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12:00 pm, February 27th, 2014 - 64 comments
Categories: national -
Tags: Tony Ryall
Tony Ryall has announced that he will not seek re election at this year’s general election.
From Radio New Zealand:
Cabinet minister and Bay of Plenty MP Tony Ryall has announced he will retire from politics at this year’s election after 24 years in Parliament.
Forty-nine-year-old Mr Ryall, who is Minister of Health and Minister for State Owned Enterprises, said this is the right year for him to leave politics and he’s up for the next challenge.“I came to Parliament as a young man – I think I’m still a young man – and I think this is the right time for me, and also the right time for my family, the electorate and the country.”
His retirement brings to ten the number of National MPs who will not seek re election or who have been deselected.
Shouldn’t that be “not seeking re-selection” rather than “resigning”? The latter is normally effective immediately.
[The heading is short hand and the article clearly states not seeking re-election. I have amended the title so there is no confusion – MS]
How about “quitting”?
“running away”?
Another one deserting the selfish ship.
A pity Labour can’t encourage a few of theirs to do the same – or is that why McCarten is now the chief ankle tapper – to try and hurry a few of the old todgers to retire gracefully?
I mean how many ex leaders should you have in your party? At least Helen Clark knew when her time was up and found another career to have a go at.
You are from the enemy camp. So what concern is that of yours anyway?
Couldn’t resist the clearly rhetorical question there Jimmie but here goes..
Phil Goff – ex party leader
David Shearer – ex party leader
Grant Robertson – ex deputy leader, and ex acting leader
Ruth Dyson – ex party president
Maryan Street – ex party president
Lycra Mallard – Leader of the Bully Pack
I think that the reason I hate them so much is not that they sabotage Labour’s chances for their own meal tickets at Bellamy’s, but that they’d rather inflict NACT’s toxic policies on us for another three years than see David Cunliffe as party leader and PM. They’re not just sabotaging the party, they’re abetting the sabotage and asset-stripping of the country for the sake of a glass of chateau-neuf du pape and rare venison steak with a red wine sauce and lightly steamed seasonal vegetables.
Yes – I agree Rhino. Despicable behaviour on the part of our MPs (I wish I didn’t have to say OUR) – they are traitors to our country if they cannot see they need to go. By not leaving now, they’re putting Labour in danger of not becoming government, and the country in danger of becoming subsumed by the multi-nationals and USA forever …. yuk.
@ rhino..
many-multiples of + 1..
phillip ure..
You forgot Granny King
She’s not on the list because she’s not an ex-anything. She’s always been nothing.
All the real representatives, like Louisa Wall, are forced into the back benches along with new blood like Poto Williams (even if that virulent racist Hooton calls them “dumb maori”). For the sake of the party and the country, these parasites have to go now!
Wasn’t she Goff’s deputy?
…er, yep. You’re right. Which qualifies as “nothing” still 😛
Anyway, this highlights something about the ABC club – they’ve had their peak in 1987 and since then they’ve been coasting on privilege and they’ll do anything, absolutely anything to see it continue. They’re poison to the Labour party and progressive politics. If they can’t be purged, then shun them, marginalise them, neutralise them, ridicule them, call them rude names, throw custard pies in their faces, whatever.
Tony Ryall soon to be an ex MP enjoying his post parliamentary perks–and nice comfy private sector gigs.
As I say to all departing dirty filthy torys that have caused unnecessary strife for ordinary people who just wanted to access what their taxes have paid for–don’t just go Tony–piss off!
I keep reading about the ABC club but from what I know of Annette and Trevor the dirty tricks that they are supposed to have do not fit. What evidence is there, apart from some MSM Commentators that these ABCs exist. I can understand the repetitions from the Right but I am puzzled when it comes apparently from the Left. Helping the cause? Doubt it.
It’s all a bit 1984, isn’t it. We have ALWAYS been at war with the ABCs. Even though no-one has ever seen one, smelled one, slept with one or been suborned by one. But they must be everywhere, because otherwise, how can we account for Labour’s continued dire ratings, if not the continual sabotage of the ABC capitalist running dog fifth columnist faction?
I suspect some people who believed Oor Dave to be the Messiah are waking up to the fact that he is Just Another Politician. Denial, rage, bargaining, depression, acceptance is the correct order, I think.
Not good news for the Nats, Ryall is probably their best performed cabinet minister since they got back in.
And credit where credit is due – he is the first Minister to take health right off the political radar. That takes a whole lot more than luck. Anyone remember how Clark made her initial leadership profile on the platform of attacking Shipley in health?
Ryall has simply made a vast bunch of systems perform better, hasn’t gone in for wholesale structural change, and sucked the political oxygen out of the room.
[citation needed]
I heard that anyone whose operation is more than twelve months away drops off the waiting list, so that’s going to have to be some pretty fancy citation.
“I heard that anyone whose operation is more than twelve months away drops off the waiting list.”
yep that’s pretty much been the case for a quite a long time now..
My own debilitating illness is months away from treatment and my brother’s cancer is continually delayed treatment.
Thanks Tony, you arsewipe!
And yet you only “heard” that, you didn’t read about it in one of the (potential, but non-existent) stories about how badly the health system is doing. I think that rather proves Ad’s point.
That Ryall has taken health off the radar? The print media perhaps. I’m pretty sure I heard it on the radio, and that means Radio NZ.
The other health story is creeping privatisation. That and the increasing incidence of “developing” world diseases.
Lanthanide, can I just say you consistently an interesting commenters to read? Always reasonable and concise. It’s never just “banksters that” or “NACT this”.
Thanks. Although I think there are some around here that wouldn’t find a few of my views “reasonable” 🙂
another interesting one in today’s health meeting in dunedin was david clark talking about the IT breakdowns in DPH – the odt reported no cancelled/rescheduled procedures, he claimed to know of one radiology case personally and reports of others.
whether it’s under or on the radar, it’s an issue that seems to be simmering down here, anyway
Yeah, but pinning something isolated like that on the minister, or the ministry, is rather a stretch.
Not so sure about that – the health targets come from the minister/ministry, and so does the funding model. One of the targets for southern dhb is to get rid of its operational deficit (which it has because of the population funding model that fucks otagosouthland). Mental health funding is no longer ringfenced. So the 16 beds in Wakari hospital being nixed, with patients reintroduced to the community with no increase in funding for community services, is directly traceable to the fiscal targets from central government.
Another target is waiting lists – that’s why they cut off the waiting lists at the deliverable level for the available resources, rather than funding enough work to keep the true waiting lists at a reasonable level. So the question arises as to whether the elective targets would have been screwed if procedures were cancelled/stalled, hence the official line that nobody was inconvenienced/endangered.
Basically, the higher authority gives its subordinates compete freedom to work within the targets it sets – the subordinates have the freedom to fail the targets (thus getting further cuts and stat management for their “incompetence”), or fail the people they’re supposed to serve, and whichever choice they make is “their responsibility”.
+100 academics tried to work out how the population based funding model actually worked a couple of years ago, and could not get the information to do a proper analysis. It is opaque, and does not have regular reviews, so there’s no way of contesting its fairness. southrn is the country’s biggest DHB by size, and I doubt the pbf takes that properly into account.
‘And credit where credit is due – he is the first Minister to take health right off the political radar.’
Sure, but it will be back on the radar when he’s out of the picture and the chickens come home to roost. Unmet need doesn’t go away because you hide it. What evidence is there of systems performing better?
The boxes were all ticked in the lead-up to the Mid Staffs disaster too…
Who do you think could be Heath Minister in the incoming Labour/Green Government in November who can do the same as Ryall ?
Kevin Hague will be a great Minister of Health.
‘Who do you think could be Heath Minister in the incoming Labour/Green Government in November who can do the same as Ryall ?’
You mean targeting manipulated measures, ignoring a public health disaster in diabetes, rarely fronting the media, and shucking off anything vaguely controversial on to one of the three associate ministers? I’m pretty cynical about labour/green, but they’re not that evil. And even if they were that evil, the media wouldn’t let them away with it, plus the Nats are a much more effective Opposition.
“hasn’t gone in for wholesale structural change”
You mean has stealthily recreated the 1990s by hewing the National Health Board from the Ministry, regionalised DHB funding (ready to become RHAs next term), is introducing new PHO/GP contracts right now, etc – without even most of his political opposition noticing, let alone media or the public? Admirably skilled and disciplined but no way has Ryall been leaving the structures alone.
This should be reported as: Yet another vote of no confidence in John Key from another deserting National MP. This is not renewal of the National caucus just more evidence of the power struggles within the National-Act caucus and the growing disillusionment with Key among the factions arounf Collins and Joyce.
The shortage of talent among the young nat members can be seen in the musings of Simian Bridges and his Slater backed side kick Jami-Lee Ross whose claim to fame is that he has enrolled his 18 month old son as the Chairman of the Botany Young Nats.
He like every other Nat MP should be arrested for treason.
I see the silliness on this site is not restricted to those against immunisation.
There’s no reason for Ryall to leave now unless he’s being pushed. There have been rumours of him needing to go for a few years now, due to some embarrassing info that could come to light. If Key has come to believe these he’ll want Ryall gone.
Perhaps, but Key also stands by his performing Ministers, and Ryall has been excellent…from the Tory point of view.
Yes – so its odd for Ryall to be leaving now. There must be something else behind it.
Perhaps it is just that Ryall doesn’t (and never did) see being an MP as being a lifetime career and end in itself. Hate to draw comparisons but I can’t recall many red team MPs who have given up their places at the trough unless there was an equivalent or larger trough to feed at (think Maharey, Clarke, Ross Robertson)
Ryall at this stage professes that he has no idea what he will do and to be fair his resignation is dated sometime in November so there is little chance that he has a position confirmed this far out but he has said that whatever he does, it will be in the private sector. Talk of being bribed away in some cosy deal just doesn’t stack up as having any basis in reality and appears more to be bitter and ill-mannered ranting which is unattractive and undeserved.
M.A.D pretty much ensures those rumours will stay in the closet.
M.A.D. – what do you mean BB? I Googled MAD and all I came up with was MAD Magazine – yes, even in my dotage I know what that is and have read the odd few mags. The other explanation was ‘mutual assured destruction’ – now the mind really boggles.
‘Mutually Assured Destruction’.
oooooh you are awful! – But I like you. (What’s sauce for the goose is source for the gander and all that kaka)
Ekshly, take that back …. it was a comment better posted on Whaleoil or f f f f Farrar (maybe),
yeah i heard stories re something to with the dhb in canterbury =.dodgy….
Theres something fishy going on ,the Nats are leaving at a gallop . Yet Key still goes round around grinning none stop . The Nats are leaving full stop how much longer can this go on. Who will be next ?.
Healthy renewal more to the point..
People who had made something of themselves prior to entering parliament are normally blessed with an abundance of options when considering leaving.
What did he do prior to becoming an MP .. it seems as though he’s been there forever.
The link says he’s 49 and has been in Parliament for 24 years. Therefore, 25 when he became an MP.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Ryall
Fair enough, I suppose.
So – Minister Tony Ryall is about to go through the ‘revolving door’ and end up where exactly in the corporate sector?
Anyone ever heard of the form of corrupt practice known as ‘post-separation employment’?
(An eighteen month / two year quarantine period from the time particularly a former Minister leaves public office – to the time a position is obtained in the private sector, which may involve using contacts/ influence obtained whilst in public office.)
New Zealand is RIFE with this ‘revolving door’ form of corrupt practice, both at central and local government.
This is how ‘post-separation employment’ is dealt with over the ditch:
Post-separation employment
The Standards of Ministerial Ethics states:
2.19. Ministers are required to undertake that, for an eighteen month period after ceasing to be a Minister, they will not lobby, advocate or have business meetings with members of the government, parliament, public service or defence force on any matters on which they have had official dealings as Minister in their last eighteen months in office. Ministers are also required to undertake that, on leaving office, they will not take personal advantage of information to which they have had access as a Minister, where that information is not generally available to the public.
2.20. Ministers shall ensure that their personal conduct is consistent with the dignity, reputation and integrity of the Parliament.
The standards include a specific reference to restrictions on the post-separation employment of ministers who intend to engage in lobbying activities:
8.6. In addition, as outlined earlier, Ministers will undertake that for an eighteen month period after ceasing to be a Minister, they will not lobby, advocate or have business meetings with members of the government, parliament, public service or defence force on any matters on which they have had official dealings as Minister in their last eighteen months of office.
These restrictions are repeated in the Lobbying Code of Conduct (see below for more information on this code).
Yet – New Zealand is ‘perceived’ to be ‘the least corrupt country in the world’ …….
Again – pity about the reality.
Penny Bright
‘Anti-corruption campaigner’
Everyone has their limit for how much crap we can take, or dish out.
Quite an exodus happening here, if it was Labour MP’s leaving at that rate it would be the talking point of question time, and Gower/ Garner goon shows
Then again, Labour isn’t polling in the high forties.
Yes, weird eh?
Nope, predictable.
Job done, privatised health some, flogged off the gilt edged SOEs, time to move on with parliamentary pension etc more money less profile win win for Tony.
Maybe Ryall didn’t sleep too good, on hearing about McCarten’s new job…
“alea jacta est”
That makes about 8 or 9 Nats leaving the sinking ship. That’ll make capaigning a bit more difficult, in an already tough campaign.
One of the very few prominent people who I’m prepared to believe is, indeed, a shape-shifting lizard. He just has that kind of scaley air about him.
I see he’s about 3 months younger than my good-self, yet he looks about 15 years older. Then again, I am an unusually youthful 49 and a half year-old – a sly old minky, musky, middle-aged piece of male eye-candy for the womenfolk to enjoy. So, I set a fairly high benchmark.
it’s what he can do with that forked tongue..
..how it darts in and out..
..phillip ure..