Tilly Solley

Written By: - Date published: 10:25 am, October 8th, 2010 - 3 comments
Categories: education - Tags: , ,

Anne Tolley has done it again. Hot on the heels of massive cuts to Early Childhood Education she has formed a taskforce to ‘take a look at the provision of ECE services‘.

This is hot on the heels of a similar taskforce to have a gander at National Standards and why they won’t work.

I wonder if the goose has ever thought that maybe, just maybe, you should have a look before making cuts or establishing new systems or policies rather than just seeing how much money can be saved for tax cuts for the very people whose children already use ECE services (and can afford the increased costs) and whose children are most likely to meet learning expectations regardless of the assessment measures used.

– Fabregas4

3 comments on “Tilly Solley ”

  1. ianmac 1

    It is typical of the political machine to decide on say cuts, then form a taskforce to “find” the need for those cuts. Works better if you catch the frontline by surprise.
    I believe that in Britain schools that were deemed to be failing were closed the reopened as private schools who made their money by letting out the buildings after 3pm. Therefore classrooms/teachers were banned from 3pm and weekends. The point of the Tolley attacks on Education? Privatising and vouchers are needed to “save” our Education. Huh!

  2. ghostwhowalksnz 2

    Well well .
    The private schools have had a big ‘ spending blowout’ !

    Any increase in participation , perhaps.

    You can see how they are framing this as an ACC style crisis.
    Beat the drums , when there is no band.

    Hurry said Cinderella Rockefeller, make this glass slipper out of ECE so I can make it to the Predators Ball
    The sky is falling- again.

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