The Mandate To Say Goodbye

Amana Christian School Principal Roslyn King, unvaccinated, as of yesterday cannot enter the grounds of her school.

The school has lost two of their four staff and the Principal claims it is one of the darkest days in New Zealand education.

There are many such stories rippling through the media at the moment.

The latest 1 News Colmar Brunton Poll showed 74% of those polled supported mandates now in place for teachers, healthcare workers and port, border and prison workers.

Twenty percent were opposed and 6% did not know.

In the next two weeks we will find out how many teachers in New Zealand are immune to facts, were happy to enforce vaccinations upon their children for multiple diseases over multiple decades but not themselves, and after decades enforcing state rules in daily attendance and behaviours of young people at school could not themselves be subject to that same force of state.

Will there be any disproportionality of those walking away from teaching due to the vaccine mandate who are evangelical Christians or any other Integrated School minority? They’re due for a scorch if there is.

Young people need teachers who apply facts, who instil the necessity of scientific method, and who lead by example from their own lives. The mandate may in time do for teaching quality what a hundred ERO reports could never do.

For those who practise ignorance and pedagogical corruption, it is indeed one of their darkest days. They will join the ranks of those finding something else to do.

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

For teachers and school management who stay and are vaccinated, they are more than ever illuminated as more than teachers: they are rebuilding this damaged society.

Our entire education system from daycare to doctorate has been upended by COVID and ours has been responding well, though the disruption remains bewildering.

For those school students being taught, and for the school system itself, teachers walking out due to the vaccine mandate will become one of New Zealand educations’ quickest renewal programmes yet seen.

Goodbye Roslyn.

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