To Kill Democracy…

The crucial step in killing US democracy is to achieve a brokered Democratic Convention in July.

When asked if the nominee with the most delegates going into the convention should be the nominee, all of the candidates, bar Sanders signaled their willingness to “green light” super-delegates to make the choice of who should be the nominee. In other words, democracy gets swatted aside, and all of the state primaries, and all of the time and money and energy expended by ordinary people in those primaries gets to count for nothing. 

How to bring that state of affairs about?

Well, take the loose change from  multi-billionaire’s sock drawer and run about half a billion dollars worth of ads in the lead up to Super Tuesday that are designed to harvest the votes of “low info” voters. 

According to polling in the US, that amount of ad spend buys around 10 – 15% of the vote, and also it obviously “encourages” any news outlets that are recipients of those ad dollars to pull their punches when it comes to serious criticism of the candidate swamping their local news market with millions of dollars in advertising revenue.

But besides Bloomberg, if the convention’s to be a brokered one, it’s necessary to have at least one other person clearing the 15% threshold and  begin accruing delegates.

So a bit of fuckery like that seen in Iowa, where votes for one candidate mysteriously found their way into the count total for other candidates, and the Party then claimed it would undermine the democratic process should such known discrepancies be corrected – that could help push a 14% candidate over the 15% threshold.

And then it gets interesting.

The video below walks through the delegate count for California based on recent polling. The intent of the explainer was to show how and why a candidate who receives around 30% of the vote could clean up in terms of delegate count. But of course, with just a little bit of fuckery, the opposite is true, such that a candidate could win the popular vote in all contested states, and win the most delegates in all contested states, and still not have the number of delegates required to avoid a brokered convention.

For those averse to clicking on links within posts, the numbers from the three examples given in the video (that vary the poll by only two percentage points) gives Sanders anywhere between 415 of the available 415 delegates and 160 of the available 415 delegates.

Might a  bad actor looking to crash democracy cast an eye on all those eminently hackable electronic voting machines that are used in some 250 jurisdictions across the USA?

And might they employ the services of people who have already been had up for running interference in, and possibly swinging Alabama state elections?

The answer to that last question is that they already have.

Reid Hoffman funded both Acronym and New Knowledge (the former being the parent company of Shadow Inc that Pete Buttigieg has strong ties to, and the latter being the fuckers that messed in Alabama).

In the aftermath of Iowa, Nevada appointed Emily Goldman to the position of Voter Protection Director. Thing is, Emily Goldman came out of Pete Buttigieg’s campaign, and in an interview given on The Hill (linked below) when asked what she’d consider a strong showing in Nevada, Jennifer Holdsworth (Buttigieg surrogate) explained, in part and  rather shiftily (at around the 6 minute mark)

we’re going to make sure that some of the same problems don’t take place in Nevada that happened in Iowa. We want to make sure that everyone’s comfortable with the results.”

I’m curious as to who the “we” is she refers to. It’s the Nevada Democratic Party that exercises electoral oversight, not the Buttigieg campaign….right?

Meh. Expect fuckery tomorrow. And expect any fuckery tomorrow and in the future to be reported on in a less than vigorous fashion by liberal mainstream’s obviously bias media.

Then get out the shovels and spades, because either way, something’s going to be needing buried…

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