The knives are out (again)

Written By: - Date published: 8:01 pm, March 27th, 2010 - 3 comments
Categories: act, rodney hide - Tags:

gersdorff_p21v1.jpgThis image has been sitting around since October 2007 in a un-posted post from all_your_base awaiting someone who deserves it.

I read Marty G‘s post today about the infighting in Act.

I’m awarding it to Rodney Hide. He seems to deserve it….

3 comments on “The knives are out (again) ”

  1. Bill 1

    That image would be from Nacts ‘101 ways we support beneficiaries’ handbook, no?

  2. Anne 2

    Rivalry and back stabbing has been a feature of the Act Party from the time of it’s inception. The original fight was between the liberals and the reactionaries for supremacy. It took a few years – and stacking of the board – but the reactionaries won out. The liberals either returned to their parties of origin (mainly the Nats) or retired from politics altogether. If the liberals had won out, I think they would have been able to maintain a level of stability similar to the Greens only on the other side of the political spectrum.

  3. Jenny 3

    Hi Anne, I agree. The Reactionary Right wing have become Rampant in ACT, indeed.

    (from something, I too, prepared earlier)