The Man who will do Anything for Power

Deliberately pitting Kiwis against Kiwis so he can retain power may be his worst action so far.

Worse than engaging lawyers and accountants to rort $900 a week.

Worse than deliberately lying about the “hole” when he ran zero budgets himself in 2014 and 2015

Worse than writing a cheque to a wealthy Saudi business man when he knew there was no legal advice advising it.

Using division to rule is an old tactic but in modern times shows a lack of imagination and ambition. 600 farmers, friends and family gathered yesterday. Key often called crowds of thousands “rent a mob”. The media called it a “farmers revolt”. No hyperbole there then.

The signs on display yesterday shamed the majority of farmers who do not behave this way. Fed Farmers (with which the English family has links) and National (and NZF it seems) have stooped very low. Trump low.

Scratch the surface and Bill is neither honest nor fair. He is at his heart a misogynist. Look no further than when Clark was PM (see image attached to this post).

If Labour forms a government, and I hope they do, National have set the scene for how they will Oppose. We know how they did it with Clark. Using third party organisations to invoke misogyny and homophobia.

If you are a wavering National or NZF voter. Vote for decency.

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