It’s Time.

Y’all just going to sit back while the second to last cohort of people in New Zealand are injected with a drug they do not need and that we do not know the medium and long term side effects of?

On the basis I suspect most people reading this will be answering in the affirmative…


According to the BBC last May, a child (ie- under 18 years of age) had about a 2 in 1 000 000 chance of a Delta infection resulting in death. That’s less than from seasonal flu. Omicron is much less severe than Delta. The immediate side effects of m-RNA injections are very real, sometimes severe, and sometimes fatal. And the medium and long term effects remain shrouded.

Let’s cut the crap, aye?

The response to Covid is not about Public Health. The response to Covid is about promoting a politics of trauma to facilitate obeisance. If you do not perceive that, then congratulations, you have arrived at the endpoint others envisioned for you.

Those acting from within and through the more or less global horizontal integration of government, Big Tech, Legacy Media and Big Pharma seek a level of profitable power and control over the life of you, and everyone you may love, or anyone you are merely associated with, such that the world has never seen before. Once locked in, we likely never emerge – much in the same we as we never broke the shackles to wage slavery, but normalised it over the space of a few short generations.

Vaccine passports are just the first step in a fairly short journey to social credit hell. If you think the government’s traffic light system, currently scaffolded around physical locations will remain in place or be abandoned altogether, then you’re wrong. China also has a traffic light system. But unlike here, the traffic light that determines your level of access to society sits on cell phones, and changes according to decisions made by government off the back of information they access from a joint digital venture developed by Pfizer and Alipay.

Of course, no digital system of surveillance and control will persist if any generational fish are left out of the basket. That’s why children must be brought into the digital passport realm – by way of a medically pointless and dangerous vaccination. By the time a 7 year old is an adult, the notion of digital surveillance and control is to be as normal to them as wage slavery is to us.

The Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Bill currently making it’s way through Parliament (Public Submissions Closed) essentially seeks to have government operate a vast and potentially ever expanding collection of personal digital information that’s currently held in discrete legacy systems. Presumably, legacy systems are to be rendered obsolete over time.

Whereas today, RealMe merely authenticates the identity of a person interacting with some aspects of the public service sector, tomorrow a Digital Identity will be required for many aspects of life and living that we currently engage in via so-called legacy systems. And while that might offer convenience, it comes with an incredible degree of vulnerability and potential abuse. We are already in a situation where people who have lost their jobs can’t so much as access public toilets because of a single data point on their medical status (eg Dunedin). And we are already at the point where some employers are required to curate information on their employee’s vaccination status and keep government updated.

So if tomorrow we can book a plane ticket or a hotel; rent a car; enter an exam room; make an appointment with whichever “butcher, baker or candle stick maker” we want with the convenient “key” of our phones, then what else might tomorrow bring?

I can’t think through the full gamut of personal information held within a Government run “Trust Framework” that might be rendered “transactional” in some way, shape or form, and then overtly used against us (ie – to deny access to any number of services or locations).

I also wonder what influence the mere construction of such a digital panopticon would have in terms of encouraging self monitoring and self regulation, because you know…. ‘just in case’. Given that conditional freedoms are already contingent on vaccination status, we need to ask what digital information held within the digital framework might be used in the future to render that “key” partly or even wholly inoperable. (Environmental activists as domestic terrorists anyone?)

The Reserve Bank is currently looking at creating a Central Bank Digital Currency that’s intended to replace “legacy money” that would presumably be carried in digital wallets located on our phones. -ANZ is advertising a rudimentary version of theirs, I guess just to get us ‘in the swing of things’.

The negative potential of having multiple, mutually interacting apps curating our personal information sitting on our phones, and all contained within an overarching digital framework… it doesn’t bode well.

But I know, this isn’t China, and a “Social Credit” system here would only ever be used to make good things better, and would never be used by any ‘western’ government to the detriment of individual citizens. Right?

One sure way to guarantee that would be for you to delete any vaccine passport from your phone right now, and convince others to do likewise so that the whole nascent system of surveillance comes crashing down. There is no medical basis for those passes and, besides children being thankful they can do little things like go to the swimming pool again, and small businesses that are currently losing a notable percentage of their foot traffic (possibly accounting for their total profit in some cases) thanking you for taking the cornerstone out of a system of discrimination that many are unhappy to comply with, Dunedin’s Mayor Aaron Hawkins (among others), might be thankful at not having to contend with an endless stream of Dunedin people relieving on their lawn.

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