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notices and features - Date published:
5:30 pm, December 1st, 2014 - 25 comments
Categories: notices, The Standard -
A number of authors met during the weekend to discuss The Standard and what can be done to improve it. Changes and improvements should be rolled out within the next few weeks.
One of the simpler ones is a dedicated Facebook page to be used to broadcast new posts. The page is here. Feel free to like it.
And thanks to Ad for his guest post on the future of the Standard which generated a lot of very helpful discussion and feedback.
Good move. It will get the voice of the Labour movement out there and attract people to the site proper.
Will not be commenting on the Facebook page with my usual Facebook account though, for now.
I often wondered why there wasn’t a Facebook presence.
Ugh, Lifeinvader is evil… evil…
There might be some “outing” going on…
FB is an evil platform designed to encourage friends and family to inform on each other. Having said that, it is fun and informative at times.
What is needed is to get the younger potential voters involved and the young are actually abandoning Facebook in favor of other online sites.
Also does the standard really want to help fund such an amoral company like Facebook?
Do you want to also expose your readers to a company that in 2012 manipulated the news feeds of 689,003 people that we know of to experiment on them without their knowledge?
Find out where the younger voters are going to from Facebook and set up in those locations. If you can inform the younger potential voters of this country that there are actually people who care about them, maybe they will decide to vote and make a difference.
It’s a problem.
@ NZJester
So what do you think of the google plus idea that Patrick OBrien at 12.1 suggested? Is that the way to go? How can you get a plug for the left to the younger age group if not Facebook? They are all on it so it seems the way. Can anyone keep pure these days in the mass communication market?
As Bob Dylan put it Youve gotta serve somebody
the thing is sharky..
..the kids sneer @ facebook as ‘being for the oldies’…
..so if going there to communicate with ‘oldies’..that’s fine..
..but the smart kids aren’t there..
phillip u
Don’t be so superior. You say you know how it is, and then don’t tell us. So where are the youngies going now? We need to know the in-thing as you say we are catching an outgoing tide.
google+ is just as evil as FB.
Not sure why everyone focusses on the young so much, when they don’t vote. As Internet-Mana discovered.
Well Lanthanide we have moved past the intermediate goal of getting a leader who can speak up as Little is doing which looks promising. Now is the time to come to the aid of the Party and start getting a message out to the young ones. We have another 3 years to go.
We need to think of our futures if we are to have one. So I think besides the already voting public, the not-voting adult public, we should also be thinking of the young ones and getting into that back row in their heads even if we have to occupy the distant corner seat. Getting there will be a fine thing. Then there is a chance to get a few cute messages out that hold their attention while they get the hang of it all.
Facebook is slowly heading the way of MySpace from what I have seen online.
Not even Justin Timberlake was able to bring the sexy back to MySpace and Facebook is loosing its looks and turning off the younger internet users..
Disagree. The reason MySpace went by the wayside was because Facebook came up with a new, more interactive model. Similarly, Twitter and Instagram presented their own social media model. Until Facebook’s model is superseeded by a new model (not just tweeking at the edges) it will be around.
The Standard being on Facebook will have a very big impact on public awareness of the site as it its posts will be shared more frequently.
Personally I also think MySpace put off new entrants by not having any strict control over what pages looked like. Yes, it let you “personalise” your own page, but it lead to a very disjointed experience, and similarly would put-off people who couldn’t be bothered with the personalisation thing (like most people over the age of 20).
Ditto NZJester. A facebook page is like coming late to the party. Everyone else has already moved on.
I think it’s a good move. We may not be dedicated followers of fashion, but there are a heap of activists and broadly left wing people on Facebook. Heaps of weirdos as well, but you can always block them. You don’t want someone with an 11/9 or chemtrail fixation filling the site with ravings.
I run a page on Facebook and despite all the negatives right now there is a huge movement of truth seekers and activists making a strong presence here. This is the place where people who don’t know about blogs like “The Standard” et al get their first taste of an alternative viewpoint on the world. They may indeed eventually move on but taking with them the knowledge that post’s like the standard provides. Welcome to our world brothers and sisters!
Despite all its faults, Facebook will have to do, until something better turns up.
^^ … it already has — Google Plus
facebook sucks – shame you can’t run comments off, as you want people on the standard site, not having discussions that need moderating on Facebook
As for Audience – I run multiple facebook pages and other social media as part of my day job… and as much as I loathe Facebook it is one of the few places you can capture the “average” kiwi, young and old
those that have moved on the standard captures via twitter, if they’re already engaged
please dear god don’t route FB comments to here on ts like the GP blog used to.
Nope. That is not on the cards. I looked at that and decided it’d be a pain at many levels.
I did think that possibly a Tab where they could be viewed if people didn’t want to go near facebook.