Today is the last day to enroll – and you should

Today is the last day you can enroll to vote in the election. You can enroll if you are 18 years old or over and are a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident (and you have lived in New Zealand for one year or more continuously at some point). (See also here for information about Pacifica voters).

Today you can go to any polling place and enroll and then vote at the same time. You don’t need any ID or documents to do this – you can enroll and vote today.

Tomorrow Saturday you can vote, but only if you are already enrolled. You cannot enroll on Saturday. Check out this page on how to enroll or check or update your details. Newshub has some good information about enrolling and voting.

Please vote

At this point far far too many people in the 18-24 age group are not enrolled. This suits the current government very well indeed. In general a majority of old people vote for the status quo and a majority of young people vote for change. Arguably a lot of old conservative tactics in NZ (and other countries) is about causing cynicism and disengagement from the political process, especially among the young. They don’t want you to use your voice for change. Your disengagement from politics is their win.

Update: If you are trying to enrol and the queues are long, here are the other ways you can do it, including online!

Update: you can enrol up until midnight Friday online, and then vote at a polling station on Saturday. Details here.

Update: It’s happening!

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