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- Date published:
10:40 am, June 5th, 2016 - 12 comments
Categories: activism, human rights, identity -
Tags: muhammad ali, service, wise words
“The service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth.” #MuhammadAli http://t.co/Gzt8rArBh9 pic.twitter.com/9Ms2hmqXlW
— Muhammad Ali (@MuhammadAli) November 13, 2014
‘It’s just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up.’
‘Boxing is a lot of white men watching two black men beating each other up.’
Ali said some great things, and he challenged some strong prejudices, but he also made his living from hitting people and being hit. Who knows if his Alzheimers was (at least partially) the result of repeated head injuries? Either way, he was part of a “sport” that I see as sick and sad. Sorry.
Parkinson’s, not Alzheimer’s. Quickly looking it up, it seems Parkinson’s doesn’t have a known cause – in fact, keeping fit and active might have helped him rather than hindered.
I just read in another blog comment that it wasn’t actually Parkinson’s Disease but something else that has Parkinson-like symptoms. Sorry I can’t be more exact but the post and name have both already left my memory by the back door (and gone someway down the road)
It’s one of the conceits of the modern age that we expect everyone to attempt to live to a ripe old age and blame them when they don’t. I think the progress of modern medicine has a lot to do with this. It’s engendered this myth of being able to cheat death. It’s turned into a sort of health fascism, with the constant attack on smokers being an example of this. This is everyone inalienable right to choose their poison. Those who don’t have one, are likely to die young from the stress of being an uptight prig.
I was interested in the origin of this worthy saying as it is usually attributed to the Queen Mother or her speechwriter as “Your work is the price…etc “. It seemed much earlier, to me.
This good researcher has pinned it (loosely) as having been inscribed on a hospital in India 100 years ago, and traced its journey since.
PS I know he’s a hero to some, but Clay/Ali would need to have been a proper father to the numerous children he sired and abandoned before I would even consider him eligible for that status. Or anything like it.
Surprising the man had any goodwill at all.
But Ali was more than talk. His boxing skills won him the gold medal in the 1960 Olympics at age 18. When he came back from the Olympics–and this is the first step in his political arc–he held a press conference at the airport, his gold medal swinging from his neck, and said:
To make America the greatest is my goal
So I beat the Russian and I beat the Pole
And for the USA won the medal of Gold.
The Greeks said you’re better than the Cassius of Old.11
Clay loved his gold medal. Fellow Olympian Wilma Rudolph said, “He slept with it, he went to the cafeteria with it. He never took it off.”12 The week after returning home from the Olympics, Clay went to eat a cheeseburger with his medal swinging around his neck in a Louisville restaurant–and was denied service. He threw his medal in the Ohio River.
And, while I may have been in error about the nature of his affliction, the fact is that he spent a heck of a lot of time hitting people and being hit by them.
So an ex boxer is worthy of a post as he quoted something that I am assuming is relative to the left? Next you will be posting about Tua for his contribution towards the education system of NZ (spelling)
Did your shares dip last night Tory ? You’ve got out the wrong side of bed this morning!
Yup, the notion of service to others is irrelevant to the right.
Did Ali ever recant his advocacy of racist murder.
Not trolling, genuinely interested if he did ever categorically recant his (very toxic) comments about the desirability of killing people involved in inter-racial relationships.
[This is the second time you’ve trolled on this subject. Do it again and you’re having a vacation. TRP]
Well, I’d hate for you to hit me with your big Ban Hammer, old chap, so I will desist from asking questions about matters that interest me but I haven’t been able to resolve.