Written By:
- Date published:
6:14 pm, December 21st, 2013 - 41 comments
Categories: cartoons, climate change, humour -
People are winding down for a bit of a summer break. I’m looking for some fun videos and images to add to this post.
However for now, take a look at this. How the media report the apocalypse.
In early 2014, a series of devastating catastrophes bring about Armageddon. Papers of record like the New York Times soberly report this news.
The Guardian tries to provide comprehensive live coverage of the end of days.
Striving for balance, the BBC makes sure it also gives airtime to the views of the radioactive mutant zombies:
The Daily Mail saw all this coming.
And I imagine that the NZ Herald will be doing editorials on democracy being under attack, suing Len Brown, and how David Cunliffe will never be PM.
Looking for some fun videos, images and or links to add to the post. I’ll select one or two from those suggested.
Ok, I’ll play
Thanks Grumpy. Enjoyed that… one for Simon Bridges….
John Clark is a treasure. To think we let him go across the ditch……
’tis a national tragedy
And another
Someone else can have a go now.
Sorry, can’t help myself
Good fun Grumpy. What do you do with all your time? 🙂
I’m on bloody holiday, how about you?
Hey Karol, I think all the left humour has been used up on the caption contest, come on guys…..
Grumpy, it’s a slow period. No rush. A lot of people are probably out at office parties, or preparing fro heading out of town.
I was thinking of looking for a John Clarke video – usually very good value. Yep, he does the politician say nothing while talking decisively, very well. It did make me giggle watching that one again.
I thought his world financial crisis one was fantastic, especially because it was made so many years ago!
Yep. A classic!
Meow …Grumpy
Not even as good as BM and that was crap.
Ok , how about this one, it’s a classic.
[karol: what grumpy said. this is just meant to be a bit of fairly light hearted fun for a general (and mostly left wing) viewer.]
Look, Len. You can’t come around here under an alias and bugger up the tone of the place.
Nah,that wasn’t Len.
This is Len
We’ll if it’s not Len it must be Shane. Keep it seemly!
Yes. I don’t find it that funny.
Something everyone but BM can agree on.
Never thought I would say this but well done Karol.
Merry Christmas though fender, anyone names after a stratocaster can’t be all bad 🙂
Some Tom Scott cartoons here, but I can’t find a url for specific images.
Ah. I see. it’s necessary to go to the “cart” to get the punch line.
Reggie Perrin springs to mind.
I saw a great John Key video montage with music recently. Can’t remember where. It’s not this one:
Liar Liar
I suppose we could put up the Campbell interview with Key. I found that hilarious!
John Clark’s are brilliant, but the money has to be on Liar Liar.
Thanks for the entertainment, Grumpy and karol.
One from over the ditch…
Brilliant Molly.
Yep. Added to the post plus 2 others.
Aamer Rahman (Fear of a Brown Planet) – Reverse Racism.
Hi Blue. You must’ve posted the wrong link – FIFY
Find it hard to believe that everyone hasn’t seen this … but Bill Nighy’s message at Christmas, is a lot like love actually.
… and if your celebration tends towards the hard headed and strong language then Peter Calpadi’s role, in In The Loop is enough to scour out any lingering sweetness…
“Those fuckin’ fuckity Daleks can just fuck off!” – My Doctor Who dream episode.
What could be more appropriate for a political forum than