment…

              • Arfamo

                No it has to be somewhere where the people have a long history of being utterly powerless, easy to continually divide and set against each other via tribalism, and used as commodities by their rulers and big business. They’d be spoiled for choice in Africa. It’s where National really belongs.

        • Colonial Viper

          IMO he has strong appeal to some National supporters because he has made a lot of money.

          And he is fighting against what looks like Government over-regulation, red tape and unfair intervention.

        • Jim Nald


          In my family, my staunch Nat-voting brother has been a kind of bellwether voter for the shifting trend in support for various parties/coalition-led governments in past elections.

          He voted (party vote) for Helen Clark at the 1999 GE.

          In the lead up to the 2002 GE, he said he was going to split his vote by giving Greens the party vote (while continuing to give Nat his “other” vote) and I grinned and didn’t dissuade him. The Greens got 9 MPs into the House (i.e. 2 more since the 1999 GE).

          In 2005, he wanted Winston to have some sway in forming any coalition government of the day and cast his party vote for NZF. I raised my eyebrows.

          By 2008, he decided two ticks for National was the way to go. I thought “oh well ….”

          At the previous GE, he felt the ACT Party (no matter who was running) was needed for National to get their agenda through their second term. But he felt he had to ensure a Nat victory with his party vote and, anyway, he was not in the Epsom electorate. So both his votes went Nat’s way.

          In past months he hasn’t agreed with the government’s handling of the KDC-related issues and, interestingly, he reckons his party vote might nudge the Nat government towards greater digital democracy.

          So, maybe, the Nats should be more worried than any other parties in the House about KDC and The Internet Party.

  14. Papa Tuanuku 15

    I have as much interest in voting for Kim as I do for CC. Two rich white unelected men getting air time because they are rich and white and men. He lives in a $30 million house which kinda represents everything that is wrong in this country. Built on the Xmas accounts of the poor who would dream of living in a $500,000 house let alone $30 million. It’s a shame, and disappointing there isn’t more analysis of this side of things.

    • marty mars 15.1

      + 1 yep the excessive wealth is obscene to my eyes too

      • karol 15.1.1

        It’s not so much that he’s wealthy, but that he likes to flaunt it.

        • Chooky

          …well i guess you girls and guys will be voting Mana….and good on you!

          …..i dont think Dot Com will take votes away from Mana!….more likely he will energise the youth NON VOTERS to vote.

          …and sorry if Labour and Mana and Greens cant INSPIRE the down- and- out and those on the bottom of the economic heap around the country to vote and attract the 800.000 NON voters….. then these votes might as well go to Dot Com… rather than staying a NON VOTE!…

          ….and YUP ….he likes to party!

          • karol

            …and sorry if Labour and Mana and Greens cant inspire and attract this NON vote….. then it might as well go to Dot Com….rather than staying a NON VOTE!

            Fair enough.

            I would like left wing party/ies to be able to have more of an appeal to the disconnected voters. But not by selling out on their left wing principles.

            • Chooky

              if they had left wing principles they would not be selling them out!

              ….they dont have left wing principles ( not yet anyway)….

            • Colonial Viper

              I would like left wing party/ies to be able to have more of an appeal to the disconnected voters. But not by selling out on their left wing principles.

              Of course, it’s primarily the selling out which has disconnected those voters in the first place. These voters can see if a political party is primarily attending to the concerns of those on over $50K pa. or if they are sincere about listening and acting on the concerns of the working class and underclass.

          • McFlock

            tend to agree – I reckon that unless he really changes image he’d get the “Bill & Ben” vote.
            I think young nats would support him but he’s afeudin’ with the nats, but a few younglabs who forgot he donated to John Banks might be picked up. But I don’t think 5% or an electorate seat.

            Depends on the rest of the party, though – he might do it better than colin craig.

        • Naki Man

          Flaunt it is being very kind. A number plate on
          one of his vehicles is God

        • marty mars

          imo no one person/family should live in a 30M mansion – that he does is, in a nutshell, what is wrong with this country

          • Colonial Viper

            No, that’s not the primary moral lesson re: Dotcom imo. However, the people who had that mansion built, and how they got their money, is more the point if we are talking morality.

            • marty mars

              nah that is splitting hairs imo

              • Colonial Viper

                Plenty of things wrong with this nation, but blaming a relatively recent immigrant from a very different cultural background for embodying them is not correct, is what I am saying.

                Whatever shape this country is in, good or bad, NZers did it, and we have to look hard into the mirror.

                • No, my point is that we live in a country where someone can live in a 30M house – and i think that is wrong.

                  • karol

                    My concern is that KDC splashes out loadsamoney on fireworks, parties etc – of course, he may well give a lot to the more impoverished sectors of the community privately. But I have yet to see anything from him about closing the income gap, or providing more jobs for kiwis that pay a living wage, etc.

                  • Matthew Hooton

                    Why is it wrong?

                    • Chooky

                      Hoots darls ….where is your Party?

                    • bad12

                      Lolz, Party pooper someone popped wee Matty’s balloon, Colin Craig, Kim DotCom,ACT, the right is flooded with flakes, fakes, and, outright frauds, there just isn’t room for another,

                      Never mind right Hooten, there’s always 2017 when the crowd of flotsam at present highly evident and to the fore will have farted off to greener pasture, then it will be Your turn right,

                      Trouble with that little scenario tho is that if Labour/Green can’t quite do it in 2014 you can bet by 2017 the gloss will have truly worn off Slippery and Co so the best wee Matty could expect is an injection into the Parliament looking at 9 in opposition…

                    • Flip

                      I’ll assume a genuine question but despite it being simple it has a very long answer. The shortest answer I can give is that it is unjust in a civilised society. Which would lead to a complicated discussion of why and how so, which I’m reasonably certain has been already considered but I have not got a reference for it. I have a number of other projects I’m working on so I’ll add it to the list.

            • Ad

              If New Zealand had 10 more DotCom’s the place could finally get interesting again.

              • Colonial Viper

                It would shake up the current cosy cartel of back slapping elites, that’s for sure.

    • Ennui 15.2

      Yeah, I will take the bait, the white bit. It is true here, most rich boys are white but it is not exclusive. Plenty of poor white boys too. We got lots of yellow rich lads as well. Being poor does not exclude any colour or gender. And the mix is different in other countries….so lets get real: I don’t like the way rich buggers can get what they want when they want when the rest of us cant regardless of their colour.

      • Colonial Viper 15.2.1

        It’s a point I have made before. The elite 0.1% look at the rest of us, regardless of our colour or gender, as disposable, replaceable, commodities. Easy prey on their capitalist hunting reserve.

      • QoT 15.2.2

        Being poor does not exclude any colour or gender

        Nobody says it does. Occasionally we wouldn’t mind the white boys acknowledging that poverty disproportionately affects different people.

  15. i think it’s time for a keith-locke-stylings group-pledge…

    ..(the putting of genitalia where the mouth it were..)

    ..those who are so certain he won’t get 5%..

    ..and those absolutely certain he will get 5%..

    ..with those who are incorrect..

    pledging to walk the length of k rd..naked…

    ..who’se up for that..?

    phillip ure..

    • Chooky 16.1

      …that is so typical of you phillip

      ( I am certainly not up for it)

    • Ad 16.2

      He’ll just siphon a little off the Greens, a little off Act, a little off the North Shore and CBD.

      On balance the Internet Party will be good for splitting and draining more of the National-coalition choices, and hence be good for Labour’s chances.

      Not a shit show of getting anything near 5%.

      I’m more curious however about how many other progressive activists he’s going to fuck up while he has his fun. RIP Bomber. RIP Alastair Thompson. Seems there will be more.

      • phillip ure 16.2.1

        so up 4 the bet..?

        phillip ure..

      • mickysavage 16.2.2

        On balance the Internet Party will be good for splitting and draining more of the National-coalition choices, and hence be good for Labour’s chances.

        Not a shit show of getting anything near 5%.

        I think you are on something there Ad.

        • Colonial Viper

          I’ll be very impressed if KDC gets half way to the 5% threshold. That would be a decent first election showing. Also, I’m quite curious as to why he didn’t start up (or takeover) the NZ Pirate Party.

          • karol

            The last thing KDC wants is to be branded as “pirate” . His claim is to be a legitimate/legal business person. So, “Internet” gives his politics more legitimacy.

  16. newsense 17

    I think KDC is a little like Winston Peters. Don’t get distracted by the packaging, awesome though it may be. His complaint remember is not that there is corruption, but that he paid John Banks and didn’t get his money’s worth.

    • One Anonymous Knucklehead 17.1

      Oh, I thought it was the illegal police raid on his house the illegal seizure of his possessions, the illegal access to his records provided to foreign agents, the illegal perjury by the police during his extradition hearing, and the illegal spying on him by this government acting as the NSA’s poodle.

      Still, I guess he could also be pissed off that John Banks’ word isn’t worth shit.

      • bad12 17.1.1

        While i do care about all the ‘illegals’ you have listed above, i would have to submit that i personally would like to see Dotcom get dealt to in the meanest of ways by the judicial system,

        i will justify such a position, totally not based upon what DotCom may have done or not done to bring all of such ‘illegality’ down upon Himself,

        Instead ask yourself ONE question and one question alone, what was DotCom expecting from John Banks via the provision of the ‘donation’,

        What sort of person in all reality is DotCom, fit to lead in any way this little country of ours??? i spit on such a proposition for the obvious reason that i have come to one conclusion as to WHY DotCom made that donation to John Banks as have i believe most other ‘thinking’ people…

    • Naki Man 17.2

      Spot on
      KDC was pissed off when John Banks did NOT act in a corrupt way by doing KDC favours after
      he had given Banks a donation

      • Colonial Viper 17.2.1

        I wonder what the Right Wing internal polling is saying that you wing nuts are so worried about KDC.

        • marty mars

          exactly – only dims like bm think the left will lose votes with this move

        • karol

          Well I reckon Colin Craig is going to find it hard to get as much media attention as he was hoping with KDC in the election hood.

          • Colonial Viper

            Perfect electoral consequence analysis, in one sentence.

            • felix


              • Jim Nald

                Anti-‘smacking’ (hitting!) is sooo yesterday and ho-hum or hoha to revisit.

                The internet, protecting open access, concerns about surveillance and spying, and digital control and takeover by Big Corporates/Countries, are the issues today, tomorrow and into the future.

        • Naki Man

          I don’t see KDC as a threat to the right.
          He is a pirate and only looks after his own interests.

          • Colonial Viper

            According to that, he fits in with the Right perfectly, then.

          • Paul

            So why don’t you support him?
            If he’s going to damage left wing support, he’ll make a Key government more likely.
            It seems by your comments you’re worried about him.

  17. drongo 18

    Kim Dot deserves to be deported back to Germany.

    [lprent: Why? Not explaining makes me look at you are a being just another probable fuckwit troll (see the policy) thinking with a slogan and repetitive stroking of your brain. I’ suggest that if you want to comment here, then there had better be some indications that you can operate with blood flows away from whatever your hands are touching. ]

  18. karol 19

    From 3 News tonight: I will give the (alleged) IntP manifesto policy of supporting public broadcasting a tick. Supporting Internet business in NZ was always going to be a giving – and privacy. So far the only female linked to the IntP is Mai Chen (3 News) – in view of the fact that Bomber sees the party as appealing to young urban professional males.

    It is looking like Trotter and Bradbury are asociated with the IntP in some way, as they are excited by it and talking it up – -still.

    Trotter doesn’t do the party any favours though by comparing KDC’s party with the likes of Berlusconi (and Grillo – more acceptable).

    And if the party is going to promote public broadcasting, then they need to be seen as having some distance from it – compared with the likes of Berlusconi.

    Bad start that (as stated on 3 News), Bradbury was recommending free wifi be provided for the Auckland CBD by KDC in the run up to the election. As NRT states – it could bes seen as treating.

    • Bill 19.1

      Never heard of ‘treating’ before. So I followed NRT’s link. So it essentially refers to materially bribing people to either vote or not vote. T’would be a very long bow to charge that plying people with alcohol, entertainment or whatever just so they join a political party or get engaged with politics to some degree is treating, no?

      • karol 19.1.1

        I’ve heard of treating before in the old bit of right wing spin about how the Labour Party treated peopel to KFC in South Auckland in order to get them to vote.

        I think the potential infringement I/S is referring to, is Bomber’s suggestion that KDC provide free wifi in the CBD in the run up to the election.

        Apparently the party on Monday is just a KDC birthday (or sommat) party, and not an Internet Party launch.

      • QoT 19.1.2

        Every election there’s at least one story about Candidate A (usually National) accusing Candidate B (usually Labour) “treating” by running a free sausage sizzle at an event. I can’t remember the specifics, but one year Kim Hill absolutely eviscerated someone on NatRad over it (“I can’t believe anyone’s going to vote on the basis of a sausage” kind of thing.)

        Yet I believe it still counts as “treating” under the law.

      • ghostwhowalksnz 19.1.3

        The NZ law covers food drink entertainment
        ..either before, during, or after an election, directly or indirectly gives or provides, or pays wholly or in part the expense of giving or providing, any food, drink, entertainment, or provision to or for any person

        But there is an exception
        “Notwithstanding anything in this section, the provision of a light supper after any election meeting shall be deemed not to constitute the offence of treating.

        But I dont think the police or courts would entertain the absurd bow that the Oily Orca is trying to draw.
        A party launch !!

        After all , the law covers after an election too!

        Many election after parties are held, with plenty of food and drink

      • David H 19.1.4

        And Shonky John’s Tax bribe wasn’t a treat for the 1%?

  19. tsmithfield 20

    Here is a question for the left.

    Would Labour throw an electorate seat to get KDC’s party into parliament?

    • Pascal's bookie 20.1



      • tsmithfield 20.1.1

        If that is the case, then I agree with other right wing views here. The KDC party can only be bad for the left as I doubt they will get over 5% and will draw left-leaning voters away from other left leaning parties. This is because centre and right leaning voters will be fairly happy with the current state of government.

        On the other hand, if Labour were willing to hold their nose and gift a seat to KDC, then it could gain advantage from those votes.

        • Colonial Viper

          If KDC’s party is “bad for the Left,” I’ll be looking forward to John Key recommending it. Right?

          Or, it’s going to stuff National. Which I think is going to be far more likely.

          • Bob

            “If KDC’s party is “bad for the Left,” I’ll be looking forward to John Key recommending it. Right?” What a ridiculous statement! John Key’s recommendations would most likely be listened too by voters he already has (unless you would listen to his recommendations Tat?). Recommending a vote for another party (other than potentially splitting your vote while retaining the Party vote) would just be cannibalising his own vote!

            For the most part, everyone here seems to think the Internet Party is going to take votes of the block that they don’t currently vote for. I would suggest the next poll results are going to be very interesting.

            I personally believe the vote will drop off the Greens and Mana as they will be more of the protest vote moving.

        • Pascal's bookie

          But tarq, you are forgetting that you are an idiot.

          What does the IP offer voters that already existing parties do not?

          All the policy hints seem to be in areas that the Greens already cover, so left wing voters who like that stuff will vote Greens. he might pick up votes from non voters, but of current voters, his most likely wins are from people who like what he says about internet freedom, but wouldn’t vote for the Greens.

  20. karol 21

    Interesting announcement of grants to Hi Tech companies this evening – timing.


    Research and development grants worth more than $140 million are being split among 31 high technology companies which operate in New Zealand.

    Grant recipients announced today include some well known public companies such as Fisher & Paykel Appliances, F&P Healthcare, Scott Technology and Rakon, along with businesses that have lower profiles and are privately-owned.

    The list also includes Endace Technology, which helps clients monitor vast amounts of internet traffic for security and traffic management. It began life at Waikato University but was bought by US Company Emulex Corporation last year.
    The Growth Grant recipients include: radio equipment developer 4RF, geological modelling solution developer ARANZ Geo, BioDiscovery New Zealand which discovers microbes that enhance plant productivity, Douglas Pharmaceuticals, power wheelchair and scooter electronic control manufacturer Dynamic Controls, standby power supply manufacturer Enatel, Hamilton-based Gallagher Group, Jade Software Corporation, dairy biotechnology company Quantec, aerospace company Rocket Lab, commercial refrigeration company Skope Industries, wireless communication company Tait, and Wynyard Group which develops software which helps protect companies from threat, crime and corruption.

    Hi tech, digital technology businesses will get much sucking up to this election year?

  21. felix 22

    I think this will be a hugely successful and popular political movement, but largely only among people who don’t vote.

    Kinda like the Pakeha Party was.

    Bottom line for me is that he gave John Banks 50 grand. For an election campaign. John. Banks.

    He’s not the messiah he’s a very naughty boy.

    • felix 23.1

      Yep, lights up like a christmas tree. You can pause your ad blocker and refresh the page if you want to have a look.

    • lprent 23.2

      Yep. Just at present we have a KDC party ad up. Fits within our advertising criteria so it wasn’t flagged for my attention, just like the other recent set of ads for the electoral commission. There are some ads we don’t run but not too many. But the price points tend to exclude the really price conscious. We get more than enough to run the site.

      Good thing too. The bloody spam offensive at the start of December that flooded akismet (and caused 5-10 minute post delays on comments) did some nasty things to our server costs. Bill for December was 63% above budget, with almost all of the excess in the first 10 days of the month.

      Looks much more normal this month. Currently ~USD9 above budget at mid-month. Mostly due to leaving an extra backup web server running while I was on holiday and away from systems for a lot of the time.

  22. Skinny 24

    Dot Com is vote buying to the young and disillusioned, if he can pull a crowd of 15,000 in one day to a party launch one can only imagine how many party votes he will pull in 6-8 months. I note he is using Palmer- Chen to advise on electoral law, add the media publicity & paid advertising and 5% looks very much achievable.

    I’ll take the positive that he will hurt the Key-National brand with targeting them as sucking up to the Yanks with undeniably the most intrusive spying legislation New Zealanders have ever been subjected to by ‘any’ Government in our history. Key-National took a sharp hit in the polls around the very public introduction of the GCSB Bill. If Dotcom and his team keep dredging this up along with the absolute rort of over priced Internet/telecommunication charges you can guarantee a slippage in Nationals voter support.

    I suspect Key most certainly did do a deal to extradite Dotcom with Warner Brothers and high ranking American officials and the acid needs to go back on Key.

  23. Flip 25

    Clearly attempts to freeze Dotcom’s assets have not been too successful.

  24. Huginn 26

    The Libertarian Borg . . .

    A lot of the people I know who might vote for The Internet Party were politicised when they tuned into the Parliamentary Debates for the ‘three strikes internet’ laws. For many of them it was their first engagement with the political system and it’s significant that they stopped what they were doing and listened to what MPs were saying about file sharing and copyright – the internet means that much to them.

    They were not impressed. Both National and Labour were dead to them after that.

    Things have gone from bad to worse since then. It’s now clear that Skynet was part of a global initiative to lock up the internet. NZ wasn’t alone and there is now a growing international community that worries about ‘privacy’, ‘sovereignty’, ‘individual rights in the digital world’, and so on.

    We shouldn’t be surprised that intelligent, independent thinkers like Alistair Thompson are involved in The Internet Party, because TIP is a part of this global movement. Look out also for support from people like Jane Kelsey and Seeby Woodehouse.

    This is why it is a mistake to think of The Internet Party as a rich man’s toy, existing at the pleasure of Kim Dotcom, to torment John Key.

    The Internet Party may take votes from all the major parties, and it will be the last nail in ACT’s coffin, but they will also bring in a lot of no-voters. But the most disruptive move would be to form an alliance with Winston Peters’ NZ First.

    An alliance between NZ First and The Internet Party makes sense because they share similar concerns, especially sovereignty, but their voter bases probably don’t overlap much.

    It’s a highly synergistic win/win with not much downside.

    • Chooky 26.1


    • Colonial Viper 26.2

      Very nice. Further explains why the RWNJs have been frothing and thrashing.

    • Tracey 26.3

      had dinner with my 18 a nd 20 year old nephews and their friend.One didnt vote last time but said he will vote for dotcom’s party. The other two, first time voters, say they will too.

    • karol 26.4

      NZ wasn’t alone and there is now a growing international community that worries about ‘privacy’, ‘sovereignty’, ‘individual rights in the digital world’, and so on.

      Most of the left are also worried about that. But I don’t know how people can be worried about those things, and also not understand WHY the elites are trying to dominate the digital world – i.e. that it’s about the elites cornering the world’s power structures, and the related impacts on the least well off, and the marginalised. Otherwise it’s just about getting a space among the powerful. It’s dangerously ignoring proceses of power.

      The focus on “individual rights” indicates a lack of understanding, or appreciation of the significance of, collective and cooperative processes – i.e. to me it’sa politically shallow perspective, and thus is in danger of being co-opted by powerful groups – those that want to benefit from digital businesses.
      Kelsey would get that, and would only give qualified support to the IntP, while Seeby is all about the business.

  25. middxkea 27

    I have been to two Green Party meetings so far this year. Filled to the gunnels with activists, many new.
    really was a pleasant surprise this early on in the year.
    The Green Team for 2014 is going to be strong and committed
    Let KDC do what ever he likes.
    The Greens are the ones to watch!

    • Chooky 27.1

      +1…hope so….the Greens deserve to do really well based on their solid performance in parliament and elsewhere

      • Arfamo 27.1.1

        Looking the most likely party to secure my party vote. Goff and Parker have rooted Labour’s chances for me.

    • bad12 27.2

      +1 also, it doesn’t surprise me in the least that you are seeing ‘full houses’ at Green Party meetings, my pick is for the Party to score from 12-15% of the vote this year and don’t be surprised if a large part of the upward trajectory comes from young born to vote Nats voters splitting their party votes off to the Green Party…

      • ghostwhowalksnz 27.2.1

        They have been saying that for 20 years . Never got above 11 % and that was once, more likely it would be 6-9%

        • bad12

          Ghost who is this ‘they’ and have you got a link to your assertion of Fact, mines obviously opinion which unless you provide the links to these Facts you allege is exactly what your comment is, opinion dressed up as Fact…

          • Colonial Viper

            gwwnz is trumpeting a well worn Labour Party trope that the Greens have reached their electoral zenith while Labour is the one true opposition party representing the broad Left.

        • McFlock

          but for the last couple of years green polling has matched the aspirations, consistently and outside the campaign period. 15% might be overly optimistic, but anything less than double figures is equally wishful rather than rational.

          Oh, and now they have asset sales and deep-ocean drilling to bounce off…

          • Colonial Viper

            If Labour shine this year I would expect the Greens at 11% – 12% on E Day. If Labour is lacklustre however, Greens at 14% – 15% is very possible.

  26. Tracey 28

    Another new party

    A culture of MPs “who have to put their party first” is prompting Brendan Horan to start a new political party – one made up of independent MPs.

    The announcement came at the same time as Horan said the executor’s final determination on whether he took money from his late mother’s accounts had cleared him of any wrongdoing.

    • bad12 28.1

      Lolz, i forgot to add the Brendon Who Independents Party to the little list of flakes,fakes and outright frauds i give to Hooten above crowding the right-wing spectrum of politics for 2014,

      i do tho see the ‘Independents Party’ as a bit of a misnomer as it’s a given that such ‘independent MP’s’ are truly dependent upon the Parliament to fund their habits both good and bad…

  27. karol 29

    Gordon Campbell on Alistair Thompson’s resignation (?) from Scoop and the potential of the Internet Party.

    • Arfamo 29.1

      +1. Good article. Ronya Gordon.

    • Colonial Viper 29.2

      I liked Campbell’s insight. The one detail I disagree with is on the role of Ralph Nader splitting the Florida vote and handing victory to the Republicans.

      The fact of the matter is that the Democrats lost entire states they should have clearly won well before that point, and then in Florida the Democratic Party gave up on the recount early on, cancelling it and handing the decision to the Florida Supreme Court. Who predictably gave it to George Bush, just like any Banana Republic judicial system.

      • ghostwhowalksnz 29.2.1

        You are so wrong on the Florida recount.

        ” Florida Supreme Court had ordered “counting of the legal votes contained within the undervotes in all counties where the undervote has not been subjected to a manual tabulation.” The U.S. Supreme Court overruled the Florida Supreme Court and stopped their recount..

        The Democrats didnt ‘give up’, manual recounts were underway. But of course that fits your usual narrative of its all ways the lefts fault

        • Colonial Viper

          Oh I stand corrected. I am impressed with your defence of the Democratic Party of course, a party which fatally lost it’s way 20 years ago, and decided to sacrifice the working people of the USA once and for all.

          What I meant to say is that the Florida democratic party fucked up in the year before the election, when tens of thousands of black voters were taken off the voter rolls by Jeb Bush and co.

          It was only after the recount was cancelled by SCOTUS that the Democratic Party sent a backlash against Nader scapegoating him for their own failures in electioneering.

          The Democrats didnt ‘give up’, manual recounts were underway. But of course that fits your usual narrative of its all ways the lefts fault

          Firstly, the US Democratic Party is not Left.

          Secondly, the Left has been consistently losing for 30 years. Wake up and smell the coffee.

    • bad12 29.3

      Fair enough comment form Campbell, tho like those on the right, (His affiliations i do not know), He simply assumes that this Internet Party will take votes from Labour and the Greens while having no effect on National voters,

      This is the same false assumption made about the Colin Craig Conservatives, albeit that it was NZFirst that was being touted as ‘losing’ votes to the loony tunes brigade when the history of 2011 shows that NZFirst were hardly touched by the Conservatives and it was both National and Labour that shed votes to the wild,wide eyed Colin and His 2 million dollar baby,

      The lesson from Colin’s wee efforts in 2011 as far as the Green Parties upward trajectory goes is that there was zero effect, which is really what i expect to occur vis a vis the Green Party vote and the fortunes of the Internet Party in 2014, i think we will find that Green Party members and those who intend to vote Green in 2014 have far deeper motives than simply internet issues,(which the e Green Party comprehensively address anyway),

      It’s all ‘opinion’ of course, and great to have some real meat to chew over this early in the election year…

      • karol 29.3.1

        I think Campbell was associated with the Green Party at one stage – maybe worked for them. Don’t know his current affilliation, if any.

      • middxkea 29.3.2

        If KDC party can raise awareness and get people voting who otherwise wouldn’t, that has got to be good.
        If social media and the internet are used to accomplish this, then the Green party could benefit as they have a fantastic social media strategy and will gain some additional votes from the increased profile.
        The 2013 local body elections and the CIR campaign have been great training for a new breed of leftie activists. Forget the Labour party who wants to campaign for a centrist party anyway? Why vote for grey when you can vote for Green?
        Watch out for the Green Picnic for the Planet election year launch on Sunday 26 January at Waitangi Park in Wellington starting at 11am.

  28. Ambergris 30

    Mickey: I believe there is a difference between *Alisdair* Thompson of Northern Farmers Federation and *Alistair* Thompson – recent proprietor of
    .. although they may be related.



    [Thanks Ambergris – corrected – MS]

  29. Craig Y 31

    How might the Internet Party do in the New Zealand context? Centre-right blogger Cameron Slater thinks that the Internet Party is excessively narrow in pursuing its planned political niche and that it might therefore remain an unelectable microparty.

    Is he correct about this? Dotcom’s proposal sounds similar to that advanced by the German Pirate Party and its cyberlibertarian counterparts in New Zealand, Sweden, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Spain, Australia, Brazil, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Italy, Luxembourg, Mexico, Nepal, Norway, Slovenia, Poland, Switzerland, Tunisia and the United Kingdom. Of these, state German Pirate Parties have won state legislature and city council seats, the Czech Pirate Party has a Senate and city council seats, the Iceland Pirate Party has three parliamentary seats in its national parliament, the Swedish Pirate Party elected two European Parliamentary members and the Swiss Pirate Party has two municipal councillors while the Catalonian Pirate Party has two municipal councillors. So, parliamentary and local council representation does seem possible, although it seems to be the case that cyberlibertarian parties have had their greatest success in European politics, particularly within the German state and municipal context.

    Could that be replicated here? There have been considerable public protests about Key administration online surveillance and data interception legislation and its potentially chilling effects on government transparency and accountability and civil liberties. However, the federal German Pirate Party failed to pick up Bundestag seats due to its political naivetie and absence of legislative experience. Still, given that former Scoop parliamentary press gallery journalist Alistair Thompson is interim party secretary, the Internet Party may be able to sidestep these potential teething problems. But is New Zealand too economically underdeveloped for such parties to be politically viable? Or could the Greens end up incorporating cyberlibertarian concerns into their greater party agenda?

    • Arfamo 31.1

      The thing that amazes me is that so many people have so much to say about something we actually all really know fuck-all about at this point. But I guess that’s what politics is these days – Bullshit & circuses.

  30. Craig Y 32

    Speaking of which, what about the New Zealand Pirate Party in this juncture?

    • Arfamo 32.1

      I thought they were National?

    • veutoviper 32.2

      Craig Y

      A few days ago, before any news came out about the Internet Party, I/S at NRT did a post on the possible relationship/overlap between KDC’s party and the NZ Pirate Party (I did not even know such a party existed here!).

      This NRT post provides a link to the NZ Pirate Party website (and some other interesting links as well) –

      The Pirate Party is currently running a poll as to what they should do if another ‘Pirate” party formed in NZ. Of the 97 votes to date, 40% think that they should propose a merger on equal terms, while 31% think they should consult the Pirate Parties International as to what to would be best. 10% think they should oppose the use by anyone else of the Pirate Party name.

      So, only time will tell.

      PS – NRT also did a follow-up post after yesterday’s news on the Internet Party. –

      • Craig Y 32.2.1

        However, Kim D does not seem to be using the Pirate Party designation, although his party’s policies indeed do sound cyberlibertarian. It’s interesting to see the apparently high level of support for a merger. Thanks, VV.

  31. captain hook 33

    Dotcom is a thief and blubberguts wail boil is a thug so they are made for each other.

  32. Ad 34

    So the party is cancelled 72 hours before it begins.

    If this were a commercial enterprise we would be requiring our money back. Instead we get that sour taste of political hope turned dead.

    Whoever was giving ‘strategic advice’ that the opening party did not represent treating needs to be fired. Ooops another own goal by Bomber and friends.

    Anyone who registered with their details: hey you just got harvested! Congratulations suckers – your address just got owned and received nada in return.

    The Fat German is as coy and cunning as Colin Craig.

    Watch this guy people – he’s beginning to be NZ’s own 2014 political shooting star: pretty to watch, explosive even, but destined to burn out fast rather than orbit.

  33. Port Hills Pete 35

    Why would any intelligent and self-respecting left wing activist join a political venture with this obese poser, with his net worth of $200million gained from dubious sources, his outrageously ostentatious lifestyle including palatial property complete with pet giraffes, the pink Cadillacs, Lamborghinis etc and for when he’s really in a hurry the helicopter (which is also handy when he blows half a million on a fireworks display), and his convictions back home for 11 counts of computer fraud, 10 counts of data espionage, insider trading and embezzlement among other offences, and whose first political action in this country was to donate $50,000 to John Banks???

  34. Port Hills Pete 36

    In the midst of all this discussion has anyone noticed the Internet Party has no website!!