The Long Covid Post

This tweet just alerted me to a dynamic I hadn’t quite seen, namely that the public is generally ignorant about long covid, what it is, and why it matters so much.

I get a lot of my initial information about covid from twitter, where there is much discussion about long covid that seems to not be being picked up by mainstream media (and I’ll hazard a guess by alt media too, it’s not like subcultures are immune to ableism).

On twitter there are people with long covid (PWLC), and nurses, doctors, statisticians, public health bods, some of whom also have long covid, all talking about the issues. Here’s  a non-comprehensive list off the top of my head of what matters,

It’s understandable that public health, governments and the media have focused initially on acute covid, but we’re two years in now, it’s time to put long covid to the forefront as well.

I’m going to put this post up now and then edit to add content over the day.

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