The Marketers

“The happiness-consumption myth is interestingly analysed in relation to neurological mechanisms. The myth is co-created by the marketers and us.”

Brian Walker, Hot Topic.

These couple of lines are very important to my mind. I got involved in marketing through my business and was a firm believer. I spent tens of thousands of dollars on marketing, advertising and training as most companies do; but in the end it felt like I was selling my soul and I quit the system. I still say to my friends: “If there are people like me trying to sell things to people like you then I would be very afraid!”

My point here is all this money and effort was generally put into trying to sell something to people that they either couldn’t afford or didn’t need. Now the Nact’s are the masters of this and these people have sold their souls long ago, so I would be a little more than afraid; I would be terrified.

They have the stats, more than likely they know what you have for breakfast and dinner, they know where you work, if you work and what you think more or less!

So if you still think that you live in a place where you are free to do whatever you want, forget it – the marketers have a way of selling you as well….

I personally would like to see the marketers regulated to the point where they can’t blink without permission. They are what we see and what we feel, what we hear and what we touch. They know how to tap into our fears and our successes.

– MrSmith

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